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What about Erika? Erika thread!
Erika is cute
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My precious wife
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This Vileplume traumatized a generation.
is this the highest res?
>pick male
>"Um yikes, a boy. You can't be here."
>pick a female
>"Oh sweetie... you really think you're cute enough to be here? Get the fuck out of my gym, uggo."
Why is Erika's gym so rude?
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Slightly better version
Why was she made a gym leader? She never realizes she's being challenged at first.
Is she some Indigo League nepo hire who's dad told her she could just go tend a garden in Celadon?
Erika is just overworked
I always enjoyed her look.
What if she was a dragon trainer?
>japanese soi face
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I'll take care of her.
or will she take care of you?
I came for a challenge
I was not expecting this
Furisode Girl Erika!
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Does Erika prefer taking sativa, indica, or a hybrid? I think she uses sativa exclusively for battles and takes indica leaning strains during her free time.
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Based thread, Erika best girl
She does have Dratini and Dragonair in the tcg, so i guess that counts?
I think it works.
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One of my favorite parts of XY. Erika also had a nice crew of her own, in the anime,
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She already is!
of course!
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Why is she so perfect?
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJz6Oqm4UoY&ab_channel=CarlRendar
I prefer this one from iM@S. Kako even looks the same as Erika. I think I now know why I like girls like Erika.
Erika is so sweet she doesn't know how to teach her gym trainers to stop being assholes
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Well her gym is filled with some hotties.
Just saying.
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Erika is kind of a combination with Kako, Serika, Yumi, Miki, Anzu,Yukiho, Erika... and China
>Lusting after a lesbian
Anons i...
Nah. She's straight.
>Lesbian until I find a guy I find attractive
Red takes joy as his fire pokemon turn Erika's plant pokemon into ashes.
He takes joy in making his pokemon throwing fire at Erika's plant pokemon, he takes joy in making out with Erika and throwing creampies at her womb
She was fun in the anime when she came back.
Remember when Erika was beating Ash and rubbing it in?
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This canonize Erika being a energetic and passional ojou-sama and not always sleepy and narcoleptic
Well she does interact with sleep powder pokemon, maybe she is huffing a bit too much sleep powder? Maybe she is an anon and she spends too much time posting on /vp/ about stats and meta game while complaining about why she can't get market for her TCG collection?

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