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I need a Skyla thread, and I need it now
Okay, I'll post some pics.
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I find it funny how nobody complains about Skyla being off-model like Cynthia when she is canonically portrayed with small breasts even in Masters.

She's like Lana's mom where everyone just headcanons she has Big tits
I'm not complaining
You call this small?
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Wife material
I want to own her
>Implying our queen doesn't have huge honkers in canon
Excuse you sir
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I like Skyla very much
i swanna fuck her :3
How much you wanna fuck her

It's because that small group of brainroot troons that always scream "muh off-model" probably are mentally ill and have nothing better to do other than being annoying at their workplace (if they have a job) or be annoying fucking assholes on the internet because nobody wants to be near their africa rotten smell bodies.

And that's basically it, i see no other reasons for why they'd be yapping about other people tastes on a online forsaken board
Huge airbags...
Go back faggots
Skyla would be a fun gyaru.
I'd imagine she was one when she was younger.
With how sex her design is, I can see it. Would she slut it up with older trainers?
>Coomer art
No you don't
She might've done some teasing and flirting towards them
>With how sex her design is
Are you from Reddit?
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I'm sure those older trainers reciprocated and took Skyla over to a nice, comfy room for a couple of them.
Probably not. It's probably against the law and she'd lose her license.
She never saw it coming, but I'm sure she doesn't mind, either.
She never minds. Skyla's all about having fun and letting loose. She's probably been like that throughout her time as a trainer and it's still like that as a gym leader, even so much as to reward the challengers when they beat her.
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I'm pretty sure she the reason why she made her gym so tough to go through, with all of cannons and ducted fans, is so she can handpick the most durable trainers for her intense training exercises.
That's gotta be the reason. There's no way that gym would be approved of with the dangerous cannons and the huge fans able to push humans around. Her gym trainers are very strong, in more ways than one. What would Skyla's intense training exercises be like?
Is this a new Reddit meme?
Probably some cardio exercises that requires a participating partner. It's also best to train with as little clothing as possible as to not get your clothes all soaked and wet. These exercises might take a long time to complete, however.
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Ah, so jogging. Well they are durable and handpicked by Skyla no less so I can understand that.
>It's also best to train with as little clothing as possible as to not get your clothes all soaked and wet. These exercises might take a long time to complete, however.
Skyla's working them overtime. I'm sure it's all worth it in the end, right? I mean, why else would it take a long time for a simple exercise.
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Oh, it's most definitely worth it. And everyone will be quite.. satisfied.
Satisfied huh? Well I can't argue with that, it sure looks like they're worked to the bone, but with the happy looks on their faces, I can't say much about it. Although Skyla herself is always tuckered out. Panting, shaky legs and very sweaty...
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Yeah, and she might even bring her friend Elesa along to accompany lucky trainers for some special double battle training.
Why are /vp/edos incapable of not posting lewds in Pokegirls threads? This isn't your personal fap folder you porn addicted incels
Double battle training? With Elesa too? I can only imagine how intense the training for that would be. I'm kinda jealous of those lucky trainers...
something I find funny is that there's always gay Larp and then complain about pokemon being "pozzed"
Same, it's not every day you get a chance to "train" with two of Unova's hottest gym leaders at the same time. Must be heaven.
They both fucked Clay and one of them gave birth to Lacey
Genuinely asking but is Lacey's mom actually confirmed?
I just wonder what the training itself is actually like... it's very intense and with two strong trainers too. Those two weak trainers don't stand a chance of enduring Skyla and Elesa.
The training is probably involves a lot of wrestling and sometimes, it can be 2 vs 1. And those poor trainers will have no choice but to endure it, for their own sake. But hey, it's a rewarding experience either way.
A 2 v 1 that's very unfair! Those trainers are probably just starting out on their journey! How will they take the bulk of Elesa and Skyla if they are unable to learn anything from this training? He's probably more tired compared to the gym leaders...
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As unfair as it may be, trainers don't seem to mind one bit. Sure, they'll lose indefinitely when compared to the might of both Skyla and Elesa combined. But it'll be their pleasure for them to lose to such stunning beauties and to gain so much experience from them.
And what kind of experience will these trainers have to gain from Skyla and Elesa?
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They become more durable and physical fit from the double teaming as well as learning how to last longer in battle and how to pleasure both trainers at once. This is a rare opportunity, after all, so they got to take advantage of it the best way they can.
Pleasure both trainers, you say? I thought this was a Pokemon battle! Well, after a long bit of training I suppose they have to be rewarded in some way... lucky...
Don't trainers get pleasure from battling other trainers? Though, I suppose there are other methods to "battle" trainers with. Either way, they are indeed very, very lucky.
>NSFW shit gets constantly posted
>It's literally 2-3 faggot roleplaying together
Any reason why this shit thread isn't nuked yet?
Yeah there's many methods. Double, Triple battle and even Rotation too! Though I suppose Elesa and Skyla need a third trainer to join for the other two.
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>Though I suppose Elesa and Skyla need a third trainer to join for the other two.
Yeah, the question is who would it be?
Do you have any suggestions? There's Caitlin, Shauntal for the Elite Four. Rosa and Hilda for other aspiring trainers.
>I find it funny how nobody complains about Skyla being off-model like Cynthia
Cynthia is much more popular --> more contrarians/haters
Those are indeed fine candidates for some triple battle action. Hilda or Rosa would be less experienced than Skyla and Elesa, but they'll be sure to show her the ropes. Crazy idea, what if they got the famous Cynthia from Sinnoh involved in the activity? She does stay in one of the villas of Undella town and Caitlin knows her well enough. It could be a one in a lifetime opportunity to experience firsthand how the beautiful champion of Sinnoh battles.
They're practically sisters
Cynthia you say? You got a point there, Elesa and Skyla also appear in her villa when she is around, so it's not too out there for the famous Cynthia to indulge these plucky new trainers on how to really battle. Plus, she's a champion like you said, while Skyla and Elesa are tough in their own right, Cynthia is on a whole other level. I think those new trainers are gonna be in for the time of their life!
What makes you say that?
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Oh yeah are, and Cynthia's not one to hold back one bit. With her on the team, all three of them are going to go all out on those poor trainers. And it's not going to end after the first battle, either. So, they better stock up on some rare candies and vitamins. And full restores. Maybe, even a max revive or two.
At least four big reasons why
I can see what you mean now. Long lost sisters
No doubt the girls will win one of many battles to come. After all, they're so strong those new guys didn't stand a chance. They'd have to stock up on quite a lot of items really. Fresh Water, Moomoo Milk, Revives and some Elixers and PP-Ups too in case they running out.
Question is, is this a Triple Battle or a Rotation Battle?
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They'll apply both formats in their encounter. And they won't need to worry about Moomoo Milk. The girls will have plenty of milk in stock for them.
>B-but you must cope
How about no faggot? /vp/ will never be your personal porn dump whether you and the other porn addicted trannies that plagues this board like it or not. Now take your shit thread to >>>/e/ and/or kill yourselves faggots. Skyla would never want to have sex with any of you even if she was real anyway
Oh? Is Whitney from Johto going to join them too, or are you implying something else...
Whitney's probably stopping by after partaking the PWT to see what Cynthia and the others are up to. Who knows what this could lead to?
I think I have a couple of ideas in mind. In fact, if we're accounting the PWT. That means a lot of trainers from all over the regions will be participating, and that might bring in a lot of newer trainers trying to test their luck.
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The possibilities are endless. Just think of the many woman across multiple regions who are eager to teach the newer generation how to properly battle. Skyla, most definitely, but there's also Sabrina, Misty, Whitney, Clair, Flannery, Roxanne, Gardenia, Candice, Cynthia, Elesa, Caitlin, Shauntal and much more. And they're all here in Unova thanks to the PWT and other factors.
Sounds like you have an idea on how each of those trainers might properly teach the newer trainers how to battle. Care to elaborate more on that?
I can only speculate, but I think their types might have a factor to it. Take Sabrina for instance, she may have ghost types levitate her and the trainers up in air while they're "training" really hard. Gardenia might use her grass types to tie trainers up in vines and stuff. It'll be alot to explain each and every single one but either way, it'll get trainers more accustomed to different types and how to deal with them.
That sounds specific but I think I can see where each of those trainers are going with. Although, since type charts are involved, will, say Gardenia, Candice and Roxanne have to teach about their weaknesses in a more detailed and hands-on approach or do they explain about the strengths of their respective type?
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>Ghost types
>Not even being subtle with the porn posting
Mods can you stop fapping in the Poppy thread and actually do your job? Not only are they posting borderline /e/ tier garbage they are also roleplaying, both of which is not normally allowed here. Atleast move their shit thread to /b/ if you don't want to nuke it
Skyla is very pretty
Shut up nerd
That's a nice outfit Skyla has.
>Says the porn addicted tranny
Goodie thread
Sex with Skyla
need titsex so bad
Report them and hope the mods will remove the lewds.
You're a falseflagger, aren't you?
One word: cowblowing.
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Masters nerfed her in fear of becoming too powerful
Look at her go!
How does she do that??
Because of her propeller silly
But Skyla is very heavy, that's a very strong propeller!
Helium, silly.
It's stored in the bun
Is it stronger than Rosa's buns?
I wonder how Winona feels about that.
Go away
Is that a Doraemon reference?
Skyla's huge airbags...

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