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Why is this the most hilarious meme on this Godforsaken board?
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Who? I don't even like gen 5. Take your meds
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because zoomers are devoid of personality they only laugh at youtubers faces and reddit memes
Yawnfag meme.
>t. filtered

It's pokemon
probably because you're an underaged zoomer
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You lost your soul
>no game with affection bonuses is challenging
Ywnbaw maymay
KANTOOOOOOO (along with its regional forms) and Masudaposting/"MISTAH MERRIKU" are two of the funniest, most timeless memes to ever grace /vp/ because they will never stop being relevant to the franchise. Both also make me giggle whenever they are posted.
this was debunked
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I prefer the Mistah Merriku memes, but that one is a close second.
maybe 5+ years ago
now it's just lexicon
>he MINDBROKE yawnbitch
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is the original video lost media? i can’t find it anywhere
>Constantly cries about "Yawnfag"
This twist of irony happens way too often on this website. Someone will confidently say that some autist is wrong in calling out another autist, while simultaneously saying that the person who named some autist first is some other autistic boogeyman.
>posts "stop feeding the troll" whenever he starts losing arguments
Implying nobody else does that
>Defends Gen 5's sprites
Gen V's sprites were based. Sprites > 3D models.
>"no game with affection bonuses is challenging"
Based and correct.
>whenever anyone suggests USUM is the hardest Pokemon game
He's right. Play the Gamecube ones.
Fun story, when I first played them, I started with XD. I didn't know about Miror B's rematches, so I thought you had to catch every Pokemon in the first battle you could, otherwise you would lose them. Yes, this means that I captured the entire final boss's team and Lugia in one go. That was the hardest non-competitive shit I've done in a Pokemon game and it was pretty damn fun.
>Unironically defends HMs
I agree. HMs are a cool idea. Pokemon is an RPG, and managing your team slots to balance dungeon exploration with battling is thought-intensive, instead of the modern shit where the terrain is just a progress check.

Not tackling the rest because they're either dramafaggotry or shit this "sagefag" is wrong about.
Jammer's face is somehow more memorable than LGPE itself. We're still talking about him five years later because of a thumbnail.
>Implying owls are birds
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Imagine being the most iconic generation just for THIS to happen.
The absolute state of Kanto.
That one professional sports athlete sweeping vp teams in a thread with his Honhcrow. PSS days were good
None, everything that has come out of this shitty board is pure unfunny aids that makes shit like fligu gligu and flart (Tik Tok cancer spammed on /wsg/ and /gif/ YLYL threads) look like pure comedy gold
What the hell is that?

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