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>Client for chat that works even if battles get automuted
>Last thread
Showderp is gay though
diggersby though
showderp will prevail
Feels for cha?
I miss Minimize. We need more AG champs
nobody champs though
I NEED sex, champ
No sex.
This place has no identity left.
This place has no champs left.
True. Maybe one day we will get a proper revival if another simulator comes out or who knows, GF decides to create their own and adds a chat system.
being dead is the culture now.
me cham
shell bell sturdy endeavor trick room carbink (L1)
no ruses
A pokemon that learns minimize even if you play a format where you can't actually use it.
>Can't even get a team up

3 pokemon? Is that how big it gets? Pathetic
whichever pokemon that is closest to your weight (lbs or kg you choose)
derp is slow nowadays.

this is a slow mon free pick btw, since we have trick room.
a small pokemon to represent the small collective peepee of veepee
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I miss the old derp(I wasn't here during old derp)
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Showderp is unironically fucking DEAD
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champ existed
i, personally, will chimp
if i dont have six sugs by 9pm central i will relinquish
new guy
derp is dead
wtf Come back
Wow, how fucking impatient can you be?
i came
he who is
37 posts
0 champs
Why won't I champ
Why do you guys let a non-existent figure rule over you? Just because there isn't a champ does not mean you have to follow their rules. I say sugg and sugg hard, champ or no champ, it is you who makes the champ not the champ
Heckling was a big part of the charm here. So were chatlock wars and the metagame was a lot simpler to comprehend back then so even brainless champs could eke out a small win streak, feel satisfied, and want to come back later.

Now there's hardly a crowd and at least 2/3 champs leave their positions simply due to disinterest from the nonexistent watchgroups. Doesn't help that the people who stick around have the personality of a fish and can just regurgitate memes.

Unfortunately 'derp didn't have the strength of character or community to really stick together in a way that wasn't prone to being an eventual circlejerk. That's a hard line to maintain, though, from any Anonymous to "named" setting. I can't blame the room and the server for becoming the circlejerks they were until closure.

There are probably a lot of other little factors im glossing over.

Anyways, yeah, this place is more or less dead. Kept alive only by odd hangerons who can't help but make a thread. I'm happy to have been here in it's heyday but those days are long gone.

crawdaunt btw
You see, shoedrippers these days are around 30 years of age and can't shitpost like we used to as teenagers.
>reddit spacing
hi sableye. taking a break from shilling cloverdown?
As I've grown up, I find it a less valuable use of my time to trash talk literal children on a Pokemon simulator. Also Pokemon in general, whether it be personal perspective or fact, is less fun than it used to be. The novelty of the Showdown website is mostly gone in my eyes. Despite always avoiding subsidiaries or offshoot Showderp groups such as the room and discord, it's hard to blame them for losing sight of Showderp, since Showderp itself had only ever gotten less meaningful from its inception.

It's of course, an act of futility to look towards the past and hope for those days to return, rather than creating something new, but for some of us this "limbo" is acceptable still. Being critical of the current "community" is fair, and the meme-spouting is certainly repetitive but it's far from a factor regarding the state of Showderp. Consider the state of Showdown and how it reflects the popularity of /vp/ and "competitive" Pokemon as a whole.

scarf wailord
VGC is more popular than ever but yeah keep coping about how competitive in general "loses popularity" because of a fanfic meta dying. Maybe Smogon shouldn't have been so dumb as of late.
Website traffic is down 26% within the last 3 months.
palworld won, palderp when

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