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It's the best day of the week!

Post all of your Serenas and Y-chans here!

Previous thread: >>56069095
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Another blessed day
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Serena has something for (You).
Something special?
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Is it a pipe bomb
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A Serena fug a day keeps the doctor away
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Artist needs to make Serena's bang longer , enough to cover her eye brows.
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Is it just me, or does it feel like Serena out of the all the playable girls is the one that feels the most SEXO, is it because Kalos is France? Or because in the games they are canonically older in X/Y?
Your brain has probably coomsumed too much Serena porn anon.
Given her reactions to things in episodes, it seems to canonically make sense that Serena both read romance and horror stories prior to her journey. The issue is that she's so innately pure that any time a situation happens that resembles one from those romance stories, she gets overloaded.
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This is pretty borderline anon...
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It's just getting too close to one of the steamier stories she read...
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>Serena both read romance and horror stories prior to her journey
In other words, she's the most hormonal teenager/Tumblr user/fanfic reader (which funny enough, exactly fits the bill of the average girl her age at the time) out of all of them, got it (which you could make the argument, that, it goes back to her being French)

Serena isn't the first girl that comes to mind when I look up lewds, in fact, I actually find most porn of the girls a bit off putting

There's just something about her character design that just gives off the allure of SEXO. Maybe it's intention of making them look older than the usual player characters is part of the reason, or it has something to due with Kalos, but I don't need any hardcore draws her design oozes sex appeal
forgot pic I was going to add
Yes, nobody disputes that Serena is a normie, very horny 2010s French teen.
>Serena is a normie
I forget that Serena initially had an aversion to Pokemon, which also ties too my other thought

>very horny 2010s French teen
Technically speaking, anime Serena is a Kanto native, which is why I've grown to dislike her characterization in the anime and amourshipping as a whole, despite her being one of my favorite girls, and that's because game/manga Serena is actually a Kalos native

Kalos Serena IS a horny 2010s French teen, she's too much of a 'woman' for Ash
Kanto Serena is a Mary Sue YA novel enjoyer
>Technically speaking, anime Serena is a Kanto native
Pretty sure she just visited Kanto to attend the summer camp.
She got tainted by Kanto pandering by giving her 'first girl' privileges over Misty. She gets shoehorned into being a simp for Ash in the anime, instead of being a naturally flirty girl in like she is in the game
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>Technically speaking, anime Serena is a Kanto native
She's portrayed as visiting for Professor Oak's camp, as her mom is a professional Rhyhorn racer, and Rhyhorn racing is clearly a Kalos fixture.
>She got tainted by Kanto pandering by giving her 'first girl' privileges over Misty.
Based Serena fucking over Misty.
Serena is leagues better than Misty, I'm not even arguing that. What I am saying is, they both got fucked over by the way their anime counterparts are portrayed compared to their game/manga characterizations. They both get shoehorned into whatever was the 'en vogue' archetype for the main female love interest during their era. Misty being a tsundere follows the trend of the late 90s, turning Serena being a Mary Sue falls in line with the early 2010s. May, Dawn and Chole weren't subjugated to that fuckery
I love Serena but I hate Ash
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Based, as I said early, she's too much of a woman for Ashy boy
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Ash is a bitch ass nigga
Ash's and Calem's HUGE member in Serena making them drool.
No more mentions of bitch boys in this thread

Post only the dream woman I will never have
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This AI mix is quite hilarious if you grew up with the [spoilers]original dub of Sailor Moon[/spoilers]
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>you will never wake up next to bed hair Serena after a night of passionate breeding
Why live
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>Satoshi, look ahead!
At what?
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Cutest Serena outfit.
>nearly all the posts are AISlop
How sad lol
Go back to school to learn to count again dumbass
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>8 images out of 47 is "nearly all"
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Liko mogs this failure slut.
lol who
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>There's just something about her character design that just gives off the allure of SEXO
It's the zr, anon
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the what?
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Ban AI faggots
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fuck off AI troon
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Dude , slow down!
Do you want this thread to reach image limit in one day?
Why do her boobs shrink when she's wearing her contest dress?
Post more AI
She compresses them so she's more aerodynamic on the stage. Same as with professional swimmers.
Why is this outfit the pinnacle of SEX
The tight fitting sleeveless top just works wonders. Not only does it expose her feminine shoulders, it also frames her DD tips provided by her Kalosian genes, only thing missing is seeing more of her neckline

But the skirt/thigh highs are just generic though
>But the skirt/thigh highs are just generic though
That skirt is arguably shorter than Dawn's.
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Is it? I thought it was the worst of her three anime outfits.
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Why does serena look and dress like a milf even though she's 12?
Because she promised she would become a more charming woman for Satoshi.
Because she's Kalosian, anon, any attempt to make her look just a year or two older, you just end up making SEXO French woman, because that's just what she is

Too much woman for Ashy boy
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Congratulations to Serena for her party winning the first round of the Kalosian Assembly elections
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Is Serena big enough for paizuri?>>56107718
Imagine the foursome...
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Ewww, real girls.
For the anime? Sure, but we all know that the real Serena is much more SEXO than that
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I wonder what Serena is stepping on....
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