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Sit the fuck back down, Pokerogue. The OG sheriff is back in town.
Is there a version without the nugen mons
There are settings within the game that let you disable specific generations.
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>tranny obsessing
As repulsive as trannies are, I'm not exactly sure what the creator being one (if she even is) has to do with the game itself. It's not like you have to pay her to play it
Unlike Pokerogue however, the creator isn't injecting their personal beliefs into the game out of insecurity.
Yeah, and she’s based for it. Cope and seethe
It’s literally tomorrow
Damn, I was so invested in my current save, but depending on the changelog I might start over. There's so much potential for more events.
I don’t think you have a choice, old saves are incompatible
damn. just saw this. i'm so excited. i have like 400 hours in rogue
I took a break after my PC died, killing my multi hundred hour save and just got back into it a few days ago. Talk about incredible timing on my part
Rent free.
That alone makes him better than most trannies.
And he got kicked off the team cause of that and the very first event after that was pride shit.
Want a good Pokémon Roguelike game? Play The Pit.
When my laptop shit the bed I was able to take out the ssd and buy an enclosure so I could access all the files on a different laptop
this is you
found the tranny lover
>creator of the game supports total kike death
Where's the issue again?
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Ignorant or a blatant shill?
I actually did put my hdd into my buddy's PC to do the same thing, but he forgot it was there and wiped his SSD (which he does very frequently, I guess) before I had a chance to get a USB drive to put it on
What do you mean hes not injecting his
Lgbt propaganda onto it. This is the first thing I see when entering the official emerald rogue discord server btw
Wdym does he know? I thought the creator of PokeRogue was anti tranny
He's not involved in pokerogue anymore and the people in charge have aggressively been pushing as much gay and tranny shit as possible to make up for the stain of having the creator not wholly endorse trannies
>What do you mean hes not injecting his Lgbt propaganda onto it.
>proceeds to post something not attached to the game
Please point to where the trannyshit is in Emerald Rogue.

He is no longer on the team. Hasn't been for a while. It's literally run by trannies now.
You clearly don't play pokerogue because it's had a big fat pride flag on the title screen for all of June, along with trans flag shinies.
Alright, then let's wait until tommorrow when it releases. I'll bet a thousand dollars there's gonna be pronouns in the new release. You can screenshot this. Iet's see if im wrong because i guarantee there's going to be troon shit
Now show me where this is directly affecting the game itself to an unavoidable degree.
Even if there is, the current version does not, and is still perfectly playable.
Fuck that sucks, I'm sorry man. At least you can start fresh now.
All these features look great but
Who the hell was asking for this?
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how the fuck do you even find out about this stuff
jesus man get some help this is like that one thread on /v/ a few weeks ago this whole site is fucking obsessed
convenient to make it streamerbait
...You're supposed to make trannies look bad, right? Announcing and advertising that dev of actually cool project may or may not be a tranny is reverse of it.
I wasn't at all, but I have friends and am honestly kind of excited for it
My question is what's even the point? How is it going to even work?
Yeah seriously like wtf? I love trans people now.
What have these useless cucks that cry about "trannies" in their little online safe space ever done for me? You worthless bitch ass niggas haven't done shit, unlike the person who made Emerald Rogue, you niggas need to grab a job applications and lose enough weight to find your penises again, even your words in this digital aether are an eyesore. Do better.
you fucking wokes and your pronouns, stop shoving this shit down my throat
i find it unironically how someone being a tranny is enough to make you avoid a romhack entirely
its the pokemon community, were all trannies get the fuck used to it.
The woke mind virus is too strong, the woke media has a woke agenda, and it's total non-woke death, but they still continue to sleep on the dangers of hecking WOKE DEI culture. Makes me so mad that I don't even feel like watching Tyrone plow my wife tonight.
I am in total agreement with everything you said and am also a nonce by the way
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Kept telling myself I'd play this but never did. Does this hack make me ask myself "How am I going to handle the incoming bullet train without a fairy" every run? I see there are routes which is already better than pokerogue's very real threat of getting pingponged between team grunts and regular trainers for half a biome.
>it's a /pol/fag underage raid thread
The game has easy, normal, and hard difficulties if you're worried about bullshit being thrown at you. I play on normal and when I lose it's typically either typical battle rng or just totally my fault, not "damn, I got screwed on encounters this run". You'll see plenty of pokemon and get many chances to fill out your team before each boss battle.
>emerald rogue
>uses the Gen 4 intro ost
Fuck off with the gen 3 hacks and fangames, gimme more gens 4 and beyond.
>tranny obsessed
Trannies can be bad and you can still be a retard that's obsessed with them. They aren't exclusive. Why do you think about them so much?
First time a tranny has created something instead of ruining the fun and trying to destroy everything
>i'm only talking about it now because it's relevant.
This is a thread about a romhack.
>i dont even go to this board
Demonstrably untrue.
>after i leave this thread i wont give a fuck about trannies
No one believes you.
how does the multiplayer work?
isnt this a GBA romhack?
It was a thread about a rom hack and someone said something about trabbies and then every single time a bunch of trannies dogpile them because they want all kids to trust them for some weird reason.... like to rape them. And I just got banned for trying to warn kids about these trannies because a mod of this site is a fucking waste of life pedophile that rapes kids and needs them to trust them and deletes and warnings to kids to watch out for rapist trannies. Nice so 100% confirmed a tranny rapist pedophile is a janny on the pokemon board huh that's sooo unexpected lol not really. It's extremely depressing, but thankfully you will burn in hell so GG
>ban evades to keep talking about trannies
>But hey I'm just doing it to help myself feel better
Feels over reality, who would have thought? It's weird that talking about trannies makes you feel good.
>I actually tried to do something.
You're a loser larper that will never do anything about your problems besides cry online. Nothing is stopping you from going out and actually "protecting" the kids you pretend to care about.
It's not so simple
>you're just a glowie
I'm shocked that a larping faggot would cry out at the thought of doing something.
>tranny obsessing
Why are brownskins like this?
You sound like such a great person
controlled opposition. the easiest way to push propaganda is to make the other side look like total lunatics, and they've done a damn good job of it with this stuff.
>my posts on 4chan are doing something
Keep telling yourself that.
keep on bein gay
Kys, filthy chud.
he's right
So is it out yet?
As low as the bar for tranny basedness goes, this one is pretty alright for actively creating something rather than twisting and destroying another thing. I’ve got my issues with the gameplay loop that make me not want to play but hey at least it’s putting something good out into the world for once
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Can we just ignore the bait in future threads and just discuss the romhack? Pretty sure the ad hominem poster is either a falseflagger or someone who hates this hack in particular.
The new version drops in less than an hour. Praying it's not dropped on discord first.
Aw sweet
>no pronoun bullshit
So how's everyone's experience so far?
Can you shift between classic and modern encounters freely or are you stuck once you pick one?
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>badge 2 rival fight has life orb sand rush close combat lycanroc on a route with perma-sandstorm
You can swap when you're not in a run. Beating a run or finding the secret switch unlocks even more options for what pokemon can appear, as well
Not since wifemin is based, Arrest yourself and go to bed.
First attempt ends after Gym 5 because I got jumped by N and his team of 6 Life Orb mons after losing some strong Pokemon to Elesa
Revavroom feels really fucking good in this game, it takes a bit to pick up but a good defensive typing, strong reliable STABs and Shift Gear lets it sweep the midgame if you can keep it alive
Why does my dex cap out at 400?
Does the "Extended Storage" have anything to do with it?
Playing on my 3DS via open_agb_firm
It seems the default dex size is 400 (the "selection" mentioned when you pick modern mode)
To unlock full dex you need to beat the game once or find the secret passage somewhere in the hub
Ah I see
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lol get fucked nerd
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>tranny dev
>discord server is pronoun bullshit
I sleep.
>got a honedge starter
Yup... it's gonna be some good runs.,,
>juan leads swift swim choice band tera water basculegion in rain
guess i'll die
Never played the first version. Any tips to this?
___________________________git gud
>doesn't work with My Boy anymore
To the garbage it goes
Fuck moment

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