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>Why don't the Johto gym leaders use Johto pokemon??
they should use hoenn pokemon like skarmory
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>Why does Charizard keep showing up in things??
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>everybody thought skarmory and magcargo were hoenn pokemon dude! everybody!
>no, I wasn't old enough to play GSC when it came out, how could you tell?
Yeah magcargo is a Kantomon. Dumb zoomers heh
houndour is a kantonian johtomon...
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>Why can't we turn off EXP. Share?
this but unironically
the johto games are incredibly poorly designed in nearly every facet. posting wojaks and zoomers does not refute the criticisms
Yeah I'm sure giving Bugsy a shitmon like Ledian as his ace would magically make him better
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>Johtk has like, no identity bro, no cap
>it's just Kanto's backyard fr fr
you should punch yourself in the face
I mean, why don't they?
The only Pokemon used by a Gym Leader that isn’t a Johto Pokemon is Clefairy.
Ledian would be replacing one of the cocoons, (preferably metapod since kakuna at the very least has chance to poison).

because it was before the rules of generations were established, Johtos gyms are essentially a continuation of the Kanto gyms, hence why they specialize in types not used by any Kanto gyms and why the two regions share a league.
It's even funnier on their rematches when they'll have mostly Sinnoh and Hoenn mons with maybe one Johto mon.
This is a perfectly valid point.
No it isn’t.
Millennial cope.
It is odd how much Johto hates Johto mons. Especially a bunch being locked away to the postgame.
>yall the way the kanto and johto champions are handled be lowkey ASS. They don't do anything in the story at all!
there is no such thing as a "Johto mon." They are "newly discovered Pokemon" as of Gen 2. It wasn't until Gen 3 when it became a convention to have a whole new crop of Pokemon come in to replace the previous ones.
>be in johto
>find wild gastly in johto
>catch wild gastly in johto
>morty, a johto character, also uses gastly, which can be found in johto
GS was designed with a very different worldbuilding philosophy where basically all of the Pokemon were newly discovered within the three years since Red's journey, and thus not everyone is going to be well-equipped to know exactly how to find, catch and raise the new Pokemon with expertise.
The player, naturally, is an exception, because they're a canonical prodigy who can make even the vicious Mewtwo kneel and become a soft and friendly abomination.
Sounds like a convenient excuse
Lance and Blue both partake in the story thoughever.
>hmmm this fact sounds like an excuse
I implore you to go look at Gold and Silver press materials before you mouth off about it.

Wacky Deli Effect. Game Freak didn't want to make Pokemon anymore, so they tried to sabotage GSC by making Johto Pokemon impossible to find and not putting any of them on the teams of any important characters. Game Freak was trying to insult Gen 2 players by implying that Johto was nothing but KANTOOOO's tumor and that Johtofans are nothing but afterbirth, but Johtoddlers were so retarded that they didn't realize they were the butt of the joke and ate up GSC like the retarded shiteaters they are, so Game Freak was forced to continue.
However, during Gen 5 Game Freak finally decided to try. So Masuda created BW, his magnum opus, and avoid all the flaws of Kanto's Tumor. However no one appreciated his magnum opus because Genwunners couldn't go ONE goddamn game without being constantly sucked off, so Masuda went insane, gave up and stopped trying, hence the franchise went to shit.

Is that the explanation you fucking wanted?
Does seem a bit odd that he doesn't have the new ghost type introduced in Johto. Only two ghost type lines in the entire game and he only has one.
all of this context is completely lost on zoomers. most of the things they complain about being "design flaws" are because they are judging Johto based on the template for a region that was established in Gen 3 forwards, where each region is essentially a stand alone soft reboot. they have stuck to the Hoenn philosophy ever since then, and so it's imprinted in their heads that that's just how it's supposed to be and anything that differs from that is wrong. but that just isn't how Johto was designed, and when you accept that, all of the weird things that contrast it to later regions make sense.

you just had to be there, unironically.
>the new ghost type
You mean the one that only appears in Mt. Silver, a place that only high-ranking government officials, and champions and celebrities with verification from said officials can possibly find and capture?
>it does seem a bit odd that he doesn’t have an extremely rare ghost type that’s found in a single remote area on the opposite side if the region that most people don’t even have access to
Seems like a bit of a self imposed problem. Like seems kind of odd to lock away new pokemon in such a way you need to go through 99% of the game to capture them.
>it seems odd to balance new content throughout the game so the player can keep discovering things and getting reward insteaded of frontloading everything so I can clap like a seal at seeing an npc using a pokemon
yeah sinnoh did this better with munchlax
So why did they do this with the gym leaders where you are liable to have encountered the new pokemon of their preferred type when you reach them?
Let me pose a question to you: is it bad design that there are no Dragon type Pokemon available early in the game?

Pokemon gens 1 and 2 are JRPGs and are balanced as single player RPGs. Ghost is a late game type and Misdreavus is considered a straight upgrade to the Gastly line due to the lack of a secondary typing that adds a weakness. This is the same reason why there are no Dragon types at the beginning of the game, and why all the Steel and Dark types are rare or limited to the late game. Steel and Dark are both counters to the powerful endgame types Psychic and Dragon, with Steel also being the best defensive type in the game and Dark having an immunity. These are considered worth limiting access to.
Gen 3 was hardly a soft reboot.
Gen 1: Kanto
Gen 2: Johto + Kanto
Gen 3: Hoenn, Orre, Kanto + Sevii
Gen 4 had everything previous with natural final evos, some new mons, some new legendaries.
Gen 5 was where the shit really hit the fan. The only thing decent Gen 6 onward are regional forms.
>Ghost is a late game type
You can get them before the 4th gym in Kanto though.
this nigga funny
johtoddlers don't care about refuting criticisms just various sophistries to try to deflect from them
>So why did they do this with the gym leaders where [FANFIC]
>are balanced
They are not balanced at all and nothing would change if they put a dragon type at route 5
>Gen 2: Johto + neutered Kanto
>Let me pose a question to you: is it bad design that there are no Dragon type Pokemon available early in the game?
But in Kanto you can get them and ghost types as early as the 4th gym. And Psychic you have access too from the 2nd gym. This whole type distribution thing isn't really making sense with how the game is set up.
there is only 1 line available, its evolution is locked behind trading, and it has a type that is weak pinned onto it as a limiting factor.
>nothing would change if you had Pokemon that was resistant to the 4 major elemental types and was only weak against 2 late game types

ok retard.
Stop looking at the type chart and play the game, campaignshitter.
You can find Hoothoot before fighting Falkner, you can find Ledyba before fighting Bugsy and you can find Sentret before fighting Whitney.
we are LITERALLY talking about the design of the game's campaigns you fucking retard.
It shows, campaignshitter.
Well it isn't an issue for all the other games where you can get dragons early, including Kanto.
>completely incoherent bullshit
I'm convinced yawnfag is a bot now.
there is 1 dragon type in kanto, it's only available in the Safari Zone and as an expensive prize in the game corner, and it levels up slowly and evolves late.

This isn't the argument you want to be having zoomie.
Gen I Pokémon found in the wild in Johto but not in Kanto

Gen II Pokémon found in the wild in Kanto but not in Johto

Safari Zone Pokémon are obviously exotic imported Pokémon, much like the Backlot Garden. Ever notice that Pikachu
>Is found normally in Kanto
>Isn't in Johto
>Is only in the Safari Zone in Hoenn
>Is only in the Backlot Garden in Sinnoh
>Isn't in Unova
>it's fine to have early dragons because [other things than type chart]
wow the campaignshitter is learning
So you are saying it isn't an issue for Kanto to have an early dragon?
So the dragons have balancing factors that make up for their strong type, thus not causing issue if the player gets one early? This is the argument you are making?
I am saying you are a dumb nigger who is either being deliberately obtuse or is actually shit-eating retarded
Not an argument.
>you are big dumb dumb!!
So this is the power of johtoddlers...
>original statement was that it would be no issue for dragons to be available early game
>you say that it would be because dragon is strong
>say that it wouldn't be because it's not an issue for the games that have early dragons
>you list off reasons why it isn't an issue from kanto which is what I claimed
>somehow I'm the one being retarded or obtuse here
What causes this?
So anon explain why having early dragons would be a bad thing. So far you've only listed things that show that they would not be an issue if given out early, like in Kanto.
the concept of tailored game design is so alien to pokefag zoomers that they literally cannot comprehend it. Genuinely terrifying to see,
Yes because they're generally not that OP until they reach their final evolution and dragon is a shitty type offensively
>Hey Lance I heard there's this new ghost type Pokemon in Mt Silver can I go there and try and catch it?
<lol no Morty fuck off
>G O V E R N M E N T O F F I C I A L S
Yes, thank you for the explanation
What is the Dratini line in Gen I from a game design standpoint?
>It is the single Dragon-type line
>It's the penultimate boss's ace in a boss rush
>It resists all starter types along with Electric, mitigating the super-effective damage Dragonite could take as Dragon/Flying
>It's super-effective against itself, presenting an apparent opening, until you realize the only Dragon-type move does fixed damage and thus doesn't even STAB. Therefore, its only weakness is Ice
>It can be obtained in the midgame by grinding coins at the Game Corner, or a bit later in the Safari Zone with some luck if you know what you're doing
>It has a very high threshold for evolution at level 55, this is endgame levels
>Dragonite has particularly good stats, its high Attack with Hyper Beam and Lance being able to boost its solid Speed with Agility to potentially outspeed and outcrit its opponents in a game where if Hyper Beam KOs, it skips cooldown, is a pretty dangerous threat
>But the dual Dragon/Flying typing creates one glaring 4x weakness in Ice
>In terms of game lore, Dratini was considered so rare that it was thought to be just a legend, leading some to classify it as a legendary Pokémon, and its stats are around the level of the legendary birds

So in short, a Dragon-type, especially in the older games, is intended to be a RARE high investment, high potential team addition, as well as a boss battle meant to counter people relying too much on their starters. But as such a special type, players should not be entitled to receiving one early so they can train it like a starter, that would remove what makes it special. Rarity is part of the inherent appeal of Pokémon, Game Freak believed as such for Pikachu, a Pokémon with a 5% encounter rate that a good amount of players may completely miss.
Several years before Gold and Silver, Johtomons were everywhere, like an invasive species. They were creating problems for people and the environment; Magcargo and Houndoom would burn forests down and Misdreavus would torment nearby towns. The high-ranking government officials demanded the populations of the Johtomons be culled and the problematic species be exterminated in the region. That's why you only find Kantomoms in Johto and most of the caves and forests are basically empty.
Thats a cool story but you can still get it early and it poses no problems.
>Magcargo and Houndoom would burn forests down
Houndoom are hellhounds so I’ll give you that but how are Magcargo worse than Magmar?
>and Misdreavus would torment nearby towns,
The Gengar Line fucking kills people
Sounds like propaganda from Big KANTO to justify erasing Johto’s native species to rob Johto’s national identity to make it easier to be completely absorbed take taken over by KANTO. Probably the same people who destroyed the Johto starter mega stones
if you're just going to deliberately ignore the design considerations to jerk of your compshit fanfic then this conversation will go nowhere. But that's about as much as we can expect from braindead zoomers who get their opinions from "professional nuzlockers"
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Kanto is home of the based firedoggos
Lots of buzzwords but no arguments.
Bullshit. The Johtomons used to roam freely and the Kantomons were the invasive species, but the high-ranking government officials did nothing about it. Their reasoning was the Johtomons were too weak, babyish and fragile while strong Kantomons would be better suited at preserving Johto's ecosystem. Now look at the Johtomons, almost all of them are endangered in their own region.
Don't forget to eat well and workout my friend, you're not getting any younger.
Even in HGSS Skarmory was still so rare, the remakes were too faithful in some bad ways, not BDSP tier ofc, but still. Zoomer or not the Johto experience is marred with some questionable decisions in Pokemon placement.
The people defending it are the worst, are your nostalgia goggles so strong you can't even be objective about criticism for a for-profit videogame? Grow up.
Slugma is a Kantomon, retard.
Slugma balls.
I caught a Skarmory as a 6 year old kid in my copy of Silver. I knew that it existed and I thought a bladed metal bird looked badass in the same way Scyther did. It's as rare as Pikachu in Viridian Forest.

Do you want it as a 30% encounter on a mandatory route with a high catch rate? Should everyone be given a Skarmory? Should ALL new Pokémon in a Gen be fully showcased across all mandatory sections of the game and be easily available? Tajiri wanted emphasize the importance of rarity in his Capsule Monsters pitch. Rarity increases a monster's desirability. Dunsparce is the Japanese equivalent to Bigfoot and yet Pokémon players will get upset over this because it's not handed to them on a silver platter. To them, the anime experience is what matters, where your team is a faggy ass family.
I beat Gold upon release and didn't see either of those anywhere. It's a Hoennmon.
>Even in HGSS Skarmory was still so rare, the remakes were too faithful in some bad ways
but why is it a bad thing if it's rare? you can't actually answer that, I'm just supposed to accept that it's bad because it's bad.
>b-b-but Johto needs to explicitly show off Johto mons!
except it wasn't just a Johto mon. it was a Gen 2 mon, and Gen 2 was more than just Johto. it also included an anime, a TCG, multiple spinoffs, and merchandise, and most people engaged in more than one aspect of the franchise. Pokemon were not tied so closely to a specific region until Hoenn when they really etched the Pokemon formula in stone. in Gen 2, they were just new Pokemon. so what if they were rare in GSC? that made it even more exciting when you found him on a card, and realized there's a rare Pokemon in the game that you haven't found yet! now you have something to work towards. in the meantime, you can play with him in Stadium 2 free mode and hype yourself up.
you just don't get it because you don't have the context of when the games were made and what it was like to actually experience those things.
as for the remake, well again why is it a.bad thing if he's rare? so, Skarmory is a rare Pokemon in Johto. so what? he's more common in other games and you can use him there. but why is that bad? again, Gen 2 Pokemon were not designed when they were considered explicitly Johto Pokemon. just Pokemon. it's just your autistic insistence that Pokemon HAVE to be exclusive to the region where they were introduced, instead of just being for the franchise as a whole, which was the design philosophy back then.
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>Sounds like propaganda from Big KANTO to justify erasing Johto’s native species to rob Johto’s national identity to make it easier to be completely absorbed take taken over by KANTO. Probably the same people who destroyed the Johto starter mega stones
The Indigo League did this
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>that post
>those numerals
You win this time, anon.
it's rare because I'm entitled to it when I say so.
Honestly appreciate you guys sharing your viewpoints with me, I find I agree with more than I thought I would, but I can also see that it's just difference of opinion too.

I'm definitely biased a bit because I've also been playing Pokemon since 5 or 6 but my playstyle has changed so much, nowadays I always pre-meditate on 6 Pokemon I've never used for a new run, if they aren't available before late-game it's pretty annoying, I don't wanna finally add the last piece at the tail-end.

I don't think it needs to be so much more common, a badass hardbody mon like Skarmory with such a great typing should be, I agree that rarity is super important to what Pokemon is, and honestly in lieu of my response I don't feel too strongly about Skarmory in particular -- Johto in particular has a whole other region to explore by then after all, but I had also mean't rare as in you could easily go the whole game not knowing it exists, do trainers even really use it? Maybe Falkner in the rematch? That rematch system was a whole bucket of worms by itself. Other anon mentioned cards and stadium which is definitely a "you had to be there" moment. -- the real issues to me anyways are the new mons that don't appear until Kanto, especially at the levels they do in a game known for a fucked level curve. In some ways I get it, spreading out the new content to the surprise reprisal of Kanto, but most people really don't want to wait that long if they're even willing to change up their team at that point to use the new guys.
I addressed some of the things you said in my response to the other anon.
It's like you say that I definitely wasn't playing gen 2 at the time, played a lot since then but mostly romhacks which are different, on hardware that's different, with a different perspective from a different time, I get that.
I don't think Pokemon need to be "exclusive to the region they were introduced", I never said that, I just like when badass new additions like Houndour's line are at a reasonable point in the journey, you shouldn't need a ganeshark for that imo.

I get the points you're trying to make about how that was the design philosophy but that doesn't make it good. Pokemon has a ton of design philosophies right now that are dogshit, and I'm sure most won't be gone for a long time either. Hell, Unova has a similar issue with so many of the cool mons evolving at insane levels by every metric, in a vanilla game pre-buffed exp share, it's just lame.
I mostly agree with what you said though. Like I said, how I feel about a mon being locked behind a certain threshold in the story based off how I play the game is going to be different from yours, it's just a matter of opinion at the end of the day.

Huge text wall, my B
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>different means......................le bad!
To some extent there will always be Pokemon that can only be obtained at the tail end of the game. If not, you end up with Hoenn's barren ocean encounter tables. You could make arguments about just not putting "new" Pokemon at the end of the game, but then you make both older fans who actually like the older Pokemon upset and don't really acclimate new fans to the older Pokemon, not to mention the balance considerations when it comes to their statistical values. There's a balance that has to be struck, and sometimes Pokemon just fall through the cracks. Houndour unfortunately has a really bad case of "Safari Zone Syndrome", which is where a Pokemon is completed early in game development and is too cool to cut, but as the game develops there's not a really good place to put it, so it ends up in the Safari Zone in Gen 1. This is on top of not being sure how to balance the new type. Granted they could have put it on any route they put Growlithe or Vulpix and it would have been fine, but GS's development was fucked enough they were down to the wire finishing the game so I imagine they were busy trying to finish the Pokemon they already had (and were doing a kind of shit job if you know what to look for) and figured the most boring route in Kanto was the best place to put it for some reason (I guess it makes the route more memorable for that at least).
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okay, why don't the new gym leaders use the newly discovered pokemon?
>Ghost is a late game type
nigger you can find gastly in sprout tower
zoomers don't remember that guide books were a thing
That's a legit complaint though
>he needs a guidebook to play pokemon
guidebooks were written by morons
Even a moron can write up movelists and tell you where to find all the rare items. Just look at Joe LOL
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Gen 2 Pokemon were supposed to be newly discovered species. So seeing one was supposed to be a shock.
>So seeing one was supposed to be a shock.
Not an argument considering you still see Gen 2 mons in the wild and in opponent's teams very often anyway
Ironically "everyone had encyclopedic knowledge of the games when they were current" is the actual too-young-to-have-played-them conception. People did not have Serebii and Bulbapedia back then; they might have not even had an internet connection at the time.
>defending one bad game design decision with another one
>framing them in the context of worldbuilding
Cool. Now explain how Silver got his Sneasel in GS and HGSS, and take note that I didn't ask about Crystal.
Blaine literally has a Magcargo
Stole it from Mania/Kirk.
He stole it from the guy who gives you Shuckle, retard.
He said Slugma, not Magcargo. The singular hint about Slugma's existence in all of GS is an NPC in Kanto who mentions seeing "weird slow Pokémon" on Cycling Road. Seeing Magcargo in battle would not add Slugma to the Pokédex, so it would remain unseen to anyone who didn't take the time to scour Cycling Road for one.
You do see how "this random guy had a Sneasel" STILL conflicts with what was said here >>56109614 , right? The point is "What you said about Mt. Silver is bullshit and actually anyone can go there", which these two posts support.
Are you insinuating that you saw Magcargo in GS and thought it was a single stage, then when you saw Slugma in RuSa, your first thought was that it was a new baby Pokémon like Azurill and Wynaut?
>pokemon found in mt silver can’t exist outside of mt silver
Nobody argued this, retard.
Please take a day off from the Internet
Did the high-ranking government officials tell you to say that?
You're not authorised to know that.
Authorise these balls in your mouth.
>People did not have Serebii and Bulbapedia back then; they might have not even had an internet connection at the time.
But we did have not only guides, but also words of mouth mainly from school friends. Considering this is 4chan, though, most of the faggots who did grow up playing GS and are claiming they found rare pokemon without any help and "didn't need guides" either happened on the 5% encounters by sheer luck or actually HAD guides.
I bought my gameboy to school and got laughed at for being a baby :(
doesnt count
>only 1 fire type
What did they mean by this?
Koffing is flamable so it sorta fits thematically
You can thank the anime and gen 2 for that
No one got called a baby for playing Pokemon in gen2 lying retard.
Yes they did.
plot twist, you and your class were the babies
>Golbat can't evolves to Crobat in LGPE
wait he kinda cute uh
that's a child...
Quite many of them do have at least one Johto pokemon, often as their ace: Whitney's Miltank, Jasmine's Steelix, Pryce's Piloswine, and Claire's Kindra.
Though there are a few where I find their team choices a bit weird. Mostly Morty, whose entire team is composed of the Ghastly line. Given that they did add a new ghost-type in gen 2 one would think it would have made sense to include one Misdreavus in his team to add some variety. Bugsy having two useless coccoon-pokemon is also kind of weird, though I suppose the idea is that since he's only the 2nd gym leader and his Scyther is pretty dangerous they compensated by making the rest of his team extremely weak.

That's not really the same thing at all. Gen 1 pokemon, especially Pikachu and the starters, get pushed so much these days because of nostalgia. But there wouldn't have been gen 1 nostalgia when gen 1 had just been the latest generation. In fact, one would think they'd want to capitalize on people being exited to see new pokemon (the first new pokemon ever introduced, at that).
>I suppose the idea is that since he's only the 2nd gym leader and his Scyther is pretty dangerous they compensated by making the rest of his team extremely weak
Then why not give him a Yanma? Or a Pineco? Hell, even a Ledian wouldn't have made it much more difficult. You CAN improve Bugsy and make him a more interesting Johto gym battle without necessarily going into tryhard territory like those retarded "I made Gen 2 better" youtubers
Semantics. When people say "Johto mons" they obviously mean new pokemon introduced in gen 2 (which mostly takes place in the Johto region). And it is a valid question. GF went through the trouble of adding 100 new pokemon in the game, and you'd think being able to catch and train all-new pokemon you couldn't have used in the previous game would have been a big draw for kids playing the game. Yet for the most part you just use the same old pokemon you used in the previous games, and even the trainers and gym leaders barely show off any of the cool new stuff you could be using. It's as if GF wasn't happy with the quality of the mons so they just swept most of them under the rug.
>thread full of people shitting on Johto
>one offhanded reference to Unova
He’s not breathing his pokemon.
The question then becomes why did GF stick Misdreavous to such an inaccessible area. Some pokemon only appear in specific location for lore reasons, like Unown only showing up in the Ruins of Alph or the ice-types being found in the one area in gen 2 that has ice, but I can't think of any lore that establishes a connection between Misdreavus and Mt. Silver and explains why it can only be found there, or any thematic reason why it wouldn't make sense for it to appear in the places the other ghost-type appears in.
Because they were afraid of Gengar being overshadowed
It shows restraint that no one has brought up the gym leaders level curve yet.
Why is /vp/ so obsessed with zoomers?
>wtf why did they spread new pokemon throughout the game so there’s a constant sense of discovery instead of front loading them all so I can make my ebin preplanned team
No it isn't.
>And it is a valid question
Not really.

>GF went through the trouble of adding 100 new pokemon in the game, and you'd think being able to catch and train all-new pokemon
Yes. Catch and train. Not “stare at NPCs using them”
But they didn't do that. A significant amount of the new pokemon are only available in the postgame, which while technically covering a large area doesn't really have much in it so it only accounts for a small percentage of the play-time.
By the time you can catch most of them you have no reason to train and use them because you're already beaten the game except for the bonus post-game fight against Red, and you should in all likelihood already have a full team of pokemon you've used for most of the game that are considerably higher level than the single-stage shitmons only available in postgame. If you could actually get while you were leveling up and collecting badges you might actually end up using them since you might not at that point have a full team or they might have typing or moves that might help you beat a gym.
Look, anon, I don't like how Murkrow, Misdreavus, Slugma, Houndour and Larvitar are unobtainable until the near-end of the game either but that's not a "significant amount" compared to the amount of Gen 2 mons you can find in Johto, that's just bad faith on your part.
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>A significant amount of the new pokemon are only available in the postgame,
The high-ranking government officials deem this post gay and the poster a faggot.
Tony R Khan
>dark types and ghost types are near the end of the game

woah.... so you are saying the endgame types appear at the end of the game??? DELETE THIS IMMEDIATELY
>endgame type
>you can get Umbreon fairly early
>Gastly is in Sprout Tower
Retarderino-kun, I...
Correct, because guess where most of them end up? Because of their immunity, Gamefreak wanted them to be rare and near the end of the game, like how bug is placed at the beginning of the game.

You get one Eevee. Stop acting like a fucking retarded ape and trying to pretend there aren't very clear and visible design choices being made.
Pokefags seem to genuinely think Pokemon doesn't have designers and just spawns out from somebody's ass fully formed. Though considering how fucking awful the newer games are I suppose you can't really blame them, especially since they've never played another RPG in their lives.
Umbreon, whose best dark move is Bite, which it learns as an Eevee, meaning it's actually more strategically viable to evolve it into a different Pokemon with higher base speed to take advantage of Bite's flinch proc?
Dark is meant as a defensive type in Gen 2 so choosing to use your eevee to get an early Dark type is a viable choice.

I do like how the complaint goes from
>heh um actchually you have one available dark type so that means they aren't only available at the end heh

when the conscious design choice is pointed out
>Correct, because guess where most of them end up?
before the first badge?
>poochyena and nuzleaf in hoenn
>purrloin in unova
>alolan rattata, meowth, and grimer in alola (and zorua in USUM)
>BUT GEN 3!!!!!

fucking every single time lmao
>johto is good if you ignore all the better games
you sure convinced me
Not really, Psychic isn't nearly as dangerous in Gen 2's campaign thanks to the Special Stat split, meaning all those bastards with ridiculous Special are now evened out by having much fairer stats.
>because [made up bullshit]
fixed your gay "argument"
Gamefreak is not particularly good at design, but a big reason why Dark is limited is its utility against Psychic. They may have nerfed it in other ways but they still considered it the strong type that needed to be countered
>As long as I ignore every single conscious design choice then I can say it's le bad and I win!

like brainless animals.
High-ranking government official here. You have no argument and should cease posting.
would you say you're a professional nuzlocker?
i can understand why a decision was made and still disagree with it
but your disagreement is just "its bad because it's different" which is not a rational opinion to hold
No, I just restrict every Johtomon from existing the best I can.
my disagreement is that dark is not a strong enough type to be restricted to the end games, and i cite other games as examples of it being available early with little effect on the game's balance
and my disagreement is that facts don't care about your feelings because Gamefreak's logic was that they were.
well gamefreak was wrong
>because [gay fanfic again]
kill yourself johtonigger
absolutely seething. Sorry your youtube video didn't prepare you with talking points for this
>make up bullshit and pretend it's true
>get called out
>ur seething lol
Yeah you're a Johtonigger alright
kill yourself johtonigger
hey shaun's back!
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If Gym Leaders like Fantina can be from other regions, there shouldn't be a rule that states that they have to only use pokemon introduced in the gym's region. It's also pointlessly reductive to limit pokemon choice for gym leaders so arbitrarily, sticking to a single type is restricting enough.
>make up bullshit
you mean like "there aren't any johto pokemon in johto!!111" and "muh level curve!!!!1111"
High-ranking government official here, you're under arrest for blatant ironic shitposting.
>A ghost type that is inferior to Gengar in every way
This here is Johto's real problem.
I don't know get a hair cut retard

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