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last thread ( >>56070573 ) was fun and i want to revive it
another kick into potential critters and all
I hope they change the name of the move “absorb” to “ababor”, that would be really funny I think.
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because i am also a big one piece nerd i had to take >>56083795 's request
i also made a rival mihawk mon
Insert forced meme #3821
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tossing my hat into the ring
Absolute fucking kino, although it should probably just be a standard evolution as opposed to a form change.
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yeah that would probably work best, I just thought it was thematic lol
Clover if post-dexcut.
Make Ababor its own move. I'm thinking a Grass type Guillotine or some other unexpected ridiculous shit
Please no, this is literally a 13 year old Tik Tok zoomer tier """"meme"""" . Please don't add this cancer in the game anons
>a 13 year old Tik Tok zoomer tier """"meme""""
Just like pokemon clover as a whole
Clover was pure comedy gold compared to the cringe that ababor was. It's that unfunny
>skibeddi toilet
>baby shark
>pregnant elsa and spiderman
I'm scared
It's 2016 humor. I had fun, but I'm also aware the jokes have aged.
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i could draw a jiren evo for this guy
split evo is el hermano
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A set on fire Chikorita would be a good inclusion.
Don't laugh but I thought Baddong was an abandoned box of puppies
Forgot to post type stats and abilities.
Type Fire/Grass
Ability: Flash fire
SP ATK:110
Imblegacci strike again
Obviously the greatest superhero of all time needs to be a gym leader. youtube.com/watch?v=HkV_j3htOQ4
Who should get cross gen evolutions?
why didn't clover have a skub mon
there should totally be a skub mon in the sequel considering /vp/ is a pro-skub board
i hope that in 2 there are less places you visit once and forget
Arezu's Thighs should be a Pokémon.
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We could make the gym leaders complete caricatures of some of the gym leaders in the actual game, Like making clair even more of a bitch.
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Make it also Jiya reference and it's kino
I just found out about Clover today and literally just patched it. Anything I should know?
The male and female rivals have different dialogue, teams and battle music. I think the female is funnier so I'd play as a boy.
thank you. I have heard it is a little difficult. is it a total EV grindfest that I will need to be breeding perfect Pokémon for?
I beat it without EV training but let me tell you, it wasn't fun seeing my TIMID Lizackbar constantly getting outsped and oneshotted throughout the latter half of the game. Take the time to speed up your emulator and grind and 100% must haves on your team.
Absolute fucking kino. They need to do that.
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What are the starters gonna be?
I would like if they went for a more serious approach to the starters, similar to the Ebin starters.
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I can't draw so forgive the absolute travesty that is pic related, But A genie in an urn that's made entirely of Ash, Fire/Ghost type obviously. Morbid 4chan humor + a cool concept. Forgive me
please, can we also get an ice electric legendary wolf based on Fenrir?
you mean jarape without a lightning bolt?
Similar with key differences. The actual pokemon is the Ash in the urn as it evolves it still stays in the Jar like I said based on a Genie. It would probably have two evolutions considering I suggested it for the starter.
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I'm assuming hoenn's gonna be used for the base model of the region. Shanks fits right in with the whole too much water angle.
If you think about it, we kind of already have another set of starters (Sadrog, Hodtog and Gnarrk).
If we're gonna make a new region with an entire new pokedex we may as well make new starters as well. Also Taylor swift and her ace pokemon Marsuno here is ready to take on any challengers.
water starter should turn into water/grass
grass starter should turn into grass/fire
fire starter should turn into the prodigy.. -I mean fire/water
bogos binted?
sorry chud but noon is clover 2
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>Clover 1 isn't even finished
>Poketards start thinking we will get Clover 2
>starting work on new game while leaving previous one in unfinished state.

Woah it sounds exactly like Gamefreak!
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1st draft
Chronicling ideas for pokemon from the last thread into an easy list
>>56071070 (Fire/Fighting Charizard regional variant)
>>56071800 (I'm listing this under the pokemon camp)
>>56071819 (Mexican Honchkrow)
>>56071853 (Anorith if he's a final boss in a final fantasy game)
>>56071944 (Kermit as a pokemon)
>>56071993 (Cuntantcop)
>>56071996 (This random bludgeon bird)
>>56072012 (upgraded forretress)
>>56072022 (Another Kermit)
>>56072030 (Fire/Rock Asteroid pokemon)
>>56073147 (Guys wishlist)
>>56073262 (Mutant spongebob)
>>56075375 (Cigar bat pokemon... Lot's of fire types so far)
>>56075664 (regional ogrelord + trollkaiser)
>>56073430 (Forgot these regional variants of flipbird and wheygle)
>>56079305 (Veetumor)
>>56079861 (Convergent species of Garbodor)
>>56079947 (Tismo)
>>56080900 (Fighting type mink creature)
>>56081411 (Water/psychic type final design I think)
>>56083984 (Grim Darkwoods ace pokemon thanatos)
>>56087905 (Redfurrat)
>>56087963 (Itsrover and weresobach)
>>56089233 (Set on fire Chikorita)
This is a quick list but I there's probably much more I missed.
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Make beary a Pokemon or you are rude
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Since an anon in that previous thread made a wish list I'll make my own one.
Weedlet and Grafro(Grass/Dark type pokemon based around black stereotypes. Yes I know Vandash is already a thing.)
Toughun and Bloatun(Pure fighting type pokemon based around the /fit/ bloatmaxx meme.)
Cablax and Schizurr(Ghost type black cat pokemon for some /x/ Representation)
Trolface(Rock/Fighting type Fossil pokemon based on the trollface an ancient meme)
Quachar(Steel type pokemon based on Char Aznable, /m/)
Trukkun(A steel/ghost type truck based pokemon pic related ace)
Lisert, Teegypt and Mumee(A Ghost/ground waifumon based around ancient egypt and Mummification.)
Angroach (A bug type cockroach pokemon with a monocle based on English people.)
Draglong (A dragon type pokemon based on a western dragon with a really long neck. Since pokemon seems to like that now)
Drasciple, Masdra and Draguru (Fighting/dragon type pokemon who all have the same base stat total of 480 but is distributed differently at each evolution Drasciple has 80 in every stat.)
Lech and Leechure (Water/bug type pokemon. Pokemon that like too... attach themselves and drain women.)
Wasn't there an attempt at making another Clover a few years back? I think is was called Atlas or something like that and there was a whole dex full of mememons.
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>All these Redditors wanting their Reddit-tier meme to be made into a Pokemon
sesquatch already exists
Let's hear your ideas for pokemon then.
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Krokizon evolution that's just a meme about Gen 4's over designed style, give us Clover's Rhyperior.
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Don't mind me, just cheating at a gym puzzle
Atlas was a scam. And it's a shame, because some designs were legitimately good.
Ok, but make it Grass/Steel and have Filter as one of it's abilities. (Maybe add a few elements form Omega (That one Robokaiju Gen 1 Beta Pokémon) to sell it more?)
good luck
Samfagio the samefag pokemon it's a normal type it looks like an ugly goblin and has imposter as it's ability
>not samefig
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their tails are supposed to be buzzers btw
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ok i like what i did actually
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>clover 2
What happened to the other three Clover 2's
We need more transmons.
the first clover wasn't enough for you.
What type are these supposed to be pure water?
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ok i may have forgot that ayylmao has a metal coat evo.....
or either water/flying for both
or water/normal > water/dark
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This was the latest sprite sheet I could find
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>sneed birds
that's explain all
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This is my original fakemon, Ratatulio. Please, add him in.
Please save the Boobird line.
This is not a request.
>acrual memes
>wojak mon
Fuck no
Kymmi' in-game nude sprites/spoiler] fucking when?
I could've sworn last time I checked atlas' dex wasn't nearly this good, maybe I'm getting it mixed up with another project?
/vp/ nowadays is full of mostly underaged zoomers so except living aids like skibidi toilet and 'jaks to be made into a Clovermon
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>>>56080900 (Fighting type mink creature)
It's Normal-type
>i also made a rival mihawk mon
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i named it hawkross for the the hawk side and all the cross mihawk has but feel free to rename or anything
also where's Zone-tan mon? (the mon coming from the Odd Dildo)
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Most Reddit mon I've seen so far
Vandash should get an evolution when you emancipate him (release him from the box).
Pigguson should also get an evolution when it faints a vandash with the new move knee slam, which is a fighting type throat chop
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>Name: Thanades (Thanatos + Hades)
>Type: Dark
>Species: Cloth Pokémon
>Ability: Pure Dark Cloth - "Equips itself to the trainer when switching out, supressing all weakesses". (it's like Zero to Hero but also removing type weaknesses, Equipped form has a different sprite for Grim, both genders of the Player and a hooded sillouette sprite for other trainer classes)
>Base Stats (Unequipped): 100/50/105/50/105/40
>Base Stats (Equipped): 100/130/70/130/70/100
>Dex Entry: "Only the strong can wear this dreadful armor, gaining enough power to send 99 elephants thru another realm."
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I also forgot that its shiny has the same color palette as Hypnos from Saint Seiya
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There should be a strawman and buzzword Pokemon.

Crawllacy > Buzzquip
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USA Politics Pokemon


"It could never cooperate as a single Pokémon since each side is always fighting for who's on the top. As the result, it always gets sickness from the stress of fighting."
This would be in every single route, Every town, Every dungeon considering the nature of 4chan.
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If this thing doesn't have Topsy-Turvy, it's just fucked.
You forgot this >>56079970
Holy shit, there's going to be a Clover 2?
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can we get ballio/pinnister if there's gonna be more canon mememons like sadfish and deloris?
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Can you make this pair of rival mons?

>Mahonoreal (Normal/Psychic), a cat mon resembling Battler Ushiromiya.

>Magiesreal (Normal/Dark), a dog resembling Agent 47.

Their faces and color palettes must stay intact, altho Mahonoreal has a cat mouth while Magiesreal has a dog snout.
so what will be the new trifecta or quadfecta?
>add >>56072030 (Fire/Rock Asteroid pokemon)
Not a fan of fusionmons, but that could find its place as a regional form of Motherfuck.
I nominate Lilfella or that ferret thing
>shiny dysclops but it's a mememon
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Would Regitube work better as a Regi replacement or as part of the 'fecta?
THIS! Part of the Quadfecta without doubt.
So, who's the last idea for the Quadfecta?
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a Mod Delphox with a hammer?
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also add JustinRPG as a special trainer similar to Chris-chan in Clover
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Pure Steel-type onahole furrymon
Who will be the E4?
Look no further, your dubs won't be left unanswered.
>Ghost, Poison, Psychic and Electric
Now it's their turn
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That's the joke, he has a Healer/Cleric themed team. And this is where I suggest the following mon as his ace:

A 3-stage Psychic/Steel matroska resembling Aigis from Persona 3 (final evo's shape resembling Teddy from Persona 4). It has an unique ability that "Heals are doubled, but has multiple issues with infatuation.", which the latter part translates in extent as also getting infantuated whenever it gets afflicted with status, the opponent heals 1/8 HP while you're infantuated, and, if you have healing moves, those will be redirected and/or applied to the opponent instead.

This is a reference to DSP's ragequit on Persona 3 at Nyx Avatar's boss fight, where he grinded a whole team of Healers to fight it, being Aigis the core of the team, however, Nyx outsmarted DSP by charming his team, making them heal Nyx instead, resulting in a ragequitting manchild tantrum.
This ain't Sage, anon.
They should have been the true DLC pawns...
A magical Velociraptor that evolves into a Wizard or Incel depending on friendship
or basically a pokemon with this evolution line
lmao at the referrence. that ability lacks a name btw
>that ability lacks a name btw
Healer Build, simple as.
it could evolve with a Moon Stone
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>has a Healer/Cleric themed team
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>that spoiler
aegis toaster pre-evo or no balls
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can be a split evo by using Fire Stone
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How many hornymons so far?
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just now realized I forgot pic related
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Its Renamed to Era and they are making (slowly) a Demo and updated sprites. We'll make a thread when there's solid progress made.

>t. Pokemon Era Artist, Pic Related is one of the new sprites one of the Sprite artists made recently
so will it have clover humor or not?
Maybe, Different writers means different views on humor. but considering the most of the team came from this shithole in the first place, prospects are looking better than most.
Ivysharties, this is your mindset.
>This is a reference to DSP's ragequit on Persona 3 at Nyx Avatar's boss fight, where he grinded a whole team of Healers to fight it, being Aigis the core of the team, however, Nyx outsmarted DSP by charming his team, making them heal Nyx instead, resulting in a ragequitting manchild tantrum.
lmao, healfags BTFO
>>>56071996 (This random bludgeon bird)
Bug/Ground , Ground/Dragon or Bug/Dragon? Could also have a helt item akin to Thick Club.
Honestly Ground/Dark or Ground/Flying would be the most appropriate. Ground/Dark because Bludgeoning people is indeed a bad thing and Ground/Flying because it's a bird... That can't fly.
>Regional Diobat
>Ability: Run Away
>This cheeky pokemon lost its ability for flight, but gained strong legs to run fast. It uses its keen reflexes to rob people

>Once I'm not lazy, I'll do some conecpt art for them
That is a fucking fantastic idea.
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Changed a name

evolves at lvl 33 knowing ancient power or by holding a bible

>exposed to religious tv shows, Diobat's faith turned him into wereraptor
wonderful art
Absolutely fucking based, fantastic work.
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Speaking of dinosaurs. What about hassleberry from yugioh GX in his... Dino... Spirit form.
not enough
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We need some mons based on the brokemon threads. Maybe they could be something like Zygarde, finding pieces of them scattered around, and with a certain amount we could put together different forms of them
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fake difficulty
wifemin regional variant when?
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closest one is a convergent
Hmm, not as breedable, but might be just me personally not liking that aesthetic sexually as much. Pretty cool design overall though
Should be Rock/Flying and Rock/Dragon instead, due to its ability to its later ability to fossilize others (also a good fossilmon). Diobat and Warudio were Dark types due to them being vampires, but Diego isn't.
can this be made into a clovermon?

Ghost/Fairy type with all Horn, Look and Milk related moves
Who's that semen demon?
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made by a drawanon, it's a mix between Hex Maniac from Pokémon XY and Evil Eye from Disgaea
hmm, good idea, even though i left them to be dark since both are still anatgonists of their parts. Also, I wanted to make Dieraptor to be part fairy since jesus and shit
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Garloid clovermon when?
looks like she fucks human men...
White human men*
shiriman prevo
What's its name Calamoo?
You must be fun at parties
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The entire region should be filled with snakewood tier puzzles... Also am I the only one who think leaf looks a bit psychotic?
Looking forward to not understanding anything they're saying in zoomer town

that's not a pokemon. It's a human in a furry suit
Leehope > Fooleek

Grass > Grass/Dragon
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>that's not a pokemon. It's a human in a furry suit
-John Gamefreak approving Loppuny for gen 4
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Doodledo > Redoodle > Doodledo > etc.

Wonder Guard

Evolves into Redoodle after being defeated in battle. Revolves into Doodledo after being defeated in battle, and so on. Redoodle is literally the same Pokemon as Doodledo.

Based off the infamous David poster.
Please make the rival ACK
Or at least make him an antagonist
And give him an arc where he actually gets better and stops thinking you're akemi
i hate to admit that i forgot about those threads
but yeah i agree do this (if possible)

Only works on Golurk who is in the pokedex just for this meme
I just have this image in my head of a jigsaw Pokemon and I'm laughing at the idea of the 3rd version box legendary being a cute colorful jigsaw mon insteal of an edgy cool dragon.

doubles boss Rapeman and Stopman
It’s a base 20 power grass type attack, but it instantly kills any Pokémon who is ghost/ground (they can’t be one or the other, they have to be both).
Not sure if his main 'mon uses solar beam, or if it just pisses him off if you do it
Maybe he could drop TM22
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Because she is married to her husband
I want a trainer based on Matt Roszak (developer of Epic Battle Fantasy) as thanks for him playing Clover 1.0 at release.
His team is as follows:
>(Shiny) Admoot
Honestly mate by the looks of things I think it's only gonna be new pokemon in this region.
Could be a trainer in one of the older regions
A 'jak should be a character, like the rival
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make a matador pokemon/gym leader
i haven't played ebf in a long-ass time
what's this a reference to?
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That shit is cancer mate, Seriously it's nothing more than a strawman which isn't even funny. It's completely ruined imageboard culture. Anything with wojaks is automatically shit.
The Monolith series of enemies, which are a massive pain in the ass
Polony better be fucking finished this time around.
>buff-based combat
you better have haze
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my quadrapedal drawing skill are none to 0
but i try at least
How do we know if this update is going to include another whole-ass region, or even any new pokemon?
This is talking about an actual second clover game not an update to the original game.
Daimyo of Healthy Meta in Clover 2?
Why not...
Well... If Kingambit exists... Maybe we could make a Queengambit give Pawniard a regional variant that fits in with the clover aesthetic.
pick one:
Could be refined:

>dog must have no beard, its head must be completely bald with the same color as the human skin
>dog must have the black tuxedo
>shiny form has a white tuxedo

>cat must not have human back legs as it currently feels like a human kneeling, unless you make it bipedal like meowth to match the dog's height
>cat has white fur or the same color as his clothes, while having his separated red hair
>shiny has a white fur (if you're using the cream from the palette instead) or the piss-yellow fur with black hair as resemblance to George Ushiromiya
Well, still hyoed for 2.0. Wish we had another update video, it's been months inc ths last one
>unless you make it bipedal like meowth to match the dog's height
not that anon but seems a nice idea, you could even use Neko-Ark's body as base like picrel, but keep that Battler crying face on it, also replace his skin with white fur.
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forgot pic of the body
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need someone to draw its pre-evos since this is supposed to be a 600BST pseudo
Never ever
Devs are too pussy to do it

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