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Why did the JN staff hate Serena so much?
because she brought out the worst animefags
she was a vain french whore
Because XY was the last time this shit was any good and they knew and hated it.
The fatso's fanfic was never canon
probably for the way fans reacted towards the staff for not having ash and serena dance
This. Half the writers quit in protest when SM started.
Side characters sucked. Previous traveling companions and future ones all had discussion about the traveling companion themselves. Shipping was mostly just an add on. Serena, all talk is about wanting her to fuck Ash. Bonnie, all talk is about lolicons wanting to fuck her. Who even remembers the guy. I can't even remember his name
This >>56100263
They don't hate her, they just wanted to emotionally manipulate her fans who get extremely hysterical every time they hear Serena's name. That's how they have you guys for the last 10 years, like Skinner's pigeons.

Protest? Lol what a fanfic. While the writers of XY were otakus, pedos and Ash self-inserters, it never happened what you said
What? Proof? What was the reason?
>it never happened what you said
Yes it did
>While the writers of XY were otakus, pedos and Ash self-inserters
Most of them had been with the show since Kanto, XY didn't have any new writers added to the staff.
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Literally just look at the list of writers the various series had?
>What was the reason?
None has been given (but presumably picrel).
Because they were annoying since they couldn't cope that Laitas is Ash's true wife.
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gen 7 was a mistake
We've known that since the first poster dropped.
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From reading interviews of other staff it seems most of them see Ash as not capable of understanding romance so they didn't want to deal with the aftermath of the XY ending and just tried to get the Serena and Ash reunion done with as quickly as possible. But at least she got to speak unlike May and Max i know why
That and the absolute shitstorm that ensued after The Cuckening. Rather than admit they fucked up they choose to hate the fans of X/Y.
Keep seething Amourkek. SM was 10 times better than your edgy shounenslop and SAO tier romance.
source my ass and it doesn't even have anything to do with sm because they left if not because of the inconvenience of work and other things that>>56100278
literally a lot of those scenes are better and some references to animes and better than marry my brother the amazing science miette>>56100498
bothering serena and they didn't need to turn ash into chosen shit or create frog oc
Probably for the same reasons everyone else does.
>56100453 #
>what you said never happened
Yes, she literally did. The idiot even has anything to support that.
much better than gags from previous seasons and with references and especially about xyz like marrying my brother or science is incredible
None have been given (but presumably Picrel, believe me, here's the xytard).
>What you said never happened
Yes, it happened
No idiot, the personal members left for other things
generation 7 is better than 6 both anime and games>>56100543
Taken over by fujos.
What episode? Asking bcs of a certain logo in the top right corner.
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Thank you based MPM11, that's the only reason I unironically like you. Better a mass ship sinking, to be blunt.
Was anyone there for when this appeared in 2014? Turns out it's from TV Tokyo's 50th anniversary.
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Forgot the image, shit.
Because the fans were creeps to Serena's nip VA
Serena ruined the gen 6 anime
Serena saved the gen 6 anime
I made it up
The writers killed it by introducing the crush subplot, never committing to it, never doing anything with it, but still feeling the need to remind you that it was there all the time.
>hey guys, don't forget Serena likes Ash! :o
>you gonna maybe expand upon that or incorporate it into an episode or something?
>nah but hey, she blushed and got all flustered for a second when Ash did something. That's good enough, right?
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More like you not allowing anyone to ship who they want. You sure csound like it. Honestly, they don't have to commit and do anything with it, they are allowing fans to like what they want. But at least I don't go and claim I'm a writer.

Anyway, here's how it ended, Ash didn't get with anyone be it, Goh, Korrina, Serena, Dawn, Misty, etc.. That's the only reason I like this episode. That's the only reason I looked forward to it bcs shipping wars suck. I'm serious about my reason.
>Serena ruined the gen 6 anime
>Serena saved the gen 6 anime
I concur
The main reason why
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I concur
This will forever kill two decades of nothingburger shitflinging.
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Only fags and shitters mad they didn't pick *their* self-insert waifu think that.
Writers were crystal which girl won.
Wow, sure. Post a character who is not even remembered by the manlet at the end. Totally proving him wrong.

Stupid ass bitch.
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You missed the whole arc where he mistook the Latias that showed up for HIS Latias, yeah?
There's also the fact M5 was voted absolute favourite above all by the Japanese fans long before they ended up killing the ash story, they paid their loyal fans' back in spades as a result.
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The only winner in Journeys is May.
Okay, this is kinda my idea for Latios' moveset inspired by that event.

Latios (M) @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Luster Purge
- Dragon Pulse
- Safeguard
- Fly

Take a guess why I picked the move Fly.

At least I'm one of those who knew that May was gonna have a non-speaking cameo.
cope luis
amour lost
shitrena lost
okay >>56101755
luis thread
>You missed
Not even once did he thought about the Latias from Alto Mare, pretentious shithead. Stupid ass bitch.
Ah screw it, I'll gladly take the blame and pretend I'm the OP of the entire thread!
How does anyone feel about one fan theory than I actually found on Twitter/X that Ash has ADHD? My genuine thoughts the first time I saw it is that it's a lot better than the infamous Ash coma theory. I never liked it to begin with tbqh.
Shitty failure of a "character" if you can even call her that. Has nothing going for her and accomplished nothing. What a waste
>Thread about Serena
>Starts talking about Ash and Cutter retardation
Serenatards atleast stay on topic despite humiliating themselves.
One difference is that I've learned when to cut my losses at times. I'm not sure other fellow Serena tards can do that at times.
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kek. Latias was and always be Ash's wife
Sure >>56101755
Except when he thought the Latias was his Latias, which is why he acted so familiar with her and didn't hesitate to jump in front of her to shield her, retarded ESL. You. Lost. Because (You) were the retarded manchild self-inserting then picking a waifu.
Aren't you self-inserting too? Also, reminder. >>56101755
Glad we all agree that Serena is overhated by pretty much everyone here self-inserting as the writers.
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Nice cope
Sure writer self-insert.

Signature: >>56101755
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Well, yes but I'm a pokéfucker anyway. And have been aware it was AshxLatias since watching M5 for the first time in 2010 and despite NoA's hamfisted attempts at casting doubt on the girl kissing Ash at the end (they paid OLM to add Bianca's hat on the easel at the end and all).
What, you're seething mad your imaginary girlfriend wasn';t chosen as your aqvatar's girlfrined when they retired him? Yeah, you cunts been mad as all fuck since they confirmed the one true pairing (and they showed the first stages of their kiss, before it clearly got too serious for a child audience).
Which is Ash and Pikachu. That's the one true pairing you're thinking of. Also, you're gross for involving kids.
>if I say it often enough, it'll both be true and heal my arserape from vbeing shafted by the writers who clearly had more respect for the history of the series than my fat retarded esl arse
Yeah, that's why the whole plotline running through the epilogue was Ash chasing a Latias, which ended up coming from Alto Mare and who almost-certainly knew Ash's Latias, due to her becoming the protector of Alto Mare at the end of the movie. That they showed Latias as Bianca and confirmed Ash continues to travel confirms they meet in the future. Ash taking a much-needed bath after his travels to recharge and do it all again;'s irrelevant.
Unless you're a shiptard who got BTFO by actually thinking they gave a shit for canonising ANY the disposable female NPC's who showed up during the series. that they distanced themselves from XY so heavily, before retconning everything it did almost should have told you that one BEFORE they decided to send Ash off into the sunset to be with his Latias.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. >>56101755
Your shi(t)p is literal zoophilia lmao kys.
Not just me saying it though. OLM DID ignore all the afterbirth sidekicks for the only girl to kiss Ash after all.
And self-inserting ESL's been crying since, because their paedo fixations got the treatment they rightly deserved - ignored for a character Ash actually had interest in (amazing that, the kid more interested in pokémon than split-arses ends up hooking up with a pokémon, while split-arse stans seethe).
circlejerk thread
her final form

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