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Third versions died for this.
Good. DLC is 100 times better than thirdversion scam.
And that's a good thing
Yes DLCs are good but Terapagos is a useless garbage
What did the turtle ever do to you anon I don't disagree
Nothing. And that was exactly his problem. He was supposed to mean something, anything, as long as he give some value to the purchase, but he didn't. Thank god Ogreporn was there to save the day or else SV's DLCs would be an absolute total waste of money.
...and that's a good thing!

The depth of Ogerpon's lore was so well executed.
>NOOO I want to pay fullprice for what is basically the exact same game I already played but with slight differences!!!
I'll never understand people who defend third versions.
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>I don't understand why people skip the 1st and 2nd versions and then buys the 3rd version with all of the features of 1st and 2nd versions combined in a single cart in addition to more free exclusive features, instead of buying the incomplete games in full price and then pays a lot more for boring dlcs that don't add anything meaningful to the original run.
>waiting 2 years so you can play when you already know everything about the game
>I don't understand why people skip the 1st and 2nd versions
Also what >>56093374 said
>don't know how it was back in the days when people won't know anything without actually playing the games
Thank goodness
What's your point? Are you going to try avoid every spoiler for 2 years?
Not impossible to do back then. The fact that you don't know about this is proof that you are too young to be here
Where in this conversation I even showed I didn't know it and how is it related to the conversation? Stop deflecting.
It was impossible if you had friends, lol.
Sadly, all of my friends are mature and level-headed so they don't understand the joy of playing Pokemon games so I have to hand over the victory to you this time, anon.
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2 extra circle maps for half the price of the default game with powercrept mons to justify it's requirement for the sweaties and selling you back the problem they intentionally made...
How do you get spoiled so hard you know everything about the game? Surely even if you just run into spoilers naturally you wouldn't know every boss, encounter table, map design, and story beat over the course of the year.
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Wrong but go on sweatie.
This game needed a DLC 3 or even 4. Now we're stuck playing ubers lite for two and a half years before gen 10 finally releases in late 2026.
I would've liked another DLC, but like, just go play something else, bro. This kind of mentality is why they keep shitting out unfinished games. Let them cook.
You would have a point if you posted Expansion Pass, but The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero is actually good and pretty much Scarlet-Violet 2, if third versions are now just Legends games and DLC like that one I won't miss the Emerald/Platinum system
God this dlc was so horseshit and forgettable
>shitpost makes SV look more appealing
Missed the point of your own post retard
>incomplete garbage looks more appealing the more they piles up
Imagine actually believing this
i guess it'd be fine if the game wasn't such garbage . the frontier alone added in emerald and platinum mean more to me than some shitty short stories
DLC is a greedy way to make a game.
So are third versions
>i neve-
Your ma did then she had to pay for the rehash too, while you ungrateful retard ignore le battle fwontier, because no fucking kid gave a monkey's when they couldn't brute-force it, save the autistic dregs of humanity that always got ignored anyway (right here with you by the way, I got autistically pissed off they did get transfers working from 2 to 3).
So what if you've been a povvo cunt, majority of adults playing aren't, hence why not only did SS and SV see sales higher than Pokémania-era marques, they also saw increased sales from the last time the series appeared on a system that sold 9 figures in total units (and with Nintendo outright noting SS's DLC was a big part of their record digital-only revenue for EoFY 2020, it's easy to understand the marriage of "system adults want to buy" and "series adults will play casually" meant dropping the rehash actually earned them more money, despite being $10 cheaper than a Gen 4 game and a rehash in today's money would be $60 anyway (I was getting my 3DS games for less than retail, so not sure what price they topped out properly, can remember what I paid for Diamond 17 years ago though). they knew rightly they couldn't sell people on a $60 rehash, so gave 'em something to play after they'd finished the game, while giving new entrants the same from the start.
>they didn't get transfers
accidentally a characters
Retards like this are the people who are angry Z version never happened. They twiddled their thumbs for 3 years while normal people were playing and enjoying XY and now they’re seething that they didn’t get their precious rehash with unimportant changes sold back to them for $40.
Retards like this are the reason why TPCi keep shitting garbage games
dont forget the version exclusive DLC, lool. shitvomit fags are mentally ill
You fucking autists can't even conceptualize anyone doing anything differently than you. We must all act retarded in the same way you do or we're just wrong
Except that makes xy complete games
this utterly destroys the dlcfags kek
As someone who could never wait for the third version and would not buy the same game again just because of some QoL improvements, I am glad they did it. Now I can finally have the upgraded stuff.
>they’re shitting garbage games because they’re not selling me the garbage games twice

They already are complete games.
Massive cope
That image is just a blatant lie.

This retard would rather have the same exact game at full price but with a couple of added old pokemon.

DLC is way better retard.
Don't breed.
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>100% new maps, story, events and quests vs 90% recycled game + 10% new "content" (a couple new routes and new tilesets)
And the bitch of it is a third version at $40 when you were a child would be $60 now, and you're bitching about a completely better content package, for half the price again. I would say don't breed, but it's obvious you're not at risk of having the opportunity to get some lass in bother.

third versions created a development cycle where they would revisit and revise the generation before leaving it, meaning every generation ended with an "ultimate" version that encapsulated the generation and preserved it for posterity.
Or they could just make the games right the first time like they did with XY.

>I got autistically pissed off they did get transfers working from 2 to 3

lest we forget that FRLG and even HGSS were originally conceived as a means to bridge the tech gap that prevented transfers between gen 2>3.
simply pirate both, or better yet, play better games
No, they started out of a hybrid of missing Gen 2's delivery date and buggering about with RG's engine leading to them passing Blue off to settle Nintendo. When the anime came, they decided (as they were going to miss delivery of Pokémon 2 AGAIN) to do a tie-in to burn another year. After that, Nintendo gave them three years to get new Gens and as many games in between as they could, with a rehash inevitably re-treading the story of the base game, but slotting in a different legendary in the focus spot.
They even knew they were on borrowed time after Platinum - last 3 handheld gens had "sequel" rehashes, no rehashes and alt universe rehashes, completely changing what the ethos and base ideas the initial pair had brought to the table, unlike the rehashes up to Gen 4 which DID revise the Generation in a fashion. But they made a big stink about linking your Black or White file to Black 2 or White 2, so even then they were trying to get people to buy both. Just so happens now with DLC, they ARE getting that.
Fuck off paid shill. Go suck Ohmori's cock somewhere else
Swearing at me won't change the reality of the situation. Game Freak aren't as retarded to sell a $60 rehash, hence giving more than what a rehash ever did for less than they ever were back in the day (this same content pack would cost a tidy $20 in 2007, had they sold Platinum as an actuak DLC and not a full-price rehash).
You cowed cunts make me sick. And I don't get paid for this, I'm just too intelligent to chimp out like the low IQ retards that hang around this splace, because they can't understand why the world changed around them.
>Third versions
What is that?
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I'm gonna be that guy, but I'd rather have DLC because the slog of having to do the main journey over again to get to the good shit is needless busywork.
>>third versions created a development cycle where they would revisit and revise the generation before leaving it, meaning every generation ended with an "ultimate" version that encapsulated the generation and preserved it for posterity.

>What are system updates?
>What are software patches?
Massive arrest

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