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>Team Plasma’s headquarters
it was so fucking funny how the game tried to pretend the sages were some massive threat the gym leaders had to take care of even though they did literally nothing but run away the whole game lmfao
>still more complex than team flare's headquarters
Not the gotcha you think it is, Yawnie.
the sages are genuinely more forgettable than the team flare scientists
then zinzolin is the only relevant one in BW2 and they did not make him a character
>That style of GameFAQs map
The guy who makes these registered before I was born and yet I still feel old
N's room had better storytelling than anything in XY lmao
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All sage characters in most Japanese media are depicted as overhyped jobbers. [Picrel] sages was singlehandedly obliterated in a single episode too after being depicted as a massive threat throughout the season.
parroting is an admission of defeat
SageGOD actually has the board's approval due to agreeing with the common census.
As opposed to....
bump since >>56104465 forgot to :)
pathetic, sagefag. just weak cowardly pathetic sagefagging.
how many times is yawnchad gonna have to teach you this lesson?
Why are you seething about new boogeymen every other week? The people you call that consistently make you look retarded because that's exactly what you are.
>the state of Kalos
Seriously, why didn’t they at least give them battles in BW. You chase half of them around through a grunt maze and usually fight a grunt right in front of them at the end. They should’ve just given them the last fight instead of another grunt. Would’ve made the sage and gym leader confrontation at the castle entrance somewhat more impactful. Just saying.
Wouldn’t Team Flare headquarters be Lysandre Labs?
i imagine the sages are supposed to lead by example so ostensibly they don't carry pokemon (even though that's bullshit like the majority of team plasma's message) but you should've fought, i dunno, zinzolin at least. in the cold storage.
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It do be like that
I could see that. Fighting six seems extensive, but at least Rood and Zinzolin would’ve been nice given that they’re the main sages -Ghetsis in bw2. Rood could’ve gone from preaching propaganda to feeling conflicted about bonding with his herdier and swoobat. Could go from being a know it all old man to feeling conflicted to changing in bw2. Like that grunt in the castle who felt conflicted about releasing his patrat but over the whole game. Swoobat’s a friendship evo too so it could line up that way as well. Contrast it to Zinzolin who would stay an asshole who was only in it for the power.
Yeah, but they have an indoor basket train court
Tell everyone a specific thing you would have done differently about them. If you can't, they're handled fine.
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If you genuinely cared about getting an answer to this you wouldn’t have saged the thread, mr. sagefag :)
>Itoddler filename
do kalosperm really?
Translation: "You exposed that I had no argument whatsoever, but I'll hyperfixate on boogeyman bullshit to avoid answering a request to justify my bullshit claims at all."
Next time don’t sage the thread then, then there will be nothing to hyperfixate on, then you’ll easily win, mr. sagefag :)

But you know you can’t do this because you know you’re wrong and someone will just easily refute you if they have the chance to actually see your post lmao
>reddit spacing
underage go back
You know your post is filler when it's addressed by the post it responds to lmao. Stop hyper fixate and answer the question.
>you know you're wrong
How? If anything you're wrong since you can't actually justify your statements when asked and instead screech about being asked in the first place.
Also, what is there to refute on my end? All I did was ask you how they could have been better and you failed to address that. You're refuting yourself on full display.
You know your post is filler when it's addressed by the post it responds to lmao. Stop hyper fixate and answer the question.

There’s no reason to give you an answer because you already admitted you were asking the question in bad faith by saging and hoping no one saw your post, mr. sagefag :)
yes but no one played the game...
How is it bad faith to ask you how the thing you're criticizing could have been improved? If you can't improve it, it's obvious you don't actually have a basis to criticize it and are just saying it's bad because you felt like it. You could have clarified in ANY of your subsequent posts but you failed to do so. If you can't, they're handled fine.
Lysandre labs is more akin to Dragonspiral Tower imo.
>How is it bad faith to ask you how the thing you're criticizing could have been improved?
Because you saged the thread.

You know your post is filler when it's addressed by the post it responds to lmao.
Translation: "You exposed that I had no argument whatsoever, but I'll hyperfixate on boogeyman bullshit to avoid answering a request to justify my bullshit claims at all."
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nigga what the fuck
yawnie downie is mad because several anons BTFOd him in his playthrough thread and he started autistically screeching about her boyfriend sagefag.
i know this is just a genwar thread, but cutting the sages down to the three that were battleable in b2w2 would improve both the remaining sages and the non sage admins. as is, none of the team plasma members who aren't n or ghetsis are memorable in black and white because most of their screentime is split six ways by forgettable old men who you don't even battle, half of which aren't even mentioned in the sequels, and the other admins occasionally tell you to go somewhere that you were already going to go at best and have one line of expository dialogue across the entire game at worst.
Thank you for actually engaging. I respect your opinion, but I'd have to disagree. Making them battle able through the story would only make the climax worse and muddy their main purpose, which is that postgame quest. I'd be on board for them having teams at that stage, though.
nice try sagefag
You mean the postgame quest where they STILL do nothing but run away like retards and then have a single line of irrelevant dialogue?
i can tell you didn't play it
What do the sages add to the postgame quest? Go ahead and tell us anon.
they ARE the postgame quest you gaytard
But what do they do of substance in the postgame quest? Tell us, anon.
they give you good TMs
They provide FOR the postgame quest which extends the story by now making them international police prisoners. Stop being a three year old repeating "but why" ad infinitum.
But what do the CHARACTERS do of substance? Tell us anon.
they suck your dick
Anon your question was already answered. Stop being a three year old repeating "but why" ad infinitum.
So they exist to give out TMs? That's it? How in the fuck does >>56106706 prevent them giving away TMs? How does making them actual threats instead of retards who do nothing but run away prevent them from giving out TMs? Please tell us anon.
i think you misinterpreted my post. while i do believe not being battleable is part of the reason why they are so forgettable, the main issue is that all the non-n and ghetsis team plasma screentime is split between six generic old guys. my plan to fix it would be to completely remove all the sages except rood, zinzolin, and ghetsis because ryoku, giallo, and bronius don't even get mentioned in b2w2 and gorm was pointless and forgettable to the point where no one acknowledges that he's even in b2w2. from there you could use the removed sages' screentime to flesh out the remaining sages and let the non-sages actually do something. i do think you should've battled the shadow triad, but they care more about advancing ghetsis's goals than the surface level intentions of team plasma
>So they exist
They provide FOR the postgame quest which extends the story by now making them international police prisoners. Stop being a three year old repeating "but why" ad infinitum.
I hear what you're saying, but still I'm not aligned with it. By making there less sages, there would be less of a warrant for as much screen time. I think the solution would be to just give them all a little more screen time.

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