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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56066292

PMD Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog (Update soon... not yet): https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/j0denv5q26
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>What if you were allowed to bring your family to the PMD world? Would you do it?
>When you think of PMD, what's the first thing you see in your head?
>Wands or Seeds?
>Instead of forming some exploring team and being good guys that save the world and all, would you like to be part of some outlaw team, not necessarily evil, but just... mischievous and against authority, if you will. Would you?
>Why do they call it explorers when you of in the dungeon of out escort pokemon the dungeon?
Recap of the previous thread:
>A new comer joins the guild, an Emolga named Ammy, welcome! They debuted with this short story: (https://rentry.org/EoaEEI)
>Invalid Value-anon released a new chapter of their story on Team Fangclaw: (https://rentry.org/zangoose3)
>An anon released a PMD story in a medieval setting: (https://archiveofourown.org/works/56793166/chapters/144388855), and chapter 2: (https://archiveofourown.org/works/56793166/chapters/144389323)
>There is a moderate amount of discussion about PMD games.
>Foxes and cats.
>A lot of art and shitposts have been drawn.
>Drawingboard #39 is still ongoing, but it seems to be almost done.
Thanking the anon for doing the art dump last thread. I appreciate it.
Idyll Guild anon here, thanks so much for including me in the thread recap! I know a few anons said they were intending to read it towards the end of last thread, I hope it excites and entertains!
>>What if you were allowed to bring your family to the PMD world? Would you do it?
>>When you think of PMD, what's the first thing you see in your head?
time gears
>>Wands or Seeds?
>>Instead of forming some exploring team and being good guys that save the world and all, would you like to be part of some outlaw team, not necessarily evil, but just... mischievous and against authority, if you will. Would you?
depends what that exactly entails
>>Why do they call it explorers when you of in the dungeon of out escort pokemon the dungeon?
i never got this dumb meme and i'm not gonna get it now
ya welcome, also apologies I actually just copy and pasted from previous recap, I was meant to put Chapter 3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/56793166/chapters/144615871)
>What if you were allowed to bring your family to the PMD world? Would you do it?
no. I'd at least inform them I'm heading over if given a chance, but I wouldn't force them along.
>When you think of PMD, what's the first thing you see in your head?
not so much see but hear, every time I think on PMD the first thing that comes to mind is the intro track for BRT
>Wands or Seeds?
Seeds. can't be a glorified B-52 with a wand
I am honestly scared of the welcome granted, but. thank you regardless. I already have both ideas for character accessories, general fighting strategy, and what kinda mons my guy would try team with
Glad you liked it.
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Multiple anons, actually (I posted a couple)
It was nice to see, Vulpix/Shinx go well together
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Hello, send cute PMD arts!
Though the dynamic is different from the one I've made headcanon of my own Main+Partner, it's not like there's a wide selection of this pair.
I've decided I'll try to finish Blue and then Sky before actively reading through the Clover Guild and threads for all I've missed.
It's nice to be able to just spend time having fun.
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Capim Manhattan.

You think Capim has vigilante pokemon kicking outlaw ass?

...Dibs on Lokix.
>What if you were allowed to bring your family to the PMD world? Would you do it?
My brother would never forgive me if I went without him and I don’t think I could function by myself so yes I would
>When you think of PMD, what's the first thing you see in your head?
Explorers title screen
>Wands or Seeds?
Mmmmmmm yummy seeds mmm
>Instead of forming some exploring team and being good guys that save the world and all, would you like to be part of some outlaw team, not necessarily evil, but just... mischievous and against authority, if you will. Would you?
If the “authority” was the evil ones I think I could go against it but I’m pretty comfortable doing nothing too
>Why do they call it explorers when you of in the dungeon of out escort pokemon the dungeon?
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>What if you were allowed to bring your family to the PMD world? Would you do it?
absolutely not
>When you think of PMD, what's the first thing you see in your head?
A team of smiling pokemon all wearing bandanas
>Wands or Seeds?
>Instead of forming some exploring team and being good guys that save the world and all, would you like to be part of some outlaw team, not necessarily evil, but just... mischievous and against authority, if you will. Would you?
No, I don't like intentionally causing troubles for others :(
>Why do they call it explorers when you of in the dungeon of out escort pokemon the dungeon?
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Better timeline where GameFuck and Spike Chunsoft did not suck ass
Are you kidding me? Three gens in a row without PMD
>better timeline
Oh, that pic is just Cider’s wet dream
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>What if you were allowed to bring your family to the PMD world? Would you do it?
>When you think of PMD, what's the first thing you see in your head?
Silly critters going on adventures, and livin' their best life
>Wands or Seeds?
>Instead of forming some exploring team and being good guys that save the world and all, would you like to be part of some outlaw team, not necessarily evil, but just... mischievous and against authority, if you will. Would you?
Only if its what needs to be done to provide a better future.
>Why do they call it explorers when you of in the dungeon of out escort pokemon the dungeon?
Because explore in to get out pokemon
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me as nidoking
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>Three gens in a row without PMD
It hurts
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Well then I appreciate all of you. It was a neat way to end out that amazing game. Gonna beat the main campaigns for Blue and SMD then go back and do all the post game for EoS.

So far I'm liking the writing of SMD, but man is the initial Pokémon selection weak comparatively.
that hard to attain SOUL factor is a bit drained from this one as well.

Still, the Mystery Dungeon gameplay just won't stop being fun and entertaining.
What's your team in SMD?
Just a heads up, the game is very item-reliant so get ready to use wands a lot
Chespin and Fennekin.

It was initially Charmander and Treeko, but the moment the partner pokemon opened its mouth I was like "that doesn't fit him at all..."

Fennekin seems to fit the role of "annoying trouble maker" a lot better.

Also, I've noticed. It's kinds nice thoigh because I really only used items during Monster Rooms in EoS, so actually having to use them against regular encounters is a good change of pace. Dunno how it'll feel as the game goes on.

>kinda nice though

Good ol' phone posting.
>Pet the Beau
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you actually picked the strongest starter in the game, based duo
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That's good to know. I picked him simply because he felt like he wouldn't be a "main character" pokemon in the same way that Shinx didn't (which initially caught me off guard and I didn't think I would like). Having ranged attacks has been a lot of fun so far, and at least a couple chapters in they strike a good balance of being able to control the flow of combat but it getting a bit challenging when the enemies get close.

Like I said, so far my only gripe is the main Pokémon you have to choose from are very by the books as opposed to the previous game that felt like they had a lot of wild cards thrown in there, but at least the other characters maintain that feeling of being picked out of a hat.
I miss the sprite art like you wouldn't believe.
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The main things that make Chespin so good are the fact it's the only starter with a ranged multihitter, and with the right Emeras, Rollout can potentially hit 10 times in 1 attack. I instagibbed Primal Groudon in 1 turn with this

That being said I think everybody misses the more oddball picks like Cubone and Munchlax. If we ever get a new game i'd hope it isn't just starters+riolu.
I was genuinely surprised Eevee wasn't in the lineup considering how safe the picks were.
I recall that there's data for a Ralts starter buried in the code, but it got cut.
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What is Wigglytuff doing?
I mean, I get it. More starting Pokémon mean more unique animations and portraits, and being a GF property I'm sure the budget was pennies. Still, that sucked out a lot of the magic.
>being an outgoing, considerate person=tepig
There's probably a reason for that, but it's lazy.
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Yeah, the starter selection in the 3DS games has always been a grave disappointment for me. It's a shame, there were a lot of interesting Gen V/VI Pokemon that could've fit the role.
I guess even in the earlier games Chunsoft was reluctant about them for some difficulty reason or something.
>OG Rescue Team doesn't let you pick them as the partner
>Time/Darkness does the same thing and only has 3 of them (Meowth, Skitty, Munchlax)
>Sky fixes the selection and has even more than Rescue Team (6+2 partner-exclusive) but gives them overpowered egg moves (only Phanpy needed it, and maybe partner Eevee)

I assume it's because of the temporary evolution thing in that game that would've required a ton of portraits. Still rather baffling in hindsight considering how popular Eevee has always been, same goes for Time/Darkness and it's selection choices.
(I don't think anon has gotten to that part yet.)
I skim read. I'm pretty good about filtering spoilers, though I'll probably jump back on when I beat the game as I don't necessarily like skim reading.
wow that image is old, what a throwback
Where do guild members go to the bathroom?
My bad, should've spoilered that bit. The cover art is rather up-front about it, but I suppose Explorers of Sky already had a bunch of evolved starters on the cover despite being post-postgame
reminds me of this
Nowhere. Everything consumed is completely converted to energy
branched evolution. blame the scarves
stupid question considering they're not from the spinoffs, but.
do you think pokemon (or former humans) in the PMDverse figured out how to make/recreate poffins?
I'd say there's a pretty decent chance of it, if not necessarily named the same thing. Berry-based meals and confectionery are probably decently common. If a human from the mainline world introduced it, they would probably be very similar, otherwise only having a resemblance.
Berries are a staple diet thing if not second to whatever normal vegetables exist in the PMD world since Arceus wants vegetarian T-Rexes I guess.

I imagine Pokemon have functionally invented every Pokemon human world food that makes sense. (I don't know if those pez dispenser pokeblock candies would exist but who knows)
so all pokemon are kim jong un?
or is kim jong un a pokemon?
Headcanons for the PMD universe

>Rescue teams stemmed from recon teams to look for humans, but they'd find hurt or lost pokemon
>Scarves stem from signaling to humans that they are friendly and not to be shot at
>The money is arcade tokens from abandoned arcades.
>The towns came from the Pokemon trying to mimic human society...try not to overthink it
Explain more? You have some possibly interesting concepts, but they don't quite cohere yet.
Explorers!Wigglytuff is RescueTeam!Wigglytuff after he was BETRAYED and left in the hyperbolic time chamber. This is why he is suddenly ultrapowerful (he spent an unthinkable amount of time locked away with nothing to do but train), and the reason he doesn't work with Friend Areas anymore is because friendship is dead to him after he was BETRAYED.
NTA but I see his ideas as a sort of post-human world where humans were originally around, but their numbers dwindled and society fell apart due to that. The humans that remained were often at conflict due to hostile pokemon thinning their numbers and they became wary of outsiders. Eventually there were no humans left but there was a faction of pokemon that wanted to emulate/carry on the way of life that humans provided them. Eventually enough time passed that humans became forgotten but the emulated society stuck around
CHATOT is secretly a COZY fag.
I always assumed Rescue Team and Explorers took place in different universes, which would be why we have some of the same characters in different roles. (most notably Wigglytuff and Dugtrio)

The series would eventually throw a wrench into that idea, but I seriously doubt a shared world was the plan when Explorers or Gates were developed.
>Rescue teams
So in the series, Pokemon end up getting lost or hurt one way or another and call out for help, right? Well, what if that originated from some Pokemon going out to find humans that survived what they know as the 'Choas'
Well, as the world quiets down from what they'd understand as the 'Chaos', some Pokemon would want to venture out into the world and look for humans. But Out of fear of the humans thinking they'd attack them, they'd wear scarves to say 'Hello! I am friendly and will not hurt you!'
To maintain a sense of safety and shelter, some Pokemon would gather together in the ruins of towns and cities such as: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dvBm_r8x4w But may or may not include a religious aspect. Either way, pokemon survived by their trainers need shelter, right?
>Arcade tokens
They just ransacked a Dave n' Busters for tokens to use as currency

I have thought was too much into this
Oh, yeah, of course.

Imagine if the ultra beasts and Paradox Pokemon ravaged the planet.

The humans fought them off after months of trial and error, but the aftermath is what finishes them off...

And it's pretty much canon that other humans came with the ultra beasts and possibly the paradox Pokemon...so why not diseases they'd have no immunities to?

Food shortages from the cramped conditions in shanty towns, causing civil wars.

And what about the ones in power who were snuffed out just as quickly as everyone else? power vacumes that cause the civil wars to escalate into full-blown global conflicts caused by know-it-all jackasses who couldn't run a kindergarten class.

Oh, and with less humans, means less pollution, which means colder winters, so any humans who live above the Mason-Dixe line would have to make the dangerous, Oregon trail scale journey South.

But some stragglers stay behind and tough it out North hoping that farming conditions would improve, allowing them to scavengers to collect what they can to survive. and EVENTUALLY!!!!

They find a village of entirely of Pokemon
What even is cozy? From all I'm gathering it's like pretending you like comfy shit while also being a horrible person and invalidating it at the same time? Is that the joke?
is pretending you like cute and cozy things while being a psycopath that greatly enjoys sadistic torture
I love cognitive dissonance!
little too far but you've got the right idea
You forgot the part where you're vehemently racist towards any type you have a weakness to and spread it around your community like propaganda
Is everyone in Clover fatherless or something.
I do have to wonder, having made a (proper) bio now. who updates the rentry?
anon, logistically speaking nobody who gets isekai'd has biological parents within their new world.
so yes.
I finished writing a new story: "Seeing Red".

I've been working on this since April... of last year. It's gone through a lot of changes, and I'm not sure if the end result is worth all the time and effort, but you know what they say about sunk costs. In any case, I'm glad to finally publish this thing. I hope you all enjoy it, and I'm open to feedback. Speaking of which, special thanks to KFC-anon and Linoone-anon for reviewing my rough drafts and providing helpful commentary.

Here's the link to the story:

And here's some extra info:
>Synopsis: Confronted with an old pain, Sneasel feels a desire for revenge burning within her, as hot as the sun above the prairie. Despite the risks involved, and the warnings of her friends, the allure of payback may be too strong to ignore.
>Word Count: ~10,900
>Featured Characters: Booker, Sneasel, Linoone, Skiddo, Gus, Lliam, Debby
>Timeline Placement: Several weeks after "Enter the Federation"
>Required Reading: None
>Genre/Themes: Action, Drama
So you can make a one off story that’s just a character intro and have that be an entry to the guild? And then those characters will be free for anyone to use? I have a fun duo I wanna add to the mix, but I don’t really wanna give them an ongoing story, I’m more interested in doing fun one offs with the existing cast. I can dump my guys off with an intro story and then just do one offs?
of course you can anon, actually most of the guild is like with only a few members having a non-episodic storyline
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image related

The antagoose is loose.

A lot of the guild doesn't aim for a big picture narrative.

My autism keeps making me try to tho'.
fuck it, putting proper bio in for my boy, next step, hating my inability to draw right.
does this look decent enough?
I still don't know how to get invited/added to the guild, and I'm autistically frightened of attempting to write characters that aren't my own.
you write an intro story for your characters (or don't and just draw them or whatever)
that's it
thank you?
I think that's an "it's decent enough" but that doesn't answer my question.
sorry was excited
It could be more organized, sounds a lot like rambling, but that's probably the style you wanted to go with so that's ok. The character is cute, I'd let her talk about crystals to me all day!
anon. that's a dude
also, yeah. rambling was the style I was going for. more so the idea that he wrote the intro himself.
Even better.
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>named amy
>write a girl, call it a boy
let me clarify
Ammy, Ah-me. not Aie-me
short for "Amythest", which he butchered to not let people know he's named after a rock.
What are YOU gonna do about it? Post more Pokemon that are going to make me act unwise? I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY, ANON.
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I'm currently playing Explorers of Sky with Phanpy/Chikorita as my team.
I knew in advance that those two are probably the worst starters by far, but man, Phanpy's movepool makes Chikoritas movepool look good.
Makes for an interesting challenge though.
But it’s worth it because you get to play as a little elephant
This is neat anon! I like his energy, it's very refreshing! And I love how he sells himself as a great support for an exploration team.
You might wanna try writing in a word processor that has a spell checker, but I still love this lil dude
Pyroar is cute.
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I don't know about the arcade one but the others are likely
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>TFW you can't even rap or beatbox, let alone actually sing . .
>right to left
It's just that they ransacked one for tokens to use as money
>this lost the Best Animation Oscar to fuckin' Speedy Gonzales
Never change, burgerland society!
There's more i forgot

The 'picture books' of humans are celebrity magazines or artwork of them. What kind would depend on the region for example, Unova would feature works from American artists such as Norman Rockwell.

Fire types are banned from art galleries or libriaries but will have a phycic type stand in.

Yamask don't count as finding humans, obviously. But they may or may not place their masks on certain pokemon to comminicate....or.....
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Oh! And not only alien and Paradox Pokemon invade, but regular Pokemon fall through too.

Think of what would have happened in Sun and Moon if the MC was never born or moved to Alola.

Or if something at the Aether foundation went horribly wrong and boom... the Chaos
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Page 16
timmy's expressions are perfect, i love this
Very amusing. Good work, anon.
poppy seems lovely
Pretty good art!
I love Phanpy!
New PMD and all Galarian Pokemon have a british accent
They all talk like english localization Dragon Quest characters
How can you go wrong with a little elephant?
Bidoof what the hell?
I can't fap to this. Make the Vulpix say it instead.
He just said a kid was cute, what's the big deal?
Is this an actual line in the game?
yes and it's not supposed to be taken as anything other than face value
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Vladi being insecure at the dojo

Anons go read this story I can confirm it's KINOOO

incredible rivalry
>be fishmon
>can't walk on land
>no good building materials
>can't cook food without fire
>anything the amphibious sorts could get from aboveground would go bad very quickly underwater
>all the guilds are aboveground
>liable to have your unhatched children snatched up by some exploration team that somehow managed to go underwater

Fishmons got so fucked.
um... sweetie... you can explore underwater dungeons (copium)
Most the world is water so you can assume they have their own underwater guilds.
>Being a fishmon sucks
Explain this then
>carried by pass scarf
You didn't beat the dungeon.
Obviously. The video ends at floor 29
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Congratulations on completing the 39th Drawingboard!!

Now THIS is Kino Fu. I was worried we wouldn't get an interesting drawing board because the scene was too flat, but you guys are so incredibly creative and talented you managed to make it work. Clover Guild is awesome, man...

Anyways, now we're onto our 40th Drawing board! It's a blank board this time, so feel free to draw what you want!

Join in!!! https://magma.com/d/ecqnl64uvh
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3 is fresh off the presses and i realized i forgot to post 2 so double feature. these are way more fun to write than just putting text down, but they definitely take a lot more out of me.
4 should be here within the week, hopefully 5 too, but everything onward's going to be a bit longer, especially as i devote more time to clearing up my reading backlog in preparation for the near future.
picrel (important details blurred)
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This is for all the Diggas in the guild yo. They be hatin' cause we ground'n
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This version is low resolution and missing the legendary Jung. https://cloverguild.com/booru/post/2078
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>What if you were allowed to bring your family to the PMD world? Would you do it?
I don't think they'd want to go
>When you think of PMD, what's the first thing you see in your head?
Wigglytuff guild
>Wands or Seeds?
>Instead of forming some exploring team and being good guys that save the world and all, would you like to be part of some outlaw team, not necessarily evil, but just... mischievous and against authority, if you will. Would you?
I don't really like breaking the law beyond irrelevant shit like piracy, so nah
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COLONEL! I have a request for an immediate "Yippee."
>>What if you were allowed to bring your family to the PMD world? Would you do it?
Hell no
>>When you think of PMD, what's the first thing you see in your head?
A group of little pokemon going on adventures
>>Wands or Seeds?
Seeds, you can't eat Wands
>>Instead of forming some exploring team and being good guys that save the world and all, would you like to be part of some outlaw team, not necessarily evil, but just... mischievous and against authority, if you will. Would you?
I don't want to be evil but I don't want to do all the shit that comes with "saving the world"
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>You STILL can't betray the Poke'kind just like you did with humanity and join the final boss in their quest for total destruction
Why is SpikeChunsoft such a lame bunch of cowards?
>turning into a Pokemon involuntarily is betraying humanity

Starting a new file on PMD DX, will be playing totodile as usual.

Which partner should I choose? My most memorable partner to date was fennekin but it's not available in this game.
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>You get to pet ONE (1) guildmon however you want without facing any negative repercussions
Who would you pet?
Furfag. You should feel ashamed
Kiyo's my top choice, but I'm gonna list every other one just for fun
Bill and Gill, Ava, Fern, Linoone, Nick, Adrian, Enny, Vee, Carrot, Beau, Furret, Lliam, Noodle, Pochi, Clara, Turk, Tybo
>all furshit
Basic ass Shit taste.
best part about Beau is he hates it (or does he)
Kiyo, because this will be the only chance to pet him without getting mauled
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i know what you are
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I plot on putting one hand on Togetic and giving him a mental shock from it.
I consider negative repercussions to include "death or injury of the one being pet", so therefore Booker.
Linoone would let you pet him anyway, though.
That's just how appealing petting linoone is
What are the good/best move for totodile and eevee?
blizzard and hydropump
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I read IV-anon's chapter, and I liked it. I love how you write your characters' dialogue and interactions, and the combat was engaging and interesting. I also liked the descriptions of the electricity at the beginning. As for criticism, the plot was pretty straightforward and not very deep, and I strongly disliked the endless barrage of memes in the climax. Also, the very last scene felt a bit random and out of place. But overall, I enjoyed reading it.

I also checked out your first 3 chapters, and they're pretty good. Your writing is descriptive and doesn't have many grammar issues, and I appreciate the kinda low-stakes vibe you're going for. I like the characters too. Mimi is funny and endearing, and you convey her personality well. The relationship between her and Rhys is nice so far (and their team name is cool).

On the other hand, you may need to go deeper into explaining why Rhys is so determined to help people, to the point where he'll risk his life for it (though you may already be setting that up in the flashbacks).
I also notice you tend to start scenes with back-and-forth dialogue without clarifying who's talking, which can be confusing sometimes because readers can't visualize who's in the scene.
Additionally, we need more info about Sneasel's villainy--we're told she's "cruel and menacing", but the only thing we see her do is put a dude in an armlock (and for all we know, maybe he deserved it). She'd be a better villain if we had a more concrete depiction of what bad things she's done.
Lastly, in chapter 3, the encounter with the bears felt a bit boring because Rhys/Mimi didn't do much. They simply asked the bears to release the bug and waited for them to comply. It would've been a more exciting climax if they had to take action somehow, either by fighting or arguing with the bears.

Despite this criticism, I like it so far, and I'll keep an eye on this story.
So they're 100% benting the knee to the dexcut if they make a new game, right?
So glad you checked it out anon, and I appreciate the in depth feedback! I hope I don’t seem combative in responding to it point by point, I’ve had people get that impression before, but I just like engaging with all feedback.
>Vibe of the main duo
I appreciate it! As I got at in the notes for the third chapter, these first 3 entries are above all else an intro to their characters, just in scenarios / a structure that don’t force a 10 page long back-and-forth of exposition tennis, as I prefer dynamic character intros. I only draw attention this because it’s gonna tie into my responses to a few of your other points.
>Rhys’ big reasoning
That’s definitely what the flashbacks are getting at, as well as the few moments where he reflects on something happy with dark, intrusive thoughts. His lack of interest in exploring his human life contrasted with his enthusiasm for heroism in his Pokemon life is a central conflict that will continue to be expanded upon through those sorts of moments until eventually we have the whole picture of his life before isekai’ing.
>Untagged dialogue
This part is just a style choice for this particular story, like when a movie opens a conversation with a shot of background scenery. I know reverse engineering dialogue in this way is divisive in the literary world, but ultimately the ambiguous haze of Rhys’ second life is one of the driving narrative forces, so I’m trying to go for some lexicon, syntax, and format that incentivize the reader to piece things through as he does, even when the perspective isn’t on him. As his memory becomes more clear, so shall the world around him.
>Sneasel villainy + Scrafty ambiguity
This is 100% the right line of thinking, and I’m glad to have someone call it. While, as one of our major players, Sneasel’s own deal will no doubt be expanded on, I really want readers to call all of this into question. We *don’t* know what Scrafty did, he wasn’t in a rush to hang around (1/2)
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I'd definitely expect a more 'curated' roster if we put it that way generously. If the madlads at Spike Chunsoft went with all 1000+ fuckers though, I'd hope the recruitment mechanics would be a bit more adjusted to fit.
do you think tpc would enjoy having a spinoff outperform the mainline games by having all the pokemon in it?
go doesn't count because they get to shill to normies. normies will eat anything if it's on the phone
(2/2) and clear his name. While I’m not the “ooh, sympathetic villain, the bad guy is actually good and the good guy is actually bad” type, the unfair treatment of Sneasel is by no means accidental. We saw a snippet of her roughing one guy up in a bar full of rowdy people, and then she got her shit decked and thrown into a jail seemingly jam packed with similar stories, and there is more to expand upon there. But as I said, the introductory trilogy was more to establish the Team Dynamic between the main two, I didn’t wanna start diving too hard into the big picture of the rest of the ensemble before laying that ground work, just enough to tease that something is there.
>Chapter 3 encounter
I get that, and I definitely felt while writing it that it was a bit of an anticlimax, but the overarching purpose of that moment was just to establish dungeons and the danger they can hold, and I found that any other way of the duo ‘winning’ the conflict would feel more like an ex machina than what happens. To that, all I can say is, it’s an “everybody gets one” type situation. The leader telling them “you won’t walk free if you come here again” may have literally applied to their situation in that dungeon, but in a meta sense also applies to the world around them. Outside of this special circumstance, we all know what happens to woefully unprepared rookie teams in high level dungeons.

Thanks again for reading and commenting, anon! I think you’re on the right train of thought and asking the right questions here, and so I hope you’ll be excited with where things go!
>a spinoff outperforming the mainline games
lol no. Next to Pokemon Go, the mainline games are the most shilled games tpc produces. At this point nobody is playing Pokemon games for their stories or gameplay, they're playing Pokemon games to play Pokemon games
i mean in terms of like, general appeal and appreciation. 'oh look, they finally took away dexcut, a proper pokemon game' (regardless of it being spinoff or whatever). i can't imagine tpc would want that shitshow overshadowing the mainline games even with shilling even if it did somehow succeed, it's more along the principle of the thing.

like the mainline games are supposed to be the definition of pokemon hence we get the new mons in them and new gimmicks and shit. but if a new pmd comes out and it has all the pokemon and the mainline one doesn't, assuming everything goes okay, i can't see tpc not getting miffed at that sort of 1-uping sort of thing, and that's if they even let it happen because there's the chance this 'internal policy' could just as well bleed over into the rules and constrain them (that is, of course, assuming they did want to put them all in and they don't just want to curate a specific roster anyway)

i didn't mention anything about stories or gameplay, just the pokemon. just their mere inclusion alone will set that bugger off. no question about it. people's lackadaisical attitude about it is why they're able to get away with it
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>he thinks there will EVER be another PMD
Fair, it was going to be a very point A to point B thing with some breadcrumbs of stuff i didn't want to overexpose. I have a bad anxiety over the whole "show don't tell" issue of storytelling.

>that scene
The truth of Mustel's Toxic Boost...

>last scene
I wanted to setup for something there for later.
I only want a new PMD to see them try to make a clusterfuck out of gen 7-9's plot elements (ultra beasts, paradoxes, etc.)
>mystery dungeon set in ultra space
you kekkerfags really think there'll be another pmd, huh?

cocksuda, nintendo, tpc and gf won't allow it.

they have to make money off those stupid mobile games and spinoffs that nobody asked for, like unite.
they'll only do it when they can hit the nostalgia button again like they did for other spinoffs on the switch. otherwise, yeah, it's all that shit. modern pokemon franchise people
You'll buy it anyway.
no i won't, actually. i haven't bought a pokemon game since 2018 and i don't own rescue dx either. others will, yes, but they ain't me
Kiyo, and I pet his booty :3
Same. Except with my face.
I have a prediction that the new PMD will come out somewhere in 2025-2028. Well, I hope new game comes out as soon as possible
Explorers remake but: It gets the Atlus rerelease treatment
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>they have to make money off those stupid mobile games and spinoffs that nobody asked for

I don't understand that argument. What is stopping them from just doing both by continuing to vomit mobileshit while letting Spike Chunsoft make another PMD?
I seriously doubt a new PMD would make people consume less of their mobileshit or make any significant dent in their mainline sales.
They wouldn't even be the ones doing the game, that would be SC. All they have to do is sign some papers to let SC make a game and send a team to SC every couple of months to check the development. So they would still get money from PMD with barely any opportunity cost for them.
the benefit still isn't that high because it's a niche. it's only useful when they can plug nostalgia, because then it might work out a little more.
mobile games pull in millions. the extra effort to expend on checking on a game that won't do anything near close to mainline never mind the mobile games is a dead in the water project
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Anyone here tried picrel? Can any PMD enjoyer jump in no problem? Or is it too brutally difficult you better off play any PMD fanmade game?
It's harder than PMD for sure but I had fun with it.
So they add a new female character and make the story worse?
>Be rescue team
>Do hard and dangerous work yourself
>Pay 90% of your earnings to the guild
What is the Clover Guild’s tax policy? The guild has to take some money from the members in order to keep itself funded, but I bet the guildmons would riot if the tax was as high as Wigglytuff’s Guild.
150% tax + 20% for every item they retrieve
At the beginning I believe it was fully funded by KFC and Lliam's personal coffers. Now, I like to think the guild takes some share from mission rewards, but it would probably be very small, like 20%. If there was no tax at all, there's no sense of working to support the guild, right?
It was originally a tax free venture thanks to Iliams benefactor and KFC being a breadwinner. I can't imagine it'd stay like that and I think having money actually go towards guild projects would encourage the guildmon to do other things besides sit around gooning.
Yeah >>56106393 said it pretty well. Most of the money for the guild comes from Lliam meaning the taxes don't really exist. They're bankrolled entirely by him, including the Federation taxes. No clue how he got it though since literally none of his past has been explained in a story besides that one that Espeanon edited.
What story was that? Meowstic-anon stopped writing long before Espeanon joined, right?
This but in a non-lewd way
>No guild taxes
How boring. No wonder this Guild’s a sham.
He's married to the leader of the poke-mafia.
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It was funnier when we all thought the Guild was poor because half of the apprentices don’t do shit to support the place
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this is cute but fraxure with a dog snout is so cursed
Furries are weird, I wish they'd all kill themselves.
The art could be better
But I do love me some partner size difference
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"Our earnings"
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it's not even bad art, it's just outrageously off-model to the point of triggering the uncanny poke-valley response. this is my 5 second sketch of what fraxure would actually look like in this style. stuff like these are touches of furry-tism that furry artists impart that really sour me on a lot of pokemon artwork, you can draw stuff like a furry without changing a pokemon's design. pikachu i'm beyond trying to help, i've accepted that furries are just seeing a totally different design than me, furry pikachu might as well be its own convergent species at this point.
Where do you think you are
Now now, that Pikachu design has potential… it just needs more skill behind it. I’ll try my hand at cleaning it up myself.
it already has a hair tuft, it’s beyond saving... it’s been infected...
I’ll give it the Sparkycut, you won’t notice a thing.
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they call me the leader of the Restore The Pokemon movement
When I get Dahpi’s recycling shop set up I imagined at least some of the profits would be towards guild upkeep. It’s supposed to be cheaper than going to kecleon mart though so I don’t know how much actual profit there would be. It would probably be some kind of system where you donate 4-5 recycle-able items (used tms, plain seeds, grimy food, etc) and you get a voucher, which you would use to exchange for one of the items in the pool that Dahpi turned back into a functional item. Otherwise you could just pay to have all of your items recycled at once.

Writing is taking too long and I want to share my lore ideas.
There is a shitload of wacko Lliam lore if you know where to look.
cute peeker!
why do furries draw dog snouts on everything
good art ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Most of that lore is tentative since it contains concepts that are counter to what some of the collab would agree to. Almost none of it is even openly displayed.
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Time's up anons you're going back to your shitty human bodies and 9-5's
might actually take a trip down the sewer-slide if that happens
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>know can't bring friends to PMD world
>can't handle self without them
>but really want to ditch world anyway
why even live
bad apple clover guild version when
Dear god...
Are there any prepatched EoS hacks with gen 5-9 starters?
Oh hey, I just rolled this team in DX. I also rolled an Overheat TM in the first Kecleon shop so I’ve been cleaning up. I like that the AI is smart enough to Overheat when there are Wonder Tiles nearby.
I imagined something like that before, but I have no talent at making animations
A series of still images based on the music video would be cool though
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I'll be your friend anon :)

like a cover? I do a lot of karaoke...
I have FINALLY started working on my AU after years of just thinking about it thank fuck
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Fun in the sun
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how large would you expect a gummi to be, about apple sized?
Smaller than that. Probably a bit bigger than a jelly bean, but still bite-sized.
the mental-image of an apple-sized gummi is a bit hilarious though.
yeah, i'd imagine they'd be a lot smaller though.
I like to imagine the Wonder Gummis are large enough for a few bites, at least for the smaller pokes
consider then, regular gummis would be roughly 4 or so jelly beans worth of mass, while a full onder gummi is about kiwi sized.
then some lunatic decided to clump a bunch together to make a melon sized abomination of a gummi
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>go to spinda's cafe
>get every single gummi you've got in storage blended into a single drink
>chug that shit

Why wouldn't this work?
Drinking too many Gummi juices at once makes you retarded.
Because such cocktail will be overpowered
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>"Anon the mixer can only fit so much"
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Canonically incorrect
Do you want a prize for your vivid knowledge of Pokémon shidding, Anon?
I think the gummis are as big as they are in this art. It's a goddamn glorious BEAN.
Also adorable
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tell me about it
>We don’t have a Mudkip Clovermon
wait what the fuck how did we get this far without one
I havent been in these threads for a while
does anybody know if the guy making that QOL Sky hack is still around?
I wanted to play it back then but never got the time to
Yeah, he should be.
The hack is called "Project Orion", and it can be found in the Fangames Catalog in the OP.
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I'm here, yeah. Most recent version should be in the OP.
Plan on making a small update someday, mostly to get some rough edges smoothed over.
For those that have played it, is the new Shiren worth the 64 bucks? It's a steep price of entry.
No, Shiren isn’t good.
I played 5 hours and dropped it. I'd like to support the devs but it was just not fun for me
I liked it but if you've never managed a Level 1 dungeon in PMD you'll find it very hard to adjust, since every dungeon in that game level resets.
no one lieks dubkips...
I like Mudkeep
Can someone fix this ASAP??? This is actually a severe issue that needs to be addressed immediately. We can’t possibly exist without an in-universe Mudkip shitposter.
Dream come true for Gus
Imagine having your character's entire arc focusing around how much of a lonely pathetic bitch they are

Gus-anon is a more honest writer than 90% of the clover guild writer
Native writers are the most honest because they know full well they wouldn’t actually get into the PMD world so they have to fantasize.
Sounds like it's probably a good idea to save the money on this one. I appreciate the feedback. I was kinda on the fence with it just due to the price of entry and the way it looked in the first place. Mind you I'm not a graphics whore, but it looked like it should have been more in the range of $30-40 on release. Considering it's not getting glowing reviews here I think it's a safe bet to not
A lot of the Shirenfags will be up in arms about what I am about to say, but PMD is successful because of the isekai fantasy. Shiren is Genshin Impact-looking shit over a strategy-game. There’s a reason why PMD works and it’s not the gameplay.
eh, i dunno if it's specifically the isekai element, i think it probably has more to do with it being tied to one of highest-grossing media franchises on the planet instead of being some literal who weeaboo shit.
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Don't commit crimes, share kisses instead
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They'll never be him.
He’s an unofficial Clovermon. I don’t care what anyone else says, in the Cloververse it was this mfer that was the Rescue hero. There should be legends about him.
On the one hand, I feel self insert humon characters make for great "interactability" in a collab such as this, especially when they don't have partners, and it's usually very easy to fit them into shared lore.
On the other hand, native characters have the potential for backstory and arguably more depth than humons. A lot of humon characters ignore the idea that they ever had a human personality, or that they might want to go back, or just remove their memories altogether for convenience. I don't have a problem with this strategy, as it does have undeniable upsides, but I also admire native authors, or at least, the ones who take advantage of the potential for backstory.
we're talking about characters, right? I think only a few write in-universe like Booker and Mustel but a bunch of them use a third person narrator. I agree though, a bunch of Natives and Humons could expand a little on their backstories and the way it impacts them.
Yeah according to Tybo's Mt. Freeze Misadventure it was actually a Pikachu and a Totodile. The Pikachu was also male and a human. God I wish AD was canon in Clover though
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Probably my favorite frame from the clover animation


Can psychic types manifest holograms like that? Cute drawing

beautiful drawing mr Booker. No idea if Tropius is comfortable with the idea but he will sure be having fun :>

kek. Super cute! I love your poster-like art
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