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Fuck it, femboy thread.
Fuck it, kill yourself.
>draw girl
>call it boy
>haha see its normal to be gay
go back to your containment board faggot
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Kalos bros
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I'm straight but I'd 100% fuck Calem (in his regular outfit)
Serena forces Calem to crossdress because she is lesbian and doesn't want to acknowledge this.
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I'd fuck him in any outfit.
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I'm gonna say it. Calem does not make a good femboy
he's just wearing his regular outfit doe
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Who does, then?
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Florian, Grusha, Bugsy, Bede
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Is it weird that I thought he was a girl growing up?
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What are you screaming for?
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No-THING compares to youuuu
his masculinity is threatened so he needs to cry
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Jannie nuke this thread!!
It's off topic and no one is discussing anything about pokemon
>It's off topic
It's about male pokemon characters dressing or looking feminine.
>no one is discussing anything about pokemon
Neither is the countless waifu or goddess worship threads. Yet, here you are playing janny over nothing.
And before you cry, crossdressing has always been a thing in Pokemon.
>It's about male pokemon characters dressing or looking feminine.
I don't care, fuck off, go to /y/
>Neither is the countless waifu...
At least most of them have more than just pics and there are Anons writing some shit.
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>I don't care, fuck off, go to /y/
How about you fuck off? Don't be in threads you don't like.
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No, you fuck off, there are better boards for this shit!!
He's gotta talk about how his masculinity is threatened. If it's so frail that seeing crossdressers sets you off, you're not masculine. You're a closeted faggot trying to push this shit away before it gets it's hold on you because he realizes those who deny it the hardest are the ones who get caught up in it the hardest. Probably to the point of going trans. He's making a desperate attempt to stop himself from cutting off his dick in 2 years
Yeah, it's pretty embarrassing. Especially him begging for jannies' help like they're his parents.
Still thinking about Nursery Aide June even after all these years.
>>le sarcastic post
Dressing as a woman does not reaffirm your masculinity, it is simply a sexual persession, which is unpleasant for anyone who is not a total pervert,you faggot.
He's saying if you were really as masculine as you believe you are, you would simply ignore/hide thread and not waste your time here. You being here crying and begging for the thread to be deleted shows how fragile you are.
>If you complain about something you don't like, you are fragile.
What kind of stupid logic is this?
>begging for the thread to be deleted = a complaint
Ok retard.
The thread is off topic and there are better boards to post this shit, my complaint is valid.
It's only the "emasculating" things that draw this type of ire. Femboys, goddesses, yuri. That type of things. Something where they can't picture themselves as some strong man controlling those fragile women
>this thread about pokemon characters is off-topic because.... it just IS, okay?!
Femdom is shit and unnatural, women will always be weaker than men, Yuri is for retards who insert themselves as women and ugly fat dykes, and femboys is pure sexual perversion
Using your logic, if there is a thread about how many pickles X pokemon character can fit through some hole, wouldn't that be off topic and a low quality post?
Bede can shove his pickle into my hole
There's a pepe thread up right now. Go bitch about it being "off topic and a low quality post" there, psuedo janny.
cringe retard
PPepe is the unofficial mascot of 4chan, and at least OP made the effort to mention that he wanted to see Pokemon edits, That thread is just as valid as making a react pics thread,unlike this shit that belongs to /y/
Posting pepe and wojaks counts as low quality posts, newfag.
Waifu threads belong on /e/ as well, yet you're only here because seeing a man in a dress makes you seethe.
Only in /a/, you retarded idiot, also jaks are totally banned in /a/ but anime themed Pepe edits are never deleted, you stupid pseudo ""old"" fag, There are hundreds of threads created with Pepes around the entire site, It's not my problem that you only visit 3 fucking boards
Ignore him. At this point, he's already shown how fragile he is by being in this thread.
>Waifu threads belong on /e/ as well
Not all waifu threads are just pics that border on porn,whether you like it or not a waifu thread has more fucking words than a constant spam of pics like these:
>whether you like it or not a waifu thread has more fucking words than a constant spam of pics like these:
Ah yes, discussion such as
>I love (character)
>I like off-model fanart
>please step on me, goddess
And other braindead shit. Kys.
I challenge you to quote 5 posts that fit exactly with the characteristics that you mentioned.
Look at the catalog, buddy.
>I love Rosa
>Be real, you don't actually care about pokegirl art being on-model right?
>"Hey, pervert! Why are you staring at muh belly?"
>Would you ever let Lusamine,president of Aether™Corp. ,give you the hawk tuah and spit on that theng?
Wtf that even means?
>Hex Hex
all better than: "Fuck it, femboy thread."
Concession accepted.
>give you the hawk tuah and spit on that theng?
>Wtf that even means?
he doesn't know lmfao
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It's impressive how fast this filled up. I don't think the previous ones had anywhere near this much
It's a nice change of pace.
>three fags spamming pics without writing anything
>"Wow, I am le hecking surprised"
>he's still here
kek, he must be enjoying it in secret.
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>tfw no lolita/Victorian era obsessed gf who wants to treat you like a dress up doll
That's a pretty on-model Calem wearing a wedding dress. Off yourself, retard.
Why are w*men like this?
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this: >>56095404
kys faggot
Post more clittys
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Femboys are lame tbqh
Crossdressing is where it's at
For some reason seeing James all dolled up and shit does nothing for me. I feel like people go too far with him despite him already being more than suitable as a bussy-destruction target.
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i wish femboys were real
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seriously I think I'd enjoy that a little too much.
real men are still manly in big fluffy dresses.
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Why is Johto full of girlboys?
Those don't exist on this board, sorry.
sissy backyard region
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if you had removed the ‘femboy thread’ I would have laughed
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Bitching like this is woman behavior desu.
Still better than blatant yaoi threads and softcore porn dumps like all pokegirls threads on this shitty board
Don't particularly like fags so I don't have a pic for you, but I hate whining third worlders even more, so have another bump
>blatant yaoi
Call it what you want, as long as it isn't porn and the boys featured are on-topic, there's nothing you can do about it. Cope and seethe.
Nobody said it had to be yaoi
femboy/crossdressing guy x girl is kino
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Give Victor a hug!
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How did they get away with this?
They didn't, considering the west heavily changed it
Still got away with it in Japan.
You can get away with far more in Japan, but now GF is aware of what triggers westoids so now we get sanitized garbage
So is this thread posters actually women or is it faggots being faggots again?
So you admit women can be into this, meaning men into this are satisfying the women who are into this
A bit of both, but probably mostly the latter.
Notice how the shill isn't crying about the nugen faggot having a simp thread all to himself.
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Femboy Duo
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Ugly faggot
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Good thread, everyone!
shit thread, faggots
you lost
Traps, femboys, whatever, are gay, yes. But crying about it this much, that's even gayer. Bumping to make him cry even more
they look like the opposite sex so not gay
BW Ashley is the best looking trap.
I'm a sucker for the Victorian/versailes/rococo look, extra bows and lace with elaborate detail that's silky and plush not to mention girly and getting to be spoiled in a mansion by maids with all sorts of nice things wherein you don't have to lift a finger.
Same. It's surely a nice life to have. I also like pink hair woman and traps in general and Ashley has a nice color scheme going.
the fuck. i got the image limit reached message before this post.
if a girl offer me a life of luxury at the cost of being her dress up doll she pampered to absurd degree's I wouldn't hesitate, though such things are very unrealistic without things getting very creepy or dabbling into vile gross stuff I don't much care for.

it does have a nice contrast while still being complementary and it isn't super excessive it's something somewhat casual while still being cute.
an image got deleted, it was some vore shit.
oh okay, fair enough
>being her dress up doll she pampered to absurd degree's
sounds like pure heaven
>if a girl offer me a life of luxury at the cost of being her dress up doll she pampered to absurd degree's I wouldn't hesitate
At the rate things are going, there's not much I wouldn't do to nab an average-looking at least sugar mama who didn't mind me earning less than her.
Good work everyone
that it does, the real question is how'd you'd end up in that situation, maybe you'd lose a battle or you'd be a body double for some noble/royal or some sort of pokemon power shenanigans.
perhaps i am a commoner looking to beat an undefeated princess in the hopes of lifting myself out of poverty. i was defeated due to her cheating. she does offer me a way out of poverty however, the promise of a safe comfortable place to sleep and plenty of good food to eat. all i have to do is engage her interest of turning guys into pretty dollies in exchange. i should have turned it down but the promise that my days of hardship would be over was too tempting. i have the feeling that i wouldn't have had a choice anyway, with my fainted pokemon leaving me totally defenceless. it was only after i had agreed and my pokemon were ceased that she announced it would be a permanent deal not some one time game.
One of women's biggest hidden fetish is to make her male soulmate roleplay being effeminate:
>Dress as a woman
>walk, act like a woman
>talk like a woman
>but still packing a dong
Women also get wet, excited when she get fucked by her bf dressing as a woman.
emphasis on hidden fetish. i know there a women out there that are open about it but i've always suspected that every woman wants to even if she doesn't know it.
I wouldn't generalize like that, but yes, there's some women who find it appealing. Really wouldn't say that everyone woman wants it but doesn't want to admit. I've also met a lot of homophobic women who judge men who do "feminine" things.
yeah you're right. i'm probably just projecting my desires when i say i suspect every one. would be nice though.
excellent taste indeed. i myself enjoy also enjoy the princess look like this>>56101024
puffy sleeves, corsetted waists, big skirts, fluffy rustling petticoats and dresses made of silks and satins. oh and a nice fat bow sash at the back! divine!
comfy post thread discussion
I feel like it's also the contrast between the two that feels enticing to those women. Knowing that underneath all the frills and lace, there's a man with all of his grizzly male instincts and desires like any other.
Is it even yaoi? I feel like trap/femboy stuff for guys is in a different zone from yaoi (which is for girls)
Like 80% of trap content is yaoi and as a lover of straight traps I hate it
That's what I mean though, I think it's pretty arguable if a lot of the stuff posted in this thread counts as 'yaoi' or if it's just stuff for guys into crossdressing shotas.
God this artist's work devolved so horribly. Started drawing characters as if they're going through hrt its disgusting
Yeah most people apparently really like that artist but I don't. He just draws a girl and calls it a boy. It's boring.
Trannies are cool
Trannies are fags.
Femboys are cooler fags.
>241 replies
When did /vp/ become the gayest board on 4chan?
When you arrived.
Kek OP obliterated
god I wish I had a cute femboy bf to take out on dates like this.

How do I find a femboy cutie?
>only thread in the entire board to hit image limit
homos, all of you
beautiful contrast.
supressing masculinity, restraining it with feminine attire. making light of or even a mockery of it. it's a beautiful thing.
that's nice. this is a femboy thread though

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