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>orevald and ashime proceed throughout the postgame, going through dogshit pulse2 spam and character assassination galore
>leonymous has multiple aneurysms over rejuv's anime obsessed autism
>rg starts modding reborn 19.5 to be a better game
>another anon catches everything in the game to get theneedledragon
>ose finds himself in glitch hell, while eeveefag explores patient zero of kiki's gift

>What is this?
A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.


>Fangame Bingo

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Reborn Allgen
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Whiteouts: 280
This fight sucks extra dosages of dick, nothing takes any damage, quite a few Pokemon in the gauntlet have focus sashes or in one case Ogrepon gets Sturdy, so you can't just pull a funny sweep set with something like Armarouge.
The second part of the fight is easily the gayest thing I've ever witnessed, Ogrepon does literally nothing besides spamming Spikes and yet Spikes does so much % damage that it might as well be a "I win for free button", it also outspeeds everything, literally everything, so I'm assuming it's scarfed, I'd used a Prankster mon with Taunt, but then my team becomes dangerously vulnerable to Pecharunt's faggotry of status spam and such as well, what a dogshit fight.
Based OP image, Julia a qt
Huh, so Reborn 19.5 is out already
Turns out Dusclops' level didnt actually matter for this, it used Take Heart on the turn it used Curse
>Does Take Heart cure Curse?
I have no idea, Im not guessing no because it never used it once after, it focused purely on sweeping me. I know Hydration doesnt cure it at least. The phione it summoned at the end scared me, but ironically it helped more becuase Surf's chip damage offset the leftovers, letting Curse kill 1 turn faster than it otherwise wouldve. That was actually a make or break moment, because AFN-773 was my last pokemon.
I dont think Dusclops is leaving my team for a while after this. Should probably think of a good name for her too
She looks like she's about to get kaboomed in too, you just know she rawdogs that shit
No you wont, you stole the body of the man who saved the island, intended to pretend to be him for as long as you possibly could, mind controlled the Head Ranger and his parents, and used them for attempted murder. You should be getting the chair for that
She takes anyone and everyone.
Not to mention 'mosh pitted' with Amber
Does that count as rape?
>only mentioned to have dated men
Straightest (confirmed) Reborn character?
amber are you seriously telling her to murder her father
Julia is just all around the most underrated character in Reborn. She is a gym leader who actually does her job, maintains the regions power supply, actively take down terrorists when she learns about them, and tries to look out for her colleagues and their well being.
...really. We're really doing this now.
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What a painful miserable fight, had to go full mega autism psychic terrain team and I still barely came out on top, I think didn't think Wasteland was that bad before, but my opinion has certainly changed for the worst.
I hate this bitch so much, she literally admits in front of a bunch of the islands' top brass that she wants to kill you and in a very short while she has commit several crimes, including but not limited to, identity theft, voiced death threats, attempted murder, kidnapping (of sorts) and worst of all, attempted to make love with the MC's hot stepsister, and she gets away with it too......
painfully miserable*
I didn't think* I need to get glasses.
Im honestly amazed the game doesnt immediately paint me as the bad guy and make me lose points with Amber or some shit for picking that
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She also nails the Based Retard archetype without trying too hard or being obnoxious either.
great. this bitch is part of the circle now.
kinda tempted to just, reload a save and never do this quest if this affects anything in the future, i dont think i care about whatever reward this gives me
cleaning up some other sidequests before committing to victory road. sandy is a nutball
That and in the time skip section, you learn that she actually just becomes based without the retard bit.
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That's a cute dog.
I think this quest gives you access to Phione and it's Crest, the ladder makes the former really good.
>there isnt even a reward for this quest at the help center
...im laughing, but not genuinely anymore
I caught phione earlier so it might just be the crest, but that wasnt handed to me so idk where the fuck it would be
>Figured out the ev limiter
nice, that took way too long and nearly filtered me
Turns out I was trying too hard to copy over other versions
It's almost certainly shitcode, but it does work, and that's all I can ask for with my very little experience
I think that's about everything for this mod, since I got filtered by trying to work the automatic allocation from MM kek
It's been in community release for a while, with a lot of bugfixes
It's in her house iirc, given by one of the npcs
>Ame chose to represent a college age commie with genocidal/terrorist ambitions in this way
Very interesting choice.
This quest I believe affects at least one major questline down the road and also is required to do another quest which also affects something major down the road, unfortunately
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College communists get the sandwich dog smackdown. No exceptions.
yep that settles it im reseting, whatever quest I unlocked from doing that I dont want part in it
I honestly dont care anymore, whatever reward she's giving me im debuging, i did the quest already. I dont want to see her ever again
>ai sloppa
>Kieran got cucked in two different universes
I think you get it by interacting with Odessa's father, though I am not certain with this one since it's been a while.
Nice work managing to figure it out, with coding it's more often than not a matter of gaining experience.
I know it's painful and miserable but this quest enables others later on, so for as much as Odessa deserves to get put on an electric chair (huh, that's two games now with a psychotic lesbian water trainer, if we count men into the mix it's 3) but there's good rewards later for this.
Noooo but now you'll lock yourself out from the epic wholesome pogging goomy sidequest. What a tremendous loss
The rewards for that are Pawniard, Goomy, and some Crests like Bastiodon or Rampardos if you want to look it up
Haha..well, I'm referring mostly to how she acts during the next part of the sidequest
>the college commie is literally the most unlikable and horrible bitch you ever encounter in the story
>one of the two fossilmon I was going to use has its crest locked behind her
Jan is inside my walls and wants me to suffer
I'll give it some thought for a bit, I need a break even if I just started today after how hard the quest went from "Moderately okay" to "Steven Universe" quailty
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I'm glad everyone else hates her too.
>Literally says she wants to kill people or sow destruction with PULSE Pokemon
>Acts like a total dick
>Acts like you didn't carry her through the E4 (I think)
>Mentions the Garufans (worst part of this all)
>Allowed to leave the region alive to spread destruction
>Doesn't even use PULSE Pokemon for any of her operations
At this point I'm convinced the MC wishes destruction upon the world. It explains why you can't even push Solaris on Zekrom and why they constantly let Meteor escape. Any battles against Meteor is just so they can grow stronger, survival of the fittest style.
why was there a high king pyukumuku 6v6 for fucking brutal swing
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>Acts like you didn't carry her through the E4 (I think)
She talks mad shit for someone who dies immediately to Heather and leaves you to fight her mons 2v1.
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The biggest fish in the ocean doesnt care that the rest of the are retarded. It just cares that theres enough fish to eat.
>Kept Meteor around for Pokemon battle prize money
She does use PULSE pokemon, remember? The PULSE musharna? remember that totally relevant and awesomesauce callback to reborn that everyone remembers, and they even included a rematch against it in 13.5? so freaking awesomesauce my dude
could just debug them in now. they're probably two of the strongest crests in the game albeit
>they even included a rematch against it in 13.5?
Wait when?
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I really hope that the conclusion of this quest is smacking her in the Champion room to send her back to the start.
it's part of the shaymin quest that's only available after ch15 or so i think, you fight a rematch with the musharna if florin is alive
The conclusion is her getting arrested for trespassing, since she never actually got the gym badges required to enter the league.
There's 17/18
got tired of comparing speed numbers so I trick roomed him with specs drama surfspamming
Total Whiteouts: 56 (+2, 1 from not realizing Hardy's team was a speed gimmick and 1 from the random hiker who opened the path to the sceptilite)
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I question the reason quite a few of these people want that Meloetta so badly....
Also, C*ss wrote that entire section with Samson and gave him a team full of waifumons to present "muh toxic masculinity", yet now the same troon is obsessing over a Meloetta.
What's more retarded is that the feds got involved with Bennett searching for replacement parts for his Genesect later, but they sure can't be bothered to stop a commie terrorist, one must wonder (((why))) what must be.....
That's the modder's doing, this was a joke fight before.
Whiteouts: 281
>First battle and it's already in a field that gives my opponent a massive advantage while screwing mine over (Holy Field)
Wow, I sure love my luck.
Do you remember how many badges you're meant to have by the time the quest for the crests can be done? I think I'll stick with resetting because I want to keep her out of the story, none of those expanded quests are going to be improved by her presence no matter what, but since I already gave myself the Silvally crest on another anon's recommendation and the 2 memories that were unobtainable I'm willing to debug them only when I have enough badges
I think the only way I'll tolerate keeping her around is on the slim chance I can kill her myself on the evil route, assuming Im killing people on that route at all. Again, all my knowledge of the story ends after V8 so story routes werent even a thing yet
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Whiteouts: 283
Random my fucking ass, literally every field they get massively benefits them in some way.
You get that quest at the end of the game when you already have something like 13 to 14 badges, Crests are handled really poorly in this game and it's locked in a secret section behind a massive quest chain too, I genuinely recommend just spawning them, since while they're strong, they're definitely not game warping levels of stupid.
El required 3 Focus Sashes to beat because Flora is just that useless.
big talk coming from the dynamic duo that lost in the mansion gauntlet then disappeared many hours until now
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Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Alright, I'll just spawn them in then and start telling myself that Crawli gave her the chair with her last words being blaming her dad for her being a murdurous psychopath
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>fern can't even try to help blake because of how shit he is
god I hope his asskicking scene is soon
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To be fair to Cal (as retarded as that whole arc was) Kiki was like 3 days away from dropping dead herself and even if she wasn't I don't doubt that evil mcbadguy would've just had her decapitated regardless
And he did (at least claim to) sabotage the pulse machine so that it wouldn't work at all
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I can't beat the shit out of your team without getting closer.
Pfffft, kek.
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for real
>also btw medicham lived
So what was the fucking point then
I get this part was written way after that one but
Whiteouts: 285
Of course this shit stain gets fucking Fairy Tale with a Steel team, just LOVELY.
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What the fuck are you talking about?
gg. do you have to beat the elite 4 multiple times, cause it seems like it
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Whiteouts: 286
>Start new fight
>It's Glitch Shit
>My Delphox immediately gets paralyzed
>Send out my Slither Wing
>It immediately gets fried by a Thunderbolt and paralyzed too as well as crit on the same hit
GG, that quest is annoying as fuck
It's 'only' twice, iirc, the first time which is regular and then running it again with the rejuvshitter
Basically literally the only way Cal could've been halfway redeemed for being a colossal fuckup
They just handled it terribly and they don't even care about trying to make le epic redemption arc for characters who are far worse than Cal like Zero anyway
The second time you have a shittalking lead weight attached to your ankle h-haha.
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Whiteouts: 287
>Degenerate troon who uses a full Fairy team gets Fairy Tale
I almost solely want to create a mod for this game with the sole purpose of deleting this field from every single fight in the game that it shows up in.
GG, I remember nearly having an aneurysm last time around when I reached Elias.
Elias is easily the hardest of the bunch because Flora is actively detrimental as opposed to just useless with her slow grassy terrain setter lead.
For anyone who's curious this is the default team I'm running now. Havent really posted it before because I switch pokemon out of it constantly, hell Piplup wasnt even my starter it was Torchic, so there's not much point, but figured I should show it at least once
Thanks. I think Magearna frees me from using F*tte* Ma*e as my fairy type now too.
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what does this even mean
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>max hp max speed stab contrary draco meteor
wow epic boss
someone really ground those gears to think of this one
perhaps one of the reasons I'm having trouble with these goons (beyond lmao max EVs) is because I forgot the level cap is now 95
also victoria kinda sucks
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Whiteouts: 291
Wait....that Meloetta, does she know about the lalilulelo?!
Pretty much, I was stuck doing that fight last time around with just Steels and Psychics, I think I might have also asked for the lads in the thread to make a team for me, so it was especially w-wonderful h-haha....
It's a solid team.
There's old expression called "aim for the moon, for even if you miss it will land upon the stars", at least I think it goes something like that.
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Corviknight came in clutch here.
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on top of the fact that this dialogue is optional, I'm glad someone on the dev team realized "xe/xer" are goofy ass pronouns and included "they/them"
it's very considerate that the ghosts heal your team when you win, more considerate then some "friends" in these games
For some dumb reason the game withholds your use from the masks up until later outside of the teal mask, I guess modder-khun got buckbroken by Ogerpon on ladder.
I forgot about the ship for a second so I went the wrong way, apparently they got lazy making this cop and assume you wont directly talk to him and only get stopped by him
Im finally impressed Melia, you managed to make the boat do a 180 from a complete standstill without anyone noticing before you bumped the docking spot
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You punch it, real hard, works every time.
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This is easily the worst map so far in Reborn. Big empty forest with nothing in it and not visually very interesting.
is that the forest near titania's gym or the teleporting forest near spinel town
it’s the god cancer
Yes, I will.
Wait till you see New World Helix.
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Solarus' family is an interesting one.
Neither and worse than both. Titania's gym at least ends really quickly and the Spinel Town forest at least has a lot of things to do in it.
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cheesed the ditto arceus fight with sturdy endeavor donphan
oh, this is one of the better written postgame quests. enjoy the lack of cass-tier character assassination or literal nonsense
if you want to see the rewards for the amount of spirits knocked out, IMO 10-15 is the "tolerable and gets you the best rewards" range
they haven't been bad so far, at least 3/4 I've beaten hate holy field
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I'm enjoying the character development with Elias and Taube a lot.
At least that field will never trouble you again h-haha.
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"Nice Ubers team, faggot, I was just chilling with my Furret until you got here" ~ him, probably
Hey atleast 70% of his Discord Kittens are girls... He thinks.
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The map design here is beautiful too.
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Gouging Fire solos Celebii with no issues.
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Missy, no one, NO ONE disses my home of Orre, no one!
Wes, get the scooter. We're taking this one out 'round the desert.
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I never thought I'd say this, but she and Corey are perfect for each other.
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(((Sirius))) sure has a lot in common in both ideology and methodology with Mossad.
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It's kinda funny that if the MC knew how to climb you could have theoretically gotten to this side of the map before even fighting Shade or go back to Reborn during the circus arc
Now that I think about it, this whole quest reads off like someone trying to shove their fanfic characters into a segment, there's the main nog of the group, all the grunts have their "defined personality" and the villain is "le rich White snob woman who doesn't like foreigners", very much reads like shite from tumblr.
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Oh yeah there is even a rock climb path here, kinda neat
Erick feels like he's way less annoying than he should be. Like, if he was in any other game he would be an easy contender for top 3 worst characters so far but I've just seen so much worse that it's almost tolerable. Maybe its because he's meant to be connected to Saki so my brain is waiting for the point he reaches that level
But hey I ate my words about enjoying the writing even slightly during odessa's quest, there's always time for that to change
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Not long enough since the sea witch didn't die from dehidration or starvation while in here
he's just run of the mill obnoxious yeah, other than the point where he lets some people get vored for absolutely no reason other than it's le funny i guess
however, he does say oy vey upon defeat, says a lot about the (((Blakeorys)))
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stupid fucking faggot clawitzer lives a full health charged metal burst from Yakub btw
because we couldn't have the penultimate penultimate penultimate final boss not have max health for no reason right
>use custap berry to get a toxic off so I can stall out with my remaining three pokemon after clawnigger gets brought to red
>it's attack misses so I live next turn
>hit protect so I live next turn
>hit protect again but it misses so I live
>gets put down by toxic damage
eat shit and die
Yakub has no weaknesses, not even the most retarded of custom mons can defeat him
Total Whiteouts: 64 (+7, mostly working through his team until I figured out how to sweep with no losses
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I'm thinking both aught to be shipped directly along the Cal express into a volcano
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Do not skip the bird speech, ma'am. They're very important.
I mean truthfully, what is he supposed to do? He's just a monitor so I dont *think* he can use his pokemon right now and he said the people are still alive inside it so he'd just risk killing them. Yeah he's being a dick about it but I don't think he has the power to stop it regardless. All the times I have a group thats perfectly capable of fighting the singular thing threatening all of us and I'm for no reason the only one actually fighting have conditioned me to not care so much about Erick doing this
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Taka really feels like a jewtuber here afraid of even saying kill
you'll see pretty shortly, but he pushes a scientist to get eaten by the garbodor and it's immediately pointed out that it would have been fine if the garbodor had eaten the monitor and let the scientist escape, but it's done for le comedy
but yeah, it's not as bad as some other shit from this same game, which is just lol
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They quite literally just attacked us and are holding a gym leader hostage
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Same $0ylent energy.
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They will get some new tricks when you stop falling for them
But then I would lose contact with him and the others and it'd become a solo mission while Im in the one spot one one returns from. Unless he pulls a second monitor out later anyway that'd still be a terrible move
happy claire/10
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I have got to say I hate the perspective in these puzzles, I can never figure it out first try
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Like how are these two images the exact same spot? In the no water you have two spaces but putting it on the top doesn't do it while putting it on the bottom means it's the middle
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In this one too, I think it's going to be side by side but it ends up being one space above
I don't know if it's just me being shit at spacial awareness or not
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What Golbat? Modder-kun, you missed a spot.
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And then this also didn't work
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>eevee sidequest about a tranny kid forcing an irreversible change upon his pokemon and it loathing him for it
>leaves it's owner to die during the pulse shit earlier in the game
based troon writers???
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There is no pratical difference but this one works instead because reasons
I got punk'd by that part as well, the trash starts to float on the surface of the water
i guess, but it basically already is (and always has been) a solo mission anyway kek
i do remember he helps out with like, card access or whatever the fuck, because i guess he needs somewhat of a purpose during that bit and you have to obey le heckin turnstiles while there's a man eating monster on the loose
>you have to obey le heckin turnstiles while there's a man eating monster on the loose
Bounce is not part of Human Trainer's learnset pls understand
Why are Leppa berries gated behind reaching the top of the department store?

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