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Omanyte appreciation thread.

Talk about everyone's favorite Helix Fossil or whatever.
Did 4seti7up ask you to post this?
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heard you were talkin shit
Why would Omanyte do this? Is it autism?
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Just being friendly. What's wrong with that?
Don't know where to post this, so I'll put it here
>revive fossil
>shiny omanyte, full odds
>forgot to save
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mollusk shouldermon
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I always thought the fossilmons were cool, even if they weren't the "best" ones.
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cute dude
this artist makes some good gifs https://x.com/k_arasum_i/status/1776759209071403219
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Praise the Helix!
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Look at him go!
Cradily is Peak here.
Also, Archeops is just a happy dog.

shrimple as
>le reddit God helix
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Omanyte was cool before reddit existed, and will still be cool after.
I always liked Omanyte, but not Omastar
I used an omanyte in a playthrough recently and he wrecked shit with little effort, great pokemon
Which game?
I remember having him on my original team in Blue. My favorite fossilmon back during gen 1 and still a favorite of mine today.
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Would you still love Omanyte if they had not cutified him with google eyes?
For some reason as a kid I did one run in gen 1 with this guy (omastar though), made it my ace, crushed the league and took it to almost level 100
Still cute
Surf + Ice Beam/Blizzard from 115 Special is nothing to sneeze at. 70/125/115 bulk is damn great for Gen I standards. It can run Submission to catch ever so popular in Gen I normals, Toxic is cool, Rest is viable considering that Grass-types in Gen I are rare and the most popular one (Eggy) usually is not running any Grass-type move.
It's not the best mon but it's definitively viable both in-game and in PvP.
I'm trying to remember the move set my Omanyte had back in the day, but Surf and Ice Beam are definitely ringing a bell. Loved using this fossilmon against the E4 and in battles with friends.
It's not difficult at all to solo everything if you get a decent enough monster to that high of a level. My first playthrough ever was me and my Blastoise shredding everything in sight while the rest of my team sat in the 30s to 40s barring the Mewtwo I eventually caught.
>Surf + Ice Beam/Blizzard
Probably used this + spike cannon for some reason and idk about the last move
Of course!
lord helix XD
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