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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous thread: >>56094688
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she won
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Cope, fag. Several posters here pulled for her and this general has been much more active since her announcement. It's actually hitting bump limits in under a week now. You should be on your knees thanking her for saving this kusoge after the complete garbage month of old shitters and literal who trash rivals nobody gives a fuck about.
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
Hey Whitneyanon I was curious is DJ Mary someone you like a lot too since she's another Goldenrod celebrity, like if she came to Masters would you summon?
What's her rank again?
If below Tierno then her alt banner is a certified flop.
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Yeah DJ Mary is pretty cute. I would pull but she's quite obscure so there's no chance of her getting added.
Nice art and yeah understandable
I'm not a sales slave or a Reddit tranny so you can look up those trivial things if you want. I'm only interested in what's going on in this general. And the fact of the matter is that Acerola has several fans unlike your fat literal who.
DJ Mary is arguably less obscure than shitters like Greta. At least I can remember what generation Mary is from.
>A shit ton of Lucario Alts
>Just One Gardevoir unit

Your Sygna Suit Wally?
Lucario has his own movie and is in Smash Bros. Hell he debuted in that movie before Diamond and Pearl released. They've been shilling that thing waaaaay harder for years.
Why is every Ghost pair so shitty outside Agatha who is so underpowered?
Are there no worthy Ghost pairs at all outside Tea Lillie?

Why is every Ghost Trainer so yucky?
Weird cope bur I accept your concession, she flopped.
Most of good ghosts damage dealers are limited, Morty and Drifblim however got a good buff recently.
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That's nice dear
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If you think I lost... Lemme tell ya something


Soon, my team of brats will be complete
I hope I can get this bimbo off a daily. Gardenia and Acerola drained me a bit too much.
If anni data mine sucks I'll probably splurge though.
The masked shota was somewhat decent for me in elite 4 challenge however I'm still newfag so my opinion might not mean much.
Renegade Dancing Sinnoh girls, yo
how do you max damage vs nemona?
you are missing the Ghost masterfair and SC irida
who are also the 2 best Ghost dps by a huge margin
Acerola saved the game, general and fans.
Limited pairs
is 220 000 enough for this part of the challenge with free pairs?
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That's pretty low. Basically you want to get as high a score as possible since the amount of tickets you get as a reward is tied to your score. The trainer gets switched every few days so if you're able to get a better score against them then you'll get more tickets and you can unlock the "free" trainers faster.
Check this post made in the previous thread for a non-limited sync pair guide that might help: >>56094871
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Praise the cunny
I don't see the appeal.
Pirate Gardenia on the other hand...
Both trash, will be up to Klara to save July
Klara couldn't even save her failed music career
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Jellicent was a gift from Lana
It was mentioned in the story event
>Let's make the alt for Acerola even though it makes more sense with Lana and Lana has more popularity with fewer alts than Acerola
Gardenia counts the number of cutie pies
Acerola makes more sense because the event’s about Gardenia overcoming her fear of ghosts
Play the story, stupid
acerola won
gardenia won
it's over....
It doesn't make more sense because you don't need Acerola to get an alt to touch upon that. Penny, Royal, and Wake all got focus in the hero event without alts being necessary for them.
Use your brain, stupid. They can write whatever they want to fit the circumstances, like Steven randomly stumbling upon Deoxys away from the actual conflicts of the falling meteor and Magma vs Aqua to make up an excuse for him getting paired to it.
It's mind-boggling that Gardevoir still isn't playable in Smash give how popular she is.
>still have to do CS
>still have to do Rallye
>still have to do Emboar raid to at least grab the Sceptile one
>still have to do bi-daily Meltan box
Feels burn-out, man
The time it could have been added by being new was just a Pokeball summon.
anaL already wearing a white and blue outfit. Doesn't stand out.
Lana doesn't have a sailor outfit though. It's such a missed opportunity because she likes sailors so dressing up as a little miss to a young strapping sailor would've been something she would've wanted to do.
Sounds like you just wanna cry
Sounds like you just wanna reply
Cute girls
>>A shit ton of Lucario Alts
>>Just One Gardevoir unit
there are just three lucarios and two gardevoirs
Maylene & Lucario any day now
Need a ralts alt, I need cute alts in general
Team skull Liza and Pancham vs aether Tate and ralts

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