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Whatever your weight is, that's the Pokedex # of the Pokemon you turn into tomorrow
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pounds or kilograms
It would be more interesting if it was whatever pokemon weights as much as you
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Could be worse, I guess
either kabuto or kadabra, depending on if we do lbs or kg
i'd prefer kadabra but eventually becoming kabutops is far from the worst outcome so either way i'm happy
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Shit, I didn't consider that we could evolve. I totally wanna be an Electabuzz now, Electivire is rad.
Either spinarak or marill depending on if iv shit that day.
Where's my fellow Hoenn fat fucks? Anyone here hit Sinnoh?
im a kalos starter
I gotta cut
I'm so fat that the scales at the doctors office gave an error message. Can I just choose to turn into Munchlax or something?
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I'm happy with this
>Bush '04
That pic is older than most of this board's users
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Anon that's 59 lbs, are you ok?
Holy kek
According to the retarded Imperial system I'd be a Dratini. And if we'll go with kilograms then it's actually Machoke. Either way is fine, I guess.
based as fuck
Maybe between today and tomorrow I can lose weight and turn into an eeveelution
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Did I win?
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This sucks. I should get fatter for a better Pokemon
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Getting any grass is an autowin but I was so close to mew…
So basically everyone is going to be late gen 1 to at max late gen 3.
Boring thread, stupid premise.

Liar, or dying of Diabetes.
Don't worry you'll loose about 50 pounds when your left leg falls off or is amputated.
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Wait, how the fuck do I still weight when I'm a fucking ghost
Shellder or Murkrow, depending on metric. Not too bad, I could just chill in water or trees respectively
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That's stupid most people are just going to get Gen 2 pokemon.
fuck yeah
>be European
>use KG not pounds
>You are either a kanto shit mon or a mega lard
>cleffa if lb
>rapidash if kg
They’re both lame, I’d either lose my hands or become a tiny baby Pokemon
You should see a doctor if you're taking 16 pound shits
>post publicly announces a sage
>stays up
>another post quotes the sage announcer with a basedjak
Starmie if we're doing lbs, Golduck if we're doing kgs.
Alakazam in kg
Snorlax or Articuno in lbs
Am I too thin, anons?
Doctors will just tell peasants to kill themselves these days.
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i brought it up to my sister and she said she's pinsir in lbs. pretty cool
depends on your sex and how tall you are lol
Post body please
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>use random generator, get birds
>go by weight, still get birds
Guess I'll be an Xatu then
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I need to lose one pound by tomorrow or I'll get #cancelled on social media.
that meal would be like $20 now
If it's kilos, then Seel. If it's pounds, then Jumpluff.
Could be better, could be worse.
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>152 pounds
Looks like I'm a deoxys.
Of last check... Mew.
But considering I am running out food and I am at 1 meal a day.
I am probably going to drop down to below eevee
hahaha get rekt
most consistent /vp/ moderator
Anorexia time lol
You'll starve too soon.
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>all these weightlets
Holy shit...I KNEEL
Neat I guess
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Is this you?
>Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari (born 28 February 1991) is a Saudi Arabian man who in August 2013 was found to be the heaviest living person and the second-heaviest person in recorded history at 610 kg (1,340 lb; 96 st), behind Jon Brower Minnoch. He also had a BMI of 204, the highest ever recorded. He was ordered by King Abdullah to be transferred from his home — which he had been unable to leave for over two years — to the country's capital, Riyadh, to be executed.
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Can't wait to become a cute male Buneary, just so I can become a fat fuck all over again.
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You fat cow
That’s not true, I dunno why the anon said that
Not halal
Kg - Magneton
Lbs - Ampharos
I guess I'm electric.
This. It should include regionaldex numbers.
wojaks... le BAD
Pigs are unclean creatures in the eyes of allah
Damn, you're right, should've looked it up first. He lost the weight apparently. He looked better bigger
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This guy if pounds,

Poliwrath if KG
I‘m a fat old Breloom, I can live with that
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im the fucking electric bird, im glad i had a mental breakdown and lost 55 pounds
as expected of tranny jannies
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Can't make this up.
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the trannitors (FTM) (Pronouns: Xe/Xhem) do be doing like dat doebeit
i am now a CHARIZARD
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Soijacks are hideous and deserve bans.
In all honesty if I where mods I would find a way to auto filter it like they do with Onions and Desu.
I would say turn them into cat pics.
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Yeah, I think this would be the way to do it so everyone doesn't end up with strictly mons from gens 1-3.
I'd get Mega Gallade then. Won't complain.
Oh and the people that post them are smooth brained fucktards.
Unable to properly meme, NPC's, lessers.
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The closest I could find. I guess it's better than a Claydol
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I'm gonna knock your block off.
delete /vp/
based jannies unironically
his massive size was an afront to God inshallah
holy shit the changed final line broke my sides kek
imagine a king ordering your execution for being too fat fucking hell
143 lb, ironically snorlax
>refusing to enforce the rules is based
I'm fine with this, any bird is a win
Do you like birds though, fellow Xatu?
>Salazzle [totem]
I'll take one of the last two
Please don't be real
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i knew being a fat fuck would pay off
>I weigh the same as lando-i
man, I gotta get on that genie workout plan
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I already live in Florida so I'm okay with this.
On any other platform, I'd point out how this is a data harvesting scheme, but we're on 4chan.
In LBs? I'm a Girafrig.
KGs? Going by every RDex, I'm either Gastly, Ditto, Doduo, Bonsly, Sawsbuck(my favorite)/Vaporeon, Pangoro/Golurk/Weavile (also fans of the first two,) Gyrados/Khangaskhan/Panchum/Murkrow/Mandibuzz/Alomomola, Natu, Carnivine, Carkoal, and Hatenna.
Of Pokémon that share my weight, Okidogi is closest, but I prefer Sawsbuck which is just a bit heavier than me by like... .5 lbs.
Did they just give up?
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If I go with pokedex number, I would be Ledyba. I also decided to look up what pokemon is my weight and was surprised by these three
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