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>champion Is a bugfag
Really show how weak and pathetic the unova région Is compared to e real pokemon region like sinnoh.
Why do I get this feeling this thread was made by somebody that hates Sinnoh and Cynthia?
both Alder and Iris are weak champions
Thats just how it is

Its true in Masters as well
it was cause it’s that “plass” spamming retard
That guys love diaper tho (like anyone that despise pla) so that wouldn’t make sense
Explain me about Bouffalant

>extremely late game mon, found just before the Victory Road in both games
>Has the same BST and a similar design as Tauros despite being completely unrelated
>Signature move is basically just a reskinned Double-Edge, it has the same effect as Gen 2 Double Edge before Gen 3 gave it slighlty more recoil
>The signature Alder mon in the anime over Volcarona
>love diaper tho (like anyone that despise pla)
that makes no sense
proto-regional form. they needed dex filler because they wanted to have 150 new mons just like KAAAAANNNNNTTTOOOOO but ran out of ideas. so they stole a couple from Kanto and called it a day. if BW was made a few years later, Bouffalant would be called Unova Tauros.
Local idiot doesn't realize that a buffalo and a bull are different
holy fuck this nigga's team is worse than geeta's
volcarona is literally the only good pokemon here and it's still crippled by a godawful moveset
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It had some of the most brutally min/maxed stats for Pokemon at the time. Sap Sipper gave it a 2nd immunity that also gave it a damage boost if it switched in on a Grass type attack. This being in the generation that gave us Amoonguss with the most heinous sleep mechanics in the series. Its movepool was also full of coverage options like Megahorn, Super Power, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Wild Charge, Zen Headbutt, and tech options like Pursuit.

It turned out pretty okay for Gen 5 standards. If it had a standard Gen 6+ BST of 515 - 530 it would've been busted. Throw 25 points on that Attack stat and it would be running people over like Conkeldurr.
Escavalier, Bouffalant, and Volcarona are all good Pokemon in Gen 5. In the campaign where you're unlikely to ever use Stealth Rocks, Volcarona is undeniably better than psuedo legendaries and mythicals like Garchomp and Mew. The only thing holding back Volcarona in any meta is Stealth Rocks - and Blissey I guess - but when Stealth Rocks became a non-issue in Gen 8+, Volcarona became a huge problem despite receiving 0 buffs otherwise.
too bad this guy was minmaxed in the bulky attacker direction instead of the speedy attacker one
could have been absolutely fucking terrifying
escavalier is literally just durant but worse, who is in turn scizor but worse.
bouffalant is ass, it's slow but not tanky enough to make up for it.
>it's forgettable which is why I keep mentioning how forgettable it is
they had to differentiate it from Tauros somehow
>alright let's just copy Tauros's data as a placeholder for this buffalo Pokemon
>should we bother changing its bst?
>nahh just mix it up a little
they really couldn't even give accelgor final gambit so it could actually do something?
not even as minmaxed as tauros
this is far from minmaxed even by gen 1 standards. abra is still the single most min-maxed pokemon to ever exist, with 105 special attack and 90 speed on a goddamn 310 BST statline.
even things like deoxys-attack pale in comparison.
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What I want to know is what the actual fuck is up with Durant?
>locked exclusively to end game
>bug/steel, great but repetitive typing used twice elsewhere this gen including a legendary
>single stage non evolver, feels especially weird for an ant of all things
>low but minmaxed as fucked stats
>given a solid ability in hustle, butvthen has its hidden ability wasted on truant for no reason
What the fuck was the point of this thing, endgame crutch mon? I guess it could serve that role but it's something so few players would ever consider. Real shame since it seems like a fun mon to use in the main game.
honestly I think they just the bar too high for themselves with 150 new Pokemon and zero old Pokemon. I mean look at how small every dex since then has been. I think they were probably just throwing random shit at the wall towards the end because there's a lot of weird decisions in the later portion of the dex.
it took until sword/shield for this nigga to be usable before the ass end of the game. XY it was locked until after the mandatory post-7th gym evil team debacle, and SM it just wasn't fucking available.
>escavalier is literally just durant but worse
Escavalier has far more bulk, hits way harder, and has access to Megahorn, the only thing Durant does is be faster, but what can that do with 109 attack?
They could've given him Hydreigon, Chandelure or Stoutland
They're opposites in terms of their roles but Durant's 109 attack with hustle let it hit stuff pretty stuff. It has both great STAB and coverage options and loses its main weakness if it can get off a hone claws.
Aces of other major characters.
Didn’t stop them from giving Ghetsis Bisharp despite it being Grimsley’s ace.
It makes no sense getting Durant early though, it hits hard, has high physical defense with a great defensive typing and is very fast at that.
So what? He's a fucking Champion

Cynthia uses Lucario, Marlene's ace
I saw an idea for a team fix where his team was

And Blue has Alakazam and Rhydon, Aces for Sabrina and Giovanni.
Well kinda

Sometimes Giovanni's ace is either Persian or Mewtwo
>Accelgor @ Life Orb
Ability: Sticky Hold
- Bug Buzz
- Focus Blast
- Yawn
- Spikes
>Escavalier @ Choice Band
Ability: Swarm
- Megahorn
- Pursuit
- Iron Head
- Swords Dance
>Galvantula @ Choice Specs
Ability: Compound Eyes
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Volt Switch
- Giga Drain
>Crustle @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sturdy
- Shell Smash
- X-scissor
- Rock Blast
- Earthquake
>Durant @ Occa Berry
Ability: Hustle
- X-Scissor
- Hone Claws
- Thunder Fang
- Iron Head
>Volcarona @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Flame Body
- Quiver Dance
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Hurricane

There. He's now a proper post-game fight with items on all his Pokemon and a full Bug team that has competent movesets.
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Logical. Rhydon's a jobber.
Truant Durant is pretty good in Battle Tower due to Entrainment.
Well, it is a true ant.
Not with Eviolite it isn't.
it’s a kamikaze wallbreaker.
Ironically, N and Ghetsis fully meet those rules, which is how you can tell they're designed to be the actual Champion stand-in on a playthrough
>but what can that do with 109 attack?
The power creep in Pokémon is disgusting
lmao I chuckled everytime he mentioned "plass". Feels like he has the vocabulary of a toddler.
>sticks up stealth rocks
>kills 50% of aces health
>Random capitalized is in the middle of the sentence
>to e real
Bonjour Francois
He never calls himself a bug-type specialist though
He should doe because bugs are cool as FUCK
also he should have had Genesect
Genesect is a Team Plasma Pokémon, I think Ghetsis could've had it

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