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>Gardenia gets an official new alt
>it shows midriff

They know Natane-san is reknowned for her sexy belly button, don't they?
I know I want to have sex with Gardenia. Very much`
>Anime doesn’t give her fan servicey scenes with her belly like Jessie does
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>pirate outfit
Built for navel warfare
Brilliant. I think I'll comm an artist to make a one page based on that pun
Sex with Gardenia
It is crazy remembering that Dhelmise is actually absolutely massive, and the in-game models undersell it. Also how the seaweed is the organism and the anchor and wheel are just scrap used as a tool. Presumably there could be variants of Dhelmise that use a different thing as host, but I'm not sure how that would be implemented since both grass and ghost are important for what it does.
Very hot
Getting plundered by Gardenia!
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Sex goddess
The things I'd do to that tummy and navel.
Everybody always talks about how much they want to lick Gardenia’s navel. I want Gardenia to lick mine.
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Isn't Misty the navel queen?
but where's acerola's midriff?
>gladion gets weavile
U think they fuck?
Anchors away!
>Ghost Pokemon
How? It's like Misty using a Golisopod
She’s trying to get over her fear
Variety is the spice of life
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W-What are they gonna do to Gardenia?
Gardenia is sexo...
Gardenia's Ghost/Grass reform arc can't be rushed.
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Variety is not the problem, the problem is the phobia.
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Suffering builds character
Freaking sweet
Well, in that case, hug the pumkin, huge it now!
I hope so. I'd like to see Gardenia interact with more Grass/Ghost Pokemon and be cool with them.
Someone draw Gardenia with a navel piercing
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I want to cum on that tummy
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Speaking of Misty I wish D/P copied the Gen 1 formula and made the first female gym leader the MC instead. Never cared about Dawn
are you talking about gardenia or acerola?
What would Gardenia even do?
Make weed
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She's the OG midriff tomboy but was held back by the animators's refusal to draw her navel.

Provide copious belly button fanservice like Yumekui Merry.
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my tongue belongs in it
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I pine for art of her in a midriff-baring/navel window wedding dress with her engagement ring pierced to her button
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Your desire to ruin perfection by driving metal through it is silly.
Is it hair or a headband?
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>Not even showing her navel

Spurting honey all over Gardenia's tummy...
I hold the record for most navel-fetish Gardenia art commissioned.
How many have you comissioned?
I've genuinely lost count, but literally most of the extant pieces

I commissioned this years ago and never uploaded it before. Enjoy
Very based of you to do that. How badly did you want to fuck Gardenia's navel with how much commissions you've requested?
Pure fucking sex
Pure sex
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Thank you for your service
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Her hair color is black. Orange is headwear.
>engagement ring pierced to her button
I saw an image in a magazine when I was like 5 or 6 that was literally this and I think that's why I'm obsessed with belly button piercings. Have always been a navelchad otherwise.
Nah Gardenia’s ring wouldn’t go through her belly button, it would be a regular ring that she wears around her pulled out belly button, keeping it in outie mode
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For me it's nonpiercing belly button gems
It would have been fun if she became a nuisance to James.

Her running gag would have been that no matter what she saw or was told, she couldn't see James as a bad person, which would bother him because it ruins his villainous image and being picked on by his friends because of his hippie "girlfriend"
You think Gardenia's dad would be the spitting image of Colza?
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Aren't pirates like, the mortal enemies of sailors? Is Gardenia going to plunder Acerola's precious booty?
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outies are erotic and im tired of pretending they're not
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I want to have sex with Gardenia.
Wtf me too!
Based. How bad do you want it?
Immensely. I pray VR can make that reality one day.

You're welcome.

Based taste.

Funny, for the longest time the common cute fan theory was a headband like this...
When her beta design leaked with no black, I thought it confirmed the headband theory...
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But then BDSP (a shit game that censorsed Gardenia's midriff like Masters did) concept art canonized it as a "mesh"/ differently colored hair.
Based, hope that VR makes it for you. Fucking Gardenia's navel and her pussy!

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