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a fucking NPC trainerclass?.........how....embarrassing.......
Maybe if Kalos had an identity outside of Mega CHARIZARD s and KANTOOOOOOOOOoo, people would give a shit about its characters.
Kalos has more Unova pandering than Kanto pandering, zoomer.
Hex maniac is from Kalos retards
was hex even in the anime
Nope, she was carried ENTIRELY by the big tiddy goth GF meme, the Moo Moo Milk Merchant and the "You're not the one" ghost.
remind me how many unova pokemon got megas in XY
>bitch replying
>got popular organically instead of being shilled in secondary media
based hex
Hoenn actually, retard
Muh charizard doe
The hex maniac design that became popular is from XY moron. This is the hex maniac from Hoenn
no shit retard
it be haveing more poronografics than shittyrena
its not very good
>this character from Kalos is more popular than this character from Kalos
Oh no...
>this [nonamed trainerclass] from [Hoenn] is more popular than this character from Kalos
oh no nonononoonoooonononononoononononononononononAHAHAHAHAHHpfffftahahahoohohononono
When did the game give you a choice of free Unova starter? When were the final stages of each Unova starter each given a super-saiyan form that broke the main campaign and dominated the meta for 2 whole generations straight?
She's not from Hoenn though. The design debuted in XY
No and thank christ, it was already bad enough as it was, it didn't need a dead meme only coomers like to make it worse.
I wish the other NPCs got as much love as Hex did. Kalos has so many good NPC Trainers.
>organically popular
>hex maniac
I'll take bullshit for 500 Alex.
I’ll never understand people who just incessantly double down on being wrong
now post numbers from sankaku, danbooru, gelbooru, nazuna and the other 2 r34
>is way hotter than hex but gets little art because of the trans meme
It hurts.

On a sidenote, my Aroma Ladies can't get no love either.
>chadlos is so popular that even the generic npcs get a lot of attention
holy based
>Keklos is so shit that the only thing about it people care about it a generic npc who they have to draw off model to like
lmao even
Hex makes my bbc throb with her milkies
Yeah, the NPCs really outshone most of the characters in XY.
Serena has more art than hex maniac on paheal, pixiv, gelbooru, and danbooru. I was going to assume that maybe r34 doesn’t upload a lot of Serena art because of some loli rule, but I don’t know how much of anime Serena art fall under that.
Is XY worth replaying?
They aren’t little girls that’s why
you'll take my cock up your ass
thats just a serena issue
The only human girls that have more than Hex are Cynthia, Misty, May, Hilda, and Rosa. Literally only 3 protags are more popular than an NPC
I bet she smells super nice!
Hang on, what knock-off 34 is this? Everyone knows you can't say " Pokemon" on the most famous one.
hexy is just that great
use .xxx, it let's you use multiple tags without the need of signing in which is nice
.xxx is more popular now, I think. On Paheal Serena has more than Hex, and Misty is the most popular human.
I would say people stopped using paheal since the early 2010's anon...
Don't care. I will forever cum to Serena's sexy legs, and I will never fap to Hex Maniac.
Instead it got shilled by autistic memesters
The excess AI slop bloats the numbers. Then again Gelbooru is heavily inaccurate for /co/ hoes
>Virgins using paheal and xxx
Good thing we chads use sankaku and allthefallen
Tell me you are a pedo without telling me you are a pedo
That site has been unusable for how long now?

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