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middle stages that are better than teh final
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I already know some PMD furfag will post Grovyle in this thread
except for ivysaur
I love Crocalor, I also love Quaxwell and Floragato.
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>pic unrelated
>samurottfag is the first one who starts getting defensive
fucking clockwork
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It's not great, but it's better than Inteleon
kek ivysaur is the worst middle-stage evolution in the dex
Its better without its left eye
Lose weight
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>starter is sad chameleon with invisibility
>mid evo is emo water balloon bombermon
okay so i guess he's gonna become a sneaky stealth bomber, kind of like greninja but with a spin
>turns into a lanky finger gun faggot out of nowhere
based drizzleanon
Projection from ivytranny as usual
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It's weird how this thread is just starters
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What the fuck happened?
My BMI is 21, fatty
Sadly I agree with you, OP. I wish Meganium had kept the leaf on head.
Here is my list from what I remember

And there are others whose evolutions I think are ok but I wish they had different concepts upon evolving

And there is the special case of palpitoad, a pokemon I don't consider to be good but whose evolution I don't like. I wish it had followed the same asthetics and headphpnes concept of tympole instead of whetever what that frog with bulges and unnecessary typing is (seismitoad).
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Non of you retards have even posted the actual middle stage that's better then the final evo starter
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Is it him?
Post it then
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Fuck Ampharos
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WRONG! The whole line is precious and I love them
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guys i think somethings wrong with my quilava
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Is it him?
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I kinda like Monferno more than Infernape.
>Ruins rhyhorn
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this is literally the worst mid stage evo ever made. inteleon is bad but this is just terrible.
Lyra raped my Quilava
thwackey and quilladin are far worse
my boyfriend!
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Unironically this
>What the fuck happened?
It transformed into an iconic Pokémon and not another down syndrome serpent.
Now this is an unusual take.
A Down syndrome serpent is miles better than a homosexual obese dragon with Down syndrome
A JP3 Spino would've been leagues better than AI generated bootlegmon
Dragonite exudes big cock chad energy and you are jealous.
what happened to him
>worse than both its preevo and evolution
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The body type alone is more interesting and dynamic
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This is what I came for, I hecking love Drizzile
This, Inceleon is one of the biggest eyesores in the series
Abusive trainer. But he's free now and the trainer went on to bully a Braixen instead.
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>Abusive trainer. But he's free now
that’s good to hea-
>trainer went on to bully a Braixen instead
only one medicine can fix this, an bullet thought that trainers brain
Came to post this, my fave mon
you never mattered
>perfect single stage
>both baby form and evo suck major ass and feel tacked on (because they are)
eh? maybe theyre not good but theyre technically better
yeah i like the danger noodle better
yall know whats up
you can say that about most baby pokemon
(besides the ones that were added to strong mons like snorlax blissey lucario ect.) evolution was needed though cause roses stats are kind of ass
but the final evo doesn't look as good
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You can see the faces
>Forced meme
You will never get people to like Rhyperior
It's shocking how you can so obviously tell that Roselia and Roserade were designed by completely different people
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I mean, you use Discord
so that's a given
these are the worst
No. Its next stage is serperior.
>I'm supposed to just sit idly as someone slanders my bro
Never happening
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Murkrow is peak aesthetic. I don't like how they gave Honchkrow red plummage, just seems off.
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I always thought that Ampharos was supposed to be a Llama or a bipedal Giraffe, which really confused me.
Johto has the best mon designs
>Middle stage
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if Greninja was made with the bubble scarf instead of the tongue it would easily be my favorite pokemon of all time. instead they ruined what the theme was and gave us garbage.
Frogadier it is I suppose
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I have no justification other than wanting to talk about Murkrow
The trainer is ok, i like pokemon torture
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lol ivysaur is possibly the ugliest shitmon in existence :P
dubs lie
trips truth
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I don't like Tinkaton.
File deleted.
digits confirm
>he deleted the bulbasaur thread even though it didn't break any rule
foxie is in a total meltdown mode after getting exposed lmao
he's scared of the screenshots
he deleted the delcatty thread as well shortly after he was caught changing discord nickname to delcattyfag to stir up shit
>gets called out for always getting warnings and never ever getting banned anymore
>has to immediately delete his thread to kill suspicion that he is a mod
>still posting because again he gave himself a warning so he can continue trolling
lol way to out yourself ivyack
It makes sense. He also deleted the delcatty thread because ivyack hates delcattyanon for not siding with him after ivyack shamelessly tried to brownnose him
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Nobody believes you lol the screenshots said everything and made you delete 3 threads after they were posted.

Sorry OP, but I can't do much to these trolls derailing every thread about starters.
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fluffy tank pokemon
Knew he was a fucking janny or mod. It was too obvious.
It is weird how everyone else gets a ban, but never him.
cutest tortle
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i love edgeworth bird
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it's simply cooler
Not a middle stage

Hoppip is better but that entire line represents Johto's problem with Pokemon designs, fat plush-like blobs
Came here to post this. I get the idea behind it losing wool as it evolved but holy shit foes ampharos just kill everything I found appealing about the mareep line.
For the longest time I thought jumpluff evolved into skiploom. I didn't have the games at the time and going off the designs from the anime this one just looks more "final"

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