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What's your favorite thing about Ivysaur?
Nope, I can't think of a single thing, it's a mid mid-evo shitmon best left in the bin with the rest the drek of genwun.
It makes the other two look better.
it's fun in Smash
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try it in the main games too
That's for other pokémon and trainers only.
>toad ass
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
>What's your favorite thing about trannysaur?
She’s not very fun in Brawl unless you like shit characters. She has wonk aerials, no killpower, no followups, takes 10% increased knockback from fire attacks, has a tethergrab recover(these are terrible in Brawl because only one person can grab the ledge at a time), has the awful Pokémon Trainer stamina mechanic, and has pitiful airspeed. I enjoyed playing Ivysaur in Subspace Emissary, but outside of that she sucks to play as. Atleast Ganondorf who is also terrible is fun in causal party matches because of his killpower, but Ivysaur has nothing going for her.
lmao why would he post that
Filtered. Also nobody plays Brawl anymore.
It's either Project M or Plus
Xer big transgender belly
No Nurse Joy will agree to trans your Ivysaur.
Thanks for the bump
Daily reminder the ivytroon is paid by the shartymod (probably in bj's) to shitpost on the board and to make war with the delcattyfag and the other pokefucker

The other pokefucker being the braixenigger
Stop posting fat trans fetish porn, pleas
The leaked discord posts say otherwise
Animal belly >///<
fatfag zoophiles should rope themselves
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nothing wrong with fictional monsters having cute tummies.
people go crazy over real-life chubby cats
there’s everything wrong with fetishizing obesity, fat cats and dogs are objectively unhealthy
>ivyfat trying to making people think his obesity fetish is normal and acceptable
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Chubby monsters
>perfect for hugs
>perfect for cuddling
>perfect for belly runs
>look and eel natural to be beside humans like real animals

Skinny monsters
>ugly human-likes with jobs
>look weird being with humans, like total creeps
>just trying to be Lucario
belly rubs***
chubby monsters
>die of heart failure
>need modorized gart :DDDD
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>his only argument is applying real-life conditions to fictional monsters
>biology not real
ivycuck please
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>real biology in a franchise where a slug has sun temperature
>and a whale that needs shrinking to mate with a little cat
lol let's not talk about how you keep posting "how do I make my fursona pregnant, bros :("
Her crippled Feraligatr BF
fictional creatures are still creatures, most of which are made up of skin bones meat and fat. this is basic ivytroon
>Fatfags thread
Cringe thread
>Everyone I talk to is the same person!!!!!!!!!!!!
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You guys should give yourself a break and stop being obsessed
disgusting toad ass
adorable toad butt
>completely flat
>no cheek definition
not even a butt at all
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I love getting an excuse to post Ivybutts
he imagines said butts with other trainers or pokemon as he sits in the cuck chair
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imagine thinking you are some kind of pokemon fetishist master gatekeeping people on how to have their fantasies

touch some grass
>he doesnt even deny being a cuck
LMAO gottem again
>ivysaur cried about people bullying him and how he’s a victim
>continues to shit up the board, avatarfag namefag constantly
>all of the “bullying” would go away if ivytroon stopped doing exactly that
>continues to cry victim anyway
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hes an attention whore and desperately wants to have people believe him about his red lines and schizoposting
You keep posting that but nobody replies and agrees to you lol
You are forcing a meme
But you admitted doing that spam with your friends as "having fun"
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omg guys heckin blackrock is tryign to cancel me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>changed the topic to blackrock to derail the thread further
and that's how I know you lost all arguments and are just desperate now
based heckin ftm trannysaur!
youre the one who always talks about blackrock THOUGH
pick one
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I pick both
>he overfeeds his pokemon to make them obese and disgusting
-100 to speed
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>he doesn't keep his pokemon fit and healthy
no wonder it's not in Smash kek
fit and healthy is the exact opposite of fat and chubby, ivycuck, get your facts right
If he can't even fantasize that the most grotesque Pokemon(ivysaur) would consent to have intercourse with him in his own imagination, imagine how absolutely repulsive and vomit-inducing ivycuck has to be in real life.
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it's fit and healthy according to toads/dinosaurs/cats bodies
probably why hes seething all the time
Fit and healthy means lean and cut, shredded, and absolutely yolked to the gills
funny coming from the fag who deleted the poll thread and sent me a warning because Flopxen lost to Ivysaur

pokemon aren't humans, brain rot
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less obesity and more muscle is better for all creatures ivyfat, including you!
absolutely based post
More cuddle meat is better for all fantasy pocket monsters
yes ivyACK i am in your walls right now shitposting as we speak!
>cuddle meat
a term used exclusively by fatasses to justify their own obesity
I know. I already saw you on Discord talking with Rikeuem about trolling /vp/ and mentioning me by name lol
I even posted the image in other threads lol
Considering You don't mind Alcremie, Goodra, Zangoose, Charizard and fatty Hilda threads, you are just trolling here
But I appreciate the bumps and excuse to post cute bellies =)
Is this fatcel for real
>Alcremie, Goodra, Zangoose, Charizard and fatty Hilda
who cares about these obese shitmons THOUGH
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This cuck thinks we are all the same person
>saw you on discord talking
wouldnt that make you a discordcel as well ivytroon?
How much do you guys think ivyfat weighs?

Im guessing at least 600 pounds
Zangoose rape porn made me addicted to snek dongs, go fuck yourself plebe!
Bellymons are peak
Nice art
peak heart disease
That's a weirdly human-looking head
His BMI is probably 40+
what if I just snuck up to one of those obese bloated shitmons and just...
Nothing. They are not balloons
Stop watching inflation porn
If the pokeverse had Liveleak
no they would explode into many gory pieces of disgusting fat
Experience from your mom? :^)
Do you think they would pop if you throw let's say a fat ivysaur into the microwave and let it run on 1000W for a few minutes?
>SAUR SAUAAAAAAAAA- *explodes and paints the microwave window red with blood*
Well played
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Why didn't this bulbasaur evolve when roasted
Well played
im gonna eat it alive and you cant stop me

yes it will scream
Let me know when Pokemon become real lol
now in terms of eating bulbasaur, ivysaur, or even venusaur, a little extra fat is perfectly fine, maybe even preferable!
The fat adds flavor to the meat after all. I prefer my dead ivysaur chops to be medium-cooked
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>eating poison types
ivyack, you are literally the one using reddit though lmao
Based. marinade it in minced garlic, extra virgin olive oil, rosemary, salt, and pepper for 20 min before grilling it
dont act like people dont eat fugu fish ivyfat
Kek rekt
if you cook it properly the poison is rendered ineffective by heat! it still adds a spicy kick though! Mmmmm roasted venusaur thigh with stir fried venusaur tree garnish!
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this post is pretty based, ivyack made it himself, but it just makes us look badass
Really? Thanks ivycuck! This is what we look like after all
look at the leg meat on that one, im salivating just thinking about spitroasting it (nonsexually since it is a gross toad)
>happy getting called "sister"
Lol of course discord troon.
ivycuck is reporting posts, meaning he is REALLY mad right now
Post proof
oh nononono ivycuck is so ashamed
ivymod confirmed
was it this post >>56097586 that pushed him over the edge?
he hates that theres hard evidence of him being a certified cuck
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>nobody replied to him so he samefagged
lol you deleted your own post for nothing
those screenshots will haunt him forever
>ivycuck schizo babble
do you really jerk off to these flat cheekless toad rumps you keep posting? is it because it reminds you of your mother?
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>ivyacks only retort is calling others cucks when he himself is a self admitted one
ivycuck you only watch other pokemon and other trainers bang your waifu, you said it yourself, its the mentally sane way right?
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shut up, cuck
>ivytrans has been reduced to desperately parroting his betters
man this is sad
you want everyone to talk about how they want to fuck your unpopular flop Lucario clone.

I enjoy pokemon x pokemon, pokemon x human straight porn. all fictional fantasy.

that's the difference between me and you.

>nooo but you have to be a retard and imagine that Flopxen is real and xer has very horny personality like in my same/f/agging /f/riday threads!!!
haha no
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Glad that we reached a stop.
now can we get back on topic?
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Would you sit down for a cup of tea?
>i watch literal cuck porn
lmao ivytrans
ivyfat if you cant imagine yourself banging your waifu then whats even the point? you dont actually love them, you love watching other people love them
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>ivycuck can't think of anything worse to call us than what he is
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The most recent entry in the ivycuck collection
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>he forgot that he was pretending i'm a mod who deleted his post. He also posted it again just to debunk himself
>30 minutes later and nobody replied to his shots as usual
Lol what a desperate loser
Thanks for keeping my thread alive while I was sleeping anyway
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>ivycuck's longest gap between a post in the past 24 hours is 4 hours
This mindbroken fat cuck only gets 4 hours of sleep before waking up from his panic attacks and checking this thread. His biggest cope is to pretend he is talking to one person who is capable of posting hourly for the whole day without ever sleeping. What a trainwreck of a "man" ivycuck is lmao
/vp/ has truly wrecked his brain permanently
Belly =)
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I agree, Tamanosuke makes the best sexual assault content that manages to look both sufficently on-model and still seem cute despite of that.
Zangoose is too skinny but the next art is so hot
Total discord, sharty and Flopxen death

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