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>It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the arm of its beloved Trainer and walks with him or her.

Canon waifumon
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She made the top!
Just a side, I hate human-centric dex entries
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Just saying LEAFEON so I can find the thread more easily later!
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But WHY?
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Pick your favorite Dex entry. I like the "edgy" Sun and Moon ones.
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I like the Ultra Sun and Violet entries, the first for the mental image of a Sylveon berserker charging any and all dragons in a battle-rage, the second as it seems to marry the schizophrenic portrayal of its 'dex entries to date by noting its cute and vicious sides in one.
Sylveon originally evolves from Affection which a wild Pokémon is unable to obtain. I think FRLG also classified Eevee as a urban Pokémon meaning it lives closely to humans as opposed in the wilds. I don't think Sylveon is the kind of Pokémon that you would find normally in the wild, until Switch games added everything as an encounter.
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made for Syuro disposal porn
I like those two entries, too. Anything portraying Sylveon being as "dangerous" as it is cute is cool in my book.
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So I can find both of them with a single search! I guess I could've said CHAPPY instead, though!
A threeway with Sylveon and Glaceon is the ultimate goal
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Oh ok!
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I just want a Ninfia wife, it's not too much to ask for right?
Robotics convincingly mimicking Sylveon is the best we're going to get in this shit reality
Unless someone genetically alters cats to be just like em, but moral cucks will stop that from ever happening
How do you modify an animal into getting ribbonlike feelers that it can casually use like limbs? Even in a hypothetical "everything is morally allowed" world, you cant exactly create an animal like sylveon
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You lack vision
Is there any good art of sylveon with visible fangs or whiskers?
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I don't think she has whiskers. And what is considered "good art" of Sylveon?
Is this pokemon based on the trans flag or is the trans flag based on this Pokemon? Please answer
Sun and Moon Pokédex entries in general are so surprisingly edgy I really love it. It's interesting, they do a lot of work in fleshing out the setting and many Pokémon
neither is based on either
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i love her bros
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I can't believe he drew that!
It's more of a fox actually but ok :/
nah, it's definitely a cat
What? Are you blind? It's a fox with rabbit ears and rabbit legs
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They are, but foxes are still canines!
Nah, it's a cat with rabbit ears. Sylveon barely got a snout
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They don't even need to be part rabbit to have big ears. Here's a fennec fox, which also have small snouts. The faces are also humanlike rather than catlike, inherited from Eevee being affected by its trainer's face. From Ultra Moon:
>its face starts to look like that of its Trainer
that is why we don't get new eeveelutions anymore
it's peak
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Eevee itself doesn't have much of a snout either, but I don't think that matters much. They're all meant to be undefinable mammals by design. That's part of their charm.
You can look at any Eeveelution, say it's a dog/cat/fox and you'll probably see traits of those animals. Well, except Espeon, that one you got to stretch a bit to see dog/fox traits.
Sylveon is a Sylveon, Eevee is an Eevee.
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They're both very, very huggable.
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Indeed. They are both extremely loveable.
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It can't be posted enough, then!
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I love the fairy dog(cat/fox-thing)
Can we have one thread without you people please
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We will have to bear that until some "people" stop inserting their religion everywhere.
In the meantime, we can still appreciate the cute fairy fox-thing for what it is.
What if I told her she looked better in her real form
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No, just getting a little old seeing low-effort trolls get attention. You should report and hide posts, not bite their bait
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Why do you keep schizoposting in every eeveelution thread
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I want her to spend an afternoon alone with me in a grassy field starting with one of her ribbons down my pants and my one hand stimulating her bottom area while my other hand gently caresses her heavenly soft face as I stare deeply into her cute blue eyes, then we will proceed into deep kissing, even swirling our tongues in each other's mouths and occasionally swallowing the hormone rich saliva we collected from each other during the deep kissing, which makes us even more deeply attracted to one another.
She will slowly undress me as I stimulate her soft, fairy-like breeding hole and when she takes off my underwear, she slowly rolls onto her back and I penetrate her tight warm hole carefully and slowly, then we pause while I'm still inside her and gently roll over so she's on top of me.
Then while she does more of the stimulating thrust motions, she also uses two of her ribbons to gently caress my face and the other two ribbons to gently stimulate my nipples to make the approaching climax even more powerful, and even puts one of her ribbons in my mouth for me to suck on and then she puts her ribbon with my saliva on it into her mouth to get another taste of my hormones, then puts it back into my mouth for me to do the same.
Finally, as the climax grows closer, I carefully sit up while my poke is still inside her and we both start thrusting faster and kissing deeper, until I can't hold my poke anymore and...
Sylveon and I will let out the loudest moan as the contractions of my poke fills her virgin womb with my seed and the contractions deep within her now filled breeding hole sucks up more seed for an even better chance to produce offspring, even though its already 100% chance.
She and I will then stay in this penetration position so that her body sends coupling hormones down into the shaft of my poke and takes over my brain so that I will raise her offspring with her without fail. We will then fall into a deep sleep.
>>It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the arm of its beloved Trainer and walks with him or her.
>Canon waifumon
that's what real dogs do
you dog fuckers are mentally ill
>real dogs
>ribbonlike feelers

where do I get one of these "real dogs" which you speak of
just replace the ribbons with a rope or chain and you get the same experience (if the dog loves you and want to keep playing with you)
>that's what real dogs do
>dogs have ribbonlike feelers that walks with us
>Starts seething and calls us dogfuckers
U mad?
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just buy these and put them on your dog
Here you go, anon! >>56092304
>last thread about this poll was deleted because a certain faggot was mad his shitmon lost to his least favorite pokemon
Why does this make it a waifu, and not a faithful pet dog?
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Honestly, I don't care about the waifu shit. I'm here because I find this ribbon dog-thing funny, adorable and a little bit terrifying. It's my favorite pokemon, in fact!
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>The only eeveelution with canonicly humanoid gonads
Is that why both foids and moids love them?
They hated him for telling the truth
I don't care about a Sylveon's gonads, I would _pet it regardless.
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I've seen Chappy pics with Vaporeon and Espeon, but don't have one with Glaceon, unfortunately
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>the same experience
>sylveon by her own volition decides to wrap feelers around her partner to feel what he feels
>I need to put a collar and leash made of non-living matter on my dog myself and which in fact serves as a means of limiting the will of my dog

I love doggos but to compare them to sylveon or any other pokemon you really must be mentally impaired
I could only find this one.
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Always clean yourself after touching the fish
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The fish will help you clean your ears.
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Thanks anon! Didn't realize there were that many
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That won't be necessary, dear
That sounds like it would be really eerie. Imagine waking up at 2 AM to find your Eevee at the end of your bed, staring at you, and it's just your face.
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And yet somehow, it only manages to be adorable, strangely enough. Regular pets already evolved to evoke the same instincts in humans that we'd have for our own babies. Imagine then how much more you'd end up loving one that mimics a human baby with your own features, i.e. your own baby. Sylveon in particular is a Fairy type, and fairies in legends actually replace human babies.
And there's no way to resist these adorable Chappies! Thanks for those, too
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This board honestly needs a Sylveon-obsessed version of the ultrabased Delcattyfag
>syvleon turns into human
>trainer doesn't turn into pokemon
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If I could be that prolific when it comes to drawing, I'd be having that much fun, too
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I got a few other Chappies, I just need to find and label them.
That could be fun, but if I did that I would only appear seldomly when prompted. Otherwise it would likely just make people dislike Sylveon more.
Lord knows the poor things gets too much hate for the wrong reasons enough already.
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It's a really adorable style that looks nice and simple, but is a lot harder than it looks. I can only hope to be able to imitate it someday, but for now, I'm just enjoying how many of them you have!
When I started artfagging, I learned to appreciate these sort of art styles a lot more. Because drawing something that looks simple, clean and appealing at the same is deceptively difficult to get right.
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Sylveon might have the most Chappies by now! Thanks for finding more and more of them, anon! Plus seeing those happy smiles means I can't help but smile back
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What's so special about chappy?
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It's a clean and simple-looking style that I really want to imitate someday. It's still well above my skill level, though. Also, mentioning it makes the threads easier to search for
Sylveon might be the one Chappy draws the most, besides the good ol' regular Eevee. To be fair though, I've been looking through my Sylveon folder first since it's the largest.
Chappy draws cute and simple stuff that Anon seems to really enjoy, I'm happy to provide him more of it.
Also gives me an excuse to organize my folders.
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Forgot I had these, too
That's a really great collection, then! Thanks for sharing even more!
I'm still finding more of them!
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I'll look for more of them tomorrow, when I get the spare time.
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They look so puffy and nice to rest your head on!
Stop sexualizing Pokemon. Stop having inane groomer fantasies.
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But look how happy they get when groomed!
>groom eevee
>it evolves into a cocksleeve
What did Game Freak mean by this?
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These are all of the Chappy's Sylveon I could find in my folders. Sorry it took this long, I could only search for them in my spare time.
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Thanks for going through all that, anon! Never realized there was this much cuteness. I hope looking through old pics still made you smile as much as those of us seeing these for the first time.
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I did enjoy looking through them, also gave me something meaningful to do in my downtime.
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I want to have sex with your pic related
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