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Can someone recommend me a water type for my B2 play through?
Have Floatzel but looking to switch up
oh wait oh nonononon hahahaha
HP Azumarill
Pretty much anything other than the unova shartster is better
I went with Octillery of all things and didn't regret it. It learns basically every TM and has good mixed attacking stats.
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this cutie
No meme answers thanks
not a meme answer, scald at level 22 is a midgame nuke and it gets acrobatics at 31 for coverage
I stand correct. Sorry
Not to mention it is cute
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I used huge power Azumarill recently, make sure to save enough shards for ice punch move tutor, it will give it amazing coverage especially against the final boss fight.

Otherwise there is Starmie is a solid choice, gen 1 privilege giving it a great moveset + minimize boost in gen 5 will make it pretty hard to deal with.
Gen 5 has the shittiest selection of water types in the series. It’s basically just Azumarill and if you don’t want that it’s just Basculin/Frillish spam everywhere else in the game. In BW2 you can’t even get Carracosta or Seismitoad until postgame (but hey at least I can cock slurp the game for how much postgame it has on reddit!!)
Only problem is the fact pretty much all your good moves aside from Minimize and Cosmic Power are TMs and HMs.
Are you the rosa bro from the Ross thread?
Well met
You can pick up any of these really. Your post is very disingenuous.
Nah, Golduck without Calm Mind(a postgame TM) is worse
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Indeed. Come to think of it, I have used Starmie before but not specifically in BW2.
>all shitmons
nice GAME
Wut. Most of those are great to clear the game, especially minimize Starmie.
he is fucking with you
Unova is go water types what Sinnoh is too ice
Did you know that Vaporeon is the best water type in BW2?
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simipour doe
Nah it's Azumarill. This thing OHKOs or 2HKOs everything, and has enough bulk to survive even SE moves.
I used Starmie in my last Black 2 playthrough, honestly felt a bit cheap using a dusty old Kantomon but it worked, I want to use Jellicent but I just can't take it seriously.
There is the first BW if you want to use only Unova mons. BW2 is specifically for genmixing.
I’m fine with Gen mixing, I’m just burnt out in Kanto in particular as an oldfag who’s played since 98. I do like Gen mixing with other mons otherwise.
octillery, if you don't mind waiting a while
Caught a Psyduck in the ranch really early on, that I used for a while, then I caught an Eevee in the little area under Castelia City and evolved it into Vaporeon, and it was a staple until I caught a Staryu in Humilau and evolved it.
>I’m just burnt out in Kanto in particular as an oldfag who’s played since 98
Wow, that's a rare-ass take from an oldfag
I feel like it’s worth noting that you can’t get Simipour until postgame. Panpour can only be found in rustling grass in Pinwheel Forest.
To be fair, even when there's 150 of them you eventually run out of ones you'd actually want to use. Gen 2 and 4 relying heavily on them is one thing, Gen 6 and on padding out encounter tables with them because there's so many is another. At least with Unova Pokemon they don't have 4 games and 12-ish years you could have used them when they have similar distribution in the later games (again, because there's so many of them you're going to be seeing them a lot).
they're in lostlorn forest too
>pretty much all your good moves aside from Minimize and Cosmic Power are TMs and HMs.
Not really much of a problem, just pick up the TMs when you can
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

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