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File: 1674954184980.png (178 KB, 534x534)
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this shit looks like ass
Funny little pepper man.
No, it looks like a pepper.
Not overdesigned and edgy enough for you, lil zoomzoom?
There’s over 1000 other species, go find one you like. You aren’t entitled to gamefreak designing every monster to suit your specific interests perfectly
My only complaint is that he doesn't really look like a Fire type. He should have a flame pattern around his body or something.
laziest possible design for a fire/grass mon
we waited two decades for this shit
remember the palafin threads?
Fourth post, best post
literally the most gen 1.gen 2 pokemon in years they dont make these paws like that anymore
pepper hating faggot spotted
File: 0951Capsakid.png (110 KB, 432x432)
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It's fine but I miss it's 'little shit' personality the prevo has
Exactly, it's a cool design and it's a shame many hate it for being "boring"
Not everything needs to have 50 inspirations behind it
>50% female
if the red head was the smiling one i would like it more
>100% troon
It's a walking pepper, you mongoloid. Why does it need a flame tattoo on it? Why does everything need to be obvious and telegraphed to zoomers these days?
>this shit looks like ass
But enough about the Frigibax line

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