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Drew this fucker. Still figurine out thé color.
kinda cool, better than baxcalibur. I'd vary its colors a bit more between stages.
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I like it, though I'd slim down the final evolution and maybe move its arms up, giving it more prominent shoulders. But otherwise year solid design.
Tropius evo/Mega, right? Looks decent, though like the one above I'd slim it down its body a good bit. It looks so fat it borderlines on being fetish work. That and how can a Grass/Flying type fly if its too heavy?
>better than baxcalibur
edgier != better
Baxcalibur is clearly edgier than this as it has a fucking edge on its back. OP looks dumber with an underchin, ffs .
Fair enough. I went with a titanosaur like built to emphasize the sauropod aspect of tropius but maybe I can make it a bit slimmer beside the neck
>That and how can a Grass/Flying type fly if its too heavy?
cartoon logic, just like how dragonite and dunsparce can fly.
>black sclera
>spikes everywhere
nope the shitty fakemon is edgier
>spikes everywhere
>Crests that end in a round point
Meanwhile bax has a full on axe with edges sharpened all around
>black sclera
your only point and you have to pretty much zoom in to see it, still it loses to bax in edge
>1st stage
agumon recolor
>2nd stage
>3rd stage
pretty cool dinomon, 10/10 would rush through the first 2 stages to get it
fat fetishist spotted, very expressive and clean work through, i'm assuming you've done some freelance illustration work?
looks like it would be in that pal game and people would say "ermm the baby is literally treecko + floragato and the evo is literally noivern + tropius"
shut up faggots, post more fakemon for me to critique. they're both more edgy than classic pokemon, and less edgy than any monster design in any other game by any other publisher, now shut the fuck up and retreat to discord
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Fire-type raccoon that eats anything, even trash. After eating, the patterns on its belly glow as the food is incinerated. Smoke comes out of its tail as well.
a little basic, but solid base and concept. if trash smoke is part of its biology, i'd make it fire/poison + change the black bits to a dark midnight purple. additionally, i'd make the tail smoke cloud shaped to give it a more unique identity, swirling the stripes instead of straight-layering them. finally, the "rascorch" name as well as its facial pattern would suggest to some the concept of a rorschach test, so i'd be more generous with the dark fur spots, and perhaps marry the two concepts to give a pattern that suggests a trash compactor / incinerator depending on how you look at it.
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too edgy
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Evo included
Looks interesting but I don't like the color scheme.
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> Meanwhile bax has a full on axe with edges sharpened all around
Spamming retarded spikes everywhere is edgier than a single large spike that’s the entire point of the design.

> your only point and you have to pretty much zoom in to see it, still it loses to bax in edge
I like it, thanks for posting
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Have some starter concepts I drew for like a Mexico oriented region. They're based on Aztec gods.
>Spamming retarded spikes everywhere is edgier
They look like the spikes on a toy dinosaur, how can you not see it? You too edgy retards think everything is the same, holy fuck.
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woah tropius... easy on the bananas
it doesn't even look like sableye
Stop feeding Tropius cheeseburgers
cute fatty
Please tell me the evo became chunkier and bigger because it now eats trash cans whole.
What do we think of this vp?
I like how big and bulky it looks, but I feel like the legs could use a little more definition. Otherwise it suffers from the same problem Samurott has - that all it can do is waddle around.
I'm trying to make bug Pokémon but... well I've been struggling to come up with anything interesting.
Any tips on making cool bugs?
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Almost all of these are bad, truly a hideous and uninspired dex. The megas encapsulate the whole thing, the designer(s) lack the ability to think outside the box.

Concept is fine but it’s really ugly. Clustered with a lot of design elements that don’t really flow together. Feels like you said “what if fairy type Charizard??” and worked from there instead of coming up with a real concept.

Whoa, it got bigger!

Not something that I would ever use on my team personally, but it’s a very solid design and looks real. This artist understands Pokemon design philosophy better than most.

Hideous, never design anything else again.

Fire starter not red/orange = insta disqualified. Starters are not the time to get experimental with palettes, this is where EVERY fucking amateur artist filters themselves. Design-wise however, the water and fire look pretty solid. Grass I would scrap altogether, it’s just an edgy fusion of Treecko and Grookey. Pokemon names are tricky, I’d get someone to help you out on creating them.

Worst fake convergent I’ve ever seen. The fanbase continuing to misunderstand how they work despite being so simple is fucking insane. The design lacks any clarity and has way too much going on, plus controlling a stolen embryo is a very weird concept that GameFreak would never include. Trying way too hard results in creating way too little, this thing has no appeal and no resemblance to Sableye in any form. Also,
>two Gary Sue OP fake abilities for regular abilities, Prankster as hidden ability

The concepts are fine but everything about this presentation is hideous. You clearly have no understanding of perspective or proportions, which makes them so hard to read and not even discernible as living things. I cannot envision any reality in which these don’t stylistically rape a Pokemon game unless you’re totally changing the series’ art style.
Sorry, I’m not done yet just ran out of space. Why would you do that with the font? How did you write this out and think it looks presentable? Use ANY other font, I’m begging you. I know “Retro Font because video games!!” but the spacing is so fucked that it makes reading your sentences feel like a Herculean task. Also
>Gr8 Miracle
Kek. I’m not going too hard on you because you’re clearly ESL and probably very young, but jeez. I would do a lot of sprite practice and studying before continuing.

>black hole big mouth eel
Kino, 10/10, best Fakemon in the thread
>skeleton flute
Dumb, feels like a Deltarune enemy
>Rick and Morty creature
This thing has me wondering if the eel was a fluke

Jesus fuck, so messy and overdesigned and unfocused. Who is this for? Why do the people who nail the Sugimori style never have any idea how to make a decent design?

Fire and Water look pretty cool if not a little “just gets bigger”, grass is the most dynamic but unfortunately each of its stages is hideous, I’d scrap that one.
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I still like the Guacamole dragon.
Only trannies use this buzzword

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