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Be real, you don't actually care about pokegirl art being on-model right?
I do.
I see no point to something like OP. At that point it's not the same character.
Same with anthro.
If you dont love your waifu as she truly is, then you dont truly love her at all
Just because you like oversexualized approximations of characters doesn't mean you don't appreciate the original too
but you still prefer the oversexualized noncanon nonsense, thats no good homie. what would it be like to tell your wife that "i love you, but id love you way more with a pornstar tits and ass"
i like both on-model and off-model marnie but this is too overexaggerated
This. That pic is gross.
You aren't supposed to say that part aloud ever
a body is just a body, you should care more about the woman inside of it
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not enough of a autist to seethe about what other people jack off to
I probably wouldn't like cunny so much if porn of adult characters didn't have such ridiculous proportions
Also this >>56089748
no one normal does because they don't fall in love with video game characters.
normal people look at a character, think the outfit and general visual look hot, and think "damn she'd be even hotter with bigger titties". Less normal but still somewhat normal people then draw and jack of to that exact thing.
permavirgins, however, look at fictional girls and fall in genuine love with them because it's as far as they'll get with a woman in their lives, so they don't want anyone changing their "waifu"
>what would it be like to tell your wife that "i love you, but id love you way more with a pornstar tits and ass"
... she'd probably think "yeah I know. duh."
there is no woman inside of them because they aren't real. Most of these characters barely have a personality and dialogue whatsoever. If you truly fell in love with a fictional character for their personality and they're from the fucking pokémon franchise of all things then you're braindead.
>normal people look at a character, think the outfit and general visual look hot, and think "damn she'd be even hotter with bigger titties"
Coomers are not normal people.
I expect art to be made with a sense of beauty and aesthetics, rather than everything being a subversive caricature. Your lardassed pic is a joke made by someone who doesn't understand what straight men like about women
I 100% would've agreed with you before gen 9 but they put way more effort into the writing and making them proper characters with personality in SV. Ironically(?), that is exactly why coomers hate it, cause the designs themselves are not that appealing.
A porn star would look ugly with a body like that too though. though I don't watch live action porn though

I understand, it's the only sure respite from the steatopygia sideshow freaks

being horny is normal, that irrelevant catchphrase you used is made up by regressive retards who believe any expression of sexuality is a supernatural conspiracy
Being horny for anime drawings is not normal
Go outside and talk to actually normal people sometimes
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>(irrelevant catchphrase) hates gen 9!
this is just a delusion of yours lol, the internet loves the characters in 9 both for horny and non-horny art
Gee I swear I left that pair of goalposts right here, I wonder where they went.

You're wrong about that too BTW
People on /vp/ fucking hate gen 9 characters, my dude.
Off model autists are not chads because they are unable to appreciate beauty in it's natural form. A true Chad loves his women the way the really are without unrealistic proportions. And no, just because a man doesn't find off-model garbage disgusting doesn't mean he is gay, it means he respects women the way they are
Actual character that I like > cosplaying whore that vaguely looks like character
That's just how my brain thinks, I can't control it
>it means he respects women the way they are
so gay?
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no, I want the milfs to be obese and the girls to have gigantic tits and asses
>I understand, it's the only sure respite from the steatopygia sideshow freaks
It's not a sure respite but it's probably 5% compared to 50%
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Not really, no.
I only really complain about off-model art if it’s a piece of art where all the girls have the exact same body, or if it’s some Overwatch-esque mandela effect where a bizarrely high amount of people gaslight themselves into a completely fudged interpretation of a character with zero irony
>she'd probably think "yeah I know. duh."
You clearly have never had any kinda of romantic experience with an actual woman. Please don't comment about women if that's the case, you just look like an idiot
>completely fudged interpretation of a character with zero irony
Why say overwatch when hex maniac is a much better example?
Because ones in Overwatch are individuals.
I didn't use to care. But I do now because I prefer flatties these days.
I would suck a fart out of this rendition of Marnie's asshole.
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Name a less dishonest fanbase than hers. Protip: you can't
>try to find good pokemon venus content
>over half of it is them being fucked by hypnos/machamps/horses/ugly fat black dudes
Why is the perfect bodytype attached to such shitty porn?
is this the offmodel thread
Toilet breaker
I unironically do not know where you off-model faggots even came from in the last 8 or so ish years. No one ever used to give a shit about this. Especially not when Rule 34 always existed.
Worse than that, public bathroom breaker. When she's finished one toilet she just moves to the next stall. If she's desperate she'll even use the sinks.
>appreciate beauty in it's natural form
The natural form of a character drawn by a jap coomer?
Personally I prefer a character look like themselves rather than being decapitated and given a different body. Characters like Hex are a disaster. I don't particularly mind if the artist bumps up the hips and ass a little, though.
You're very close to making a mental connection.
I do if

A) it's a loli. That shits gross.
B) The tits and ass are too big. There's such thing as TOO BIG.
Basically mosquito bites.
That physique is predominantly preferred by people who want these things.
What if I want the bodytype without those things?
She even used a public fountain.
Street gutters, bushes (naturally wilting them), manholes, nothing's off limit.
>thread turns into Marnie's struggles with IBS
If you can't love your waifu no matter how she looks, you're a superficial bitch.
Those same people will vehemently insist that they aren't cucks too
Where did all the offmodel chads go?
It was all just me
I've seen a couple in the Ai thread, but yeah this board is slow right now with us all waiting for any news on Z.
>see girl you like got breast implants
>"who are you? Introduce yourself to me, since we have never met before."
on-model flags, everybody
I have had multiple, stop projecting your sorry life onto others.
Women KNOW men like big tits. That's not a surprising topic of conversation. Telling your gf she'd be even hotter with bigger tits is like if your gf told you you'd look even hotter with a tan or if you were taller or something. It doesn't mean you don't love each other, or that you are gonna leave each other for someone who matches that description, you insecure autist.
>My wife, Marnie, after she pumped out 5 kids
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idk what youre talking about this is just what some of them look like
the ideal women i want no joke
i like them thighs fat
also i like fluffy gals in overalls[/spoilers]
I miss when this board had jannies, they weren't the best jannies on the site but atleast they tried their best deleting shit threads like this
>Be real, you don't actually care about pokegirl art being on-model right?
I don't care as long as the picture looks good
Yeah? What about em?
Some characters i like on model
Some i think have design elements that serve fuller figures well

Some i like every rendition, like Hex Maniac.
I like pokegirls with absurdly huge ones.
Bro the on models are literally just little girls you utter freak
need sauce
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I like it when pokegirls are off-model, yes. They just look so much better with absurdly big assets. ESPECIALLY The young ones.
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Official art = boring, it gives the base design and that's really all it's good for.

"On model art" = good for when it's just trying to be cute art and not any real sex appeal to it. Also a bit of a misnomer since fanart is always off model to an extent. The tits are either gonna be bigger than average, Cynthia is a prime example cause she's really small but people always draw her with a nice handful even when trying to be on model, or they'll make them completely flat as is with majority of the MC Pokegirls(minus the ones that are already flat like Dawn, Chicken, Juliana, etc)

Off model art = The good shit. It's what Pokegirls were meant to look like. It's what Pokegirls would look like if they weren't constrained by being from Pokemon.

Also related and probably biased since I love massive tits but personally I feel the bigger you make a Pokegirls tits while they still look good and "natural" the more it means the characters base design is exceptionally good.

For example May who's known for being drawn with huge tits. You can draw her with absolute gigantic tits and it still looks good, almost as if she was always meant to look that way. That means her design is fantastic even when on model. On the other hand someone like Juliana or Chicken or Lillie. Give them huge tits and it just looks off, so they should be kept small.

>They just look so much better with absurdly big assets. ESPECIALLY The young ones.
Unfathomably based
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>Also related and probably biased since I love massive tits but personally I feel the bigger you make a Pokegirls tits while they still look good and "natural" the more it means the characters base design is exceptionally good.
I 100% agree, a good design looks good no matter how big their tits are. Pokemon characters in general just have good designs
>Unfathomably based
Yep. I fucking love early bloomers.
Yeah, Pokemon has some of the best girls and even the devs know it now considering the focus they give them as of late.

>Yep. I fucking love early bloomers.
I would have to disagree with you on that if only for the fact that lots of Pokegirls aren't really that young. I think Game Freak is just bad at making characters look their age(lol Cyrus is 27). Fucking Poppy is 9 but she looks like she's 5. Poppy also being one of the characters I think shouldn't really be given huge tits the Eevee Pokegirl from SwSh though isn't that bad
Japan's concept of age is really messed up. You should see Senran Kagura. Also, the main character of Stardust Crusaders is a high schooler who looks like he's 30.
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I think it's a problem with real life as well since people tend to look younger nowadays anyway(well, as long as you're not an alcoholic or substance abuser)

There's those memes of "my grandpa at 25 vs me at 25" where one looks rugged and old while the other looks like a scrawny twig. Plus you have the new reddit normiefag meme of "uooohhh mommy hag give milkies" and it's a 25 year old chick(Cynthia is a prime example of this)

I don't want to be some soap box fag but I think it's a weird perception that life is basically over after 30 and you're not allowed to have fun anymore so characters in video games can only ever be mid 20s at the oldest, and by then they're seen as basically retired. And Japan just perpetuates this stereotype with "haha unmarried woman in her 20s she's a hag" and forcing every protagonist to be a high schooler(cause I guess Japanese just hate adult life so much)

But yeah, it's weird cause Game Freak tried to do things like making the protags in BW older but it didn't really work out that well until XY where you can definitely tell Serena is older than the past protags. Rosa looks around the same age as May even though she's like 14/15 and May is 12.

But still, this is a thread about little girls from video games being drawn with huge tits, so whatever.
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>For example May who's known for being drawn with huge tits. You can draw her with absolute gigantic tits and it still looks good, almost as if she was always meant to look that way. That means her design is fantastic even when on model. On the other hand someone like Juliana or Chicken or Lillie. Give them huge tits and it just looks off, so they should be kept small.
It's kind of funny how that works, you reminded me of how that one DPP manga gave Cynthia big tits like how 99% of fanartists draw her, and it really makes me wonder what's the actual artistic psychology (in written/spoken words) behind why bigger boobs bring out the best in some character's design, like the specific components that all create a "greater than the sum of their parts" effect, if that makes any sense. I dunno, this kind of character design talk actually activates my neurons for some reason.
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Does this count as off model

Man that side by side really goes to show how small Cynthia is in canon. She's supposed to be a tall slender woman, not a thicc MILF. Not sure why people think she has big tits.

Also I'd say it's more just always wanting improvement to a character. It's the same reason people draw characters with glasses or a different hairstyle, they want to change it up to suit their tastes
Only if it's from the Body Modificafion tag or if it's Bimbofication. Anything else would be the porn equivalent of fast-food slop, low-effortly made for the lowest possible denominator by those trashy patreon artists that can only draw one exact bodytype that's ugly as shit.
this meme is stale
There's probably a better design explanation (such as drawing attention across the body where an outfit might be broken up by pattern/accessories/boob window/whatever), but I think the simpler explanation is that breasts acan just be aesthetic on multiple levels. Like, you wouldn't have offmodel exaggerations so often if there wasn't some basic appeal, whether that be culturally or some funny monkey brain switch.

I don't think you can be critical of lowest possible denominator art when you bring up bimbofication beforehand.
How much air is needed to make a pokégirl float?
Official art = best.
Off model art imitating official art style = perfect.
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How is this blatant coomer thread not deleted yet? Jannies are you high?
How naive are you?
Jannies are into genwar & coomer threads
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Shotacon oneesan

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