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Meltan Edition

>June Info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

>Server Status


>Silph Road Info

>PvP IV Checkers & Battle Simulators

>Estimated Shiny Rates

>Submit Your Friend Code Here

>Find Friends Here

>Spoofing Tools

Previous Thread: >>56074071
REMINDER: get your Meltans while they’re shiny
nice and on topic op once again great thread incoming
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2nd for Latias wife
talking level 50 pokemon buddy
If you spend a shit ton on raid passes you can easily amass the XLRC needed, plus you'll get some from the raids you do and catching using mega boost.

Typically you only use Xlrc on pokemon you can't raid like mythic and shit, and then just raid a ton for normal legendaries.
dont you get like 3 xl per 5 star raid? you should have to raid so fucking much lol
Lmao amateur faggot confirmed. Don't talk to me again until you hit at least 2800.
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Haven't played GO in a while
>get like 70 Meltans in a box
>0 shinies
Hopefully I can still get one
Also why is there a Mega Rayquaza raid tomorrow?
>Also why is there a Mega Rayquaza raid tomorrow?
cause there hasn't been one since it's exclusive release.

and its pogo's 8th birthday.
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Got two shiny meltans today, yay! and a random Venipede showed up moments after the box ran out
Reminder that we won't have 24 hour timers for the elite raids
So they're set to appear a mere six hours before they hatch? That's not even enough time to rally local people to make raid plans.
It takes over 6 hours for fat americans to get up? LOOOOOL
takes six hours for us to get to the nearest gym because our country is so...fucking...huge...
and we're fat
How many of these fuckers should I catch?
I usually just catch 2 or 3 on wednesdays for free, but I have some extra passes for stuff like mewtwo (if I ever get a chance) and such
>still no 24h egg in the 4 elite gym cluster
Nvm can't read.
>press on random skarmory
>it's shiny
>press on random swirlix
>it's shiny
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> party hat bulbasaur still can't evolve
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Redbros, would you rather be a cute pokegirl o stay with candela the nigger.
who are you quoting?
it's a description of the current situation
Anyone got a referal code I could use? But I'm just letting you know that I'm only playing to get the melmetal.
yeah bro Y38CJWGRW
This shit is too damn easy lol
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Just off from a 4* and one terrible shiny. If only the better stats were on the rare one!
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I already have shiny celebi is this worth it
The buy button is grayed out for you so you can even purchase it
Just got my first 3 shiny meltan. First one was a 3 star shitter.
Thanks guy. But honestly the game design sucks everything is too spread out in niche tabs but I managed to use it thanks again anon.
I got it and the first requirement is "Platinum the Johto Dex".

I don't have any legends, so I think I just wasted five bucks. Don't do it!
The legends are the least of your concerns.
Corsola though?
what the fuck is wrong with the OP image?
mental illness
someone remake the thread
No, you're right. I had such a block over the legends that I didn't even think of the pedestrian holes in my dex.
>party hat charizard can evolve
>party hat blastoise can evolve

heracross too if you miss the raids
just trade someone on ebay for $1 before they all get banned
On the bright side, there are anons in this thread who wouldn't mind parting with their spoofed Corsola.
Right, that shit. At least it had its raids, but everyone who bought the ticket has to wait for fucking Galarian Corsola
And we know how niantroons treat Galarian Pokémon and ghost type releases
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Anyway to get more pokeballs without having to go buy some or visit a rest stop? (it's hot out)
g i f t s
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Whichever one of you is from Austria, thanks for the gift! Near perfect shiny alolan ponyta!
>Free Meteorite code!
>It's actually a timed research
>One of the requirements is to complete an Elite Raid
I don't want any of you saying Niantic doesn't care ever again, because it's clear they go out of their way to fuck us.
Damn, does anyone want it? I’ll buy it for someone else

Captcha is HYMN it now has to be a girl
all my gifts are just postcards nyoooo....

Redemption code for meteorite timed research, or use this link https://store.pokemongolive.com/offer-redemption?passcode=7QJ6P2NX2U7KX
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it was early
he is based af
could have been anyone realistically
but thats one of the members i specifically remember
>odds of shiny change based on distance
i kinda wish niantic was more transparent about this
my posts mean whatever you want them to mean.
however the collages are designed to get you to think critically
or to generate some type of emotional response(s)
hope that helps, consider turning off the tv once in awhile anon.
>remake the thread because i dont like it
freedom of expression means folks can make\say things that you may not like or agree with anon
if you have an alt
you could have TWO shiny celebi kek
it being "worth it" is subjective though..
if you plan on playing with it in the main games
and its one of your favorite mythics or something
then $5 is still cheaper than one mcmuffin
meme arrows aren't always quotes
esp in 2024 & beyond friend.
jealous, im on the hunt for two the next few days
i'll report back if im successful

>GO fest is coming
expect a pastebin with friendcodes soon
we will be targeting the regional exclusives
i do not intend to fail after coming all this way
>try to remember, every day is a gift
with love.,
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post your username with asterisks in it
i will gift target you specifically;
it has been difficult for me lately
as i have to use a burner phone to remain active
i'll do what i can bb

- post
Press the blue icon to the left, if you have zero Poke Balls the Daily Incense should gift you 30 once per day
to the right* derped there
I thank you for the offer anon but I'm just here for the melmetal event. You should really give it to someone else who will get far more use out of it than me.

Sorry but I don't see a blue symbol to the right only a cloud, a compass and a map thing.
>insert coins
a pokemon game that has the most overlap with our physical real world,
blending our daily lives with the pokemon universe..
High fantasy & objective reality intrinsically intertwined;
the postcards are daily reminders of our own mortality a memento mori
that every day is another chance to grow &
become who we were meant to be
Sorry, forgot Daily Incense is gifted after completing a Special Research in-game
>An Intriguing Incense
you dont have to do anything but claim it
swipe to the right from the daily research page (bottom right binocular icon)
enough to do one mega evolution, that depends on how fast you beat it
didnt see this I already blew my meltan load
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>8 year anniversary of the game
>Grimer…with le hat on
Oh my god fuck off and give me galar already
The box renews daily during the event from what I see.
anybody checked this out? https://pokestealordeal.com/
Cool usually i just use my phone's calculator
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I'm in same position as who you're replying too but I live in Corsola territory, heracross is an issue though
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Love seeing the new zealand guinea pigs getting fucked over every time anything gets rolled out so us americaCHADs get the better ironed out version later
Is this game good?
>tfw live in Florida and can get both
meanwhile Tauros cucks my Kanto plat medal
>Win an Elite Raid
I fucking knew that would be part of it
Was just very surprised to get a ho-oh as my pvp reward.
Ok that's pretty fucking funny.
Oops, caught one and transferred it earlier today. They pop up with my adventure incense usually, if I find one tomorrow I'll post here and trade.
Depends on the region of the world you live. Corsola and Heracross are super common here in Florida.
you helped me a lot with the rocket girls a while back, if I get another shiny meltan in my next box you can have it if you want
this was my fav one out of them, wish he spawned though
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Does the blank mean they’ve removed you as a friend :(
no it just does that
thats not me but I did almost nuke my whole list earlier because of endless japs so restarting list pretty much, and now giving everybody name tags
6955 4856 3029
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We must already be friends, tried adding and it said invalid code
Regardless, it’s midnight! All gifts are sent out, enjoy your central Oklahoma pokemans guys!
Check out this near perfect research catch!
For how long will the Fug raids last? 15min? 20? 30? or the entire hour?
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Can’t evolve him tho :(
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>tfw i was in Florida last month and didn't get a heracross
Well at least I get to fly for free. Time to go on an unexpected trip.
disgusting waste of trips
yeah I didnt nuke everybody kept like 10, you must have been the lucky ones lmao
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Literally the first mega fug raid I did
This isn’t scripted it is?
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>just trade someone on ebay for $1 before they all get banned
any link please? I'm in need of a Lugia and Kingdra for platinum johto dex
is Celebi counted towards the medal?
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T3ddi89 just called me a fag
Well, they're not wrong
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HOLY SMOKES I was just thinking earlier today about how beedrill is my favorite ‘mom and I hadn’t seen a weedle in a while, and BAM! Shiny! Too bad he’s only a 1 star :(
Checks out
No I didn't :(
What's the best type to mega evolve for rayquaza raids today? Dragon because of extra candy? Ice because of 4x weakness?
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what's the cap on players for the fug mega raid today?
Is it 20 like other raids?
The cap is always 20
damn... there's only one hatching near by at noon
Gotta make sure to raid snipe the nerd group
best i found at the moment is
2.50 usd for lugi
and 3.89 for king
So the meltan box will reset once per day instead of once per week during the anniv?
>be fat, need motivation to walk
>before I get a dog, want to try pokemon
>find nice local gyms where legendary raids sometime appear
>tfw can't beat the monsters wihave no friends
Where do you find local people to help you with defeating the local menace and defend your gyms (team Mystic).
kek I would farm those hard
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fused together, again
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Could be worse
You need raid apps where people remotely help you with raids like Pokegenie, Pokeraid, Leekduck, or a good Discord channel. The only things they can’t help you with is local only raids though.
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When are they fixing this stupid fucking bug
App keeps crashing immediately after I open it, anyone else getting this bug? Tried clearing cookies/cache, checking for playstore updates, even reinstalling the whole app, and nothing's working
>work at a mall with half a dozen gyms
>none are elite raid gyms
>gym at the park in my neighborhood is an elite raid gym
>never seen any activity there because the basketball people loiter there all day now
no mega fug for me ig
just spoof locally
Every 3 days.
>no large group in my area
>no confirmation of if/where rayquaza raids would be
>have to drive too far for a chance at raids
whelp...looks like I won't be playing today's event.

Thanks Hanke. Your elite raids just excluded yet another person.
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Uh-oh. All this complaining about Rayquaza being hundreds of miles away, and I woke up to find two eggs, each about half a mile from my house, and they launch at exactly a time I'm free for a few hours.

I've never done a raid before, and I usually just catch mons to transfer to the Switch and do some half-assed battle league play. Should I? Can I? What do I do? Can I invite people? I need some guidance, fellas...

I have no idea if I can expect locals to show up or not.

That would make it an unsolvable problem, so I hope not. Given how everything else is going though...
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>did three raids from the comfort of a single park bench
Damn it feels good to be an urban chad
I want to impregnate my female /pgg/ friends. I wish to insert my (male) Benis inside their Vajayays and shoot a thick load deep within their wombs while holding hands and kissing.
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more like daily.
Today I got another pair of shiny Meltan and a hat bulbasaur, im fucking happy
Hey bro like I said yesterday, you can have one one my meltan if you want, dunno which Rocket girls I have added but let me know
and here's the bulbaaur, its my first shiny hatmon in like a years or so
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>Fug won’t stop spamming ancient power every 2 seconds
>Parts of my team get instantly oneshot in some glitch where Fug doesn’t even do a charged attack
>Not enough people, had to wrangle some campfire locals and it still wasn’t enough
>Level 50 hundos just aren’t enough
>Party power isn’t enough
>This could’ve just been a remotable raid day instead of local only bullshit
>>Parts of my team get instantly oneshot in some glitch where Fug doesn’t even do a charged attack
This is annoying as fuck, but seems to happen mostly when you revive and re-enter the match. Try to have a second team to que up with even if they aren't Ice attackers (though it's easy enough to build a budget 6 for Ice. Cetitan and Glaceon are really not bad options)
just spoof brah
Why would they fix it?
Why don’t I see any remote mega Rayquaza raids up yet? Does no one care about the fugger?
>Why don’t I see any remote mega Rayquaza raids up yet?
Can't remote this raid.
Does that mean I can't invite people?
>Does that mean I can't invite people?
Correct. Everyone has to be in person. At the limited spawns. For the limited timefreame.

That's what makes it "elite" somehow.
"Elite: For retards in Facebook groups with 14 year olds and neckbeards only."

I refuse.
Elite: for people in areas with mass amounts of gyms nearby and with tons of friends who have the disposable time to hunt down raids at regular intervals.

It's a fucking joke and yet another reason why Niantic should be fired.
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I fucking hate elite raids
I really REALLY wish Niantic would be forced to talk about these problems, their reasoning and what they're going to do (and when) to stop it from happening again.

Like tie hanke to a chair and drip ice cold water on his forehead until he answers questions.
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Why is alolan grimer so tiny compared to regular grimer? Shouldn’t they be the same size?
This was pre-Maui fire. Alolan Grimers would be bigger now.
What? One of the most popular Pokemon in the game doesn’t have a remote option? Surely you jest, there’s no way Niantic could be foolish
I’m not Hanke but I do a good impersonation
>why elite raids
We REALLY hate Remote Raid Passes and believe they are the biggest mistake we ever made but they are too ingrained to ever get rid of
>what will we do to fix elite raid issues
That’s quite simple, nothing
Wow it’s like Hanke is right here with us
Do we have any idea how the necrozma event is going to go down? Im going to commit war crimes if it's another elite raid.
>raid day
>unlike previous raid days, no additional free raid passes
>because fuck you
Holy based
Elite raid, available for 4 hours in each timezone
Elite raid days has never had free passes afaik
Fusion Raids
You'll need to gather defusion energy from routes and then battle a T6 fusion raid where you need to spend 1,000 defusion energy (max 200 per player) to defuse the boss.
I guess you are right.
Must be the Groudon/Kyogre raid days clouding my memory...
Ok so I’m not getting Necrozma
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>Local Discord has a collective 5 non-bot posts from the past two months
>And yet, enough people still showed up to beat 4 Mega Rayquaza raids during the first two raid times (two raids each)
Honestly, I'd rather have spent those passes on Ho-Oh raids, but this might be the only time all year we get access to Rayquaza, so I'll take what I can get. Hope my fellow Americans itt find enough people during the evening hours.
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elite raids are that one thing that niantic insist upon time and time again despite the fact that they will never, ever get them to work correctly, just because it's easier to keep forcing faulty content than tell the one guy autistically obsessed with
>muh 20man epic meetup battles
that he's delusional and 2016 GOmania was 10 years ago
>the one guy autistically obsessed with muh 20 man epic meetup battles
Just say Steranka
That’s what I always say. These would be super fun in 2016 when everyone was playing. The game is too old and dead for this type of content now
No it just means they're not sharing the information about them. If you look at the gifts they send their shouldn’t be a location either
How long did it take for them to impliment raids in general in this game? I stopped playing in 2016 before they did any major updates.
It was a long time. They had damn near the whole world playing at once and just did nothing to keep people engaged
isn't it more toxic in exchange of being smaller?
not only that, they always pick the most inconvenient of dates
>enamorus on fucking valentine's
>megarekooza on the day of the fagparade
fuck elite raids
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>Easter Sunday Regieleki
Didn't get a single one
fug this game
>did my first elite ever
>only 6 balls
>used all golden berries before each throw
Welp, as a f2p player, guess this anniversary is over for me, didn't know i had to pay to participate.
I bet you didn't nail a single eGGcellent throw
Just having Mega Rayquaza in rotation for one day, no event, no other bonuses, no spawn bonuses, would have been better for every player. How do you manage to fuck up that badly if not on purpose?
you can't buy balls, retard
Actually there is one thing; some players need the meteorite from the research. Niantic has outplayed me yet again.
>get out of bed
>forgot to take my meds
>go to the park to do a Rayquaza raid but no one shows up
>3man it with my other 2 personalities and go back to bed
unbound only retains the form if transferred from 3ds
both regis eventually came to normal raids
enamorous is the most aggregious on this list as it has never returned since & zero normies are asking for it on twitter kek (they never will)
rayquaza has been in raid rotations many times
however, the mega requirements within pokemon GO are completely ridiculous\unreasonable (regardless of elite status or not)

it is literally NOT CANON that you would have to battle another (wild?) mega first
megastones & trainer bond are the key to mega-evolution in all other forms of media.
niantic simply doesn't care to know the source material
you should earn megastones from the professor by walking

on that tangent;
ALL CANDY should just be rare candy
or atleast have it divvied up by type (steel candy, fighting candy, psychic candy, etc)
niantic has ruined literally every single aspect of the lore in this "game" to the point that it MUST BE intentional
when the ultra beasts come,
i will make another infographic type post'
this one shows ALL shining mythics\legends that are currently available in the game as of today

i hope it helps guys,
the long sleep is almost here-
i'll miss you guys <3

thanks to the zXspooks i was able to beat niantic at their own (compulsive gambling-sim) game.

with much love,
p o s t c a r d a n o n y m o u s

also hanke can suck my balls
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I had similar experience. I had three get away even with excellent throws in a row. It's just you need friends. The last raids I did I got 10 premier balls, partly due to gym control
do you still earn mega candy if it flees?
>forget to accept the 30 Pokeballs reward from Mega Ray Ray Raid Day quests to use for catching Meltan
>Clock hits 7:00 right as I remember and get done showering
Mega Fug
I assume so because i have like 1k candy
I swear I’ve done at least two rocket leader battles a week and the last shadow shiny I got was two years ago.
>post all shiny legendary in the game
fuck man congratz
Remember when we had a niantroon employee arguing here that Pokémon such as Riolu and Larvesta should remain in eggs only
Even though they just hang out in Paldea without a care
And Riolu hasn't been locked to eggs in the last 5 generations
wish shadow totodile could be shiny, that would be sick
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i try to remember only the good things
>bullshit kept me busy all day
No mega fug, but even if I tried it wouldn't have made a difference because almost nobody plays this shit here, and certainly nobody high lvl enough to make a difference.
Maybe I should just spoof and if my acc gets banned I'll just quit entirely. Are accounts sellable/worth anything? If they are then I might sell it instead.
Does the event lucky boost stack with the older years pokemon lucky boost?
please understand anon, they needed to make Feraligatr good in pvp first, then they can release the shiny shadow later on to keep player retention.
Did all your accounts get banned?
Geek talk.
So I recently acquired a Kindle Fire HD 8 so before I go through the process of Toolboxing this thing is it even usable to play pokemon go, as this device runs Android 5.1 and Go now has the cut off at Andriod 8.
Is it possible I can force it to side load as an Android 9?
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ebay completed listings go anywhere from $5-65usd
its a diceroll at auction
i would just keep your account on standby until another even comes along
think of it like your pokemon carts, you dont sell them when you get bored\annoyed right?
just standby in the post-game until there is a target
no but most of the old ones
codenames: diana, briana, emily are the only remaining old teammates
the rest of the "baseball roster" is new members
i plan on targeting the UB in the upcoming weeks-
i will coordinate raids here like the origin-forme era
i'll have a collage with QR codes & FCs
this is our final fight <3
pgsharp but i would imagine an ancient OS isn't going to be compatible-
i used a fire hd for a bit but it was a newer model
so the rockets got it done after all....heh. nice..
What if I flash the ROM to run a higher Andriod?
This device has quite a bit of space for a Kindle.
I am trying to figure out what to do this Moto G play I got can run it, yes, but it crashes trying to open gifts, remote raid, PVP, or sometimes just trying to fight Rocket.
make a backup of your firmware before flashing roms
>66 meltan
>no shiny
>so what we're going to do is de-incentivise remote raiding (that everyone actually loves) instead of incentivising in-person raiding (which we manage to fuck up anyways)
mental illness on display.
what's astounding is that there are people sexually thrilled by this picture.
>4* starter trannymon
kill me
>>muh 20man epic meetup battles
>that he's delusional and 2016 GOmania was 10 years ago
over 20 people showed up in my area. Try walking outside to find people :)
Raid catches is the one thing that you can’t pay to get an advantage in.
There were like 80 people at my local meetup in Orlando at noon today.
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>Show up to 5pm meeting spot someone set up in Campfire
>6 other people said they would show up
>The only people that actually showed up were a couple with the girl's mother's new account
>Still able to crush 5 Rayquaza raids with my alt. (an average of 4.15 people, two of the raids with only 4 accounts) and 1 Shadow Raikou with 3 accounts
Like I said earlier, I would've preferred if this was during a week where actually desirable Pokémon like Ho-Oh and Mega Tyranitar weren't available, but I'm gonna say this was a good event overall. Also, gotta give a shoutout to party boost, couldn't have done those raids without it.
Is it worth powering up and using without zap Canon. Gonna be a minute before I can give him that.
he appreciates both moves
earn ur candies and power up
its one of the most relevant safeswaps in GL
I had to work today but went for a roon after work and made it for two raids at 5 PM. There were about 60 accounts out there. Probably about 40 people. Some with multiple phones. It was a great turn out and rayquaza got smoked. I got one regular and one shiny. Not good IVs for either but it was nice to be able to play and finish the two timed researches for the meteorites. Thank you John Hanke.
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>thank you john hanke
get a load of this guy
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Well hell, I gave it a shot and got one.

Only 175 mega candies though. Am I SOL, or can I get some later?

I caught a Tauros for you, if you want to go through the hassle of grinding friend levels to be able to trade for it. (I've never traded, so I don't know how it works.)
you can always walk one that you've already mega'd for more candy
I think you have to mega evolve the mon yourself first. I only caught him from the mega raid, I didn't evolve him.
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>some hatmons actually look really cute
>condemned to stay on GO until EOS
I still feel bad for my two spiky-eared Pichus, my cosplay Pikachu and my partner Pikachu and Eevee, now I have to add all my hatmons too.
Fuck this gay Earth
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>tfw forgot to claim the Meteorite
>its one of the most relevant safeswaps in GL

Not with gligar and annihilape running around it's not. Safe swapping regi is just asking to get fucked. It's better to close with it if you're going to try using it, but you have to bait out so much shit to make it work it's rarely good.
>low elo take
Convincing people at Niantic to push some costume mons into future games to incentivise as GO exclusives is your only option.
sure it has hard counters like every other monster
however even hard countered there's a good chance you can debuff them before tanking a charge hit or two before going down

its been nerfed several seasons and is still an annoying nightmare, often drawing a concede as soon as it hits the battlefield kek
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Doesn't exist lol
>often drawing a concede as soon as it hits the battlefield

Man.. I'm jealous of the scrubs around here if this is who you get to play against. Regi is not a good safe swap at all against anyone above 2500, hell even most 2k+ have teams 2 and 3 strong against regi.

And yes every mon has hardcounters, but using a pokemon who's hard counters are on damn near every single team is just a recipe for staying below ace rank. Even most of the secondary meta has strong matchups into regi, so you're essentially praying you find the basti/vic/wiggly teams or the handfull of people trying to get cheeky by playing spice.
i got 4 rays only 1 three star tho. gonna end up trading the extra 3 to my friends when we are lucky friends so they might end up with a better ray than me lol but at least i can mega mine
>party hat Eevee cannot evolve
They already have holiday hat Eeveelutions. How much efforts does it take to replace them with the party hat?
They are drip feeding them so that they can pretend there's something new on the next years, aren't they?
>been like a month and zygarde 100 is still rank 7 in ultra league
i told u bro
Is meltan/melmetal actually decent on any league? I dont think I've ever seen one
Used to be really good, but now it's just bad everywhere. it got powercrept hard.

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