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WTF is Glimmora doing in Top 10 in the Ubers tier?
Arcaninebros we're good in PU!!
>fanfic garbage
Who cares? If you actually played the fanfic format you wouldn’t be asking.
I’m not going to tell you what’s the actual best usage for Glimmora in Ubers, but I will say that it’s something that gets you a lot of ragequits from your opponents. There is a reason why it’s usage is that high.
It sets up Toxic Spikes for free. That one extra turn can be all the difference.
Banning Garchomp was the worst thing they could've done to UU. What a fucking dumpster of a tier.
>grenigger UU
>Jirachi RU
>Slowbro NU
>Staraptor PUshit
>Snorlax ZUshit
This is fucked
Greninja is obvious as it wasn't designed with nerfed Protean in mind. At best its a slightly better Inteleon
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>>Snorlax ZUshit
>At best its a slightly better Inteleon

Inteleon is below Top 10 in PU. Not even close.
It’s the best suicide lead in the game, why wouldn’t you run it if you’re running HO
I'm amazed Tinted Lens got Lokix so far
Protean and Battle Bond are still good
With just Torrent it’d be almost as bad as Inteleon
for me it's
>excadrill UU
granted aren't a lot of the best sandmons just gone
Where's Basculegion-M?
the sand support is there it’s just not good enough to be viable
but then again pinkacross made rank 1 with a sand team so it’s probably not that bad
Tinted Lens effectively means that the one flaw of Bug moves (being resisted by half the game) no longer applies, combined that with First Impression and U-turn means it can do Big prioity damage or Scout and instantly bring on something to counter whatever the opponent sent to try and counter it.
It's almost like bug is held back by being walled by everything
Bug types are decent defensively, they're just trash offensively. Make Ghost and Fairy lose their resistance to it, and Bug is no longer the worst type.
How does Tinted Lens even work? Does it just ignore resistances or does it flat out boost the move if it's not very effective? If something double resists bug, does it become a normal resistance?
UU is just OU lite FFS.
It's just OU, OU is Ubers lite
it's the single revenge killer in the entire game that flat out doesn't give a shit about the opponent tera-ing into a resist, of course it's gonna be good.
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>Does it just ignore resistances or does it flat out boost the move if it's not very effective?
The second one
> If something double resists bug, does it become a normal resistance?
sand is cucked by tera mechanics. if you tera your ttar or excadrill, you're gonna end up taking chip from your own sand. it'll be back next gen.
It dies the moment Heatran and Skarmory drop.
A-anytime now!
This also happened when they banned Salamence from BDSP UU.
there's some honestly good attributes for bug, defensively
>resist EQ
>resist CC
that said the weaknesses, while not omnipresent, are still decently common, flmaethrower, stone edge, and the like
Hey Verlisify
We still have a little less than two and a half years of this generation left. Heatran and Skarmory dropping is entirely possible.
Is EQ still relevant?
It's also far easier to stop an Excadrill sweep with tera, without even using Corvi.
Most people think Smogon is a joke and fanfic garbage now

Ever since they banned sleep the playcount for the past 2 months has cratered to only a million games

Not even Gen 8 OU dipped this low at this point in its lifespan

They really did alienate the playerbase
Can you imagine the madness that would have ensued if this ability was given to something that isn’t a shitmon? It would be the Archaludon debacle on steroids. In fact, that incident shows that GF might recurringly intend to put broken abilities on shut moms and then give them to something that isn’t shit a few generations later to create something unhinged. I wonder what the next Tinted Lens mon will do.
>the anti-offense pokemon will die when skarmory drops
Is Gambit still running tera fly?
Skarm would be huge boon for offensive teams against Lokix. Any attack other than U-turn is a free layer of spikes and Lokix risks taking heavy damage to brave bird if it stays in to use taunt.
>"But Skarm doesn't run brave bird in SV OU"
It doesn't need to. Completely different meta.
you don't play UU and it shows.
Go fuck a dog Verlisify
Why is it bad
Tinted lens and speed boost were both originally only given to bug types. Distribution has increased but they're still predominantly bug-type abilities which I think is neat
go study the numbers
Inteleon is next level bad
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Did they make a typo in this? All of the tiers right of ubers have been accidentally shifted down. It should say OU instead of UU, UU instead of RU, etc.
Now that all the DLCs are out and deoxys is back, I feel like deoxys-speed should be the best dedicated lead. Glimmora and Ribombee usage have definitely fallen, but Glimmora is still a very unique pokemon
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OU isn't included because it gets its own separate image
No I mean why did they label a bunch of OU pokemon as UU?
Toxic Spikes are traditionally very good in Ubers because there were no poison type ubers up until gen 8 (discounting Arc) and Etern while good isn't a must run on every team.
just answer the question, man...
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And vgc is at LESS than 1m games, dude.

Also there's nat dex OU which hasn't banned sleep. And ubers, and past gens.
But every single format has died down in activity compared to the start of the generation.

Pokemon is fotm, like palworld, it's actually spectacular that showdown activity only dies down to 1/3 of peak activity compared to the actual SV game which surely dies down to 1/1000000th of peak activity.

15k online showdown rn is probably still more than nintendo's whole fucking online across all titles lol.

Will it die eventually? Sure? But people whined that smogon banned all the strong dragons in gen 4. They whined about how gen 5's weather wars were handled. They whined about aegislash and greninja being banned in gen 6. Whining about smogon's bans is a tale as old as time.

OU only got 200k games a month in 2009. Activity rose steadily throughout gens 4 and 5 and 6, I think, although I don't have data to support this, I didn't start playing personally until gen 6 and I thought it actually peaked then.

I think Pokemon GO's launch in 2016 indirectly brought traffic to showdown too lol. You can see their first (i think) 3m month right after its launch actually.

The smoggies actually in charge don't care about this shit btw, they only care about their tournaments and other autistic cult traditions, they're completely oblivious to the outside world.

Smogon is unironically a coincidence, they've never done jack shit to foster growth. On the other hand VGC has millions of dollars being pumped into it by western jews and marketing it as a fucking new e-sport lol.

I'm not trying to be hostile btw, I genuinely think this subject is interesting. It's hilarious that smogon is what it is.
Post tournament record
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Shut the fuck up! You haven't played a single game of 6v6 outside of casuals in your life. In fact, you're even worse than that. You reek of someone who played like twenty matches of BW1 OU on PO where dizzle + swift swim was legal and got filtered by specs Latios, who I will now rub in your face by insisting said mon is healthy for the tier. Why? Because you're too fucking stupid to even comprehend why. I just have that much contempt for you.

This is why bullying needs to make a comeback, because of UTTER FUCKING WEAK RETARDS LIKE THIS HALF-BRAIN SUBHUMAN RIGHT HERE. Goddamn, reading your posts make me so angry. Get out of these threads and never come to this website ever again. Go ride the shortbus back to Serebii forums where you belong, AND STAY THERE!
>And vgc is at LESS than 1m games, dude.
please please please tell me that it occurred to you that vgc can be played on console
surely you can't be this stupid right
Nobody plays on cart.
Only children and streamers who play against children play on cart. Everyone else plays on a Showdown.
If we bring bullying back can I start with you?
If it had a good offensive ability it would be top tier. Sniper is already a shit ability but it’s unwieldy on something this frail, and it doesn’t have the bulk to make use of getting into torrent range either.
You could, but he's probably long gone by now.

You can't play 6v6 outside of casuals. There's no competitive scene for it.
I hate Dnite so fucking much. It invalidates any mon that doesn't have 90/80 or higher physical bulk
Sand Rush prevents Sandstorm damage.
Literally just tera ghost. Dnite is quite mediocre when he can no longer use extremespeed.

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