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Convince me to try this
actually good animations for once should be reason enough
“Good animations” doesn’t mean “slows the game down to a crawl and make it extremely boring and tedious to play”
is it really bad? The part where you catch other players' pokémon removed my expectations
Those aren't players, it isn't an MMO
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Is you’re one of the people who hated Johto for leaning on KANTOOOOOmons you should be happy to see all the Johto Pokémon, an ironic side effect of Johto Pokémon being erased from the main series in Gen 3 is them essentially having the side games to themselves

Note: Houndoom is still late as fuck for some reason and Ledian still sucks eggs, and like most games in the series the “best” strat just use the first two Pokémon you get (in this case Eeveelution+ Johto starter) but many of seemingly lackluster choices are actually decent if given the chance (though in most cases they were never that bad in the first olave just that most people never bothered with them since KANTOOOOmons are much more common)
it has flat out the best and wackiest rouges gallery/villainous team of any pokemon game

>disco stu
>cressalia cosplayer
>Colress before he was cool
>bobobo-bo bo-bobo
more fitting for >>56106213
You can use this for 90% of the opinions on this board.
If you hate Ludicolo you get to beat up a full team of them
>FRLG are bad remakes
>Emerald is worse than you remember
>the Gamecube games are bad
I see the Gen 9 shills have gotten tired of astroturfing how awful Gen 2 is
You have it backwards, it will be the Ludicolo beating your poor excuse of a team.
i actually see this anti gen 3 rhetoric most commonly from the tajiri purists, in full honesty.
If this community has convinced me of anything it's that the more people who like something, the shittier it becomes and the more likely it's reputation to become tarnished.
So fuck off, don't play it, don't even look at the boxart for an extended period of time, go play SV or SwSh instead, keep cooming to the 11 year olds and never touch my comfort spin-off with your disgusting, grubby hands.
We live in an era where emulation (gamecube in particular) is piss easy and speed up exists so game speed for anything Pre-PS3/Xbox 360 is basically a given at this point.
Cool now I’m still stuck with a game with no fucking content
If you play like an ADHD ridden autist, sure. But that's a you problem, not a me problem.
You get Noctowl, Mantine, and Qwilfish before this with 95% crit shadow rushes. Yeah i'd struggle beating the Ludicolos if I sucked ass but I don't
It's heavily disliked by faggots & trannies.
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It's going to be so funny to see shills start shitting on Gen 5 in Gen 11 or Gen 12
Boring dogshit game with a roster filled with shitmons.
>not being ADHD somehow gives the game content
I’ll be sure to remember this next time you screech about Sword and Shield.
>In the game where you have to battle pokemon, you have to battle pokemon
Explain how it's any different to the handheld games
Yeah, we know that already, what's this got to do with Colosseum?
The handheld games don't have animations that take 7+ seconds to finish.
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if you have a gba/link cable with emerald/fire red, you get a bunch of battles you can throw some mons in
If you don't prepare to use Espeon/Typhlosion and some of the shittiest mons you've ever seen because you dont have a choice
>no-one has mentioned the fact that all battles are doubles
this should be the standard format in all mainline games and all romhacks should be focused around this
Why do you pretend PkHex doesn’t exist in 2024.
It's frustrating because it has the germ of a cool idea and presentation, hampered by being an elaborate mean to fill the roster of missing Gen 2 Pokemon and that's it.
Ultimately, the Gen 2 Pokemon missing in RS don't feel as polished as the Kanto/Johto mons that made the cut(and even those aren't perfect). Pokemon distribution doesn't feel organic in most of the game and just feels like they're tossing you missing pokemon instead of ones that are viable. And it's slow.
Kill yourself sagefag
doubles are a meme
The game being doubles has no bearing on the game’s quality and the battles are equally as braindead as the mainline games if you aren’t retarded.

>click toxic with umbreon if necessary
>click screens with espeon if necessary
>proceed to mash A as usual every other turn while ignoring all your other pokemon
holy shit so much better bros
i don’t think you can transfer moms in and out u til u beat me he game thoughbeit
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best pokemon animations ever
fun progression
the only downsides are the johto shitmon options and how long battles take
Doesn't matter, game's piss easy because you get fucking Umbreon and Espeon for starters, who are the objective best duo in the whole game for the reasons >>56107193 described.
Sagefag, nobody believes that
you're a meme
yes, but singles is the exact same, doubles is mash a but better
>2,000lb Pokemon just needs to hop in the air to make an Earthquake happen
Actually pretty cool.
> the johto shitmon options
How does the “johto shitmon” meme even make sense here when the best Pokémon to use here are for Johto, the the only thing keeping outclassing many johto mons here is an earlier or stronger Johtomon. Granted there’s no defending shit like Sunflora, Delibird or Yanma but that’s not the whole fucking game.
>use [strategy] when necessary, mash otherwise
This doesn't apply to USUM because...?
Because he thinks two or maybe three hard fights means that totem Komo-o isn't a fucking joke, he's actually retarded. I would probably put USUM and the Game Cube titles on similar difficulty tiers, personally. I mean, they have bosses that are actually designed, it's the best by default. SM doesn't get a pass because I hate it, fuck you.
No one mentioned USUM in this thread until you did. Seek help, schizo.
To be fair, it's easy to identify Yawnfag's typing style, very few other people talk about mashing A, and he's known to hold USUM in high regard. It's pretty simple, sis.
>nooooooo you can't just heckin remember my opinions from other threads
>and he's known to hold USUM in high regard
Ew, how? I'd argue it's worse than vanilla SM because the plot is worse and that's the sole reason to play Gen 7.
No, the plot is better in USUM because your rival has an arc instead of some dumb plot about a girl nobody cares about having mommy issues so you have to ride a lion to a different dimension.
the only people who hate hoenn and gen iii are johtoddlers
Dolphin runs on android phones. You can put it on your phone and it can be your pooping game for the next few months. If you're going to literally shitpost anyways, why not be productive?
It's better than most of gamefreak's games but make sure you're playing it in an emulator so you can fast forward once the long animations inevitably begin to annoy you. They're great, but they just take so long that you'll get sick of them after a while.
Also there's a romhack for it that messes with the balance iirc. You might want to look into it.
It's not meant to be an everlasting Pokemon game. It's basically a challenge mode campaign. "Here's a limited set of Pokemon and fixed set of trainers, do what you can with these limited tools."
On an unmodded GameCube, you cannot. You can, however, just use PkHex to edit your save and either play in an emulator or write the edited save to a memory card.
> It's basically a challenge mode campaign
Then why is it just as easy as the mainline games? The “limited tools” don’t mean anything when the best strategy is to just sweep everything with the same 2 pokemon the entire game.
>just as easy
this is bait. Even tryhard compfaggots have been repeatedly wiped by some fights.
>Mon spends 10 hours stumbling around before doing its move or fainting

Fuck animations
>even super autistic losers have been wiped repeatedly
First Poster here, animations don't have to be long to be good, they just have to be good. And this game has good animations. I really don't understand the seethe and instant deflection to "muh speed".
smells like sagetroon in here
>tranny obsessed
whatever you're trying to do, it's not working
Don't. Play Grand Colosseum, instead. There's also XG and Colosseum Kaizo. All are solid.
I'm glad you concede Colosseum is trash because you can't actually defend it and need to deflect to off topic garbage as a distraction.
>I can't like this thing anymore because it's popular
The Absolute State of (You).
>you can't actually defend it and need to deflect to off topic garbage as a distraction.
Like yawn does whenever a thread is changed to being about the DS games? Get the fuck out of here. If he's going to spam his opinions all day long and constantly try to judge the standards of others for consistency I see no reason why I shouldn't judge him as well.
This game is part of Pokemon history.
It is as essential as Red and Blue.

A team that wasn't GameFreak made a spinoff on the formula with elements begged for to this day.
Colosseum is a turning point in Pokemon history. It's the Shippuden in Naruto. It's the Z of Dragon Ball

Colosseum was an inflection point - grow Pokemon with the audience or keep it for kids?
Nintendo kept it for kids.
BUMP for the #1 thread on this board today
That's what (You) think.
t. Cipher Peon
>>FRLG are bad remakes
They're not bad remakes, but I'd still rather play the original games.
>not embracing the challenge of being forced to use shitmons in a creative way
>the best strategy is to just sweep everything with the same 2 pokemon the entire game.
Then don't use those pokemon you fuckin retard. How hard is it to figure out? I usually dump those 2 into the PC as quickly as possible whenever I go through a run.
> Espeon/Typhlosion and some of the shittiest mons you've ever seen because you dont have a choice
That true for most gamea though. There isn’t much reason not to use the two earliest strong mons you get, everything else by definition will be a shitmon since “shitmon” is a relative term
then I’m better off playing literally any of the mainline games instead because they have more content and the battles don’t take years to finish.
kys yawnfag
Why are you behaving like such an insufferable faggot? Are you that desperate for attention?
I’m not the one shilling a game that’s worse than every mainline game in every conceivable way.

In a sense I’m glad Colosseum exists because it proves most of this fanbase has zero actual standards beyond “I grew up with it therefore it’s good”
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It's called "giving yourself a challenge", zoomie. I know that you've had everything handed to you in life, but overcoming adversity can be satisfying, especially if you do it in your own unique way.
>then I’m better off playing literally any of the mainline games
ok, do that then. What do I care?
>battles don’t take years to finish.
I wish they would never end, the music and animations are so kino. Maybe if you pop a few addys you can afford to pay attention and learn some patience, zoomzoom. Pokemon: Go is more your pace, I think.
It costs over $100 I like it but it's not worth it unless you're going for a gen 3 living dex
It's literally just one yawnfag.
You're doing it all wrong bro. You gotta tell the lil zoom zoom's that it's the Dark Souls of Pokemon. That it's the Elden Ring: Erdtree DLC of traditional pokemon games. Then they'll understand
It takes like 5 minutes to grab the rom and open it in dolphin bro do whatever you want
You don't have a hacked Wii?
I'm not scrolling up for the original reply. Not for passive aggressive reasons, I'm just lazy.

Isn't Umbreon shit in-game? Don't people just box the slow bulky support mon and use Espeon and their Johto starter the entire game?
>current year
>buying video games for a console with near perfect emulation
If by this you mean speedrunners, yes. But Umbreon is perfectly usable for the whole game
then I’m better off playing literally any of the mainline games instead because they have more content and the battles don’t take years to finish.

>wh-why should I care?
Because you’re claiming Colosseum is good but haven’t actually established a single way it’s better than any of the mainline games.
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Is your ideal game a calculator?
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Is your ideal game a movie?
SageCHAD actually supports good games? Sounds like a based individual.
>Because you’re claiming Colosseum is good but haven’t actually established a single way it’s better than any of the mainline games.
>high quality animations that are better than the janky shit we're getting now
>doubles focused campaign, which took until indigo disk released at the tail end of 2023 to get one since 2005 and gale of darkness
>unique darker, edgier story that hasn't been seen in pokémon since (Gale of Darkness was a lot softer in comparison, while BW is more philosophical in nature.)
>actually hard final bosses
>primarily focusing on overshadowed (pun unintended) Pokémon means shitmons you'd never consider using get some love here (I'm looking at you, Stantler, at least before PLA.)
>can trade your Pokémon into the main series, which for a spinoff was unheard of, and vice versa, allowing you to see your gen 3 Pokémon on the big screen with actually good 3D models
>music is kickass
>character designs (for the most part) are kickass
>introduced the true god of Pokémon, Miror B into the franchise
I could go on and on how the Orre duology are God Tier games. But I know you're not actually gonna take the time to read this because I know for a fact you can't appreciate the actual high quality animations, comparing them to fucking Looney Tunes (which isn't the gotcha you think it is, btw)
parroting is an admission of defeat
I had misdreavus in my team after like 20 minutes, amazing game because of that.
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Colosseum is good but XD is better. Shadow pokemon are a great spin on the battle system and because all the battles are double battles it encourages more team synergy and thought into building your team. Combine all that with a limited roster and a balanced enough level curve and you get a challenging experience that's not too punishing but also not a walk in the park. Oh and the stories are slightly more mature than the mainline games, well up until gen 5 anyway
Also XD did the thing where it had some gen 4 mons in it before gen 4 came out so that's cool
Up until that point, it was the longest you'd ever get to use Misdreavus.
>>56107193 >>56107843
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XD smooths out some of the mechanics from Colosseum, but it has its own issues. Mostly the style and how many Pokemon are found in the final area.

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