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When will we get a pokemon based off a fighter jet?
>inb4 lati twins
Doesn't count.
Is this the autism thread?
What's so autistic about this thread?
>Asks for a jet pokemon
>Pretends the official ones dont count
>Pic is some living jet

Latias does count btw. And I can see Ocillery evolving into a jet keeping the weapon/war motif, maybe with the help of a mantine ala Slowbro/Slowking
NTA, but he specifically said fighter jet
OP is a retard though because not all jets are fighter jets
this is true
Is Dragapult a fighter jet?
she's a stealth bomber, but close enough
>Land sharks are fighter jets according to vee pee
More like according to TPC. As stupid as this is, Garchomp does "fly" in the anime (more like gliding, but still)
Just say you've been too poor to play the games since Gen 2, no shame. I was too poor to buy a GBA and Gen 3, but I found work and didn't have to sit like a dolescum after GBA days.
I hope he's male!
he's male
It does in SV too, around Paldea's crater.
Its' gliding is very fast and nimble, as ridiculous it looks.
we get it, you're a faggot
I want a helicopter Pokemon
>what is Yanmega
Dragapult is a phobos bomber.
Yanmega has no rotary blades. It's not a helicopter.
>we get it, you're based
thank you!
If it's rotary blades you want, look no further.
When will we get the answer to 2 + 2?
>inb4 4
Doesn’t count
This is a stealth bomber franchise.

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