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I did it!
Cool now post your team. You don't get all the credit after all.
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Thank you.

Here they are.
I did the Multi Battle one with my girlfriend Lillie-chan! I played as Chicken btw.
good job OP
Parasect? that's pretty based. what's the moveset and item? I can already guess it has Dry Skin. actually, what are the movesets for the rest of your team as well?
That’s a pretty neat rain team
Thanks. The movesets are:

>Pelipper (Drizzle/Damp Rock)

>Kingdra (Swift Swim/Choice Specs)
Signal Beam
Draco Meteor
Ice Beam

>Parasect (Dry Skin/Leftovers)
Rage Powder
Leech Life

>Metagross (Clear Body/Metagrossite)
Stomping Tantrum
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Bullet Punch
OP I think you deserve respect for getting a 50 streak with Parasect and
idk why left "and" at the end of my post
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Did the same earlier
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Parasect pulled its weight for sure. Also was sorta the catalyst for putting this team together.
OP if you're still here, can I ask what your luckiest and unluckiest RNG moments were?
Why are you playing as a brown girl?
NTA but why would you not play as tanned hottie in literal Poke-Hawaii? Are you one of these fags that spends entire vacations in tropics sitting in hotel and then complains about how boring it is?
Not an excuse
Nothing special comes to mind. Most of the crits I got happened when an attack would've KO'd anyways. If I had to name something, it would be NPCs missing moves. Think my Pelipper managed to avoid 2 Rock Slides in a row once.

I had 2 mons asleep from Hypnosis. I was about to turn it around, but my 3rd mon got frozen :|
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>mom looks like this
>why are you brown?
Very awesome rain team! I also used a rain team when trying to hit 50 and it never disappoints. I used Pelipper, Mega-Swampert, Rotom-Wash, and Scizor. I dunno if I'm chad enough to run Parasect lmao. I used a Mega-Metagross for Singles and Multis too, but it fits right in with a rain team, good shit. My one regret looking back was not enough Protect users.
It's a long story.

>want a shiny Minior
>try to SOS chain for it
>Minior keep using self destruct
>look up pokemon with Damp
>Parasect is the only pokemon that has Damp (as a hidden ability) and learns false swipe
>SOS chain for Parasect to get one with hidden ability
>find a shiny Parasect in the process
>catch it--it has Dry Skin
>might as well use it for something since it'd be a waste of a shiny otherwise
>put that on hold while I SOS chain again for a Parasect with Damp
>finally catch one
>find out you can't SOS chain Minior regardless

a little while later

>random anon on /vp/ needed breeding help for a Horsea in ultra moon
>had been on a breeding kick at the time
>now's my time to shine
>breed a Horsea with perfect IVs and Swift Swim
>respond to anon with a trade offer
>anon never replies and thread 404s
>might as well use this Horsea since I went through all trouble
>remember I have the Parasect
>hey that's half a rain team
the rest is history
Lillie is built for yuri
Congratulations, this shit was fucked especially when you reach streak 35 onwards
I won mine back in 2017 with the Truant lock strategy then shift to my babe Dragonite to fire up 6 Dragon Dances with Protects in between. I know it's a fucking garbage and cheesy tactic but so is 5-times paralyze in a row or Three OHKO connect back-to-back
>hunt for certain shiny pokemon
>hunt for pokemon that's tailor made for getting the other mon but get a shiny of that instead
that's funny
what were the IVs of Paras when you caught it? how many Bottle Caps did you out on it?
because OP is based
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Great work, don't forget to commemorate it.
>brown girl
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>what were the IVs of Paras when you caught it?

>how many Bottle Caps did you out on it?
None. I didn't feel like training the team to 100.
My team was
Mixed Primarina
Wish Latias
Fight Z Typhlosion
Oh yeah I forgot you needed to get the mons to level 100 before using Bottke Caps. how any EVs did you Special Defense? the Special Attack and Speed IVs being bad actually seemed to work out because those are Parasect's two worst stats anyways, and it has Brave. Damn that's a pretty lucky shiny catch
you're brown
>how any EVs did you Special Defense?
Don't remember the exact amounts since I used Poke Pelago to train EVs and it was awhile ago. It was something like max HP with 140-150 defense EVs and 100 or so sp. defense EVs. It's enough to survive non 4x effective hits and heal a good amount back between Dry Skin/Leftovers/Surfs from Kingdra.
>Fight Z Typhlosion
From my experience, 100% accurate special fighting type nuke. Focus Blasts high base power scales well with Z-moves too.

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