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>ever since gen 6 game freak have a strange obsession with adding new flower pokemon in every gen
why is this?
>since gen 6
do vileplume, bellossom, roselia, roserade, liligant no exist?
>Anon discovers the grass egg group
i think he means flower (objectmons)
Magerna is a robot. Robots aren't flowers, anon.
You mean since Gen 1
wouldnt Tsareena make more sense
or Lurantis
you are stupid.
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>petal dance and petal blizzard don't exist
Okay, have your (you)
>finally bring back Florges
>kill it by removing Aromatherapy from the game

Every healing move and defog was nerfed into the ground or flatout removed for the sins of regenerator, boots, and switch moves. Now defense is crap and the new offensive additions were way overtuned.

All the devs had to do was neff regenerator and cut switch move distribution.
>ever since gen 6
>implying this is new to gen 6
those are grassmons not flowermons
look at roselia and tell me she was made with the same design principles as the nugen flower pokemon.

you can't.
I can and I will. She was made with the same design principles as the nugen flower pokemon.
Lurantis has a flower on its back. It can even learn Petal Blizzard.
Anything can be a “nu gen trend” if you delude yourself hard enough.
I blame women
exceptions don't disprove tendencies. That's why they're "trends", not brand new additions
You can’t even say roselia is made with the same design principle as roserade
>Every healing move and defog was nerfed into the ground or flatout removed for the sins of regenerator, boots, and switch moves
Punishing the weak for the crimes of the strong.
Welcome to the bullshit called balancing in Pokemon games, where the actual OP shit doesn't get touched and weak Pokemon get fucked over.
but it’s not a nu gen trend if it’s been going on since the start of the franchise. that’s why op is delusional
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That just strengthens OPs point. Considering Meganium is one of the most hated Pokemon, and Johto is the most hated region (hence why Game Freak need to "bring the coolness back" with Hoeen), Why would Game Freak repeat that mistake?
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>"since gen 6"
>proceeds to describe a thing that happened even worse in gen 5
why is this so common?
>Considering Meganium is one of the most hated Pokemon
Meganium only gets the retarded amount of hate that it currently does because the Pokemon community loves to blow shit out of proportion to no end. I can guarantee that Meganium wouldn't be as hated if it had a "le badass" or "edgy" design because "oh no girly starter Pokemon and "oh no if I pick Totodile then edgelord Silver would have Chikorita".
Yes Meganium shouldn't be weak like it is especially as a starter but holy fuck this is idiotic.
t. picked Chikorita as a child
Because they tend to have the most appealing designs that resonate with a lot of players.
My first Pokemon game was Ultra Moon and I'm still going to defend Meganium anyway.
Megamium's evo line design still sucks through, its literally:
>green turd with a leaf on its head
>bigger yellow turd with some seed thingies around its neck
>even bigger green turd with a flower on its neck.
You cant even tell what animal its supposed to be, i simply dont like the design.
I think it's clear that Bayleef and Meganium are dinosaurs but Chikorita doesn't resemble anything in particular when looking at it without the evolutions, it's just a bipedal pear thing with a pearl collar.
>You cant even tell what animal its supposed to be, i simply dont like the design.
American education moment.
How the fuck is the robot thing supposed to be a flower
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Lurantis has (unused) sleeping flower form
wtf i love lurantis now
Joking aside, this really made me appreciate the species better. Thanks, Anon!

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