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Eternal reminder that I have won
What exactly did you win?
You don’t even have Snow Warning
You won my heart
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Congratulations on winning my heart, Glaceon
That's good but I plowed Leafeon's plush ass recently.
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Is this the Glaceon thread?
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To celebrate the victory of glaceons everywhere it is your duty as anons to go on e6 and search glaceon feral
Then you will spend at least an hour furiously masturbating. This step is especially important for glaceon haters, it serves that the sting of utter defeat will never be forgotten

Good job leading by example anon
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File deleted.
blasting rope to this
Glaceon, I already explained this. I need to eat your cookie so that I have a mint breath for the very important interview later
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Glaceon is such a sex goddess no wonder she makes retards seethe
She is superior in every way
Based, also do you have more of these?
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some anon actually linked a zip for all of them not so long ago. Wish I knew what to query to find it in the archive
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Good news, anon. I found it!
Thank you so much glaceon friend
I love sticker packs like this
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Glad to be of help to a Glaceon lover from another mother
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we need a full-on ban on discord links on this board
Hi Myrotiggy, new vid when?
Kys avatarfag
how about you slit your own throat fagfag
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Oh hey, that's me! I got a link for these Eeveelution Stickers bookmarked, in case more people ask for them. But it seems like you already did the job for me, thank you.
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And it was me requesting the pack last time! Thank you again Glaceon fans, I've shared this pack with my friend too.
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Wrong plushfucker. I don't do vids. Not with that bad internet speed of like 1996.
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Won what?
Anyway, have this.
what xhhe win?
Who is this? OP?
Still winning
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What kind of onahole she smuggles inside of her SPH?
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>Not knowing who Rugga is
Can't tell if tourist or just normiewalker, I mean would you believe me that about 89% of all SHITTED spamfest derailing all boards around 2018-2022 was the work of a single niggerfaggot with a micropenis who's addicted to tranny porn made by the concurrent jannies?
Whats up with the deleted posts? Is there some based plush fucker around?
no one cares, you dumb subhuman. shit up some other thread
Ivyack just can’t help but shit up every thread he’s in with his schizophrenia
Remember that the mods are with him. If I made this thread for any other Pokemon it would've stayed up.
>discord icon
Go back, troon
He's based for banning you then
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op won and that's all that do be mattering
>oh no i was trolling and spamming the same image for years how could I have been banned? It's a conspiracy against me!!
Discordfags should be banned
>Braixen fag was actually a discorder
Guess Ivyfag was right the whole time
ivyack talking in third person like a schizo again
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oh the shitty trannysaur thread got btfo by mods?
Didn't even notice lmao based
but you said that the mods are his friends just few minutes ago, discord fag
Brazilian monkey-tier attention span.
please understand
>b-b-but you said!
everyone is the same person to schizosaur
Total discord annihilation
Ivysimp just stop posting
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Anybody else noticed how the discord fox didn't mind or complain about the Shaun spam in this thread but he got angry because of the other post?
Sean is funny, ivycuck is annoying
>this is what ivyack will be doing for the rest of his life now
We tried to warn him, but now it's too late. He is even worse than ACK!
Anybody else notice that ivysimp is cosplaying as a glaceonfag to try and kiss ass and suck up after ruining these threads forever
just like he tried to shamelessly brownnose delcattyanon
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>Still defending his friend Shaun
>Still didn't answer why Shaun never posts in Braixen threads
>ruined threads
>where he literally posted the suicide post at the start of the thread and derailed the previous one with his obsession
Are Brazilians always this retarded or this faggot is a special need one?
Now why can't Braixen be this cute? no wonder its threads are always dead without samefagging
Ivysimp you’re gonna have to stick your nose a little further in between my asscheeks
*mlem mlem mlem* are we friends now?
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>discord troll who chose Braixen to post about his pedophilia fantasies think people can't like more than 1 pokemon
it's called on-topic posting
something trolls like you don't understand
>likes a pokemon
>shits up all its threads without fail
what did ivyack mean by this?
woops sorry please forget that I tried to derail this thread with my epic spam here >56078589
we Brazilians like to pretend stupid lel
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ivycuck we don't want to be associated with you. Go and jerk your shrimp to your mother getting dicked by an obese trans ivysaur
we glaceonGODS are disgusted by the mere presence of trannysaur in the same dex as glaceon
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>anime shot from google
>he doesn't have any saved Glaceon pics to post
what an underage comeback
Get really deep in there ivysimp, pretend I’m a toad if that helps
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Me: Chubby Glaceon poster
You: Discord troll obsessed with me for years
>ivyack is now rejecting trannysaur in favor of being a simp to glaceonGODS
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>one can't like more than 1 pokemon
of course a discord troll who doesn't play Pokemon would say something like this
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> It's only fan on this board just converted to a Glaceon poster
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Even the most repulsive turd-world cuckold can't resist Glaceon ass
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trannysaur died without you being there to supper xher, ivyack
ivycuck is now schizoposting again
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>dog ass
chubbiness is the stuff
Fatness is better
I’m gonna puke
if it's like Goodra and Dragonite, absolutely
but if it's hyper shit, hell no
oh right ivyack fetishizes obesity one of many of his embarrassing fetishes
Fake glaceonfag, we all worship the dog ass
my niggas
buttholes are shit pipes
they are gross
not as gross as warty ivysaurs
obese toads are much more gross
>ivyack doesn’t clean his butthole until it sparkles
As expected from a turd worlder
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>Not liking Glaceon for her rear-end
Fakest and gayest Glaceon """fan"""
>"In ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, frogs symbolized fertility, while in classical antiquity, the Greeks and Romans associated frogs with fertility, harmony, and licentiousness."

you keep losing with facts
this nigga wanna fuck frogs
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>"you must fit in"!!!
sorry, not interested and not insecure to copy paste your fetish like a discord troll who is desperate for attention
frog rapist
>who is desperate for attention
but enough about you
If you can’t appreciate glaceons plappable buttcheeks then just cut your dick off already ivytrans
Guys we already know ivyack is a homo who likes toad penis, of course he can’t appreciate glaceon properly
>implying he hasn't already
it's the "mentally sane way" after all
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>"guys please hate him like me!!"
what a desperate loser
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woops picked the wrong image
That’s a vaporeon ivycuck back to /r/pokemon with you
>Brazilian fag can't read
of course
>he doesn't even have a glaceon folder
>he was larping after all
explains his lack of appreciation for Glaceon ass
He probably just gets images from google
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>not putting all Eevees in 1 folder instead of going back and forth between 9 folders
you are autistic
and you care too much about what I do
>more ivyack cope
>he doesn’t have a glaceon only folder
burn the heretic
trying too hard, Flopxen fag
you insist on ruining this thread instead of posting on-topic
>trannysaurs only fan has abandoned them
that’s probably why xhey roped
>he still thinks it is all just one braixen poster
ACK! has been dethroned by ivyack
Ivycuck you did nothing but ruin glaceon threads for months, you will never be one of us
Is that why everyone hate Discorders but not me? :)
go bump your fox samefagging threads again.
it's dropped so fast because nobody likes that shitmon
inb4 schizo red lines and screenshots
I wish ACK! and ivyack would get into a schizo fight sometime
Why is he posting about foxes like a schizoid, glaceon is a catdog
Mods and devs should arrange an arena thread for those two where they will measure their schizophrenia and compete for the schizo crown
We can have moot come back as a special guest
It will be The Schiz-off of the century.
One accuses the other of being *kemi while the other one accuses the other of being a braixen moderator and a BlackRock agent.
Imagine all the random screenshots with red lines all over the place and the mass replying. It will be GLORIOUS
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>discorders fear the red lines of truth
>the flower bud on Ivysaur and its eyes are also red
Just the thought of it brings a tear to my eye…
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Nice try, but we got you now!
OMG it's the Red Lines of Truth™
>immediately thinks of cocks
latinx troon is gay
But ivyack you love toad penis!
yes but only when it's fucking someone else
its the only sane way to watch from a distance tee hee!
Why is that glaceon licking its own paw when I’m right here and have a tongue?
that's a signal that she wants a mate
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i hate you fags that make glaceon threads how about you put the word glaceon in the op so that i can actually fuckinh find it without just running across it in the catalog
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Well, excuuuse me, princess
>barely any posts about wanting to eat her ass out or smell her farts
>summer had just started yesterday
>xe dont use 4chudx
Its winter rn anon
no one cares about your made up country
Ok fatty
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Would you have children with your plump-rumped Glaceon wife?
Would they be evolving into Glaceon too?
I thought ivyfag hated the glaceon and meowscarada posters? When did he change his mind.
It's all the same person
>culo pointed at you
>big attack is freezing wind
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Need a drawfriend for pic related
I think he only hates Braixen
but then again, some Braixen fags keep bullying him
that homo cries about glaceon threads all the time
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>That post doesn't exist anymore.
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oh so it disappears just when I post huh
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this means nothing, you dumb schizophrenic cuck
glad that I'm not the only one who noticed
It was just deleted a few seconds before I tried to r*port it so that's why it was saying that the post didn't exist yet still being there, only after posting, did the thread update itself and that's when the post marked as [Deleted]
I think the servers are just acting weird whenever vorespammer gets all of his posts wiped simultaneously across the board
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I've seen that happen before. Post gets jannied but only disappears after someone bumps the thread.
I guess it's some issue with wiping all of someone's posts, because that usually seems to happen with the you-know-who posts.
Fat assed dog
Sexo sexo sexo
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Would you still fuck glaceon if she looked like this?
Shave the samurott mustache and get a rhinoplasty surgery and maybe
In which way did you win?
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