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Here is your sparring partner.

does she likes girls, just wondering haha
Yurifag kys
but I'm bisexual
Can we spar in other places?
I would gladly spar with her on bed
femanon is not a real thing and this is a bait
*spars with her*
whatever helps you sleep at night anon-kun
Does Gloria take Mating Presses
spare the details, just kill yourself
Would she be down to practice grappling? Asking for a friend
no, I don't think I will
A 14 yo girl sparring with some 30yo male, what could go wrong?
Can she sit on my face?
definitely not troons like you
A lot honestly. Question is, are you gonna hold back or show Gloria no mercy?
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Well vp?
gloria peaked here.
Are you a faggot
I won't show mercy and pin her down as I humiliate her
And what are you gonna do next now that you've pinned Gloria down? How will you humiliate her?
I will hold her head in place with my arm and ruffle her hair with my fist until she almost cries
Obviously I could, but I would sandbag just so she could beat me up. I would pretend to be at her mercy
How rude, but Gloria should've known better than to spar with an older experienced man like you. She probably thought she had the better hand.
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She pulls off the sporty look well. SwSh should've had sports themed minigames that you play along with your Pokemon.
Is it just me or Dojo Gloria is insanely hot.
good that I'm not tr*ns then
I'm with you too. I like all the uniforms Gloria has in-game. Dojo and Gym uniform are so fucking hot.
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It might just be you
Can she spar barefoot?
Not only is she a girl but not even half my age
She should have known better than to take on an adult and now she has to face the consequences of taking on someone way taller and stronger than herself
And what consequences are they? If what you did to Gloria isn't holding back, are they more dire outside training sessions? Just how strong can you go against her?
I can go very strong against her and rough
In fact I don't even hold back when I'm up against her. I let her feel my raw strength.
If she can't handle my all out technics than I wouldn't even consider sparring with her
And for the consequences, well let's just say her young delicate body has trouble taking my brutish strength head on so she will be forest to take some occasional day long breaks
It's all in the name of experience. Sometimes Gloria needs to face things head-on even if the start is very rough and too much for her to handle. You're much older than her to be her teacher even. Or maybe you are and you're just showing some of that tough love as they say. She needs to take everything you got and she'll have to handle it all inside her.
Sounds like you got more than just strength but the stamina to keep at it too. And taking day long breaks? I sure hope she's properly rested because once she feels recovered it's back to the rigorous and rough training with her older sparring partner.
Naked sparring with Dojo Gloria
What would be the first lesson in sparring with Dojo Gloria?
Yeah I have seen and got to feel first hand how much her body is able to handle, so each training session I try to push her further and further. To be honest, some days I have trouble exhausting her stamina
She is a real prodigy and her body is more resilient than it looks
But that's all the more reason to go all out on her. I'll make she knows who is boss
Given that Gloria is training, and she's already excelling more than the other students tells me that she might surpass the older trainer such as you. Of course you still have that raw, masculine strength and height that can overtop Gloria. Though I'm sure she's had her softer side with how easily you can topple her and exert even more of your absolute force on young and petite body.
>But that's all the more reason to go all out on her. I'll make sure she knows who is boss
I'm sure Gloria may have the reminder every single day when she's training with you. And every time after your sparring session is over, Gloria is sweating and breathing heavily, legs shaking as she thanks you respectfully.
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Anything with her putting her thighs on my face.
Sounds like Gloria will be the one handling you while she'll work on your aching bulge that's hard not to see. You get a meaty feel of her thighs. Gloria will get to work on training your cock.
Her entire body is quivering once in done with her, and during the training when we exchange blows the cute moans she gives
Something to behold
I hope she can surpass me and everyone else. I don't train her legs for no reason after all
Such a young body is easily shaped by a older master
But what if she beats the fuck out of you despite your size advantage?

>But she wouldn't...

Ok but what if she did.
That's kinda hot.
Would Gloria make lots of moans and groans as she comments on your raw strength, mighty blow after mighty blow dealt to her young and durable body? And since you're giving it your all, you must be tuckered out too from the intense training you're giving it to her. Gloria's pretty young so she has lots of energy in her to keep up to your level and soon surpass.
>Such a young body is easily shaped by a older master
Quite an age gap there too, which makes me wonder how long it'll take her to get to your level.
>Quite an age gap there too, which makes me wonder how long it'll take her to get to your level.
At least a few areas of intense private one on one training. I think she will be ready by the age of 16 than I need to traun a new pupil
And I tell you, she is constantly moaning when I take her in the hard way. She will even squeak like a tepig if promoted
But it's true, her youth makes her so energetic that sometimes she takes the lead even going so as to claim that she surpassed me.
Especially than it's important to go all out as you have her in a chokehold and pound away in a endurance test
She is young and that's her weakness. Showing her weak young body who is the more dominant makes her always submit and lose
Private one on one training? I know Gloria is a prodigy but that sounds like a lot of favortism right there, anon. I hope the other Dojo Students don't see such blatant bias for one star student. And suppose there's a new pupil you'd need to train up, who's the next trainer?
Claim that's she's got you on hold before you turn the tables and give Gloria constant pounding of reminders of who's the older one? Of who's the one in charge while you're forcing all of your blows towards Gloria's petite body?
>Showing her weak young body who is the more dominant makes her always submit and lose
I imagine after days, weeks and months of your training her body will grow to be more toned in mind and strength. How she can easily shape to the form of your many blows.
Dont worry the other students don't mind, they see how strong Gloria has become and know that only she can handle my ruthless training routine. She always returns from my private training painting and moaning but hardly if ever collapsing
She can take it
But there has been a another girl in the dojo challenging me, I believe her name was Selene. She is still weak though
That's why I prefer Gloria, she can handle me even if I train her brutally for 3 days and nights straight but even then she turns into a sobbing moaning mess after i pounded away on her
I'll always make sure she learns a deep deep lesson about long and hard training and the responsibility she will carry from a raw beating
Panting and moaning? With maybe a bit of sweat and something more dripping down Gloria's legs as she comments on the endless routine with no breaks inbetween?
Selene, eh? From Alola, was it? Are there other trainers that came alongside her or did she happen to come alone?
She may be packed to the brim with stamina but her young body can't endure all the harsh, constant pounding you'll give to her for the lesson.
I'm sure Gloria's done more than learn about responsibility but will assume it too, perhaps after a couple of months have passed? Either way, Gloria's just training her mind and body for the next lesson she has with you, ready to take any and all blows you have for the sparring lesson. This doesn't need to be said, anon, but make sure you don't hold back! This is Gloria's road to becoming a champion!
She is dripping with also lots of creamy lotion
I won't hold back on our future champion and I'll make sure she will learn the importance of responsibility year after year until her body gives out
And Selene came with her best friend, Lilly i believe was her name. Two fine canvases to project harsh training on
Hard to believe that Gloria can take all that excessive training day after day. No wonder she's such an amazing student and a strong trainer! Her path is clear as day. And once she's champion I'm sure she has quite the moment to dedicate to her old sensei that gave her quite the harsh but diligent training that got her to where she is now. Maybe other trainers can apply to your dojo. Maybe there can be another trainer that's desperate to be famous or something...
Selene and Lillie? My, can you handle two students at once? Think you can handle both tight young bodies?
Gloria might say now that I'm too hard on her but once she is champion she will be thanking me, begging on her knees to train her body further
If there are more trainers they only need apply and I'll judge their strength and stamina thoroughly
naturally i can handle their bodies. The real question is if than cab handle me and my
Naturally. In fact maybe you've been her sponsor all along as she collects the badges for the chance to be champion. Maybe your dojo is quite renowned for it's harsh and strict training that can turn any trainer into a strong battler.
Oh yeah? Tell me, are there many other trainers from around the regions that you'd love to properly judge and train?
I don't think they can~, especially Lillie. She's always been soft and weak. Are you still gonna go all out on a young trainer like Lillie?
So this is the average Gloria thread, huh?
Truth be told I have been watching Gloria since her first gym challenge and I even send her some money I exchange for pictures of her body, so I could study her for her future traing of course
There are two others in the region I set my eyes in as well. One is that dark type trainer Marnie, she may loom tough but her spirit probably breaks easily once I begin training her
And the other is that poison trainer bitch who's name I don't remember, that fact will just ensure her being humiliated
i will especially go all out on Lilly and than even extra. I will leave her sobbing mess as her body twitches. She needs to learn her place
Why are trannies like this?
Hm that sounds very suspicious there but your intentions are good obviously. For her future training!
Marnie is a dark-type trainer so a dojo would be very difficult for her to handle with many fighting-type moves and Pokemon. Klara, the "poison trainer bitch" will have the advantage and try everyway to worm into your view and pants to be very blunt.
Yeah? What are you gonna do to her? Feel free to tell me all the things you want to do to her.
Ohh dint worry it's only natural for girls her age to seek out older masters to judge bodies on their potential
Marnie will have a especially hard time as you said. I won't go easy on her just because she is weak to my traing methods
And Klara will be humbled like no other. She will learn what it means to be at the bottom
[Spoiler]I will fuck her raw until she screams and squeals in pleasure begging me for more. [Spoiler] training
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I'll eat my ban
Where did the cat go???
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Honestly, the Dojo outfits in general are just really neat
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my wife
Oh really? You've probably have your hand of it, but are there other older masters aiming on training young trainers on their bodies and potential?
Well she does want to be strong after all. Same with Klara, even if she is a complete bitch who wants to ease her way into success.
Very raw and demanding. You want to keep training Lillie's pussy so that it can only take your cock? Lillie getting stretched out to the max while being trained on how to take your whole length?
I wish they did more with the Dojo itself. It'd be nice to have some little minigames within the Dojo. The outfits are really good.
Would you train with Valerie?
I really have all my hand full just with Glorias tight young body
It's true that there are many others seeking to train young prodigy girls
Marines body seems strong on the surface but she is as week as her spirit, half an hour of training easily breaks her
Klara on the other hand is string in body but a corrupt bitch who would sell her body to get ahead. I'll train her but she is hopeless
i want to train her so that she can fill all my needs no matter what. I will get that girl pregnant as well just to show her how the world of adults works
Gloria, Marnie and Klara in your dojo. That's a nice start of trainers to work to the bone I say. Although Marnie has been a bit too soft with wanting to be strong but has been gifted a lot rather than earning. Klara has a lot to work for, but I'm sure she'll sleep aroudn with anyone if it means obtaining the fame.
How raw, I can smell the horny from there. You want to breed Lillie's tight pussy and fill her womb up to the brim?
Marnie is really gifted but dosent know how to handle he fighting type matchup
Dosent mean I go easy on her any time soon, she either add apts or get pressed down till the end of her stay
Klara is such a slut always trying to achieve the fast victories with her body. It sometimes works I have to admit
Btw I love these images of Gloria you post. They highlight what a top students body look like
all day, at least six loads and until I shoot a few blanks. And don't pretend you aren't horny yourself
When did you start taking HRT?
Marnie is pretty determined I think so once she gets hit hard by reality, she'll prove to herself that she's got what it takes to endure the training. Klara on the other hand not so much. Whether she's cheating or stealing or sleeping around, she's gonna get what she wants by any means.
Thanks, but I really do like the outfits. Dojo, Gym uniform. Gloria's default outfit is super cute too, She still has that semblance with Chicken to me but Gloria has the outfits that really make her look good.
Maybe a little bit, I'll admit, but you're getting very heated by wanting Lillie, Gloria and Marnie. Not that I blame you.
Marnie really gives it her all. She really pushes her body to the limit but she still easily passes out
Klara is such a whore, I know I shouldn't train her but sometimes i can't resist
A d damn that pic of Gloria is good, I can't look away from her legs
She is just such a perfect pokegirl
I mean the three girls are just the cream of the crop for cooming. Is there a pokegirl besides Gloria for you you like to fuck?
I can see that, but she never gives up so A for effort for her. I do think that with due time, she'll be a strong trainer and a capable Gym Leader
As for Klara, I'm sure she'll get her time one day, with you it's all the time though.
To be fair, her outfits show some leg. It's still hard for me to pick a favorite but her default outfit probably wins the most. It's very comfy.
Me? Quite a lot really; I'd love to fuck Clair for instance, made for breeding.
Marnie has a great future of being a strong long lasting trainer infront of her even leading her own gym and raising a new generation of male trainers
When the time comes Klara will take up my entire time
I love Glorias gym challenge outfit and her dojo outfit the most. They are just so nice to look at and I really like sporty looking outfits
Clair is such a great choice. Her outfit is just sex incarnated and her not giving us the gym badge at first makes all the more alluring to fuck her as revenge. I also love Whitney
why are you obsessed with tr*ns "people"
Yeah same with sporty looking outfits. It's one thing about Galar and SwSh I really appreciate. Both for coom reasons and just in general. Not one for sports but the uniforms always get me. Just wish they did more with the sports, but that's just me.
Seriously. That one-piece as a whole, the way her ass can be made apparant, and how bratty she can be is made for a bit of fun in humiliating her into becoming a humble trainer. Whitney is pretty cute. and I'd fuck Jasmine too if we're still talking Johto.
Sporty outfits are just so tomboyish and tomboys are hot being believe
No wonder I busted so many nuts to Gloria
one-piece suits are just pure sex. imagine Clair getting humiliated by a fairy or ice type trainer. You have some exceptional taste my friend. What are so other pokegirls you thirst for?
Because they are very hot. They are feminine.
I take it tomboys are your favorite of the bunch? They're pretty cool, I like them myself. And I don't blame you on that. Gloria is always a nice pokegirl to nut to.
Fairy and Ice type trainer? You want us to be those trainers by any chance or are they quite young and bratty trainers? And thanks. For others, I like the more underrated girls. Hoenn girls like Roxanne and Winona, Sinnoh girls like Maylene, Gardenia etc. I still like the popular pokegirls but honestly there's so many hot pokegirls it's easy to list what I don't coom to.
Yeah, tomboys are just making my dick go crazy. Gloria especially just scratches an itch I have.
we can be those two or are into shotas fucking clair? God gardenia always makes my dick twitch, shd is just too hot for this world. Even if I were an ice type pokemon I would get burned looking at gardenia
I'd let her beat me up
How would you convince Gloria to take off her clothes for sparring?
Pretty based taste anon. I always saw Gloria as a bit feminine but with how she's wearing sporty wear, I can see her being a bit of a tomboy. Along with that Galar accent.
Either or really, both are super hot. And sammeee. Gardenia and Cheryl got me really hard growing up. Sinnoh girls in general get me going in heat.
That nice galar accent is very great
I suppose she is a bit feminine but she always strikes me as spunky and bratty coombait
your taste is so based. Sinnoh might be a cold region but it's girls are hot. You should be something about that heat you know~
I find it cute when I heard it in Masters. Might get grating but it's got a nice touch for Gloria. Not sure about the others since I only have Gloria.
That makes sense, some of the fanart always had Gloria more of a rowdy and then bratty girl just asking to be shagged hard in a might need of correction.
I want to say all the girls in the Sinnoh region are so very hot. Every single one of them. I should because they're so hojt but the thread is about Gloria~
I mean she is a upcoming champion so she will grow arrogant. That just makes if a necessity to correct thought brat
maybe we can talk in private somewhere about sinnoh girls we cum to~
If you're suggesting it, shoot your tag.
[Spoiler]you do, Im shy
While also being caught off-guard by her strength because her actual outfit weighs 40 pounds
It is? That's hard to believe. Where does it say that?
It was on one of those Gym Leader gossip interviews that you had to see on TV in gen 6. I don’t have screencaps, but you can find the dialogue on Bulbapedia.
Gloria is cute.
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Which is the superior swimwear?
Gloria is garbage
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...in an opposite universe
I've always been more fond of that one but >>56098832 is a very casual and cute wear.
NTA but what's a tag? I've been seeing anons throw this around here and there.
This but after I let her beat me up
Then it would be hotter
go to /ftt/! I wanna join too!
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>no doujin by tottoto where her sparring partner is a tall buff dude who makes a bet with her (the one who wins can do anything to the loser for a day) and proceed to fuck her all day all night
It hurts.
Be the change you wanna see.

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