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All Pokemon should have 6 move slots. With some limitation preventing everyone from having perfect coverage, of course. But I don't care about that. I just want 6 move slots.
What does extra move slots have to do with that objectmon?
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give. me. 6. move. slots.
>with some limitations
so we just arbitrarily can't learn certain combinations of moves seems unintuitive
>but balance
If you need to apply these restrictions to balance it, it's a shit idea
Ideas for the limitation

>you're not allowed to have more than 4 attack moves/more than 4 status moves.
>2 of your move slots aren't yours to choose. They depend on the species. Overpowered mons are deliberately given 2 shitty/niche moves so they can't steamroll the competition.
>you're just straight up not allowed to have attacking moves of more than 3 Types, MAYBE 4. So like you can have 5 Steel attacking moves and 1 Fire Type move and that's allowed because it counts as using 2 Types.

I don't really care how they do it. Just DO IT. I hate 4 slot move syndrome with every fibre of my being

You're wrong. I won't elaborate, because of how wrong you are.
If you think about it, most of the best abilities and items are just moves that activate automatically, so Pokemon with those item and ability combos already have 6 moves
>2 of your move slots aren't yours to choose
This is an absolutely shit idea. Taking away what customization you do get will always be bad
Whats wrong with relying on teammates?
>A single mon should fill mutiple roles at once!
In that case the six mon limit should be reduced aswell
>Overpowered mons are deliberately given 2 shitty/niche moves so they can't steamroll the competition
You mean like Megas? You absolutely know GameFreak won't do this
I could see them giving every Pokemon their 4 regular moves, plus two slots purely for HMs. Having to use HM slaves sucks ass, so having "utility" slots might be nice.

If people are worried about having a pocket Surf or Strength being too strong somehow, have every move loaded into a utility slot be half power or something like that, compared to an HM in a standard slot.
HMs were such an easy fucking fix and the never did it. For the love of GOD, just make it so that if a Pokemon CAN learn an HM, then they don't need to know it to use it in the field. You don't need to literally have Fly as one of your move slots. If a Pokemon can Fly, then once you have an HM it can always Fly in the field. WHY DID THEY NEVER DO THIS
I still kek when I remember that Intimidate is literally just Growl but activates every switch in
but they did exactly that, in fact you didn't even need the pokemon that could learn it, just the HM and the badge
That's worse. Then your party is meaningless and completely detached from the overworld. This also ties to the retarded choice of removing overworld effects for abilities.
IMO, stick to 4 slots, but have a fifth be the Pokemon's signature move, or something else suitable that the Pokemon is known for / good at.
Self destruct for Voltorb, Explosion for Electrode, Volt Tackle for Pikachu, Rollout for Miltank, that kind of thing. Maybe you get a small selection of specific moves to pick for that fifth slot, so you don't have a lv 5 Pikachu with Volt Tackle, or the slot only opens at lvl 30 or something.
It helps liven up Pokemon and keeps them grounded to what they are, keeps them from losing their identity when some competitive player replaces all their moves with generic meta-approved moves like SR and Toxic
2 natural moves
2 TM/HM moves
1 move they can learn if they observe enemy pokemon of samy type to do it
1 move they can learn from other pokemon in your team, if they fight in pair

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