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This is the best thing smogon has ever done and I'm sad that there is no romhack that has all of them in.
CAP is a joke
aurumoth had to be nerfed multiple times for being so unbelievably fucktardedly broken
none of these people know what they're doing and they make romhacks made by 12 year olds look balanced
I love this little nigger like you wouldn't believe.
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>what if we made a 600 BST setup sweeper that got every single setup move from dragon dance to quiver dance to tail glow
>and we'll give it useful coverage moves of literally every worthwhile type, because a bug/psychic having overheat and hydro pump makes total sense right
>let's throw in no guard too so it abuse powerful inaccurate moves like focus blast, thunder, and blizzard, gotta make this shit even stronger than it already is
>and you know what let's give it fucking ILLUSION too so unless it's revealed to be no guard you have to play around every single pokemon on the enemy team potentially being this instantly game-ending threat
>oh yeah and it's a fucking mixed attacker on top of all that so it can just close combat your chansey because we REALLY don't want anything to be able to stand up to our super special moth OC
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They just finished CAP 34 in may, I think it's neat. We haven't had a train pokemon.
For me it's Collosoil
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Did they seriously name this guy after a vampire that gave people aids
No dumb asshole, they named it using a play on the term hemoglobin which is related to its design as an organ that pumps blood, and making it look like a goblin.
Something like this will be added in Gen 10
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cute concept
>they named it using a play on the term hemoglobin
So did the comic book that came out 40 years before this. You ain't special.
Pretty tame compared to stuff GF puts out these days desu
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what about this concept
a pokemon that is designed around making the infatuation status successful
old CAP made sense, to the point GameFreak even stole ideas
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no lol
Are there any other failure stories where the CAPmons ended up being massively broken or failing at their original concept?
That looks cool.
Name three

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