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>so far gen 9 has, by a huge marging, the strongest trainers both by levels and by team themselves
Even if battles are secondary (like in Arceus) will Z-A endgame keep this trend (specially with their Volo-equivalent, with some bullshit like having to fight Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde after a full team of 6) or will they suffer the Kalos curse?
Why is everyone starting to add > before their links?
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The strongest pokemon team
>Emerald rematches are sub-50
Holy shit, how come none of the recent EMERALD BAD threads are talking about this and instead saying absolutely retarded shit like "Blaziken is bad in-game" and "contests are dumb and I'm glad they are removed"?
AI saar, please buy an ad.
Well there are only TWO sub-level 50 rematches. But yeah, it's pretty sad
And since there's no league rematch, Norman and Juan are actually stronger than their champion kek
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>Lv. 86 Togekiss (his first partner)
>Lv. 84 Gyarados (Lysandre parallel)
>Lv. 85 Hisuian Goodra (Diantha parallel as Hisui reference)
>Lv. 84 Honchkrow (Lysandre parallel)
>Lv. 85 Iron Valiant (Diantha parallel as Paldea reference)
>Lv. 86 Mega-Pyroar (Lysandre parallel but new Mega evo of this game)
>Lv. 87 Zygarde 10% (only after beating the rest of the team)
>Lv. 87 Zygarde 50% (after beating the previous form)
>Lv. 87 Zygarde Complete (after beating the previous form)
Yay or nay?
Honestly Zygarde is such a cool design. Shame they ruined the cool hexagon snake by turning it into a mecha (and also a dog???)
>Dies to Affections boosts
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>he doesn't like the dragon lord megazord
>4th position going both by team level and by team pure value
>"but I love my waifu... Bulbapedo also loves her..."
Why are you so pathetic
I hope he gets a Mega Complete form
Weaker than Alder
>worse team than Alder, Leon, Turo and Sada
>worse levels than Kieran, Nemona and Cyrano
Tell us more about your porn addiction
The strongest in all aspects .. Cynthia-sama the undisputed Super Champion
The most beautiful....
The strongest.....
The queen...
It's Cynthia
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>best final boss of the franchise also has the best team
Of fucking course
SVgods keep winning.

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