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A quote that has stood the test of time for a quarter century
sex with Karen
I remember having a Butterfree and Noctowl on my RBY-GSC champion team
Sunflora can't compete with Mega Rayquaza
Train your Sunflora harder than they train their Rayquaza
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Anyone unironically quoting any of that always has the strongest pokemon as their favorites.
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believe in your dreams my niggas
Same, my favorites in GSC were Snorlax and Mewtwo.
>just play arbitrary fanfic trash where everything better than your favorite is conveniently banned instead of actually getting good at the game and learning how to build legitimately good teams around your favorite
garbage image
Such a good image honestly
That's not what Karenfagging is about. He used Pachirisu as a specific counter, not out of favoritism.
>Karen sends out Tyranitar
>what, he's my favorite, problem? ;)
>He used Pachirisu as a specific counter, not out of favoritism.
He did like Pachirisu, I don't know why people like you parrot this nonsense, he even brought a plush of it along with him
More like he was baiting retards like you.
I had a Pikachu toy as a kid but never liked Pikachu over most Kanto mons.
Pikachu is the mascot of the franchise, it's jarring you couldn't click some neurons together before comparing them and hitting "Post"
lmao even
I'm just saying owning a plushie doesn't mean shit. Pretty sure Pachirisu was somewhat popular during Gen 4 purely because it's a cute electric squirrel.
Yeah owning a plushie of something a relative would absentmindedly pick up for you like Pikachu doesn't mean shit, owning a specific Gen 4 Pokemon that's far and away from the usual suspects like Piplup is deliberate
Pachirisu isn't any more specific really. I think it was featured prominently in the anime and I can see a relative buying it for you. Regardless, it could be muh irony.
My favorite pokemon is Garchomp
>quote that has stood the test of time for a quarter century
...among retards.
If you'd actually watched the 2014 streams you would know that he only brought the plushie during the finals and never once before and he only did so because someone else got him the plushie for the finals.
Bet you also think the squirrel had never once been used before during all the 2014 season, fucking ignorant retard.
Shut up retard
shut up gay CUNT! go stick your head into a fucking blender faggot
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I did watch the streams. All this yapping just for you to look like a moron.
Epic meme bro. Totally convinced me there is zero irony in this.
I should say the same since you're making it sound like you're dumb enough to think BDSP came out in 2014 in the first place.
Real question is why the fuck would BDSP release date matter here.
>_______, probably
is this from reddit? ive seen it on youtube comments before too, its so awkward
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So what you're saying is any time someone brings a below average performing 'mon to anything, it's not because it's their favorite?
Explain Pachi's explicit counter purpose for us in detail or gtfo.
It's called speaking English, probably.
Uh oh, sounds like you still need some processing to do.
>Explain Pachi's explicit counter purpose for us in detail or gtfo.
Watch a video on it or something.

No really, we weren't even talking about BDSP before you brought up that picture as if it could somehow support your point.
>No really, we weren't even talking about BDSP before you brought up that picture as if it could somehow support your point.
Yeah really, go ahead and process more if you're admitting your brain doesn't know what to do with the image. And you wanted to talk about irony, sheesh.
I will take it that you have no argument then.
Yeah I'm sure your ego needs that considering I actually posted an actual image you refuse to recognize instead of nothing like you've been doing all this time. Again, the gall of you talking irony.
The answer to that image was >>56103136
You're such a hypocritical moron it's embarrassing. See >>56103176 and maybe some neurons will finally click together.
>calling others retarded when he needs me to spell it out
"I think the run is ironic and he does not genuinely like Pachirisu, it was done for the memes", happy now?
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A stunning theory.....HOWEVER
I actually am because it shows if you're willing to actually use that pathetic excuse you could refuse being convinced of anything by saying
>it's just a meme/he's saying/doing it but doesn't really mean it
There's literally no point talking to someone like that.
Alright, then you failed to properly support your point. It would have helped if it was an older DPPt run where he just uses one Pachirisu normally to prove he always liked the squirrel, but as you have pointed out it's BDSP and he cannot have played this beforehand.
Maybe I can accept it's an acquired taste and it is genuine now after all, but that only means it wasn't Karenfagging back then.
What's your point again, retard?
>Oh shit Pachirisu was his favorite in 2014 and to prove it I'll show you a picture from over half a decade later
Kill yourself again retard.
It's cute you're pretending anything would've convinced you as if you want to look more reasonable now. Last reply from me.

You never looked reasonable in the first place. Maybe gullible.
And no, I'm not falling for the samefagging. Have fun talking to yourself on your phone.
How do people actually use favorites anyway?
Personally I only really had them in my playthroughs once or twice(always in different games), even when their availability is good enough that I could definitely throw them in more teams. And I could say I have built multiple teams including some of them on showdown for fun, mainly when natdex AG was a thing and you could rely on pretty much anything available in-game to make it work.
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Hey, kid! Me am a Team Rocket member kind of guy! Come from another country, trainer number one, me! Think I did, if stop the energy, be big panic for here people! Secret it is my mission, so tell you I not! But! If win you do versus me, a man I be and mine secret to you I tell. Hey, kid! Battle begin we do!
Just do both like every normal person does:Pick Pokemon that you like, but are currently meta, or Pick a Pokemon you like and design a meta team around it.
I VILL only pick favorites regardless of their "meta" status or not and I VILL sweep your legendary spam team. Fanfic cannot stop me.
Meant for >>56103544
What the fuck is this thread? The dude literally said he used Pachirisu as a meta pick, how can you argue against the person himself?
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Forget pachimeme, talk about favorites instead.
>The dude literally said he used Pachirisu as a meta pick, how can you argue against the person himself?
Just because I can explain that I use Lanturn as a simultaneous Rotom-W and Talonflame counter doesn't mean I arrived at the decision to use Lanturn in the first place for non-personal reasons.

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