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Has anyone gotten done dirty worse than Dunsparce did with Dudunsparce?
I’m glad NPCs like you couldn’t latch onto it like you did with Primeape.
fakemons, even 3d ones, aren't cannon silly OP
except clovermons, whomst've approved by gamefreak/tpci
>the Johto starters beings skipped over for megas and overall being hated by Game Freak beig crated solely to prop up the KANTOOO starters
>Fearow being the only bird to not get brave bird
>Darkrai having its signature move gutted because Smeargle buckbroke VeeGeeCee
>The Unova monkey's and the Patrat Line effectively being erased from the franchise
those are far worse fates than a fat snake getting an evo that's also a fat snake, especially since the aforementioned fat snake now has eviolite access
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What could have been.
I've seen shitpost fakemon with more effort put into them than this
Cool but why would the wings get dropped in evolution?
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That's definitely a weak point in that one, I guess you could imagine they're just underground, but how about this one?
We really were robbed there wasn't a 1/1000 chance for four segment form.
Imagine trying to get a shiny four segment.
Given how Tsuchinoko are supposed to get around, that's arguably better yeah. Should probably look a little more doofy, although it's mostly there. Honestly, Dundunsparce's main problem is that it's not got it's tail in it's mouth and doesn't roll around everywhere.
nobody ever liked this pokemon so who the fuck cares?
Thank fuck not
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>nobody ever liked this pokemon so who the fuck cares?
Me chud
copy and pasting dunsparce's body segment twice is okay because it's le heckin unexpected
t. d*scord users
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I liked Dudunsparce

The real answer is Psyduck because he was at one point equivalent to Slowpoke, who got tons of evolutions and regional forms while Psyduck just got lame Golduck who almost no one likes as much as Slowbro.
>Literally just a longer dunsparce with more wings
Not so different from dudunsparce
The more mad you get about it, the funnier it is
It's pretty funny that Dudunsparce will be the only Paldea mon in Z-A
>the Johto starters beings skipped over for megas
how do i unlock mega emboar?
The high-ranking government officials deemed that Dunsparce wasn't allowed to get a serious evo. It's supposed to be shit, like the rest of its region.
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I hate the latinx fan evos more than the official shitpost in all honesty.
like what?
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>dunsparce evo = dragon-type
Retarded take

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