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And nothing has actually happened ever since, why are Gamefreak & TPC fine with Pocketpair stealing their designs?
china has literally bootlegged pokemon shit for 25+ years, why would they start caring now?
Because Gamefreak and TPC have no legal ground this time. Shit like the models being allegedly ripped off have a muddied history of those claiming it coming forward to lying about it by editing the models in question. The concept of keeping fictional or non-fictional creatures in capsules isn't exclusive to Pokemon and not enough outcry hasn't attracted a investigation of the sorts.

And honestly? Good that nothing happened, if Nintendo won this one then they would've the groundwork to strike down more games with the concept of catching creatures in capsules.

Besides they would've gone after them if they actually were afraid of long-time consequences. But the "You will buy it anyway" mentality once again pulled through. Nintendo wasn't afraid, TPC wasn't afraid.

Now can we stop having Palworld threads and go talk about the upcoming Legends Z-A game instead?
>that time manchildren bothered nintendo so much about this random game that nintendo had to tell them to fuck off and the autists celebrated thinking it means that theyd do something
never forget
There's a reason you need a license to practice law. A bunch of spastic brown kids on the internet don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
>The concept of keeping fictional or non-fictional creatures in capsules isn't exclusive to Pokemon
What blew my mind was the fact that there are so many other Pokemon clones that lazily copy paste the battles, storyline, gameplay and capsules over point for point yet no one ever hated them as much. I really do believe Palworld just showed a proof of concept that a multi billion dollar company could put out a very good open world pokemon game if they tried, but they don't. And thats what pissed people off. But they would never attack nintendo so they attacked Palworld and tried to call it illegitimate. Meanwhile some millions of people had the time of their life playing it as the POkemon game we wanted but never got.
Strange how salty people can be.
The reason Palworld is hated but other Pokemon clones aren't is because Palworld managed to be successful.
Reminder that even Joe "Paragon of Truth" Merrick propagated the stolen model slander.
>Tall Poppy Syndrome
Many such cases.
He's now part of TPCi apparently
He's just a partner aka shill on a leash paid with merch
>have a muddied history of those claiming it coming forward to lying about it by editing the models in question
They models were scaled for the sake of comparison. This isn't really editing, as said my multiple people who actually work with 3D models.
The reason there's no legal ground is that they almost assuredly just did the 3D model equivalent of tracing, meaning no direct asset theft occurred and infringement is near impossible to directly prove past the very obviously referenced anatomy of some of the Pals (and references aren't illegal).
Because they never gave a shit.
The thing people don't understand is that the only way for Nintendo to care when it comes to Pokemon is if someone competes for the same audience, and Palworld didn't do that, Palworld wasn't aimed at kids, but at the ARK audience.
>They models were scaled
No matter how you sugarcoat it, they directly changed the original models, claimed they were traced or stolen and only AFTER the claims were made did these in question came forward and admitted that they have scaled the models. This is a completely disgenuine move at stirring up chaos.
>No matter how you sugarcoat it, they directly changed the original models
Nooooot really. The poly count, general mesh, bones, etc. weren't altered in the slightest, and that's the crux of all of the comparisons. Given a good chunk of the Pokemon models online are from literal decade old 3DS game resource dumps, resizing was going to be necessary regardless. And, once again, several people who literally work with 3D models for a living said scaling had literally no effect on the legitimacy of the comparisons and everyone who acted like it was a massive gotcha knew nothing about the field on the whole. Unless you can provide some receipts of your own proficiency in the field I'm more inclined to believe those with years of experience in their portfolios and literal game devs who have absolutely no reason to hop into the conversation a risk of looking unprofessional if they didn't have a widespread misconception about their literal profession to clear up.
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I've looked at a lot of the models and they're straight up better constructed when compared to the pokemon models. Not only are palworld's models put together better: They're put together better in ways that would take more work if they actually did rip the models like people were trying to claim.
turns out there's no legal ground for "they made something that sorta kinda looks like lucario"
go fucking figure.
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The animations are also fluid and soulful instead of stiff looking desaturated parade balloons that pokemon's shit tier 3D is.
Pokemon Model animations can be boring, but acting like they're not fluid is retard-tier unless you're acting like the fluidity and expressiveness are related. Hell, you don't even have to leave the series to see that-the more expressive animations of the older 3D games were significantly jerkier and had far more awkward transitions from one state to the next
get outta here with your well-reasoned opinions senpai, we're trying to rage
>Palworld models
Pals literally have textures as their eyes & mouths
Even Gamefreak doesn't do that shit anymore
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First thing I noticed after ripping the models was how efficient the texture work was; the textures had no un-utilized space and the UVs were beautifully laid out. Then there was the topology, there's hardly anything perfect in this world but that was pretty fucking close and I was even able to run the tries to quads function and have it work with no issues, that never happens.
It's an archaic way of doing things but it's not worse and it actually saves a bit of performance: which we all can agree the pokemon games need.
>It's an archaic way of doing things but it's not worse
nta but it looks pretty significantly worse. If people were willing to clown on GF for doing it on a console's fidelity then I think it's perfectly fine to side-eye Pocket Pair for doing it on significantly better hardware.
textures look better than models and it's also a smart performance optimization
Damn how come Paldevs are so much better than gamefreak?
The pokemon stadium and colloseum games had better 3D than the dogshit that the 3ds and switch games have.
The stadium and colloseum games had more expressive animations on SIGNIFICANTLY worse looking models, don't fucking kid yourself. Early 3D Kanhaskhan was atrocious and the fact that they reused a literal N64 model up to Battle Revolution on the Wii was disgraceful
>pokemon S/V comes out with japan themed DLC
>literally only months later I shit you not palworld rips off pokemon and comes out with japan themed DLC
lmao how do these fucking hacks keep getting away with it? why is this legal
>and go talk about the upcoming Legends Z-A game instead
Talk about what? All we have after all these months is a trailer with no gameplay footage. There's nothing TO talk about beyond mindless speculation and that's only entertaining for so long.
>japanese game depicts japanese culture
>"woah this is le plagiarism"
your brain on brand fanaticism
palworld is chink shit
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>Unless you can provide some receipts of your own proficiency in the field I'm more inclined to believe those with years of experience in their portfolios and literal game devs who have absolutely no reason to hop into the conversation a risk of looking unprofessional if they didn't have a widespread misconception about their literal profession to clear up.
As far as I'm aware the only "expert" that made that accusation was that clown with the hedgehog pfp on twitte, who later came out and
>Admitted to editing the models beyond just scaling the entire thing
>Claimed he did it for the stupid reason of the game gloifying cock fighting or some garbage when pokemon does the same thing
>He's got very little experience in the field
Going off that last one, I recall him expressing that he was shocked that he actually got away with it so long because there were people who knew better saying he was full of it and people ignored them.
>As far as I'm aware the only "expert" that made that accusation was that clown with the hedgehog pfp on twitter
Wrong from the jump, given there was also Thaddeus Crews. As much as he's a massive faggot with shit opinions, he's worked with games for literal years and also shared the sentiment that scaling the model doesn't make comparison invalid. There was also a few more, but I'd probably have to dig a bit to find them given I don't remember their account names
because if they sue and lose it gives precedent for every fucker going to copy their designs
Why bother on a game that isn't stealing your players
I'd like to see them as well because a lot of those tweets got deleted after the clown broke and told the truth or they admitted they didn't actually look at the models themselves and went of the pictures of the edited meshes.
>Thaddeus Crews
The faggot who worked on a flopped Smash ripoff and is salty at Palworld for being successful? Great unbiased source!
If you'd point me towards how to isolate keywords on a Twitter user's replies then I'd be more than willing to search for them. I don't use that shitpile for anything other than viewing art.
Why would he be salty at Palworld? Saw him come to it's defense multiple times during the controversy.
>yet no one ever hated them as much
They even liked them and tried to shill them. Remember TemTem? People only riffed on it as a joke, but otherwise the reception(opinion-wise, not sales-wise) was great. People were fighting eachother to be the biggest dicksucker of TemTem.
But Palworld crossed an invisible line and did too much better.
You're the one that brought up thaddus collaborating your assertion. Get your receipts or it didn't happen.
I spent the past five minutes scrolling through his Twitter just to confirm it anyways, here you go
funnily enough, it looks like so many people shat on the post he was replying to that was calling the scaling thing fabrication of evidence that it got taken down, which I didn't know. Last I remember it had like 40k likes too kek.
making the pokemon act like looney tunes characters != better 3D
Update tomorrow bros
>but it's not worse
yes it is
>Thad didn't compare the models himself and went off the faggot's 'evidence' like anon said
Your receipts prove nothing because they're based off a cloutchasing troon's attempt at getting 15 minutes of fame.
I would also like to remind everyone that the fact that packetpair hasn't been sued 6 months later is evidence enough everyone saying the models are stolen are full of shit.
>Your receipts prove nothing because they're based off a cloutchasing troon's attempt at getting 15 minutes of fame.
Funnily enough, here's another person comparing themselves and coming to similar conclusions with an entirely different pal than the one the tranny you're yapping about did in a related thread
And would you look at that, it's another industry worker! Though honestly going through his Twitter he's just as a big of a faggot as Thaddeus going off his retweets, just on the other side of the spectrum. His page was even more painful to scroll through, good fucking lord.
>I would also like to remind everyone that the fact that packetpair hasn't been sued 6 months later is evidence enough everyone saying the models are stolen are full of shit.
My literal first post in this thread was saying that the models weren't directly stolen. You can't sue based on creative bankruptcy
He straight up squished the model using the bones to make the edge loops line up, I can take damned near any snake and do the same thing because there are only so many ways to make a god damned tube, anon.
This is embarrassing.
>There's only so many ways to make a tube
This is a really shitty defense given I can guarantee you that ANY ripped model of ANY serpent creature from ANY other 3D monster catcher won't have the same exact bone count and models that could literally line up almost exactly with minimal editing. At worst you can be uncharitable and claim theft (which I'm not, as I said before), at absolute best you can they eyed Serperior's model and then did the 3D modelling equivalent of that homework meme to shirk claims of direct theft. No one here is saying they're exactly the same, which is something you don't seem to be getting. The claim is that, model wise, these line up too particularly well with minimal (if any) editing to not be suspicious in any context.
>And honestly? Good that nothing happened, if Nintendo won this one then they would've the groundwork to strike down more games with the concept of catching creatures in capsules.
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I don't doubt that PocketPair took such heavy inspiration from pokemon models that it could be considered a ripoff according to us laymen, but at the same time I don't trust random faggots on twitter that have extreme political beliefs to provide evidence of it either.
The fact that no one that's even half professional or trustworthy has made a detailed video outing Palworld for asset theft is telling. If the models really are as 1:1 as people say then it should be a piece of cake for them to rip the models and compare.

Every twittertroon that's tried has been caught either editing the models or not understanding that snakes are just tubes and getting outraged over their shape looking similar even though the wireframes don't line up. Where's YoutubeMcInfluencer with his 2 hour video essay that goes through excruciating lengths to scale every single model and compare the models vertice-for-vertice?
>The fact that no one that's even half professional or trustworthy has made a detailed video outing Palworld for asset theft is telling.
Probably because everyone knowledgeable said "they'd be stupid to steal so they almost assuredly didn't, but these line up too suspiciously close for comfort". At absolute best I saw people actually knowledgeable on the subject brush it off with the "parody" excuse and then move on entirely, clearly not wanting to get into the trenches of internet discussion on what boils down to if some chink-tier jap devs stole funny rainbow animal assets from the glorified merchandising vehicles of a billion-dollar media company
>exact bone count and models
Why don't you take a count of the bones in both the model's spines again.
The video quite literally shows the upper spines have the same exact bone counts. Once again, not close enough to claim outright theft, but similar enough to raise an eyebrow. Can't sue for creative bankruptcy, after all.
>Cassette beast
All copied down to the style of the battles. All of them got dicksucked by the community. It's like a bunch of retards doubling down on a sunk cost fallacy. If they admit Palworld is even remotely fun, they have to swallow their pride. And, for some of them, thats not a route they have the maturity to take. Even sadder when you realize half of it would just be admitting they have zero clue what Nintendo/Gamefreak does behind the scenes and admitting they just make half assed reaches for content and clout because the Pokemon community eats that shit up.
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From the root to head you would be incorrect.
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He quite clearly lined it up with minimal editing dude, not a single bone added or taken away from either (that I noticed)
Oh howdy doo, another comparison thread that takes an unbiased approach and still ends up saying "yeah nah some of these are incredibly suspicious even if it's not 1-to-1"
He even references ANOTHER thread by ANOTHER 3D modeller who comes to an even harsher conclusion! Just lovely.
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Sitting here watching while making that gardevoir fellate a dildo I made on the fly. Having ripped the models from pokemon before; There was work done on that model because they came out like this. Sup indeed has 5 bones after the root, the neck bone is just long for some weird fucking reason.
That being said I'm not going to trust a modern animation because they're knuckle draggers playing with action figures.

Going off my own experience when this garbage first lit up, a group of us decided to make wolves and we all ended up with similar topology but there were differences. Ultimately, we all surmised they were trying to emulate the style and they ended up with something that emulates the style like this guy came to >>56084461
>Pokemon invented Japan
>A couple of nerds can accomplish in 2 months what takes Gamefreak a full year
You're being bm'd and don't even realize it
Uh, Kanto? Johto? Hoenn? Sinnoh? Hello???
No, they'll just put 50 copies of the same model in the game because they don't fucking know how to optimize.
Also, we "steal" by referencing other's models all the time and anyone who says they don't are liars. I "stole" a grill last week.
>The two shitflingers are gone
Pocketpair really fucked up by not selling merch. I badly want plushies.
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o-oh my
They're based in Tokyo
More like cringe in Tokyo.
Pocketpair is a Nintendo shadow company. Palworld is a project created by Nintendo as an attempt to replace Pokemon because GameFreak keeps bringing shame to their company.
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That is somehow the most believable accusation in this thread.
I legit forgot this game existed
kek I felt the same about the 3ds and switch games from pokemon
lol same for me but with gen 5 pokemon
>legal sword
Pocketpair will soon get actual sword over their necks.
Is Masuda himself going to run down Tokyo avenue and burst into Pocketpair HQ with a katana and gas can while shouting BANZAI KUSOGE?
A popular dataminer already debunked this bullshit claim years ago
It was actually pretty good optimization
Palworld might not have been aimed at kids and the Pokemon audience, but it certainly pulled them in anyways.
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nobody cares about this fotm dogshit and certainly not nintendo.

the retarded pajeets here seriously thought this steam shovelware could come close to the stupidly large juggernaut that is pokémon.
They would've if they could've but Twittards schizo model comparison vids don't count as legal evidence
This desu
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Yawn. Fortnite makes more money than that in a day.
It was just twitter's cancel target of the day and the algorithm favoured Pokémon. This is why the site is dogshit
literally me.
>Now can we stop having Palworld threads and go talk about the upcoming Legends Z-A game instead?
Kill that nigger Jew Merrick
Awesome! Palworld is its own intellectual property. It’s fans can keep their dicks out of Pokémon threads now since they’re two completely different things.

This is coming from someone who likes Palworld. The drama is boring as fuck
I'd rather have sissies cry over Palworld than there be retardation over Ice, the Physical/Special split, the dex cut, "cartoon animals", and other dumb shit any day of the week.
This. It lost in cultural relevance already. Nintendo doesn't even care anymore.
It has more monthly players than Pokémon SV
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More people consoom Palworld content than SV.
Now show June.
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It was a garbage early access survival game that's a dime a dozen on. This game's twist was "pokemon". But nothing about the game felt like pokemon. I assume the suits at GF figured that out.
>Let the peasants have their fun for a few months with the dogslop, for they will come back to us every time for our corposlop
I can't stand ARK style games. But how are the people who were ready to die on the hill that this game is literally illegal, coping with TPC doing less about it than certain fan projectsI lot of them were Twitter drones with reputation to worry about, not just anonymous posters talking shit like here.
based, fuck paljeetworld
seeing pokeniggers absolutely seethe about this game even now is so incredibly funny
some are even delusional enough to believe dogshittendo has grounds to sue for copyright infringement
tendieniggers really are something
>the POkemon game we wanted but never got
I have to assume people unironically saying this shit never actually played PalWorld. PalWorld is just fine as a survival game with a Pokemon-lite attached, but none of the underlying things that make people continue playing Pokemon like the complexity of raising/tuning your monster's stats is present at all.
you mean to tell me game freak didn't invent cute anime creatures? holy shit....
No. But millions of Pokémon fans will.
2 more weeks
Your gayme is getting cannibalized by Riotslop, lol
Pokemon-lite is what I wanted in a pokemon game. I do not care for EV's or IV's or anything past breeding traits onto pokemon or shiny hunting like you can in Palworld. The only thing I would say Palworld is missing is a serious storyline with characters to talk to or fleshed out cities and towns to explore in singleplayer mode.
If you continue to play Pokemon solely for the underlying, and complex systems behind tuning out a perfect mon, thats on you. It's not something I want or enjoy about the games.
>>Even Gamefreak doesn't do that shit anymore
They're still giving their Gen 6 assets to licensing companies, lol
The fucking flying Charizard animation in Pokemon Frienda
I accept your concession.
>make 298 billion yen from plushies, gacha and other types of merchandising/promotions
Okay and?
Next you're going to say it's doing worse than Digimon, because they probably made 100 billion yen this year
Man, i fucking hate this kind of AIslop.
I wish these retards just make something more consistent than pressing a button and not build off that future.

This looks like a good attempt to do a fake traditional N64/GCN Pokemon games screenshot
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Looks like Palworld is still winning.
palworld is chinese which makes it automatically inferior to pokemon which is Japanese
famitsu thread bros... it's joegre...
sweatie.... pokemon is a tencent prostitute too
>4K views from 450
>vs. 3.8K views from 134
That is embarrassing for you lmao. Pokemon won, Palworld lost.
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>Now can we stop having Palworld threads and go talk about the upcoming Legends Z-A game instead?
Discussing what exactly? Six months in and they showed us fuck all
Anon you need to think before you post.
>Palworld has more people watching AND playing
>Pokemon only has a viewerbase because of a couple semi-popular streamers doing the occasional nuzlocked/randomizer and has few people actually playing it
That's still bad for Palworld.
>more viewers and players
this is lethal amounts of cope, please see a doctor
>dat cope
>a trial can take from a year to 10 years.
they are so fucked up.
They sued shit in a shorter time.
/qa/ lost
But fuck free fan games, right?
expecting pokemon to sue palworld is like expecting, Doom to sue every single FPS
Cassette Beasts did get accused of generative ai usage, but that fizzled out pretty quickly
Do people honestly believe that gamefreak cares about palworld long term? They didnt care about digimon nor yokaiwatch and those were multimedia ips, palworld is a single game we dont know if pocket cares even cares about palworld long term, if you re bored there are better things that make bait threads.
>Do people honestly believe that gamefreak cares about palworld long term?
no, its just xitter troons that want to hate something to pretend they have things going on in their life
> They didnt care about digimon nor yokaiwatch
Pokemon was still quite new when Digimon appeared
and they did got scared of Yokai Watch, it was selling better than Pokemon
How dare fictional cartoon creatures act like fictional cartoon creatures.
Pokemon's fault for not appealing to that audience.
But they would never have anyway, so nothing is lost. Which makes the fake outrage towards Palworld even more pointless.
Reminder that a Pokemon mod for Palworld got taken down by Nintendo literally days within its existence.
The fact that the mod got taken down so fast should have been enough of a clue that not only were they aware of Palworld's existence, but that they were never going to attack Pocket Pair for any reason to begin with.

I'll never root against Pokemon, but god damn it has one of the most retarded fanbases in existence.
brand loyalists are the dumbest retards in existence, it doesn't matter which brand they worship.
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It took Nintendo 12 months to build a case against Yuzu for pirating TotK.
Whether they do it, or not, I don't care, but it's not something that happens overnight.
Also, Nintendo, or TPC not pursuing a lawsuit doesn't mean it's not plagiarism.
Nigga, you're arguing the loudest about 3D modelling while having no idea what Ctrl+S does in Blender.
Blatant copyright infringement is different from having to investigate and collect evidence before pressing charges
Still waiting for the better game NTSCworld
No it’s just PalWorld faggots who keep trying to force discourse so that more people will play their chinkslop, you still get a couple of these a week
Palworld has been known about by the public for over 3 years, and we are now approaching 6 months where the models and data have all been publicly accessible, more than enough time for a dedicated team (from the richest company in Japan, bar none) to form a case.
If there was a case, Nintendo, one of the most litigious video game companies on the planet, would have struck them by now. Especially considering it would be a domestic suit, not an international one.
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I don't think Nintendo will fill a case, but they can really take as much time as they want for anything.
I used a French website for ten years to download many roms, and it was pretty popular. Nintendo only attacked the website a decade later.
Same with Citra which was extremely famous and known since 2014, yet only in 2024 did Nintendo start a protest against the creators and requested 2,4 million.
There is just no consistency from the studio, because they didn't take weeks to also attack the ESRB people who leaked Smash Bros. back in 2014. Really, it's just if they want to bother or not
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Pinkachu looks way better than the yellow shit from gamefreak IMO.
palworld is based
What do we think about the Sakurajima update?
Not a real threat
The current games make them act like fictional creatures. The Stadium games make them act like retarded Looney Tunes characters with animations that don't make any actual sense.
Why would they?
Unless they can prove the model was stolen 1-1 and not been recreated there's nothing they can do. Pokemon don't own monster catching, the only reason fan games get taken down is because they call it pokemon or get money from it.

Either way, the game's out and hopefully it gives game devs the idea to make more games like it. The monster catching genre is already packed with pokemon clones, it's nice to have some monster catching mechanics outside the usual pokemon shit.
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pretty impressive after being gone for awhile, it was able to get back into the top 10 most played Steam games after the update, it may never ever get to a million again, but it's got a solid fanbase now.
That's a risky pic, but nice.
Holy, does she not wear any panties?? Didn't know Palworld was that Based
Everyone ignore all other posts this is the only one that matters
>Gamefreak / nintendo doesn't have a patent on monster collectors
>they don't have a patent on rpgs or turn based rpgs
>palworld isnt even in the same genre or gameplay loop
>Nintendo and GF probably gave 0 shits about a game with a lower player retention % than Temtens
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>have only three leaders that are girls
>two of them are bare-footed.
I Kneel.................
good. Based janny for teaching palniggers a lesson
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she cute
>livestreams are popularity
The classic straw to grasp at for copers. And you lose even on these grounds, when you take into account that one: SV has more views per channel; two: SV was released in 2022 while palslop is, what, barely 6 months old? And it barely hangs on in your example.
But again, livestream numbers don't matter jack shit for arguing popularity.
I laugh at you and your dead creatively bankrupt game.
Is the most played game of all time on steam popularity? Or does it breaking records in sales and concurrent players not count either?
better than any Gen 9 girl at least
Cope forever you useless pile of biomatter.
That's a fair post.

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