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its her day bros
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You have been banned at least 10 times this week. Get a fucking life
okay his day if you like boys that much
Cringe schizo
based interline reader
You guys want mega delphox? If so what ability would you want it to have and what type change if any would you want? really fucking hope AZ gives it one because it needs a buff so badly with how many things are working against it
>You guys want mega delphox
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Braixen is not the only foxmon, it's not her day
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it is her day but the others too
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Bark bark, I'm a fox.
i dont think umbreon would bark
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shippo is dekai!
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I want a new HA, maybe something like:
If the user Pokémon inflicts special type damage on an opponent Pokémon, this Pokémon will transform into another Pokémon randomly, changing its type, but without modifying its moves and statistics.

Mechanically it's stupid, basically it is the move transform but applied to the opponent, but I would like to see Delphox transforming, for example, a gigantic Tyrantrum into a Charmander.
And if you want something realistic and functional, just give her Magic Bounce and call it a day.
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Why did they make her top so skinny and her bottom so fat?
I love rusefox
it's all fur
dumb bitch can't even make a heart with her fat claws
>larp post made by Rekiuum or Snoewoman
lmao i knew I'd found you here after that post, Rekiuum
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this is dumb i dont think her fur would tan
Where’s the shrimp
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Wrong way stupid!
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I hate how much I like this image. She is a dumb beast willing to accept my advances for a macaroon. I guess I understand bimbo appeal now.
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Very fuggable fox
Which one?
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Where do I find more of this artist? I don't find anything quick searching the watermark.
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Love it when zoroarks wear a bottom in contrast with their chest tuft

She drifting!
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Like this one from that nigger, nice atmosphere without his rapefetish
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I like this image, it is bleak and interesting. I don't know who the artist is, but hearing their rape fetish recontextualizes the depicted atmosphere. It makes the scene uncomfortable.
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Well yeah, it supposed to seem uncanny, that's what I like about it, this image is not strictly tied to rape visually and gives room for imagination, allowing you to deduce story by yourself. This one is more forward, but still could has some room for interpretation. Artist is ~GayPornAficionado and seems to have some hateboner for Braixen.

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