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Kneel. Worship. Obey.

Take the quiz to see what Goddess you get:
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Can someone explain to me what the Pokegoddess logo symbolises? Why is it two high heels stepping on two pokeballs?
figure it out!
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What must a male do to become Cynthias official pet?
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I have no idea who this is

could I please have the original of this pic
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it's really simple
woof woof!
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mommy is a snowbunny
just to let you guys know sharty is gonna raid this thread for some reason
I decided to snitch because i like femdom.
<reddit space
die fucking discord cuck
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There is one cuck who always cries about this thread on sharty, he bumps it for a few hours, gets banned and gets bored. It's nothing new.
Queen Cogita.
they own me
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Mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy
yes YES!
>off model
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File deleted.
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I belong to them
I specifically do NOT kneel to brown goddesses.
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you pay and they enjoy
>permanent chastity
b-but... i get to cum at least sometimes right? RIGHT?
I was considering making a combination Pokegoddess/Cynthia thread after both of them had reached the bump limit but OP did it for me

Bea's butt was made for kissing
Hey look, it's Shaun the Sheep!
It's 肖恩, not 上儿
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They enjoy flirting with studs on the beach in their expensive swimsuits
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Anon, this is literally a fetish thread for /e/ and /u/ simps. They'll just tell you to kneel and command you to give them all of your money,
That i paid for
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I I love big tits so much
I kneel
Is it true you cut your cock and balls off to be a woman?
Is it true that kikenfart starved to death when he lost his last source of income and didn't have any skills at all to find a new one?
Hey, that sounds just like sh**n! No degree, no hope of getting one, fired from his Puerto Rican job, and will never be able to find another one!
You didn't answer my question though
these are very specific Shaun? Are you confessing to something? Did you get cut?
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You buy her stuff
So did you cut your cock and balls off to be a woman or not
"He" sure didn't! The pajeets did that for "him" kekekekeke
who is this?
i paid for those swimsuits and my reward is getting to watch them wear whilst caged and desperate.
i buy her stuff in the hopes she'll finally let me sleep with her but never does. only real men get to.
i'm lucky she even keeps me around just to go on shopping trips
her taste in men are the same as the color of her clothes
really? that's the best you could come up with? read the post you responded to again, you could have done so much better than that but no, your rage has made you dumb as fuck.
you ruined it for me, i hate the bbc meme
No you're the kuru simp
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This is my girlfriend. She bullies me and pegs me and hypnotises me with poison fumes and treats me like her pet. But when we go out together she clings to my arm and is all cute and sweet and tells me how much she loves me but still teases and bullies me a bit. When we're laying in bed with me in a collar and leash, and her pussy leaking with my puppies, she kisses my chest and says how much she loves me.

I love her too.
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powerful Goddess! takes what she wants!
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he is so lucky ..
I give my seed to Pokegoddesses every day
good boy
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She owns me
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Sometimes I fantasize about Wicke being cute, dorky and seemingly innocent when on the clock, but outside of Aether Paradise she's an absolute maneater and a cougar pokegoddess. Anyone else?
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poor will is so shy. lucky he has a girlfriend like Karen to take control
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I like bras.
they're so nice
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my warriror gf. here to rescue me and protect me from danger
nobody messes with her loyal servant!
She's a maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love
it should have been me
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what do you think their favourite fetish would be?

facesitting and foot worship
bondge and ballbusting
chastity training

thoughts? changes?
I'll take the blonde please
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my breadwinning champion of the league wife wondering why I haven't got dinner ready yet.
Nice bra
Based, i want to be a househusband for a pokegoddess so bad
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after finishing cleaning the kitchen and putting her clothes in the wash she orders to massage her back and listen to her talk about what a hard day she's had.
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i want Bea to string me up and use me for kicking practice.
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yes Mistress...
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Good boy
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I want to shrink for my Goddess so badly, but I am unsure how she would receive the gesture of my unwavering allegiance. Would she be disgusted and discard me as a bug for my pathetic inability to serve her? Would she accessorize me as a little necklace-trapped bijou or toe ring? Would she ingest me to sate a momentary urge and morbid curiosity? This is my only hesitation.
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Cynthis will never be your "mommy"!
Go ERP in /trash/ if you want a mommy, worthless animal!
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What must I do to earn a pegging?
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By bumping the thread!
I would love to be swallowed whole by a curious goddess.
imagining an office where males do all the work and women flog them all day to work harder and get paid double for it!
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Bumping in the hopes of receiving Clair's favor and her cyan silicon strap-on cock
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Why is it always someone else who fucks the mommy? I'm the one who the fucks the mommy and none of you chomos can convince me otherwise.
My savings gone in a flash
Prove it
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Your pipes will get cleaned and maintained, but you will quickly learn what ruined orgasms are.
My face goes there
I need to cum
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pumping hard
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oh no. but i suppose a ruined orgasm is better than none at all...
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wasted kys
Goddess Get
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>Femdom erotic roleplay on the front page again and again and again!
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thx for the bumpo shun!
I have angered them with my male arrogance and am about to be taught a lesson!
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>He can't resist bumping the thread and seething endlessly
I kneel..
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>Instead of paying YOU, 4chan pays US your salary. That's what they mean by "you do it for free"
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simp thread
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They take turns busting a slaves balls for their amusement at their Goddess parties
would be a gentle Domme
would be a sadistic Domme
>Misty, "the tomboyish mermaid"
would be both

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