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>SVs gyms should have had level scaling!
>trannitor deletes your dumb wojak thread
>instantly remake it
we need to get you a job, yawnie
>no you’re not allowed to discuss a mechanic of a pokemon game on the pokemon board because…shut up
Yeah /vp/ should just be filled with pokegirl fan art spam threads.
nta but maybe work on the delivery first, you terminally online retard
Well, yeah
Whenever people try to shit on level scaling, I would like to know what type of scaling algorithm they have in mind. Since there are multiple ways of implementing it
The simplest one. Create a new stat called Trainer Level. This will be based on how much the player has progressed through the game. And the level scale of Gyms/Villainous teams/sub-quest battles can simply follow that stat.
Pretty simple
Don't make games where level scaling would be needed aka go back to linear games instead of open world slop
Besides that, the gym leaders would need multiple movesets saved into the game. If only level was factored in they’d have piss easy movesets like wild Pokemon. Which is definitely doable but the devs might not put in the effort
this is also the retard that fell asleep being railroaded in gen 7 btw
The only way that level-scaling would work is by setting all pokemon to level 50 like multiplayer, but that will never happen because it's a children's game so overleveling has to remain as an option.
No game in existence needs level scaling.
shitty crystal romhack had it in 2014 so yeah
>nah bro its ok for iono to have lvl20 pokemons after you already beat every other gym
Yes. You trained your Pokemon to be high level therefore they should be better than most things in the game.
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The level scaling actually exists tho, You are gonna get rekt if you go to the icy area first or the lake with the blue catfish because there's level 50 wild pokemon there

Alfornada gym's is also locked unless You upgrade your bike lizard
The game has so much content you will be over-level for some of it no matter what order you do it.
>catch 5 pokemon
>team is now 5 levels overleveled
I hate how modern pokemon handles experience where the games shower experience for even the smallest things. In order to avoid snowballing too hard, I had to train eighteen different pokemon at the same time in Legends Arceus, and twenty two different pokemon in Scarlet.

Let me turn off the fucking exp share
>Let me turn off the fucking exp share
not necessary
Same. I had a thrown-together team that I used for catching and random trainers, and only used my main team for gyms/titans/star raids. Then for the DLC I had to train an entirely new team to avoid overlevelling.
Why not? Whats the point of open world then if you still have to do it in certain order. Just beat an overleveled boss and the rest of the game become way easier. It would also mean working on a game from gamefreak and we can't have them waste their time on programing it because.. Just because
>if you still have to do it in certain order
You don't.
Theyre still the same shitty pokemon why do you want to stop being overleveled all of a sudden? You can also be overleveled just by exploring in the wrong order but whatever.
>You can also be overleveled just by exploring in the wrong order
There is no wrong order.
Wheres the level scaling
So you become overleveled once and the rest of the game become even more piss easy with no more chalenge. If you want to keep battling pokemon around your own level you have to follow a certain order or the game become unbalanced quickly
I thought leveling up multiple pokemon is a good thing instead of stomping everything with only your starter
Some gyms are clearly higher leveled than others, implying an intended order.
This is counterintuitive to the game’s open world design.
in gen 5 you're forced to play in a single order and you still become overleveled. Has nothing to do with the game being open world.

>implying an intended order.
There is no "intended order". That's the point. If you want to fight some harder gyms first you can.
I think that anon means since there's actual roadblocks, there's no need for level scalling
Then why not put level scalling in game? There is a wrong order if you can beat stronger npcs and make entire zone just useless grind because you decided to explore a little
The game should be challenging no matter what order I explore the world. But alas, the above would only be possible if they added a legitimate hard mode to the game which will need happen. A hard mode should be available right from the start of the game like Fire Emblem
>Then why not put level scalling in game?
Because it kills any sense of progression the game has and makes the entire game homogenous slop.
>There is no "intended order".
But it IS canon that Paldea is a down syndrome region where its gym leaders only have a single gym team that doesn't start improving until (You) complete The Way Home and assist Pajeeta with Penis Inspection Day, Katy outright complains that Pajeeta told her to be the easiest gym because Cortondo is so close to the academy that she's pretty much always the first stop in a trainer's journey to championship.
Removing leveling up as a game mechanic would be better than what you're suggesting.
It have to do with gamefreak being bad devs. Everyone know you can just grind your starter and stomp on everything in the game. You could just make the pokemon stronger or assume its a game for kids you mastered a long time ago but guess it depends when an argument is convenient for you. Even with this stupid logic you just have to beat an overleveled enemy once before you reach the half of the game and even gen 5 become way easier so whats your point
But you don't have to fight Katy first because there is no intended order.
But you can with level scalling too. I dont get why stronger pokemon have to disappear unless you imagine being always the exact same level as you at all time because you litteraly never played any other game than pokemon and can't conceptualize how this could apply
There's no intended order for the player specifically, but it's still clear the game wants you to fight Katy first for the in-universe reason I specified.
How? Your pokemon get stronger and always fight stronger enemy, you can also still have enemies way above your level if you want to keep challenging yourself. Otherwise you can only do it once with certain pokemon youd have to swap anyway so stfu with your challenge youre certainly not interested in it
Except level isnt linked only to your pokemon strength.. Im starting to understand you retards dont even know what level scaling means or imply..
>But you can with level scalling too
Level scaling is pointless and makes the game worse.

>unless you imagine being always the exact same level as you at all time
They don't have to be the same level as me to make levels pointless.

>because you litteraly never played any other game than pokemon
Every well designed open world game doesn't have level scaling. Pokefags are the only ones crying for level scaling.
I do know what level-scaling is supposed to imply. I've played plenty of good open-world games that don't have it, and plenty of ones that do have it and are pure slop.
You cannot name a single good game that has level-scaling.
Gym leaders / titans scale to a set level based on the badges you have. Everything else stays the same. This is the best of both worlds.
make 8 variations of the same team for every gym leader (adding one pokemon every two badges and starting with three), and choose the correspondent team based on the number of badges the player has.
Bonus for triggering yawnfag: make that an option (being able to turn it on or off at the start of your journey) plus an option to force all gym leaders teams to be at the highest or lowest (hard and easy mode)
You can't name any game, stfu. Which one are you talking about?
Wonder whats a well designed video game for a pokedrone fat fanboy
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Gen 9 is a mistake
Examples of good open-world games: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Elden Ring, Underrail, Unicorn Overlord, Pokemon Scarlet/Violet.
Your turn, brown boy.
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>good open-world game
>Alfornada gym's is also locked unless You upgrade your bike lizard
It isn't, I did each story with different teams and did victory road before anything else and there's cliffs/a cave that takes you up to Alfornada
which you need to be able to climb to progress through it
Taking nostalgia out of the equation, SV is the best official Pokemon game.
no it isn't
>it's the best game because i can wander off the ugly empty fields
You have shit taste.
>no reply
That was easy. Lil bro really do be getting all his opinions from 90 IQ youtubers.
Based and true.
no you don't
training multiple teams enhances the experience since you get to play with more pokemon
They should try making a good game first
have a single (you)
>Let me turn off the fucking exp share
You can! It's called using your fucking box that's on your person 24/7.
If you have Pokemon that you don't want to get EXP for, PUT THEM UP. It's that simple, and it's the official response GameFreak themselves gave to those who are upset that EXP distribution can't be toggled anymore.
>"Just box your mons bro"
Yea, just don'r use your pokebros at all. Have them rot in your box while they all have low friendship ratings by the end of the game. Ironically, the mechanic designed to help raise your pokemon actually makes you spend less time raising them since they gain all their levels in the backseat like spoiled children.

Brock is having a stroke after learning how exp is handed out for catching pokemon and handing it out to everyone with no penalty.
This, I hardly got to actually use my starter in SV because it was overleveled just from soaking up so much EXP while I was catching stuff, I had to spend a lot of time boxing it just so it wouldn't cleave the game in half because I had the audacity to work on the Pokedex during the main story.
"Just box your mons" is objectively fucking dogshit game design and makes literally no sense to have as an "option" over just turning off a fucking toggle.
One that nobody actually wants so they can use it as a strawman because they don't have an actual argument.
The game is designed for you to complete the Pokedex dummy.
>The game is designed for you to complete the Pokedex dummy.
Unless you're playing BW2, in that case if you get overleveled because you want to beat every optional trainer with the same few mons it's "poorly balanced".
only plass is.
Of course cause theres no open world game with level scaling. Fuck youre defending pokemon don't act like you know shit about video games
You don't have to name multiple examples. Just one is enough.
Surely you're not realizing just now that all the good ones didn't have scaling?
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SV's gyms should have been only doable in a specific order and also there should have been proper routes between them and other story events should have taken place between them
SV should have had two tiers of badges, the standard, what we already have, and the elite, beat the gym with certain restrictions (no Pokemon above certain levels, etc.). It would lead people to actually interface with the breeding and other team composition mechanics.
I can't believe Hitmonchan said that
fuck lol
I ended up having to follow a guide for the gyms and team star because I kept being really overleveled or underleved. I don't even understand the point of making an open world game at that point.
the point of open world is for people less terrible at the game to have the ability to fight harder opponents.
imo things should scale up if you skip them and come back later to prevent "i just happened to do this fight last and am just bored sweeping lv15 shitmons" but not scale down if you go somewhere early to preserve the fun of sequence breaking
well they failed
How about making it a toggle?
Game mechanics being toggles will never not be a terrible idea.
the exp. share wasn't a "mechanic" until they removed the toggle
> the exp. share wasn't a "mechanic"
Yes it was.
no it wasn't
yea they should
This is Game Freak we're talking about. They'd probably screw up the level scaling.
>Good open-world
Its even more egregious than ScVi in its scaling because before you factor in draught or exp charms your 6-8 main squads will always be overleveled if you do every map, which why wouldn’t you especially when towns can have build-defining equipment. I did Elf town before Dragon land and while the first few missions were crazy close by the end I was still over leveled and I couldn’t even bring myself to do Dragon land with my grossly overleveled squads. Unicorn Overlord desperately needed some sort of region routing to scale/cap shit appropriately, which would be nice for Scarlet Violet too but it’s already struggling to have ground textures that would be passable for the GameCube so I consider it a miracle they even gave the game 10 other progression bosses outside of gyms. Fuck me, I still have to finish my second UO playthrough and get to the angels
No one copes harder than SVfags
You should visit the BW threads.
I imagine they conceptualize it as every mon on every opponent's team being raised to at least your highest level ala the way it's implemented in a shitty game like Fallout 4.
There's plenty of good ways the implement scaling or to design in such a way that it's not needed.

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