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>simulate all NPCs battling each other
>gen 5 ends up in third position in number of top tier trainers
>gen 4 is the runner up
>gen 9 sweeps its way into the first position by a huge margin, Geeta (not even the "real" Champion of your story) is stronger than Iris, Nemona (the real Champion of your challenge but not the final boss) is top 3 Champions and the final bosses of the game become the two strongest trainers of the franchise
How does it make you feel? How do you cope now?
I like Paldea, favorite region/set of games
Flawed methodology + comparing NPCs against each other isn't the same as comparing what they can do against the player in their respective games.
Did they use BDSP sets? That should count for Gen 8 thoughbeit
Sada comes first despite her having so many common weaknesses, 4x on some Pokemon even?
For reference, the top 5 were

5. Cynthia
4. Alder
3. Leon
2. Turo
1. Sada

Flutter Mane and Roaring Moon are just that good.
Alder being that high is my biggest surprise. Sada and Turo basically have all 6 Pokemon with legendary tier stats.
It's called power creep, who's fucking surprised?
I prefer the vids where Wally wrecked Sada and later Kieran.
Good. Gen 9 is kino. Especially in the context of the game, it was a fun fight cause you didn't know their types. Plus it was a cool story climax.
>jewtube AI tranny shilling

Cynthias last BDSP team still beats anything so far, Indigo Disk teams included
alright brother take a breath its not the end of the world
dont get too emotional
Why does he show his face?
What does that add to the video?
Toughbait indeed
The fact that it thinks these
>4. Alder
>3. Leon
>2. Turo
>1. Sada
absolute shitters are above lvl 80-85+ juiced up BDSP/Indigo Disk teams is laughable. Those were designed to gigamog any other single-player NPCs in the series

>everything is equalized
So its invalid and irrelevant from the start
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>best story with best characters that are also the strongest characters
Based Paldea supremacy.
Leon is still strongest champion.
Galar is still strongest region.
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The paradise will not be denied.
Not even top 3.
>Cynthia is trash when you take off her level advantage just like Red
Yeah even the guy mentions it with how you don't see a single gen 9 trainer unitl the top 100 with Katy being 98
cope with what?
>make up literal headcanon teams and buff the weak ones a million times with everything they dont have in the games
>pretend its real
That Wally win against Sada so fucking sweet. Sacking Roserade to allow a free entry for Magnezone to paralyze Roaring Moon so that Garchomp could outspeed and one shot it?
>weakest region ever
Kalos, "of course"

>weakest trainer ever

>weakest trainer with a full team ever

>weakest rival ever
Bede (I think, or maybe it Marnie, I forgot)

>weakest gym leader ever

>weakest Elite Four ever

>weakest Champion ever
Peony (if we don't count former Champions, then Trace)

>strongest rival ever

>strongest gym leader ever

>strongest Elite Four ever

>strongest Champion ever

>strongest trainer ever
AI Sada.

>strongest region ever
Paldea, "just not even close"
This. If they keep the trend up, gen 10 will be great. Paldea restored my hope in the franchise.
Paldeabros we won once again
He literally only equalized the levels, in fact some people were even nerfed, like Leon without Gigantamax, and he still placed higher than her kek
This dude always uses shitty as fuck methods and is always skipping on someone's best sets.
>the strongest one is someone who uses no gimmicks to begin with
Feels good
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The Strongest Pokémon Team
Its been known since 2021
lol trash
Common Cynthia W as usual

Yes, it trashes SWSH and SV teams kek
So what do you want? To look at the levels of their pokemon to see how dangerous they are in general? That also leaves gen 9 at the top
>oh look the trainer with 6 legendaries came on top
Are youtubers retarded man?
they should all be set at level 50
They were
then nevermind!
there were some other vids by someone else who didn't do this
So the most overleveled trainers won anyways
lmao base SV has garbage NPC teams, some of the worst, lowest leveled, weakest among all games

Only ID DLC has stuff comparable to BDSP
Yeah SV is on top, glad we agree.
At the bottom*
This kills the leonschizo
lol nah
To be fair he runs a full legendary team in a game where you cannot outlevel or use items.
>Final bosses of Colosseum and sequel are included
>Mysterial from PBR is not
>Cynthia W
as always
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>weaker than fucking alder
That team only got 5th place. Alder, Leon, Turo, and Sada scored higher.
no, its 1-st

>Alder, Leon, Turo, and Sada
all their best in-game teams get stomped by that >>56098140
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Go Volcarona, Use quiver dance about 3 to 4 times cause that spiritomb isn't doing crap against it, Sweep because nothing on that team resists both bug and fire and people say garchomp is the most broken ace of a champion.
Your brain, if you have any
The difference in stats and items is far too big, BDSP Cynthia gigastomps
her move sets are better too
Basically she is better in every way
Still lost lol
Yeah, you and those 4 did lose lmao
>Using Hyper Beam Porygon--Z so Volcarona can sweep for free
Yes, godlike movesets
You need to take into account the tools that the player is given. It doesn't mean anything that the trainers are stronger if the player is also stronger in that respective game.
>low level volcarona
>no EVs
gets one-shot
Reminder that Leon would be Nº1 if Gigantamax was allowed. He's the true strongest champion
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It seems Cynthias teams superiority has upset a leontranny and an alderfag
Cynthiafags discovered a new boogeyman, today.
>yet another thread made by genwaring unovabortions trying to gaslight people into believing Cynthia isn’t the strongest champ
>bort crying about boogeyman’s
>now, they're crying about unova
Shaunposting has made people forgotten that Cynthiafags are also actually schizos.
I'm glad I'm just a humble Paldea enjoyer and don't care about genwars or waifuwars
>genwaring unovabortions trying to gaslight people
Many such cases!
Cynthiafags were shitting on Paldea, too. They'll do it to anyone and everyone who dares to think their childhood waifu is the strongest. Just be careful when talking about the sinnoh blonde.
I honestly don't care
eh, everyone should shit on Paldea
Tbf, paldeass and pajeeta deserve the hate unlike galar and unova.
>everyone should shit on Paldea
Nemona and Geeta are both dogshit champs and teams thougheverbeit

All the bashing is well deserved
Galar is just as shit as Paldea. Only dumbass genwunners still cry about unova.
Nemona alone is stronger than Shithia. Cope harder..
idc about your power rankings, spic
paldeaslop is all dogshit
>galar bad
>unova good
>muh imaginary genwunner
most subtle bort of all time
galar bad
paldea bad
>female hau who use goodra and dunsparce
>stronger than anyone
>they keep genwarring
It's kind of cute haha
I miss back when this board wasn't infested with so many genwarschizos
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Better than Shitnohs.
It all started when the fans of gen 5 and 6 became old enough to post on this board…how curious…
It's cynthiafags genwarring because they're assblasted that characters from newer gens are stronger than cynthia. They do this with every gen because they simply can't cope.
>still use goodra
>use a shitty copy of Cynthia milotic because she’s to weak to come up with her own stratégie
>tera dark rather than an actually good type
what a dogshit team
> It's cynthiafags genwarring because they're assblasted that characters from newer gens are [headcanon]
>>use a shitty copy of Cynthia milotic because she’s to weak to come up with her own stratégie
>with Mirror Coat
kek. Meanwhile, Cynthia uses shitcario and shittomb that people can set up on and sweep the whole team.
This a random team she caught while brainwashed
>only way to win against Cynthia is to cheat by setting up like a compcuck rather than playing the game like a real human who love to play Pokémon
really say a lot
nah, shitdea’s the worst slop they’ve ever released
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Did you watched the video nigger? Cynthia clearly lost against those 4 in the video so stop praising her as the almighty one. Alder, Leon, Turo and Sada shits on your reddit tier waifu whether you like it or not. And no faggot, higher level doesn't mean stronger, cope Shitroona cuck
>>only way to win against Cynthia is to [headcanon]
Her Milotic sucks too. In Plat the AI legitimately doesn’t know how to use it. It will spam mirror coat against physical attackers and will spam surf against mons with water absorb. I’ve played through Sinnoh countless times and the AI just completely shits itself and turns into a braindead retard the second Milotic comes out. It’s a free setup/kill for sure.
Defend your """"""goddess""""" all you want, she still would never want to have sex with you even if she was real
>everyone talking about how glad they are x character from x game got a good position
>Cynthiafags (not even Sinnohfags, but their waifufag variant exclusively) singlehandely shit on the thread and start a genwar
Shaun was right
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im talking about both of you btw
>Cynthiafags think using set-up moves is cheating
No wonder they fear the fire moth so much
>believing the cheated video of an obvious paldea apologist (aka bort)
Lol never
This and Cynthiafags will act like she's the hardest, most intelligent boss fight in the series.
This thread is transcoded
oh lord...
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>Cynthia loses, but only if you know how to battle on a competitive level, ha!
Holy based, troonchasers and spics don’t like it when CHADsterial enters the thread
>it was a falseflagging shaunthread all along
it all make sense now
shauncorder nigger rade
>Did you watched [retarded headcanon jewtube AI slop]
why no I didnt it, ESL-kun
Hi shaun!
>It seems Cynthias teams superiority has upset [some troon]
Many such cases
Cynthia truly buckbroke them, starting with shaun
I feel like having 7 pokemon, one of which is a legendary box mascot, gives the AI Professors an advantage that can't be surmounted, retard.
Cynthia is the strongest trainer. Red is second place. The rest don't matter.
>shaun the iriskek try to shill his shitty video filled with false information
>get call out
>goes full superhero mode and start posting the same 3 vore pics because he got blacklisted from the vore community and so can no longer get new material
sound like a normal day on /vp/
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>Cynthia is the strongest trainer. Red is second place.
I feel like GF agrees

DeNA (Masters dev) does too
I think trying to sound smart talking about a subject you don't know outs yourself as the only retard here, bro. The Raidon isn't accounted for, just like Volo's Giratina in LA.
Your waifu and your nostalgia are meaningless.
Fuck you sagefag
Cynthias BDSP team factually rapes the AI professors either way though, 6 or 7 pokemon doesnt matter
Cynthias team is just on another level
Fluttermane, Roaring Moon, Iron Bundle and Iron Valiant can basically solo her team by themselves, another level my ass
Your imaginary boogeyman will never catch on, yawncuck. now go shill alder elsewhere
>I don't care about evidence she's just the best okay? My waifu can't not be the best
Cynthia can't even beat Alder most of time but whatever makes you sleep at night
Get her past Alder and Leon first before even thinking about taking on these 2
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>He still thinks higher level mean stronger
How does it feel being a retarded simp
You are mentally ill kek

>literal fanfiction AIslop video
Just how hard did Cynthia mindbreak you?
>Alder and Leon
Trash trainers not worth even mentioning
>higher and better literally everything
Sure thing faggot, a level 100 geodude can definitely beat a level 50 Swampert. Why can't you fags just accept that Cynthia isn't the strongest anymore and move on? She would never want to be with you anyway so why bother simping for her?
So this fag is actually Shawn, right?
Because she is the strongest, retard, they took what was already the ~best champion team from DPPt and buffed everything up to 11, including maxed EVs

And here you are, trying to argue that mid garbage like leon, alder (!) or a lvl 66-67 professor team (which just has high BST mons and nothing else really) has a chance against that
What causes this level of delusion?
Levels are not canon
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aldith? not canon
>Because she is the strongest
>Let's ignore the fact that Lorewise Leon is the strongest champion
>Let's also ignore the fact that a literal 10 year old with a fucking Pikachu as his ace defeated her
Cynthiacucks really are delusional aren't they? You deserve all the torment you get just for being that autistic
>Lorewise shiteon is the strong-ACK
Xe got destroyed and now tries to move the goalpost to new headcanon
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>aldith? not canon
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You're surprised? The praise for gen 4 and 5's "difficulty" is just nostalgia from those who were 4 when they played those games. Never has been anything else. Hell, gen 8 and 9 are better than them on basically every front.
Keep coping, it won't change the fact that Leon and Alder teams are stronger than your shit tier """waifu""" (character you love fapping to the most)
Cynthia must have raped you real bad back in the day for you to still have this sort of deep trauma from her years later
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"Cynthia? Not even stronger than the Unova hobo. Bring me Sada, instead."
>trying to act cool after having flooded the thread with low quality vore drawings like an autist
why are leoncucks like this?
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>Cynthiaschizos think everyone is Shaun
Meds. Immediately.
It shocked me because I always thought Lucian was a much harder fight than Cynthia, who was pretty easy. I found out recently that he literally has a higher AI setting than she does.
Lads, I love it when Cynthia wins
bonus points when a leoncucky ends up spouting schizoheadcanon again
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LOL, lmao even

Galar was such a joke
ITT: Cynthia is proven to NOT be the strongest trainers and her simps are in total denial and cope mode trying to defend her
>i-it wasent me i swear! It was le imaginary boogeymanl
Yeah sure leonkek
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>5 pokemon
oh no, how will leonfag (singular) ever recover?
Cynthia? Barely made top 5.
>He thinks all people who shits on Cynthia is the same person
The mental ward called and they want you to return for you next anti-retardation shot
Damn, Cynthia lost the THIS?
>Galar was such a joke
Mustards team was better at least (and had 6 pokemon), leon is the shitter one
Garchomp literally unironcially solos
Nah, we know you the leonkek and shaun are 2 separate retards
>Garchomp literally unironcially sol- ACK
>y-you’re the one having a melty! *post badly traced fetish*
sure anon…
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>leonkek thinks ashnime can save him
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>leonkek thinks ashnime can sav-ACK
>the same Pikachu that lost to Cynthias Tomb - RAPED Leons 2 best pokemon
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Amusing how leon hasnt been relevant in literal years

Yet his gay simp still seethes about Cynthia 24/7
Amusing how cynthia hasnt been relevant in literal years

Yet her tranny simp still seethes about Leon 24/7
>was in bdsp in her strongest form
>her ancestor is the most powerful antagonist in the franchise history
bruh Cynthia was more relevant in gen 8 than leon
>Galar was such a joke
the SWSH remake will fix Leons shit teams :>)

>Cynthia was more relevant in gen 8 than leon
This is honestly true
>was in the worst remake in the entire series
>her ancestor was a incel arceus cuck that ran away in shame
Stunning accomplishments
>was in the worst remake in the entire series
Yes, she was indeed in hgss but that’s beside the point
Get an ad, youtubetroon
>Yes, she was indeed in [best remake] but that’s beside the point
So Cynthiafags were spamming these AI battle youtube videos and tiktoks for months because her team beat everyone else, but now that she got 5th place it's fanfic shit? I guess it's back to jerking it to high levels.
Did her team ever win one of those? I remember Sada still coming out on top when another person ran the numbers, and Sada also coming only second place to Wally in some other tournament thing. So far it really does seem like Sada has the most consistently good track record among all NPC trainers.
>Steven scored the worst of any champ
>much worse than Diantha
>much, much worse than Geeta

Glad to know the numbers speak for themselves.

I don’t even know where the meme of Steven being better than Wallace- or even a “good” champion- came from in the first place. His entire (original) team sans Cradily can’t even stand up to a single water type, in Hoenn of all regions. Same for his PWT team. You’d think his ORAS team would be better because of mega evolution, but then he trades out his one buffer against water types for FUCKING CARBINK in the rematch??? His team is almost always just shitmons that can’t touch your basic bulky water.
The first one I saw posted here which Cynthia won was during gen 8 so there was no Sada and Turo. The second I remember seeing (and the source of this >>56101248 that keeps getting posted) was champions only before SV DLC and Cynthia came in second behind Blue.
That's a good point - by the time you go to fight AI Sada/Turo you could easily already have a Chien Pao, Chi Yu, Meowscarada/Skeledirge, Gholdengo and Gargnacl at level 60-70, so relatively their team of paradoxes isn't as threatening as having to fight three Dragonites, a Charizard and a Gyarados with just Johto's gen 2 pokemon and level curve
dont need AIslop to see that leon gets buttraped >>56100410

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