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It's fucking Groudon.png
Gake and fay
why the fuck would anybody even want a BW remake? I'm not saying BW is bad. if you like BW, you should NOT want a remake.
This, we all see the pattern now with ORAS and BDSM. Any remakes will shit all over the original games and be absolute garbage.
That looks fake as shit, but that just means that the actual thing will look way worse somehow.
I made this
these, but this is also just blatantly a bdsp mod
gake and fay
Whose BDSP hack is this?
This. Thankfully LZA will have a battle frontier.
>I'm not saying BW is bad
But it is

>why the fuck would anybody even want a BW remake?
lvl ~90 Cynthia post-game fight in Undella - the best part of Unova games
This. Thank god LZA will have contests and secret bases.
>every pokemon on the team gets exp
Holy overleveling.
Ghat a wuy!
one that will not be released
Reminder not to reply to bait.
>ugly johtoslop starter in unova
what else do you hack yawntranny? your levels?
>it’s bait because I don’t have an argument and I’m fucking retarded enough to think BW are hard well balanced games

See Shin Megami Tensei V in Hard mode.
Me : It's fucking right (and SMTV : Vengeance has hardcore mode.)
>t. Bait
But ORAS was good. It gave us more megas. The wrong megas, but new megas none the less. Cope and seethe hoen remake denier. Also, I noticed your bondage pun.
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>But ORAS was good
more of a reasonable take than “I’m not saying BW was bad”, desu
>Look guys I tried the 4th Gym with a lvl 20 starter, its difficult!
>criticize gen 6-9
Schizo-kun, the thread was already originally about Gen 5 and then you deflected to crying about Gen 6-9 to distract from how shitty Gen 5 is.
Why the fuck do you little incels assume they make this shit for you? There's been MILLIONS of retard kids born since XY killed Gen 5. Which means millions of potential sales of a remake, to people who didn't play it and may find it interesting. I mean, I didn't need FRLG but they made it and afterbirths like you, too young to have played Red, Green or Blue, bought it. Just save your $60 the year it arrives, thanks to hoennbabs it WILL happen.
HGSS flopped
BW remakes would be gen 9 or gen 10 games, retard.
Do you think ORAS is a gen 3 game?
BW, the subject of the thread, is a gen 5 game, retard.
Those are literally the DS building models.

At least try.
lol why did you save my pic from years ago
>BW, the subject of the thread
Wrong again. OP posted "BW remake leak", literally a 100% string comparison match. How bad is your reading comprehension?
Repeat after me:
>One remake per hardware
>One remake per hardware
>One remake per hardware
stop feeding the troll
patternxisters, how do we respond?
Yes. “BW”. Mind telling the class what gen BW is in?
Yes, "BW remake". Mind telling the class what gen HGSS is in? Mind telling the class what gen BDSP is in? Mind telling the class what gen ORAS is in? Mind telling the class what gen FRLG is in?
>dodges the question
Concession accepted.
Why did you dodge the question first here then ? >>56080714
Why are you dodging the question from >>56080694 ?
Do you think ORAS is a gen 3 game?
>dodges the question
Concession accepted.
stop feeding the troll
>canon protag and rival not the protag or rival
So it's not a remake, cool. Masuda did also say it's a re-imagining of Yellow too so it seems Game Freak out-autism you autistic bastards.
Parroting is an admission of defeat.
speaking of BW and blueberry academy, do you think Cheren had any part into that? what if that academy is what we saw in B2W2?
No, we're outright told Clavell's mate founded the thing.
No because Game Freak deliberately put it in the middle of the ocean, it's in Unova territorial waters, but not actually anywhere near mainland Unova, by design.
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blessed take, b/w are already the technological peak of the series
You forgot to put Stadium & Stadium 2 with RB & GS
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making a BW remake would be like making a team fortress 3.
People saw what happened with BDSP, hated it, and then bought it anyway. Racist Black and Transphobic White would suffer the same fate and still sell more than 99% of entire RPG franchises, further encouraging the behavior.
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That's just literally a modded BDSP game with imported assets.

I can already see a youtuber's logo on the corner.
Disingenuous faggot. BW2 improved it to the ideal version.
it is the originals and the sequels working in tandem that provide the perfect experience
the chief reason BW remakes will suck won't be anything to do with the games themselves, it will be the lack of corresponding BW2 remakes
I stopped giving a fuck about BW the moment BW2 came out, just like Plat and D/P and Emerald and R/S and Crystal and G/S before it. The only thing I miss from BW is restricting the pre-elite 4 to having only unova pokemon.
Confession denied.
Maybe the remake will make the games playable and fix stuff like Elite 4 only having 4 Pokemons.
You exposed yourself sagefag.
meme complaint
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>elite FOUR
>doesn't have FOUR pokemon
>the difficulty being non-existent is a meme complaint
>instant deflection to genwars
nice one bro
thanks, you're too kind
>if you like BW

But I dont
in hindsight bw2 took away all of the 'magic' of bw.
better games overall, with a roster you'd expect from a game 5 generations in, and some great qol features.
but the true essence of gen 5 is a new world, completely seperated from the previous 4 generations in a far off land. a spiritual succesor to gen 1 that asks, what if we could start again?
anyway the 'fans' hated it and masuda got the message and never tried anything 'original' again
take your dextroamphetamine and try again in an hour
that's why you play both
Filling the game with forgettable shitmons just to leave old Pokemon in the game anyway isn’t original. It’s the same fucking thing every other game does but worse.
>Terrible sprites
either bait or genuinely retarded
bro just called my nigga Jellicent a shitmon
I refuse to believe even Game Freak would put that little effort into rendering the PokeCentre
i agree with you, b/w is not original it is gen 1.5, and S/M, PLA and SV are all more unique titles
which is why i put 'original' in quotations
if your neurodivergent retard brain could read more than 5 words a paragraph you may have realised this
Remakes aren't for fans of the original. They're for newcomers, who are curious of the original but have no access to them besides Nintendo unapproved methods.
>those jaggies
>that randomly twitching nose
>that tail snapping back into place because they couldn’t loop it correctly
the longer you look the worse it gets
the longer you look the better it gets
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Cool, now post a pokemon anyone gives a shit about

Nice self reply
there is literally nothing wrong with tweening
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is that tweening?

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