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>Murkrow are miserable because everyone treats them like they're a bad omen
I love Murkrow’s voice in the anime. So cute!
If I were in the Pokémon world I would want a Murkrow friend
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What are the best Murkrow episodes and what's the best way to watch them?
murkrow are happy because they love to steal shiny things
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But then people punish Murgy, even though the shiny was just too good to pass up :(((
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If I had a Murkrow friend, I would let them have all the shiny objects they could possibly want :D
Insane they made the peak crow Pokemon with it and then never managed to surpass it
Corviknight is good through
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Johto was the peak of Pokemon design
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such playful wee fellas :3
Murkrow is a piece of shit and a coward. They like to sneak attack from behind and then when battle is initiated, they fled. Fucker
I've been contemplating which Gen 3 could pass in Johto.
Azuril, Wynaut (obv), but Kecleon, Wailmer, Altaria
Despite having a 10% spawn rate...
We can have Squawkabilly just fine, but they had to go a give my man over here a retarded evolution
It's an omen

It's an omen

It's an omen

Now, the writing's on the wall
It won't go away
It's an omen
You just run on automation
they also steal
Ey whacchu mean ya cocksucka? This focking guy, I can't even enjoy my apricotto berry and they break my pokeballs...
It's ok OP, because I love them.
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Murkrow is sneaky and smart, don't be mad because you're too dumb and slow to compete
Aren't they criminal goons for a ruthless mob boss now? Hard to feel sympathy for them post gen 4.
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Don't judge a pokemon based on their trainer. Murkrow can be very kind and caring if raised properly.
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Wanna hug?

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