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Pokemon is one of the few things in my life that really matters. But now I don't even feel nostalgic anymore. Since I became an adult, I've never found new things to do, I'm just a shell of the person I was before. I won't forget that pokemon is the best thing that exists, I won't forget that before I had a dream of being a pokemon trainer instead of living my miserable life on earth even if I had been lucky in my life I really feel that I could only be happy in the pokemon world. I always have the impression that there's no way to be happy on earth, there's nothing to do, everything is the same and bland everywhere.
>I want to love pokemon again
Why? unless you're a Gewunner Game Freak doesn't love you.
I like Hoenn. I got a decent initial pair of games, a superb 3rd version, and then kino remakes.
write pokemon fanfiction
just grown up
Go play better games
Bro you just have depression
Im the exact same way, anon. I still remember being 10 years old, watching Pokemon in the morning before school and thinking "Im NEVER going to stop loving Pokemon. I know adults dont like it, and I know its not normal for adults to like kid stuff, but I love this so much I cant ever let that change, I have to remember this moment" and I still do. I wish I hadnt been so headstrong. I wish I had grown up. But I am the Puer Aeternus. Stuck, forever. Ill probably kill myself at some point in the next few years.

But at least I never forgot my love for Pokemon.
All the adults before us would have said we'd stop loving it when we grew up. Somehow we beat them to it.
Pokémon isnt worth anymore ever since Dexit happened. You should just play better games, personally I'm just reading visual novels nowadays and I don't miss Pokémon games anymore, I'm here only for the first pre-Dexit Gens honestly.
There are lots of fangame now if I could enjoy them like I did when I was 8 I'd be very, very happy.
Rest in shit Ash
watch the first season of digimon subbed
I've never watched digimon. I should have watched it when I was 14-15.
You're supposed to form a family at your age, you're brain chemicals won't let you feel fulfillment otherwise
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I don't feel any desire to have children
You should start by desiring a mate, if you don't even desire that or you don't love your and your mate's bloodline I don't know what else to tell you
I have no real desire I'm dead inside
See >>56110649

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