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Last one hit the bump limit, no one else in the thread has used the site before, so here we go. Continue the chaos here.
just as a reminder, this is a larp and nothing you see here is real until actually proven otherwise via examination of a rom. happy roleplaying!
Huh? Hoenn beta? Did I miss something while in my depressed stupor?
shitty troll general
no, you didn't miss anything at all.
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Last one hit the bump limit, anon has some kind of Sapphire beta from a couple months before release, has a couple weird things and old designs >>56093029
Ah, okay.

Aw man. A shame we'll never get the ROM. It'd either add a shitload of credibility or completely debunk him...
I'm inclined to believe it's true, though I understand the reasons for people to think it's false. I'm undecided. Ultimately I just went with Hoenn Beta General cause it's catchier and more immediately conveys what's going as opposed to /hpbopehg/ (Hoenn Potential Beta Or Potential Elaborate Hoax General)
This is true
Don't listen to trolls
what have you seen that leaves you inclined to believe in this?
Skim through the first like ~50 posts of the original thread before it devolved into aids and faggotry, anons game him a lot of time-sensitive tests to cross reference things with what we know for sure about the beta(s). Anon either knows everything about all the niche beta history and has prepared the most meticulous and bulletproof hoax yet while flawlessly larping as somebody who has no idea what any of this stuff means, or he's just some Euro Rando who stumbled onto a jackpot via nefarious means. Both of those have consistent track records in the community, ergo, undecided.
Post all Venomoth sprites
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Recap, we found Torkoal's pre-evolution as a leftover for Nosepass' party sprite.
(Not OP)
This is just a gigantic hoax unless OP wants to stop being a fag for no reason. It could be fun so long as everyone goes along for the roleplay but by no means, should anyone believe its real.
not joining your ip grabber faggot, what's wrong with posting on the board?
I'm not betapilled, is it definitely a Torkoal prevo and not just an older icon?
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This party sprite is Gorebyss', possibly hinting that originally the Clamperl line went Clamperl -> Betamon -> Huntail.
this has been far from meticulous or bulletproof. being willing to settle for the made up story about how the rom can't be distributed was your first mistake. i understand the desire for this to be real because it's a pretty sought after beta, but there's no reason to because nothing they've produced is anything that isn't easily faked.

the idea that anyone could see this especially and think it's evidence of a real beta is laughable, and requires either deep gullibility or willing disinformation-interested posting
I do hope the rom, if not now, but later, gets released if real, purely for the fact that this should be preserved
Yes, we know from the February/May builds that Torkoal was supposed to have a pre-evolution called Kaen, whose slot was rewritten by Nosepass.
The Torkoal pre-evo here is technically Nosepass' party sprite and it is most likely a leftover placeholder from when Nosepass didn't exist yet.
I dunno what the original OP's "friend" is worried about, only Zammis Clark got fucked last time and he was already getting fucked legally so it didn't really change anything for literally anyone else. All we know is that one Weavile guy whose name I forgot is a faggot and Helix Chamber were incredibly fucking retarded in their attempts to not release this shit and only muddied the waters. If that "friend" is reading this thread, you're actively making things worse by not releasing it.
As I've said in every comment, I'm undecided. The rom excuse sure is convenient, but not impossible, it's not like he's saying his uncle is Junichi Masuda. This is a time will tell situation and anyone counting their chickens is a fool. Bulletproof glass is not unbreakable; no one has definitively disproven anything that he's produced.
unfortunately this is the cybertruck kind of bulletproof glass that breaks immediately
yeah, Helix Chamber being massive faggots about getting the proto-green beta (and how they handled their hack) ironically enough give some credibility to OP, they're the stingiest faggots alive so i can believe OP's "friend" would not hesitate to throw an autistic shitfit if the rom was released
Yeah, pretty much.
Well, I mean, it hasn't broken immediately, which is the point I'm making. It's not that it can't be disproven, it's that it hasn't been disproven. Every request has been met promptly and correctly, even when the reasoning for the request is not disclosed. As I said, if it's fake then it's certainly paid much closer attention to the beta history of the games than your run of the mill fakers who get btfo'd by reply 12.
just as a reminder, they never HAD a proto-red/green beta. the fact that this mistake can still be made at all shows just how botched their handling of disseminating that information actually was.

this is a run of the mill faker who was btfo'd on reply 1. i don't really know what else to tell you dude.
QRD on that? like were the prototype sprites all fake at that rate?
Tell me how failing to share the rom definitively proves it as fake. Anything short of that is a goalpost shift.
iirc the backsprites were real but the front sprites and dex entries were made up
asserted without evidence, dismissed without evidence.
Okay, so you can't disprove it. You can distrust it, which is what you're describing by the way, but you can't disprove it.
In addition to what the other anon said, it was actually Blue/Yellow source code, not Red/Green.
the red/green proto information was images (extremely limited to just trainer sprites which included some lost ones and backsprites for a lot of lost pokemon) and early text data (mostly limited to just early move names and item names), along with a large amount of old maps (though they're largely unremarkable.

the problem with presenting their fake game as real for a shitty charity event was that the persons involved with sharing it were not equipped to clearly delineate what is real and what is speculative filling in the blanks. if they had done this intelligently, all of their made up shit would probably be remembered more fondly as part of a cool presentation, rather than as part of a botched stunt that surface level observers took as a completely real beta and regurgitate made up factoids from to this day.

anything short of providing a rom being counted as evidence was the original goalpost shift. unwillingness to provide the rom but a total willingness to attention whore for replies is all the proof you will ever need that this isn't a serious individual. do not let your desire for this to be a new leak season win out against common sense.
>Okay, so you can't disprove it.
don't need to, when you can't prove it
Yeah, I think that's a reasonable position to have. It's definitely the most plausible one we've had so far, but I wouldn't say it's real until we get some actual evidence.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the GS proto leak start the same way?
In my opinion, another point in OP's credibility is that the build is just one month before release, so realistically there cannot be /that/ much of a difference especially when it comes to things that appear in the gameplay and aren't just buried in hidden data.
If OP wanted to make a fake build, then why don't pretend it's the February or May ones, which have many more data to go by? Why not pretend it's the Festa Demo, which would have little to no gameplay and therefore much less editing to do to come across as credible?

Sure, someone may argue he claims it's a build close to release because it would still save him a lot of work since there cannot be many differences, but I highly doubt a person who put this much detail into this "hoax" would pass the chance to fill it with more sensationalistic stuff.
Why not add stuff that we know many people would go crazy over, like Latiken or beta Torchic? Isn't this basically what the fake leaker did months ago?

This one feels legit enough to me, because it doesn't go out of its way to blow things out of proportion, differences compared to the final version seem very proportionate for a build made in early September when the game released im early October.

Surely, only time will tell and I really hope we can get our hands on the ROM itself eventually, but so far everything seems to line-up well enough for it to be real.
>unwillingness to provide the rom but a total willingness to attention whore for replies is all the proof you will ever need that this isn't a serious individual.
Isn't that how we found out about the DP protos?
>Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the GS proto leak start the same way?
We eventually got that ones rom within a few hours, which had a broken palette. That OP will forever be based because he didn't give any excuses for why he didn't upload the rom
the whole story is fishy to me, since the rom in question is supposedly a few months before release it would likely have been dumped from a cartridge (because why would someone with the source code revert to a near-final rom instead of digging further back in the commit history?), and if that were the case, there's no way to prove op was the one that released it if it were to leak, because, unless op's friend is literally a gamefreak employee. it had to have traded hands at least once in the past, if not multiple times, and any of the previous owners could have dumped it. (on top of this, if it were dumped from a cartridge, the "friend" would not be at any legal risk of the dump getting out, for the same reason). However, if the rom in question was built off the pret pokeruby decomp, it would be trivial to prove it was fake if it were posted, by comparing it to a final rom and seeing if any data has been shifted, which is a much more compelling reason to dodge uploading it anywhere i think
>people come here for a fake dose of WE WERE ROBBED!!
Whoa the state of this board, better than a fetish/pokegirl thread tho
we got it from someone that wasn't being an attentionfag while the op was trying to get people to jerk him off it was first leaked in a discord server
I never said evidence. I have only said I'm undecided, over and over and over again while you talk to yourself like a mumbling low functioning autistic faggot. You're shadow boxing benadryl demons at this point, let it all out.

So we are on the same page, based.

Eh, I think this part goes both ways which you kind of get into yourself. I feel like the same reasons for why someone would and wouldn't fake a build are identical regardless of late, early, or middle build. In the end I'm just going off gut feel when I say I'm leaning towards real, but agree that I am undecided and that only time will provide a definitive answer, and any other conclusion is simply coping or seething.
it's really not, that's the sad part
Does it unite the board?
Does it inspire non-combative discussion?
If it yes to both, it is better than the fetish and gen war threads that constantly consume us.
Ew, there be a Dawnfag among us
they don't make gooner threads for the pokemon girls i like so no
>"hey guys i have a Beta ROM!"
>"no i will not share it for analysis and preservation purposes but trust me guys its real!!!"
Fucking larper
hey OP, were forgetting about gen 1 and 2 pokmon, their sprites could no be final
That's its final typing as well, yep.
PKHeX confirms stats are vanilla.
we get it, its fake sure
now let us enjoy this game and leave
Ok attention whore.

We wont take you seriously until you can prove that you arent faking by sharing the rom btw.
I want to believe, but I really can't. I'm just feeling way too skeptical since there's always a bunch of bullshitting in fake leaks. Some more meticulous than others, but they've been proven as fakes in the end. This feels too good to be true, and the original source threatening to dox OP while supposedly being cool with sharing screenshots on a mongolian basket weaver website makes me think its a hoax. Basically what I'm saying is stop giving me hope, its cruel and unusual.
Oh god I can't believe it, really?monowater?
this either post the rom and block the faggot and be man or fuck off
OP could you show us Banette please? Its final sprite looks a little undercooked compared to how its design is supposed to look, so it might've been implemented quite late.
Did you ever look into Jirachi or Deoxys?
Didn't mean to say it's bad, but it has some differences in the design (like, the horns should be more prominent and the thing behind its head isn't supposed to end with that curly shape).
Thank you for showing it to me, though!

Do you have all the Pokémon loaded in your boxes? (I'm not sure how PKHex works, sorry).
Does the pokenav map look any different?
Stats are base 60 across the board (not using some stat calculator or whatever, just checked out of curiosity and they match Spinda's which are also 60).
You're doing wonders OP
Stay safe
OP you are the second biggest fag out of this shithole just behind Joe Merrick (Lewpedo a close 3rd place). Just wanted you to know that! Also your sprites are pokemon quartz ugly ass shit tier!
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A romhack made in the early days of rom hacking, all the fakemons are hilariously shoddy looking and the writing is about the same
Yeah, the Pokémon are all replaced with awful fakemon sprites, it is infamously popular for being bad.

Could you check some other team sprites, please?
I have a feeling that the front sprite is the first thing they make, so there's probably a higher chance of finding a few more scrapped designs either in the boxes or as backsprites, compared to the front sprites shown in the Pokédex.
can you OP get to pokemon that are not in hoenn dex?
Most of them are probably finalized by this point, they're easy to do since they have a design that would have been finalized way before the games almost released.
If it’s anything like final game it’s probably redraws of the Gen 2 sprites, which is sad to think.
Oh, it's okay, sorry!
fake leak general
this whole stunt is a joke
it kind of is though in this context
this is an anonymous imageboard, there is no way to link an identity to a person, even if this entire story was real (which i'm inclined to believe it isn't) and this mysterious friend does exist, and knows about the thread, why would they be any more upset about op posting the rom vs posting everything about it? there's also no proof anyone who posts a rom would happen to be op, AND even if their personal information was posted in the thread (and wasn't deleted by jannies before anyone saw it) this threat relies on people seeing that information and caring enough to do anything about it, which is unlikely. (why would people go out of their way to harass some random guy who posted a rom they asked for???) also, op could presumably just doxx their "friend" if they did do that in revenge (which WOULD actually be risky for them if they stole it), which means either the "friend" is bluffing, or they're even stupider than half of the posters in this thread (which is an incredible feat)
basically until theres an actual rom posted this shit is fake, and even if a rom gets posted theres a nonzero chance its fake
>no rom yet
saged and hidden
They're very cute, I wish they stayed in the game.
It looks like Kaen had an open magma chamber on its back and perhaps even fire that could come out of the top of its head.
And I wouldn't have complained if we got no Gorebyss and we got that little guy instead, Clamperl's line was always a little weird and a pain to get anyway due to needing two different items and a friend.

Could you check the partysprites of Feebas, Milotic and Castform, please?

There might be something going on there because the May build lists an unknown Pokémon described as 'Lottery' as 350, which is Milotic in the final game.
I'll believe it when an actual ROM is released.
I'd be inclined to agree, but we don't really know anything about OP or their (awful) friend.
Maybe he's not afraid of being doxxed /here/, maybe there's some other kind of deal that their friend can use as blackmail if he does it.

It does sound a little crazy, but especially if OP is young, or accidentally told too much about himself to this person, I can get why he'd be reluctant, and the ROM itself wouldn't even have anything specific to do with it, it'd be more like an excuse to exercise blackmail over something else.

I mean, who knows, it could also just be an excuse, but we don't really know anything about these people so anything's possible.
if op is young they shouldn't be on 4chan, having a name leak out is worthless and i cant think of a situation in which you could accidentally share anything more revealing than that (unless op is really stupid enough to start sharing their full name, address, or phone number to strangers on the internet, in which case its just natural selection at that point i think), if they were actually in danger i dont think they would be sharing screenshots in the first place, especially not as casually as the first thread started out. i'm personally inclined to believe the "friend" doesn't exist and never did, and was created as an excuse to not post the rom, since they weren't acting cautious about anything before bringing them up
Possibly scrapped because it overlapped a lot with camperupt line now that I think about it.
it’s just one guy shilling his fake romhack
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Torkoal’s shell resembles a furnace, so maybe Karen’s shell would’ve been lumpy like coal and that’s how the evos were tied together thematically.
Personally, I think perhaps Kaen was meant to be quite an energetic creature for a turtle, hence its eyes wide open.
Its magma chamber is open too and lava is free to spill out, especially when it is experiencing any kind of emotion because it cannot control itself nor its powers well.

When its childish, restless spirit wears off as it learns to coexist with its fire powers in a more controlled way, it grows the top part of the shell as it evolves into Torkoal and becomes a much less energetic and more letargic creature, only letting its heated side show up when Torkoal is experiencing stronger emotions such as anger, self-defense or competitiveness in battle.

About the top of Kaen's head, I thought so because the lightning seems similar to the one inside the magma chamber and the way it's shaded just makes it look like there's depth in there (so, like a hole), but yeah it is probably just a trick of the shading and it's supposed to just have the same shape as Torkoal's head.
You people are retarded for engaging with this hoax thread. Unless OP shares the ROM just fucking ignore it. This is what "leakers" do nowadays, they purposefully withhold information so that they're the center of attention, only this time it's for a fake leak.
I guess since its a tropical region it needed enough new fire types. And torkoal has the whole smoke theme going for it.
Post all Venomoth sprites OP
it really isn't, which is what makes threads like this especially pathetic
no one fucking cares about your shitty fake beta OP.
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It was dead the moment OP didn't upload the rom
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xhe still doesn't posting any proofs of xher beataleak
Unless he posts rom, this was really short lived. I feel like if there was anything else he would’ve posted by now - he was pretty quick with updates initially.
Didn't OP post months ago about beta RS but people found out it was bullshit because of a fucked up Treecko sprite?
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It's like, 4am in Europe now though, maybe he'll be back tomorrow.

Either way, I drew Kaen. I don't usually draw in Sugimori style so I'm not skilled in it, but gave it a try.
I wanted to make the top of its head open but it looked too weird so I ended up just giving it the same line Torkoal has on its head.
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This is nice. Maybe the “hole” is like a flame. Maybe like this?
>trying to be the face of beta mons like RacieB
Nah, that was a way worse one that people found out was fake way more easily. This is a lot more well researched if it is fake.
Thank you!
It occurred to me when I was almost done, I tried to implement it but I didn't like how it looked so I decided to keep it this way because I fear I'd have to edit the shape of the head entirely to make it work.
I might try my hands at it again tomorrow (I ran out of time to sit down and draw today, sadly).
This is great, anon!
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Seeing torkoal and Kaen’s sprites back to back it’s so obvious now that torkoal itself had a different design than its final sprit. Kind of a nice detail that torkoal gets kaen’s colors.

(Pic related was the only example I could find on short notice - it applies to Gen 3)
Even though this shall be considered a LARP at best its very cute.
Can't wait to see more of the "beta"
Better than 90% of threads on /vp/ right now. Worth it to drain some amusement out of it.
Idk why my friend keeps saying I'd dox him if they shared the ROM... Since y'all keep asking for it, here.

haha funny joke
Good to know this was fucking nothing but edited sprites from the start and OP is full of shit as usual. Show's over folks, move on
It's fake.
Even if it's not fake, now with decomps it's really easy to make hoax leak that looks very credible. Look at the Red "source code" leak that contained random bullshit from all over the timeline, including shit that we know that did not existed together during development. Everybody swallowed it.
>"Why would anyone waste time on something like that!"

For shits and giggles, as always. And because Pokemon community is full of wannabe e-celebs that want to be treated specially so why not becoming "credible leaker"?
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The second you got some retard like OP crying like a bitch that he can't share because "muh friend will doxx me! ): " or previously "I don't know how/you guys are being mean asking a lot, I'm leaving! ):", you know he's an automatic liar and attention whore that should be ignored. Either post the rom or gtfo, no excuses, stop posting images
Anyone can make sprites similar to gen 3's and anyone with enough time and effort can hack them into a rom and pass it off as real >>56101595
Spaceworld leaker didn't cry about not being able to dump anything, he just posted a download so everyone can share and look into the data themselves.
The fact that so many anons play along with this farce because they're sick of the porn/gen war bait threads are even worse, if they're not actually a bunch of discordfags in on the joke hint: they definitely are
>Spaceworld leaker didn't cry about not being able to dump anything, he just posted a download so everyone can share and look into the data themselves.
But wasn't there a fiasco with the leaker making a romhack instead or did that happen later?
You're thinking of HelixChamber, who did that for proto Red/Green sprites for some speedrun livestream a few years back. He initially said it was a romhack of a playable Spaceworld, but it was actually a romhack of Yellow to showcase the proto stuff they had, which didn't go as planned and pissed people off.
Spaceworld leaker was someone who just happened to grab a download of Spaceworld and shared it on here when HelixChamber and his team were keeping it private because they wanted first dibs on the discovery and research
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that was a romhack from helixchamber - one of the guys stepped in to the thread, did some damage control and then posted the hack that was on stream the spaceworld rom was just posted in the thread after showing off a few things in the rom this faggot has had two threads of absolutely nothing but sharing cropped jpegs and going "noooo haha muh toxic friend he'll dox me haha nooooo" you faggots need to stop giving him attention because it's clear as day it's fake as shit and the only reason he's REALLY not posting anything is because he knows once that goes up anyone can see for themselves that it indeed was just a rom hack
Well the leaker is a fucking hero but as always sekrit crub discord folks doing their thing are disgusting.
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we got lucky too because faggotchamber's plan was to release the roms with a translation patch and as soon as the roms leaked, we never got a translation patch they just fucked off because nobody was gonna stroke their e-dick
Are you still here, OP?
I believe you...
OP please, come back
I guess it's over uh...
why are all images being deleted?
I don't know, I'm worried about this too. There was a troll around and some of his posts were deleted, so maybe he was banned, but it seems some OP posts were deleted too. I wonder if they banned him.
Es real
Some of them were troll posts (like a guy’s dick) and they were probably by the same person. Shame the lead got cold.
It was fun while it lasted, they could've at least told us if it was fake or not.
Isn't the only deleted post by OP the one about Gorebyss' stats?
OP, if you're still around and the rom was real (and personally I'm inclined to believe it), if you want to stay 100% anonymous and avoid dealing with obnoxious anons like the guy who kept pestering these threads, try to get in touch with some Twitter account or YT channel that deals with Pokemon cut/beta content via DMs or something.
That way you can share things without being pestered or threatened by your "friend".

If it's real, please, don't let it go forgotten, it needs to be preserved or at least documented a little bit.
It seems so.
Its fake. Stop spoonfeeding like he's a baby.
>Uh yeah my friend gave me the rom
>Uh yeah my friend is gonna dox and kill me if i share the rom, but i can still share images on a public forum and leave a paper trail, he said thats cool
>Uh no i dont know how to do the epic hax on Pokeman games, i didnt even know you could! Hell i barely know how to use my phone
Explain Torchic then. I bet you didn't even read previous thread.
What Torchic? We knew that early design for Torchic had wing-like ears on head since eternity. Making sprite based on that is not some insane fucking black magic.
Okay so you haven’t even attempted to look lol. Retard.
This >>56097648
Well I'm not gonna look for your bullshit fake ass spritework. If you want to discuss something then you are obligated to provide material and if you faggot just want to do the "uh-uh you did not even bothered to check!" then fuck off. Acting like super important faggot just makes it clear that it's all hoax.
>le edited sprite.
Well duh. What it's supposed to prove? Again, it's not early fucking 2000s, making shit that passes for "muh credible leak" is actually not black magic. But Pokefags are naive manchildren falling for the same bs multiple times.
Booooo. I still trust OP but I guess he's not coming back.
Then you're a moron. Nothing bad about it but still.
And OP will not come back because he's a faggot trying to get his e-cock sucked off by retards like you for crumble of dopamine-inducing info that is real only in your head.
If that was the case he would've stuck around longer, considering he was getting engagement both positive and negative and the threads only died because /he/ left, not because anything he posted was debunked with enough credibility.

Again, he posted what we asked for within minutes, he wouldn't have had the time to edit those things on the spot and if he wanted everyone to "suck on his e-cock", he would've filled the rom with slight edits which he didn't do, because many of our requests resulted in stuff that was pretty much the same as final (and it makes sense since the build is from just one month prior to the final one). Base Stats that weren't final also were handled in a very credible way rather than sensationalistic.

But now we'll probably never find out the truth or possibly get the rom because some people on this freaking board just cannot act like freaking decent human beings for a couple minutes and avoid acting like rude assholes freely as if the person on the other side wasn't real and deserving of respect, regardless if what he's sharing is a real thing or a very well-crafted hoax.

Good job, you never waste a chance to prove how depressingly sad and frustrated individuals some of you are. You should be ashamed of yourselves but no, you aren't even bright enough to realise why this is unhealthy behaviour, you still raise your head proudly in front of all the shit you infest this place with.
Unfortunately this is 4chan. Decent people are a rare breed around here.
Another faggot that believes in bs...
Believe in what you want, after all some Fisherman from Nazareth build entire business on making suckers believe bullshit for over 2k years and some people are happy with that. But don't expect me to not call you a naive retard. Actual fucking manchildren. You probably still think that Santa and Pro Wrestling are real, too.
Not buying this. If GF could make Torkoal party sprite correctly colored in the final build they would have.
That thing to the left definitely looks like a fakemon, too detailed for a party sprite. Many sprites reused palletes and such for memory reasons, you can easily tell Torkoal and Kangaskhan match but I'm certain no pokemon matches that fakemon scheme
If that were real it would obviously re-use Houndour's party pallete, but it obviously isn't. Graphics are too detailed for a real pokemon sprite. This is obviously fake
The anon posting grooming links was probably the same ip posting the images itt
So the original OP probably wasn't even posting here then? It's over...
OP, I'm sorry I neglected you
Oh, I never expected you to run away and leave me
Feeling this empty
Your leaks right now would sound like music to me
Please come home, 'cause I miss you, pookie
OP, come home
(OP, come home)
OP, can't you see I was blind?
I'll do anything to change your mind
Yeah he's not coming back.
Goodbye bros, it was fun.
All of the colors in the sprite appear in the first icon palette. The icon IS using the same palette as Houndour.
>>56103534 (me)
The original OP (i.e. the one who posted the first thread with Carvanha) got banned for three days, or something like that. We're likely not getting anything new for a little while.
The anon spamming Discord links (not OP) also got the hammer too. (Link anon, I'm too socially anxious to actually post in the server, I'm sorry...)
>The fact that so many anons play along with this farce because they're sick of the porn/gen war bait threads are even worse
How is that worse? You're crying out that /vp/ has a worthwhile thread that literally resembles what we had 10 years ago, anon.

>it's not early fucking 2000s
>But Pokefags are naive manchildren falling for the same bs multiple times
Anon, the takeaway I have with this is
Look, even if it's fake, what the actual hell's the harm of engaging it? It's fun to unite around things like these, and the quality of discussion here has been far better than the rest of the board for the last 4 years.
>l-look, you can see more of the legs, that means it's real!
Don't mean shit, its a basic fucking edit anyone can do. The white bird sprite is a fucking edit of Skarmory too, its wings in both frames are just flipped vertically with no edits, and the red is a leftover from the inside of Skarmory's wings
Literally an edit of Skarmory's gen 3 part sprite. This shit has to be fake then.
Captcha: DKR0M
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Took 5 minutes to make using skarmory's sprite, but I bet the other faggots will just start screeching that it's a beta baby skarmory or some other shit instead of doing an iota of critical thinking
the sprites suggest evolution -> aging
the skin is old looking
man, this fake leaker...

i'm gonna make the romhack myself at this point. tired of waiting on the rom to be dumped.
if this is in fact a true beta, it's probably a late design for beta rayquaza or an early altaria

but i'm starting to have my doubts that it's even real to begin with.
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The only way we can know if it's an actual beta is if we had the rom itself. Images and speculation mean nothing until then
this beta is fake as fuck but reposting this for reference
Kaen had data that showed it was a green 2 stage fire-rock type
Latiken was already split into two before actual work on the games started see pic related.
Based pokemon historian
This is fake bullshit. We know the only reason the game looked darker was because of magazine screenshots/scans. The game looked much similar except with slightly more saturated grass panels.
Either the game is being played through a non-backlight emulation filter or this is a elaborate prank (the latter)
It was being played on emulator with a filter, OP turned the filter off upon request.
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Torkoal was classified as green too, until late enough that its final party sprite in Gen3 was never changed into its proper orange color.
It is possible that at some point they decided to make Kaen a bright orange and Torkoal of a duller, green-leaning hue (this is a pretty common color scheme in evolutions, often times babies have more saturated colors than their evolutions).
Then, Kaen was axed very late in development and Torkoal was recolored with a more saturated orange hue, possibly similar to Kaen's.

Kaen and Torkoal were never revealed before release, afaik, so really whether this is real or not, at least when it comes to Kaen, is up to complete speculation because the only information we have is that in the July build both Kaen and Torkoal were classified as green.
As was already said, fake until a rom is posted to prove otherwise. A dogshit thread is what this is
TCRF speculation should not be trusted as they make similar reaches.
People have identified that Nosepass overwrote Kaenboo anyways. Plus nobody's accounted for the fact that the Raitora line was very likely present before being overwritten by Plusle and Minun.
Leaker said that Kotora was already gone in the builds they had last thread.
I've just noticed that Kaen apparently already had Nosepass' abilities (Sturdy/Magnet Pull), so I guess even the implication that *Kaen* was ever supposed to be green is probably wrong and 'green' might've been in fact Nosepass' color category before they decided to switch it to gray (which doesn't even reflect all too well into the sprite since Nosepass' gen3 sprite leans a little towards green).
In that case, we can't really know for sure if Kaen itself was ever supposed to be green, it's all up to speculation.

As for the Raitora line, why do you think so? I mean, now that you mention it, maybe this is why "Plusle" originally evolved into "Minun" apparently, but there isn't really anything pointing at it.
Their names, from when they were supposed to evolve into one another, were 'Bachin' and 'Bachikon' and the build's names were very straightforward with the Pokemon concept origin, so if it was Raitora I think they would've used that name or similar. Unless it was reworked into a hamster-like creature, hence an evolving Pokeclone like Pawmi..?

But yeah this is complete and pretty baseless speculation, I think.
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no es real?
If OP is banned he should just use different device where IP is different
Maybe he doesn't know that, it seems he was a new member.
I doubt he will come back now though, let's see in two days.
hes a tiktard zoomer, he wont be coming back
any updates?
There was a gorebyss with dummied out stats (all 40s I think) but nothing substantial.
28h is an unusual placeholder. That's the ASCII for space.
For those of whom do not get what I'm saying, it's probably coincidental. 28h is the hexadecimal code for 40, which seems a bit meaningless at first. However, 28h is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange symbol for space.
You may want to note the "American" in that, because that's PRECISELY what it is. American. It was later adopted in Europe, but Japan had its own equivalent, called Shift-JIS.
Shift-JIS' space is 20h, not 28h. So, there's a handful of possibilities here:
A) The placeholder is just a random number they chose to repeat in the source code, and this is ENTIRELY coincedental
B) The placeholder is actually space entered VIA ASCII, which is a weird choice but I do believe that Japanese operating systems were all designed to interchangeably use Shift-JIS and ASCII by this time
C) Or perhaps the data was blanked out by someone who wasn't doing it on a Japanese computer
In all honesty though, A is probably the most likely if this is legit.
Come back OP!!!
They were all 60s. I think there might have been another that was 40s, but don't entirely remember.
shits fake and gay
op got banned for being underage after saying pookie
>can't prove him wrong so resorts to namecalling
Damn, I wish I saved the Gorebyss picture, I saved a few screenshots but not that one.
...so go save it?

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