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>Pokemon reaches levels of success not had since the Gameboy
>These are all the spinoffs for the console gen
Are they retarded?
>game based on the popular live action movie
>Switch has no fighting games, this is a must have on the system
>sequel to a cult classic
>remake of a cult classic
I dunno, seems fine to me. Besides Pinball and Tetris Attack what more do you want?
Developing games takes 10 years and 100 billion dollars now so video games are dead
Pokken is fun and so is snap but both are to short
Mobile games are more profitable and much easier to develop.
A new PMD, a new Ranger, a proper racing game like Mario Kart.
they probably don't sell enough to make up for increasing development costs, especially because now there is no handheld so every spinoff would have to be a full fledged console game which takes a lot of time and money to develop, and which they can barely achieve in their mainline games. so at the end of the day, why bother exerting themselves when they're already making record profits without producing spinoffs?
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There's also four currently active mobile games filling in the niche that the lower budget spinoffs would have in the past.
>racing game
I agree with the rest but this is total retardation
>there is no handheld so every spinoff would have to be a full fledged console game
Couldnt they just release smaller games on the eShop?
Why? If it worked for Mario, it can certainly work for Pokemon.
Pokémon in karts is just a really stupid mental image, they are animals in-universe and the tone doesn't fit at all
That's like saying Sonic racing games wouldn't work because Sonic is already the fastest thing alive.
Unironically this.
That's correct
But they do work, and multiple Sonic racing games have been made.
They look retarded and everyone agrees on that
No one likes mystery slop
>they can barely achieve in their mainline games
gamefreak doesn't do the spinoffs they usually get capable studios for those
but it both comes down to the same issue: they're not willing to spend the money on it. whether it's hire talented graphics artists for their main development team, or invest in a 3rd party to develop a spinoff. they've deemed it's not worth the expense. that's all these decisions boil down to.
GO singlehandedly makes more money than all prior Pokemon games combined on an annual basis, they don't need spinoffs anymore.
Even other mobile spinoffs aren't worth their costs, GO is literally the only lucrative spinoff title as a result.
I thought All Star Racing Transformed was really well liked, and also Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart if we're dipping into the massive pool of Sonic fangames.
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Pokemon has always had low effort slop spinoffs
Yeah, that's what Kirby does and it works.
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How many pokemon spinoff games are actually worth playing?
Be honest.
All of them desu
Tetris attack is kino
Then just race the pokemon dumbfuck
the ones that can connect to the actual pokemon games
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TCG gameboy games, PMD, >XD, Stadium games (excludes PBR)
>Depends on the person
Snap games, Pokken
>Spinoff enthusiasts
Conquest, Channel, Pokepark games
>Honorable mention to the departed
Rangers Guardians Signs might be good, but I haven't played it many moons. Almia is deathly slow in both pacing and general speed. Haven't played the first one
>Haven't played
Detective Pikachu games, Trozei games, Puzzle League games
>Anything else
Not really worth mentioning
If I may amend
>Ranger games
I remember Guardian Signs being the most well made one and the first Ranger game suffers from making you have to do captures in one go so some fights are the most Sisyphean time-eating affairs in gaming (hi Salamence)

>Puzzle League
If you like Panel De Pon/Tetris Attack these are worth it by default since I think both are built over unreleased Panel we Pin games.
How in the fuck do you expect a Munchlax to keep up with a Pikachu dumbfuck
>live action movie
as long as we're talking spinoffs, was anyone else incredibly dissappointed by picrel? a pokemon moba felt kind of obvious for a long time but it just felt so fucking nothing when we finally got it. i played it for maybe a week or two before just dropping it and haven't really played since
Put in pokemon that aren't slow as shit
Or alternatively do add them as griefing characters. It'll be like the good ol days playing driftin io
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pokepark was too kino for modern pokemon
You forgot Legends Arceus.
The horrible matchmaking and awful ranking system ruin it.

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